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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


I agree that Lucio can still do it but why put the burden of execution on yourself. I don't think double support will happen where they seem to be at from the looks of it since they are barely able to a single support out of a pick.

Somebodys been listening to ITN


Somebodys been listening to ITN

I've been a fan of DunkTrain for a while now so yes.

Also if somebody is interested, AlexTheProG is streaming his trying of Makke for TRC. They are scrimming against MAA with full voice comms. It's pretty interesting, to say the least.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Auriel is my waifu.

Auriel is my faceless waifu.

Do Diablo universe angels have faces? Or just a void there?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I dont think they have faces at all

As far as I know they are like ether like creatures, the armor is just containing them

ill contain her.

wait, what? nvm.

edit: GGs Prelude, that was fun.


Auriel is my waifu.

Auriel is my faceless waifu.

Do Diablo universe angels have faces? Or just a void there?

In D3 when Tyreal became (Diablo 3 story spoilers (lol))
the resident "angel that owned itself" and ripped off his own wings, he basically became human for some reason and got a face/human-likeness unique to him.
I'm not sure if they ever really explained the reason for that, but apparently that's how it works?

Otherwise yeah they seem to be spirit-like creatures contained in their armor.


In D3 when Tyreal became (Diablo 3 story spoilers (lol))
the resident "angel that owned itself" and ripped off his own wings, he basically became human for some reason and got a face/human-likeness unique to him.
I'm not sure if they ever really explained the reason for that, but apparently that's how it works?

Otherwise yeah they seem to be spirit-like creatures contained in their armor.

Apparently all Angels can take a mortal form to appear human at any time. If they decide to give up their immortality, as Tyrael did, they revert to a mortal form, lose their wings and immortality, but maintain the rest of their angelic abilities. Technically, however, they still aren't 'human', because they lack the demonic side of the bloodline necessary to be a nephalem.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Welp Auriel came out of nowhere to probably be my favorite support. Some good games today, think I went 10-5, got her to 9 (wasnt even doing the "project" she just clicked with me and I kept going since I had the 8 games daily).

I still prefer the energy from dmg over the cd reduction tho. Its weird, I'm much more comfortable being aggressive with her than kharazim.


Does anyone else think Lucio feels a little weak (at least in quick match)? I can't put my finger on what quite the problem is. I wall ride, I push squishies into my team, I have a talent build for both Heroic skills, and it all seems so... soft? Hot slugs has him at a 46% overall winrate. I wouldn't mind a buff or two for him. I love playing Lucio, but I feel like a detriment to my team just because I picked him.

Welp Auriel came out of nowhere to probably be my favorite support. Some good games today, think I went 10-5, got her to 9 (wasnt even doing the "project" she just clicked with me and I kept going since I had the 8 games daily).

I still prefer the energy from dmg over the cd reduction tho. Its weird, I'm much more comfortable being aggressive with her than kharazim.

I wish I had that good of a day, 2-6 myself and yeah Auriel is fun, especially at lvl 13 with the CD per hero hit + blind sweep combo.


They nerfed Lucio's baseline healing from 3->2 and it's made him undertuned.

His L16 really needs to be looked at, and they also need to look at slowing down his trickle to that they can adjust it more easily.


To no one's surprise, beGenius got disbanded. Kinda sad because they never gave up and the last few weeks were showing some life but too little too late. I didn't have time to watch their crucible matches though. Did they get run over by TGG ?


To no one's surprise, beGenius got disbanded. Kinda sad because they never gave up and the last few weeks were showing some life but too little too late. I didn't have time to watch their crucible matches though. Did they get run over by TGG ?
Both EU defending teams were blown out pretty badly by the Open challengers. One side was clearly watching pro play and drafting appropriately while the other wasn't.
lol destroyed the enemy team as nazeebo on infernal shrine. them toads are fun when you have like 6 coming out lol. his corpse remind me of mei's ice wall as i can trap team by accident. i'm glad i can cancel it lol. i trapped a few people in there but my team jumps in.


Both EU defending teams were blown out pretty badly by the Open challengers. One side was clearly watching pro play and drafting appropriately while the other wasn't.

