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Heavy Rain new stuff (pic & ^r


AniHawk said:
It's a PS3 exclusive. You'll find the same type of people claiming Alan Wake looks just as impressive on the 360 side of things and the same type of people claiming Red Steel 2 looks just as impressive on the Wii side of things.

Now I'm personally really interested in this game. I have been for a long time and it's one of the main reasons I'm buying a PS3, but this trailer was average at best.

I'm going to have to agree with you on this one AniHawk.

It looks interesting and I'll probably buy it, but I'm predicting massive let-downs on this one. There's much too much hype surrounding it and tt will probably flop in sales too. It'll probably get some sort of cult following for generations to come....hoping for a sequel that will never be. Kind of like Shenmue.


AniHawk said:
Like I said, they made this look like a generic action game like the examples you gave.

The trailer should have been: Something happens (some sort of confrontation), you make a choice- something comes out of that. Go back to the scene the trailer started at, make a different choice- something comes out of that. The whole point of this game is that all the choices you make matters and that's not conveyed here at all.

But, by simply presenting a binary choice you can run into the problem of making it look gimmicky.

See Army of Two: 40th Day trailer


lostxii said:
But, by simply presenting a binary choice you can run into the problem of making it look gimmicky.

See Army of Two: 40th Day trailer

Well it would also have to come down to presentation. The thing is, this is what the actual game part of Heavy Rain is all about. This trailer was a sort of jumbled mess about a dad and his son and finding some guy named the origami killer maybe.

Also, I thought there were more than just two choices to make, and I thought the story doesn't end with the death of a main character, either.
The VA isn't that much different from what has been shown in Alan Wake...which seems average at best..

ME and Uncharted are benchmarks..


nelsonroyale said:
The VA isn't that much different from what has been shown in Alan Wake...which seems average at best..

ME and Half-Life 2 are benchmarks..


Except for Male Sheppard.
CultureClearance said:
Artist nit-pick alert code orange:
The graphics are good, but they look really 1995 rendered cgi off. Almost everything looks very computer-ized. The characters look android stoned or have that "looking into space" appearance. The backgrounds look as life-less as the characters. It's too obvious that some objects are extremely low poly while others right next to it are obviously overly high poly. Some objects don't seem to belong at all mostly due to texture space being all over the place. Same with the guy's face model..especially his ears. There's just too much contrast and not enough thought about where texture space should be implemented. It doesn't look like there's a skull behind that head and a brain behind that.
It's hard to explain but they look like something out of CGtalk ten years ago... before people other than pixar and a few other super-talents figured out how to give 3d graphics a sense of real-ness and not give off that instant life-less cg look. They were on the fringe, but not there yet. These guys seem to be right in that limbo too.

The exception of the pictures I've seen so far is that guy's wet coat. I can almost touch and smell the aged leather on that thing. so good. The other exception is the hair on these characters. It looks like it'll just blow in the wind.

You can say that just about every game release if you nit pick it,even with all those things you pointed the game is easy one of the best looking games this gen,i say behind Killzone 2 and Uncharted 2.
EatChildren said:
Not half as pretty or impressive as it’s been hyped to be, still totally and utterly unproven in concept, and as always sounds like pretentious game/story wank.

Compare to what.? ultra high resolution games running at 20FPS all FX on,on top of the line PC's with great video cards?

Because on consoles few are the games that look close to Heavy Rain,i hate when people denial kicks in over things that are obvious.
Graphics are looking great, but I'm not convinced by the gameplay (and based on several previews I've read, some of the people who've played it aren't either).

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
looks like a current gen Fahrenheit

I hated Fahrenheit


Won't watch the gameplay because I'm on a little blackout, but the trailer restored my faith in the game which I had lost a bit during E3 and the junkyard scene.

I still think the early taxidermist demo looks consistently better than any footage we've seen after it, but that's just my quick impression, which may be wrong.


hatchx said:
I'm going to have to agree with you on this one AniHawk.

It looks interesting and I'll probably buy it, but I'm predicting massive let-downs on this one. There's much too much hype surrounding it and tt will probably flop in sales too. It'll probably get some sort of cult following for generations to come....hoping for a sequel that will never be. Kind of like Shenmue.

Yeah, I was pretty hyped for this game after last year's leipzig trailer but the e3 gameplay videos were EXTREMELY average and this trailer didn't impress me all that much. The characters look great in stills but in motion (especially when talking in the e3 gameplay trailers) they're really awkward and unconvincing. And the dialogue is pretty terrible... fact is if I saw that kind of hammy dialogue in a movie trailer i'd burst out laughing. And although I, like most gamers, give a fair amount of leeway to hammy dialogue in games Heavy Rain has deliberately set itself a high bar in that respect (not just with regard to pure hype but also simply with what it's purportedly trying to achieve). I'd love to be proven wrong but I too kinda get the feeling this is going to be a bit of a let down.

