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Heavy Rain new stuff (pic & ^r

ACE 1991

WTFing said:
Don't worry man, if SONY don't, I'll do my very own marketing and buy Heavy Rain. ;)
Seriously, why do you care?

If this thing sells it will be purely by word of mouth, much like demon's souls.
ACE 1991 said:
If this thing sells it will be purely by word of mouth, much like demon's souls.

Sony will market it, but I agree about word of mouth. Titles like this depend on it, much like movies like this do.


Digging the reviews. Like most, staying away from any type of spoilers, and I truly hope this game comes together and provides me a fun, memorable experience.

Bought and paid for. Just a few weeks away bitches! :)


ACE 1991 said:
If this thing sells it will be purely by word of mouth, much like demon's souls.
Pretty much, Sony won't plump the big cash to advertise this, especially considering how much they seem to want to spend on GOW3 marketing.
I think if they advertise this as some sort of murder mystery, it might appeal to a fresh audience.


Ok GAF, can we have a mature discussion? When will we see some pussy in a game without it being AO rating? Like if it doesnt involve graphical sex, what gives? Rated R movies show everything. M games are R movies. "XXX" rating being AO type of rating.

I say this because I just saw that Madison scene and they have block her vag but then show tits and ass. I was like, "that was weird". Not in the sense of seeing her semi-naked but that they wouldnt show full frontal. It sort of took me out of the "experience". Devs: "HR is a mature story line for adults but we wont show female goods since we still treating the player like a teen"...WHAT THE F? The only bad thing I could see happen is we get to see the guy's junk aswell and I dont think gamers would appreciate that.(males being the majority)

Anyhow look forward to playing it. I wish I could buy it but am not sure I can.
Cruzader said:
Ok GAF, can we have a mature discussion? When will we see some pussy in a game without it being AO rating? Like if it doesnt involve graphical sex, what gives? Rated R movies show everything. M games are R movies. "XXX" rating being AO type of rating.

I say this because I just saw that Madison scene and they have block her vag but then show tits and ass. I was like, "that was weird". Not in the sense of seeing her semi-naked but that they wouldnt show full frontal. It sort of took me out of the "experience". Devs: "HR is a mature story line for adults but we wont show female goods since we still treating the player like a teen"...WHAT THE F? The only bad thing I could see happen is we get to see the guy's junk aswell and I dont think gamers would appreciate that.(males being the majority)

Anyhow look forward to playing it. I wish I could buy it but am not sure I can.

Why limit it to female nudity? Males have sexual organs too. Double standards, man.


Cruzader said:
I say this because I just saw that Madison scene and they have block her vag but then show tits and ass. I was like, "that was weird". Not in the sense of seeing her semi-naked but that they wouldnt show full frontal. It sort of took me out of the "experience". Devs: "HR is a mature story line for adults but we wont show female goods since we still treating the player like a teen"...WHAT THE F? The only bad thing I could see happen is we get to see the guy's junk aswell and I dont think gamers would appreciate that.(males being the majority).

You're talking about maturity but you can't even handle male nudity and your reaction is pretty childish on its own. smh


Cruzader said:
Ok GAF, can we have a mature discussion? When will we see some pussy in a game without it being AO rating? Like if it doesnt involve graphical sex, what gives? Rated R movies show everything. M games are R movies. "XXX" rating being AO type of rating.

I say this because I just saw that Madison scene and they have block her vag but then show tits and ass. I was like, "that was weird". Not in the sense of seeing her semi-naked but that they wouldnt show full frontal. It sort of took me out of the "experience". Devs: "HR is a mature story line for adults but we wont show female goods since we still treating the player like a teen"...WHAT THE F? The only bad thing I could see happen is we get to see the guy's junk aswell and I dont think gamers would appreciate that.(males being the majority)

Anyhow look forward to playing it. I wish I could buy it but am not sure I can.
Plenty of men like looking at male bits...plus I'm sure it's not all about sex.

And showing tits and ass is extremely common in Europe...in day time ads. Not so much the genitals. This type of nudity isn't really that shocking over here. Just uncommon in America.


Cruzader said:
lol ok im not that serious but anyone got ideas? gaming industry is still too "young"?

You are probably well representative of a large percentage of the gaming industry.