I did watch Team Zealot versus Synergy. There were good matches to watch especially that curve ball match where they picked Cho'Gall.

I didn't bother with NA though. Couldn't care less about NVT but I'd assume NT went through and kept its spot.


May HOTS Census survey is up:

Kel'Thuzad got nearly a quarter of the votes in the May survey for most requested hero added to the game again (23.5%), next closest was Deathwing at 10.9% and Malthael at 7.7%.

Tassadar was voted the weakest hero, with Nova and Chen rounding out the top 3. Can't say I agree with any of that, not by a longshot.

Based on this survey, a slight majority of redditors now favor no map rotations. That's quite the change in the past month or two versus what we saw requested for a long time in the past. Perhaps these folks just didn't care about it til it happened and then they were like "nope, do not want"?

The new progression system (8.7/10) and loot boxes (8.5/10) appear to have hit the mark for Blizzard. Hanamura only at (4/10) though. Can't say I'm surprised by any of those three numbers.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Next hero pls Blizz... just a taste.




Wouldn't be surprised to see a reveal and maybe PTR starting tomorrow. Though they typically have been doing that on Monday's, right? The PTR bit I mean. So maybe no PTR this time.


At this point I honestly can't predict what day of the week they'll announce the next hero (I think at this point we've had heroes announced on every day of the week except a Sunday), but it should be this week.


I played 3 placement matches and went 1-2. I kept getting teammates that can't play their role at all - frustrating. The first game 3 people chose mages without banning Anub'arak. -_-

No one was willing to play support except for Dahbomb. And Dahbomb only has Morales and Malfurion. And they banned Malfurion every time. So we were stuck with Morales, whom I am not a big fan of.

I am going to have to spend some gold on supports just so we don't get stuck in that situation again. I'm thinking I will get Malfurion, Lucio, and Rehgar. I know Malfurion and Lucio are good - is Rehgar? Bloodlust seems like a pretty sick ult. I know Auriel is common, but she's not really my type of support character. Anyone else good?

She looks nothing like the D2 character. I didn't even know she was from that game.
I also have Tyrande and Tassadar. I have high win rates with both but I don't consider either to be very good. I actually think I have not won more than 1 game with Morales, I absolutely hate playing as her even though based on performance I don't think I played bad with her at all.

It's a shame because I enjoy playing Tassadar because he has Psy Storm, best skill in Starcraft.

Edit: I actually have Uther too now that I looked again but I have not played a single real game with him, just theory craft in try mode.


Probius was announced on a sunday right?

I think he was announced on a Friday (March 3), since it was during the first day of some HGC weekend matches. Ah, at Katowice, right. But it was Friday, March 3rd. I definitely remember sitting here at work trying to get time to watch the stream, and I don't work during the weekend.


Been noticing the HOTS streaming community is kind of sneakily in a good spot right now. Khroen being dropped led to him streaming consistently, and I've seen him everywhere from 150 to 500 viewers. Kure is still streaming and he goes from like 300 to 1000 depending on how things are going/hosting. Dunktrain has been streaming regularly since he stopped coaching Dignitas and he was at 1700 last night, and typically from about 500-1200.

If they keep it up consistently like they have the numbers will grow, and if you can push 1000 regularly you can begin to make some decent money donation wise.


To be fair I think it's just the gulf that mewnfare left behind being distributed around.

The morning time stuff sure. But Dunk streams in the afternoon/night and Kure I've seen a little bit of everywhere.

Even if it was just mewn's people spreading around that's great, though. Because personality streamers like him usually have viewers for their personality, not their game, and if they are staying that means they prefer the game overall. We know his numbers dropped when he left, but that doesn't mean the people who didn't follow actually kept watching...if they did, so much the better. Maybe when he inevitably comes back they won't go back to him.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so this mewn guy is famous? I didnt know that thoe TGN cats were famous. Well I guess Pallytime is, but he seems more casual, I think he mostly plays QM.


Famous? lol, hardly. HOTS famous I guess, kind of? He was one of the more popular HOTS streamers. If he's famous for anything it's for being a saltlord.
Nothing alike.

