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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel


Guys any advice for ladder anxiety? I know it is better than it has ever been before with the banding and getting rewarded for your highest rank, but for some reason I still find myself blowing through past Rank 15 for better end of season rewards and then getting anxiety at around Rank 11/12.

I then play Casual for the rest of the season, it makes no sense. Help me!

Download hearthstone tracker and track your winrate. If its above 50% you know youll keep ranking up. Oh and just play. I had a bad case of ladder anxiety but just playing helped remove. Once your done with a match just press the play button before you have time to think to much.


Guys any advice for ladder anxiety? I know it is better than it has ever been before with the banding and getting rewarded for your highest rank, but for some reason I still find myself blowing through past Rank 15 for better end of season rewards and then getting anxiety at around Rank 11/12.

I then play Casual for the rest of the season, it makes no sense. Help me!
Don't worry if you end up going on a losing streak or stalling out. It happens. It doesn't mean you suck. Sometimes you just get a bad streak of draws, sometimes you have a bad run of RNG effects, sometimes you run into that one deck that is a hard counter to yours over and over.

If you do end up on a losing streak, STOP PLAYING FOR A WHILE. Anytime I lose like 3 games in a row i just close Hearthstone, not because I'm rage quitting but because it messes with your head and you won't make good decisions.


I have been offered mage plenty of times, but rarely offered any of the OP cards in my drafts. The 1 time I got a primordial glyph my options were always shatter, ice barrier, ice block, etc... pretty much worthless.

Since Un'Goro launch I had the chance to draft two mages. Best card I got offered was Meteor while almost every mage I face has at least one Glyph and/or Tome into perfect answer almost every time. At least it feels that way.


After a tough 2 weeks, I finally reached rank 7 and now 5 with tempo value and freeze mage. Last boss was hunter, and I got the perfect draw. Already got the golden epic, time to have enjoy this game and not be stressed out chasing rank 5.


After a tough 2 weeks, I finally reached rank 5 with tempo value mage. Last boss was hunter, and I got the perfect draw. Already got the golden epic, time to have enjoy this game and not be stressed out chasing rank 5.

at this point with your experience you can easily get rank 5 IMO, so no need to stressed out, just pace it out.


at this point with your experience you can easily get rank 5 IMO, so no need to stressed out, just pace it out.

I don't know why, but It's really hard this month. I even keep asking myself, what did I do wrong this time.

I stuck at 15-13 for weeks, and then stuck at 10 for days, couldn't even reach rank 9. And just earlier today I finally reached 7 and now 5.


Download hearthstone tracker and track your winrate. If its above 50% you know youll keep ranking up. Oh and just play. I had a bad case of ladder anxiety but just playing helped remove. Once your done with a match just press the play button before you have time to think to much.

Unfortunately I play almost exclusively on my phone so that isn't an option. I could do it manually but that's a real pain.

Don't worry if you end up going on a losing streak or stalling out. It happens. It doesn't mean you suck. Sometimes you just get a bad streak of draws, sometimes you have a bad run of RNG effects, sometimes you run into that one deck that is a hard counter to yours over and over.

If you do end up on a losing streak, STOP PLAYING FOR A WHILE. Anytime I lose like 3 games in a row i just close Hearthstone, not because I'm rage quitting but because it messes with your head and you won't make good decisions.

I do practice this actually as I have had times when I've seriously rage quit. I actually dusted all of my legendaries and epics (17K dust worth...) at one point in a rage quit. Definitely regret doing that!


Been messing with Miracle Rogue, but now I want to try to hit 5 at least.

Which deck would be better in the current climate?

Mid range pally with murlocs
Jade Druid
Pirate Warrior

Currently at rank 13. Cheers!


Been messing with Miracle Rogue, but now I want to try to hit 5 at least.

Which deck would be better in the current climate?

Mid range pally with murlocs
Jade Druid
Pirate Warrior

Currently at rank 13. Cheers!
I've been playing Pirate Warrior and after 200+ games I'm only at rank 8, for what it's worth. I'm missing Leeroy and one Southsea Captain, but otherwise I think I have a decent deck and average decisionmaking.


Been messing with Miracle Rogue, but now I want to try to hit 5 at least.

Which deck would be better in the current climate?

Mid range pally with murlocs
Jade Druid
Pirate Warrior

Currently at rank 13. Cheers!

Pally I believe is ahead of both the other two in the current meta, particularly ahead of Jade Druid.
I am living the dream at rank 5 - I made a Priest deck with nothing but N'Zoth, a few choice deathrattles, and every other card is removal or something that steals a minion from my opponent:
Potion of Madness x2
Shadow Madness x2
Cabal Shadow Priest x2
Mind Control x1
Entomb x2

Surprisingly, I do GREAT against every deck except for Pirate Warrior. I even beat Egg Druid because stealing a 2/4 Nerubian Egg and popping it is a massive tempo swing. I played against a N'Zoth Shaman and annihilated him because I got Reincarnate and Devolve. I used Reincarnate on my Sylvannas to steal HIS Sylvannas, and when I used N'Zoth I got all 3 Sylvannas' - LOL!