Does that answer your question?
Loved that mature discussion! It's clear you aren't really 'mature' enough to even handle male frontal nudity. I don't think the point of this nudity is to show off sexual organs, it's just setting up an intimate experience between the player and character on screen. Just because it's marketed as an adult game does not mean it has to show frontal nudity. That's skewed logic at best. If your main focus is seeing virtual vagina, this game isn't for you man!


Cruzader said:
lol ok im not that serious but anyone got ideas? gaming industry is still too "young"?
Well looking at Australia and Germany, yeah. I think the average gamer is like what 30 at best? The average politician is like 40? We have a decent 10 years to go, before gaming becomes normal. D:


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The intro credits could be footage of real life if it weren't for those close ups of some people, who look really off sometimes. But goddamn.
templeusox said:
The city depicted reminds me of Boston with some influences of Philadelphia (namely the huge murals).

Boston is a good call, though Boston is not quite as "industrial driven" if you know what I mean. I haven't been to Boston in a few years, but Boston has a much more pleasing disposition than Philly. I lean more towards Philly because it's a lot of run-down, back alley urban decay but still has a unique culture. Some of the sections remind me of Allentown PA, as well.
Boston is a good call, though Boston is not quite as "industrial driven" if you know what I mean. I haven't been to Boston in a few years, but Boston has a much more pleasing disposition than Philly. I lean more towards Philly because it's a lot of run-down, back alley urban decay but still has a unique culture. Some of the sections remind me of Allentown PA, as well.

Bah, should've been set in Seattle, heavy rain n' all. But, I do agree with you on Philly, only because I enjoy Philly cheesesteaks.
I lean more towards Philly because it's a lot of run-down, back alley urban decay but still has a unique culture. Some of the sections remind me of Allentown PA, as well.

It's based on Philly

G4: How much research went into crafting an American setting when a Parisian team is behind the project? What difficulties did you face in generating a sense of authenticity?

DC: The difficulty when you want to set your story in another country and within another culture is to avoid making a postcard of this country as you imagine it seen from where you leave. We also wanted to avoid all the clichés that are usually used about the US. So before the project started, as I was writing it, we went to Philadelphia for two weeks with some people of the team and our cameras.



Heavy Rain Four Day experience - Event 2 just started.

HeavyRainPS3.com said:
Four Days: The Heavy Rain Online Experience – a unique series of three live four-day challenges drawing you inexorably into the universe of Heavy Rain. You made it through the first week, and you’ve acquainted yourself with how killers think. Now use that knowledge to find one.

Here’s where the real work begins, officer – detect, analyse, interact.

It starts here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdTZnCCEgWw

You’ve got to keep the caller on the line. But what’s more important – her safety, or her information? It’s your decision.

If you do well, you’ll get evidence from a crime scene and be asked to match it against what you hear from an unreliable witness. Again, it’s a judgement call. Pay close attention to all the details – because it will be your responsibility to put a package of evidence together for the Bureau. You may find yourself rewarded if your detective work is sufficiently thorough…

Remember your training from back at the academy – collect and analyse the evidence carefully, because there’s a killer out there. And we need to find him. You can be an important part of that…
What was your outcome?
JWong said:
What was your outcome?

I encouraged the caller to
point out the killer from the window and wait till help arrived. The last vid gave me a url link and informed me that the evidence will be up tomorrow.


I was not so lucky.
I told her to run to the neighbors instead of waiting until the cops arrive. I then went through every other possible failure outcome until finally succeeding by default.

Ploid 3.0

JWong said:
Heavy Rain Four Day experience - Event 2 just started.

What was your outcome?

That was pretty cool. I thought I would have gotten her caught by not asking her to
turn off the light before the guy started looking up at her.

The forensics evidence seems to be up. It's a zip file, but there seems to be a flash video loading icon spinning over it. Maybe clues are in the file, checking it out now.
Ploid 3.0 said:
That was pretty cool. I thought I would have gotten her caught by not asking her to
turn off the light before the guy started looking up at her.

The forensics evidence seems to be up. It's a zip file, but there seems to be a flash video loading icon spinning over it. Maybe clues are in the file, checking it out now.

There's a bunch of jpegs of evidence in Euro friendly separate folders.


edited :lol

on a NONrelated note
this screen looks awesome


SuperSonic1305 said:
Maybe Qore will have a one week exclusive for the demo.

That idea is too awesome for SONY to come up with. Though I liked when they offered at option when the magazine first came out. :/

Seriously, just create a EU account tonight for tomorrow guys. It's VERY easy and free (so even if Qore comes out with it you will not have to pay for a early demo).
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