This is what we were warning you about. For supports, here's a short list :

  • Malfurion
  • Uther
  • Auriel
  • Rehgar
  • Kharazim

That should give you plenty of space in supports. Lucio got hit hard in the last balance pass so he's not as good as he once was. Most are viable, it's just that some have fewer weaknesses than the rest.
I recall the majority advice being that I could just say I play tanks and people would fill in other roles. :( I am generally not a good support player. I'm good at initiating.
I also have Tyrande and Tassadar. I have high win rates with both but I don't consider either to be very good. I actually think I have not won more than 1 game with Morales, I absolutely hate playing as her even though based on performance I don't think I played bad with her at all.

It's a shame because I enjoy playing Tassadar because he has Psy Storm, best skill in Starcraft.

Edit: I actually have Uther too now that I looked again but I have not played a single real game with him, just theory craft in try mode.
I can't play Tyrande - I am going to check the others in Kioshen's list out.


She looks nothing like the D2 character. I didn't even know she was from that game.

Blizz thought it was a good idea to give the OG Amazon skin to Nova, so that's why Cassia doesn't look like your typical D2 Amazon.


Was super bummed about this when the skin came out, because I thought that meant that Amazon wouldn't ever be a playable character, but here we are with Cassia


Been noticing the HOTS streaming community is kind of sneakily in a good spot right now. Khroen being dropped led to him streaming consistently, and I've seen him everywhere from 150 to 500 viewers. Kure is still streaming and he goes from like 300 to 1000 depending on how things are going/hosting. Dunktrain has been streaming regularly since he stopped coaching Dignitas and he was at 1700 last night, and typically from about 500-1200.

If they keep it up consistently like they have the numbers will grow, and if you can push 1000 regularly you can begin to make some decent money donation wise.

Hoping with Mewn gone better streamers will get a chance from the community.

Looks like the majority of /r/HOTS users want the map rotation to go away, smart people.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Malthael is the bad guy from Reaper of Souls right? I cant believe hes not in tbh, if only for the look and cross promotion.


Cassia is the D2 Amazon but older and now the head Amazon. That's why her model is different but mostly because they backed themselves into a corner with the Nova skin. They even had to retcon the color scheme.


Yeah you could specialize as a warrior main but you also need pocket picks on all roles just in case.


Man, Lunara is fun, might have to buy her soon. I'm still trying to get the amount of gold I had before 2.0 but the struggle is real.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Man, Lunara is fun, might have to buy her soon. I'm still trying to get the amount of gold I had before 2.0 but the struggle is real.

Shes cheaper than most (7k gold) and she was on sale recently (right before 2.0) so she probably wont show up for sale again anytime soon (in theory of course)

So your purchase is Rhaknar Roster Math aproved.
Do we know the upcoming character sales yet? When do they come out?

Blizz thought it was a good idea to give the OG Amazon skin to Nova, so that's why Cassia doesn't look like your typical D2 Amazon.


Was super bummed about this when the skin came out, because I thought that meant that Amazon wouldn't ever be a playable character, but here we are with Cassia

That outfit looks more like the Amazon than Cassia, lol.

The Necromancer skillset is also lame - doesn't feel at all like playing a Diablo 2 Necro.


Shes cheaper than most (7k gold) and she was on sale recently (right before 2.0) so she probably wont show up for sale again anytime soon (in theory of course)

So your purchase is Rhaknar Roster Math aproved.
But gold doesn't matter for sales, so that's not an issue for me. I had 71k before 2.0, I spent almost 10k on rerolls for the veteran chests, I bought Valeera and Azmo, and now I'm 64k.
Maybe I'll think about it after all the loot chests of the anniversary event, I might find her, who knows?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
But gold doesn't matter for sales, so that's not an issue for me. I had 71k before 2.0, I spent almost 10k on rerolls for the veteran chests, I bought Valeera and Azmo, and now I'm 64k.
Maybe I'll think about it after all the loot chests of the anniversary event, I might find her, who knows?

Well it matters because say you a hero, and a few days later boom its on sale, so you "wasted" the gold.

Thats my math and I'm sticking with it!

She is epic tho so in theory shes easier to get in boxes. I got a epic hero the ither day (dupe of course), Thrall I think.

And this week sales are Li Ming and Butcher.
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