I suppose sony can't win 'em all... hell of a conference otherwise though.
Wow, that trailer is so good. It really hit it for me when he was doing his little jump past the guards towards the end. The way it doesn't make an average guy pull off awesome moves is a good idea. I like how he just kinds of hops past and keeps running.

As for the gameplay, looks awesome. I don't see anything wrong with the dialogue. The clerk was a little weird with the way his lines are but I can see where they're going with it. So excited for this game. I really think this was the best presentation of the game yet. This gameplay and the new trailer.

I really think some people get on a bandwagon sometimes and once one person comes out saying the trailer or gameplay wasn't great, lots follow. I can't possibly see how this was a bad showing for the game.
The new screens and trailer is starting to win me over. I was blown away by the first initial trailer they had and the early tech demo's, but at this year's E3 all hope was lost. Special powers to see un-seen detective stuff? C'MON!

But yeah, these screens look damn fine.


Damn this looks great. Between the E3 presser snubbing and pretty meh footage shown far, I wasn't that hyped for it tbqh. But now it looks to be a very emotional game with a story that just pulls you in. Been waiting for a game like this.


Chao said:
I know you were trying to hype everyone with that tech demo with the moving eyes not long ago, Quantic Dreams.

Well, your characters still look like lifeless mannequins.

It's obvious they are striving for intimate levels of realism, but I think therein lies the problem. At this point I feel they are trying too hard, and the characters lack a sense of naturalness.
The two gameplay-clips looked amazing. We don't have too many games like this, and even though you don't have all the freedom in the world, I can already see myself playing through the game more than once thanks to all the different situational possibilities.

I have never played Fahrenheit, but I'm going to download it to my Xbox360 ASAP.
PowderedToast said:
Best footage i've seen from the game so far, but the VA is still shockingly poor.

Assuming that the player has full control of Shelby when the robber first comes in, and resumes control once he's done talking with Shelby and focuses on the store clerk again, this scene could have many different outcomes. I wonder if you can attempt to escape at any time, instead of disarming the robber.

I thought the VA in this scene was decent. Out of the three I thought Shelby was the best, and he's probably one of the main characters, being a private detective and all. Isn't he the taxidermist from the demo though? Ironic that he turns out to be detective, or at least that's what he says. :D

Blimblim said:

There's no sound though?


The gametrailers video's of the actual gameplay sort of brought me down to earth on this one. Far less amazing looking in motion than I originally thought. Of course I will still get it as their last game was amazing and didn't look super.
Shelby > robber > clerk. The clerk's just mildly bizarre and the acting is plain.

I approve of the way this scene plays out though. What you need to consider is that you won't just be sitting and watching things unfold. You'll be doing these split second decisions knowing that the clerk, or even you, could get shot. It's a tense situation dawg. That'll kind of be this game's thing more so than being believable like a proper movie.


I like how the alternative views are actual surveillance cameras, like how cops would view it afterwards.

I also dig how the icons / interface is integrated into the scenery (like a handful of popular movies do these days).
Yeah, the scene reminds me of the best parts of Indigo Prophecy. The decision making is a bit more complex than, PRESS THIS SEQUENCE OF BUTTONS NOW, which is what a QTE is.

So many people dont understand what the fuck QTEs really are; there is a difference between a visible button prompt and a QTE. The latter forces you complete a sequence of mandatory button presses in very specific manner. Shenmue and Heavenly Sword and Indigo Prophecy are QTE fests.
A game with button prompts, such as that Bourne game is not a QTE fest, since most of its button prompts are not mandatory, they are just suggesting the ideal move.
Heavy Rain looks like it`s doing some of the same things as that Bourne game.

That said, the VA and presentation is really hammering the living shit out of this game`s potential. It`s just so amateurish,for lack of a better word. Indigo Prophecy had much better VA than this.


BlazingDarkness said:
I did right after I posted. It actually is less stellar being able to see it clearer. The old still pics(obviously touched up) made me think the game would look that good, probably because they said it would:)
But in the end, its above average graphics and thats not bad just a let down a bit.
But since I know I love their games I will still be all over this when it comes out.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Looks like they have some neat stuff going on with analog sticks, or motion sensing, where the game expects you to move very slowly to put that box on the shelf without making a noise. I also love the guys animation as he walks around the store. It just seems somehow un-videogame like, even if its not perfectly natural.

AniHawk said:
Yeah, who says "shall not" and "cannot" in everyday speech when they have a gun pointed at them?
I actually didn't have problem with that. The store owner seems like a foreigner who's not supposed to be perfectly fluent in english. This whole scene sounded OK to me, better than others I've seen.

Except for Male Sheppard.
:lol Sorry man, but he's right. Well, you are both right I guess.


The game looks amazing and looks to be a really engaging experience. The only thing that bothers me is that the game seems like it will have frame rate problems, unless they are ironed out by the time of release. Nevertheless I will be getting it and enjoying it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I remember being significantly more impressed with the graphics in this game the last time I saw it (about a year ago?). Did it get downgraded or have other games that look equally if not more impressive just come along since then?
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