I Entombed his White Eyes. When he played N'Zoth, he only got two Sludge Belchers. Oh, and then I Entombed his N'Zoth, at which point he conceded.

Pirate Warrior is just too much bullshit, unfortunately. I have TWO Gluttonous Oozes in the deck, and even when I get both I still can't survive until turn 6. Absolutely disgusting. They really need to nerf how weapons work - attack minions only.

I actually got to the top of rank 5 with this deck because all of the minion steal cards are so efficient.

I've been playing Pirate Warrior and after 200+ games I'm only at rank 8, for what it's worth. I'm missing Leeroy and one Southsea Captain, but otherwise I think I have a decent deck and average decisionmaking.

That's a huge number of games, man. I think I've played maybe 50 matches this month to hit rank 5.


That's a huge number of games, man. I think I've played maybe 50 matches this month to hit rank 5.
Believe me, I know it. I've posted some replays and tried to follow the following advice, and also posted my deck(s), but the key deck modifications I'm missing involve spending another 2000 dust to get a second Southsea Captain + Leeroy Jenkins. I have 140 dust right now. :(

I'm surprised you can't survive until turn 6. Out of like 40 games I maybe dealt lethal before turn 7 on 2-3 games? Or are you wild only?


Pirate Warrior is just too much bullshit, unfortunately. I have TWO Gluttonous Oozes in the deck, and even when I get both I still can't survive until turn 6. Absolutely disgusting. They really need to nerf how weapons work - attack minions only.

I would really wish what you said to be true, but that's just for priest which is generally a very slow class, I just lost 5 consecutive games on pirate warrior and descended 2 ranks, PW isn't what it used to be at all, there are way too many things to obstruct it, priest is just slow af.

Believe me, I know it. I've posted some replays and tried to follow the following advice, and also posted my deck(s), but the key deck modifications I'm missing involve spending another 2000 dust to get a second Southsea Captain + Leeroy Jenkins. I have 140 dust right now. :(

I'm surprised you can't survive until turn 6. Out of like 40 games I maybe dealt lethal before turn 7 on 2-3 games? Or are you wild only?

man, you are suffering the same as me, I was at rank 6 and the lost so many games and went all the way to 8 again...
I know the pain of the Pirate Warrior climb - there are so many hate cards that it can be hard to rise. Personally, I find it hard to win with Pirate Warrior and hard to beat it. But I think that's largely because I'm not a face player at heart - I am too tempted to play for board and get punished by it. It's important to play a deck that jives with your personality! I tend to play combo, tempo, and control decks. I don't enjoy midrange or aggro very much.

Believe me, I know it. I've posted some replays and tried to follow the following advice, and also posted my deck(s), but the key deck modifications I'm missing involve spending another 2000 dust to get a second Southsea Captain + Leeroy Jenkins. I have 140 dust right now. :(

I'm surprised you can't survive until turn 6. Out of like 40 games I maybe dealt lethal before turn 7 on 2-3 games? Or are you wild only?

I'm Wild only, but I've played enough Standard to know that dying to Pirate Warrior on turn 5 isn't uncommon there, either! Haha. I played a lot of Renolock when Gadgetzan came out, and semi-consistently I would be staring at Reno Jackson in my hand as my portrait exploded. I went back to playing Wild because Pirate Warrior wasn't popular there, but now Pirate Warrior is everywhere in Wild AND Standard. A true poison of the game along with Egg Druid.


I'm Wild only, but I've played enough Standard to know that dying to Pirate Warrior on turn 5 isn't uncommon there, either! Haha. I played a lot of Renolock when Gadgetzan came out, and semi-consistently I would be staring at Reno Jackson in my hand as my portrait exploded. I went back to playing Wild because Pirate Warrior wasn't popular there, but now Pirate Warrior is everywhere in Wild AND Standard. A true poison of the game along with Egg Druid.
I suspect there has been a slight bit of meta update with the rise of secret mage and midrange paladin, but yeah...I have a similar deck to the recommended meta deck and lethal is typically turn 7-8 instead of turn 6 for me.


I would really wish what you said to be true, but that's just for priest which is generally a very slow class, I just lost 5 consecutive games on pirate warrior and descended 2 ranks, PW isn't what it used to be at all, there are way too many things to obstruct it, priest is just slow af.

man, you are suffering the same as me, I was at rank 6 and the lost so many games and went all the way to 8 again...

I suspect there has been a slight bit of meta update with the rise of secret mage and midrange paladin, but yeah...I have a similar deck to the recommended meta deck and lethal is typically turn 7-8 instead of turn 6 for me.

If you guys have Karazhan, try to play tempo value mage/freeze mage.
I suspect there has been a slight bit of meta update with the rise of secret mage and midrange paladin, but yeah...I have a similar deck to the recommended meta deck and lethal is typically turn 7-8 instead of turn 6 for me.

I'm not sure what Midrange Paladin looks like in Standard, but Secret Mage is decent in Wild (Tier 2?). Secret Mage absolutely destroys some decks - I even beat down a Renolock player after he played Reno!


wasn't that deck the one that used alexstrasza? because I don't have it... do you have a list?

Yeah it needs alex. But you also can without her, cuz it has so much burn, value with medivh. But she's irreplaceable, you can use her defensively against aggro.

2 mana wyrm
2 arcanologist
1 bloodmage thalnos
2 frostbolt
2 medivh's valet
2 glyph
2 arcane int
1 gluttonously ooze (great against medivh, pally, hunter, warrior)
1 ice barrier
2 ice block
2 kabal courier
1 volcanic potion
2 fireball
1 polymorph
1 meteor
2 firelands portal
1 flamestrike
1 medivh
1 alexstrasza
1 pyroblast


I'm not sure what Midrange Paladin looks like in Standard, but Secret Mage is decent in Wild (Tier 2?). Secret Mage absolutely destroys some decks - I even beat down a Renolock player after he played Reno!
Secret Mage is good in Standard too (but I don't have Alex), I just refuse to play it because I dislike that deck's existence. :p
Been playing Murloc Paladin for the first time (only recently craft 2 Warleader's) and went 14-1. Granted, due to my ladder "anxiety" it only took me from rank 18 to 14 but I was happy nonetheless.

I'm not even sure how I should play secret mage, it seems so dependent on the perfect draws...

I've been having the same problems, if I get a shite start it's not the sort of deck I can get back into the match with. Also what doesn't help is as it's becoming more popular people are starting to play around the most common secrets again.
anyone has the good list for wild token druid? I assume the 3/3 that adapts attacking face its mandatory? inervates yes or not?

I opened two living manas and want to give then some use, what I dont have a dont feel like crafting are the oozes that summon a copy of themselves at the finish or the turn.


anyone has the good list for wild token druid? I assume the 3/3 that adapts attacking face its mandatory? inervates yes or not?

I opened two living manas and want to give then some use, what I dont have a dont feel like crafting are the oozes that summon a copy of themselves at the finish or the turn.

the 3/3 are not essential, but they are used, innervate is necessary.

the current version was running some epics and legendaries, I remember bittertide hydra in some and the murloc package in the others (finja, bluegill, warleader), those are the best versions currently, but since I don't have those epics or legendaries I am still with an old version of the deck, one very focused on the token part back when the idea came up to the people:

innervate x2
argent squire
bloodsail corsair x2
enchanted raven x2
fire fly x2
mark of the lotus x2
patches the pirate
mark of y'shaarl x2
power of the wild x2
ravasaur runt x2
eggnapper x2
savage roar x2
souls of the forest
swipe x2
violet teacher
living mana x2

I think I included nourish because I didn't had enough card draw. I also think this deck can improve, but I suck at deck building, so I don't know what to take in or out.

Eddie Bax

I think I included nourish because I didn't had enough card draw. I also think this deck can improve, but I suck at deck building, so I don't know what to take in or out.

In wild I'd use Jeeves over Nourish for card draw; it's cheaper, reusable and is another body that can be buffed.
Had an interesting match against PW right now with Quest Rogue where I didn't even play the quest until turn 6.
There's really more complexity to the deck than people like to complain about.
What was the reasoning behind delaying the quest? I'm interested in what caused that.
I mulliganed for Firefly and also got an Igenous Elemental back. That meant I could complete and play the quest once I got a single bouncer and the breathing room to do so.

Firefly turn 1 gets you on the board w/o losing progress in the quest. It lets you clear up patches and the pirate that got him with the dagger turn 2. The quest doesn't matter until you have a minion worth replaying.
Deck list?


You like the giants version better?

I haven't really been liking the leeroy version. Seems awful against the mages out there.

It is worse vs mage, since they got the ice barrier and ice block you want more potential damage output and giants does that better. Also not having cold blood in early draws is an upside. Those feel bad in certain match ups, awesome vs quest rogue though.



It is worse vs mage, since they got the ice barrier and ice block you want more potential damage output and giants does that better. Also not having cold blood in early draws is an upside. Those feel bad in certain match ups, awesome vs quest rogue though.

I like this list but it has the same problem my paladin deck has, I'm missing the legendaries. For some reason I've just never high rolled rogue. Feelsbadman


Dusting all my wild cards was the best decision ever. I can play all kinds of fun decks now. Missing 3 legendaries and some epics in a decklist? No problem.


Please please please Blizzard do something about the insane rng. Loosing so many matches to rng even while completely outplaying your opponent feels so bad.


I wanted to do this, but I have no idea what to craft
I've crafted Lyra, Kazakus, Raza, Elise, Ragnaros and a bunch of cheaper stuff so far. I'm considering jade druid or elemental shaman next.

I took a break for like a year so it was either this or buying dozens of packs to be able to create any half decent deck.


I've crafted Lyra, Kazakus, Raza, Elise, Ragnaros and a bunch of cheaper stuff so far. I'm considering jade druid or elemental shaman next.

I took a break for like a year so it was either this or buying dozens of packs to be able to create any half decent deck.

Ragnaros? But it's not on standard
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