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Holiday 2015 - 4 major FPS - Where's your money going this Fall?


All of them breh breh. Can never have enough great online shooters. They all fill different needs.
If I have to number them.
1. Battlefront
2. Rainbow 6
3. Halo 5
4. Call of duty

Bf gets priority cause it can essentially be a dream come true. Made by DICE? Crazy.
Loved the first rainbow 6 Vegas. This game looks like a totally different take on the series direction.
Halo I never really played outside of 2 in college. Wanted to get into with MCC but I'm still waiting on a white Xbox and for the game to be out of beta.
Lastly new duty looks good. A little like advanced warfare which I really like. Hyped for it in the case I'm tired of aw by then.


I'd be in the dick
Leaning towards Battlefront but I want to make sure it works first. Blops 3 I'll probably play down the line.

Kind of sad that there's not many good SP focused FPS these days. At least for that we've got Wolfenstein next month.


I haven't really played a traditional FPS (except for speedrunning Ghosts) this gen. I've had the hankering so I'll probably be picking up all four depending on reactions and whether they work or not.
My money is going toward something that came out much earlier that will, by then be super cheap. If the XBOX One gets another price reduction and they continue the MCC pack-in, and possibly a year of live, I might bite on that for my FPS fix. However, if there is something cool for Destiny, I might just stick with my PS4.

Of the games listed in the OP

Halo: Don't really like what 343 has done so far, but I might be interested in the future.
Rainbow Six: Never really been a fan.
Battlefront: Is the Battlefield 4 save bug fixed yet? No? Why the hell would I trust Dice. I'm boycotting this and all EA games for the time being.
Call of Duty BLOPS3: Maybe next year, if there's a pack with all the DLC for cheap.
Black Ops III is a sure bet for me to pick up. Battlefront is a maybe but I have to see more of that game first.

The rest? No Xbone for Halo and for Seige, well I've never been much of a Tom Clancy fan.
I'll be picking up Halo for sure and then 1 of either Battlefront or Siege. I'll let my buddy who I game share with pick up BLOPS3 and whichever I don't get between Battlefront and Siege.
Don't really play FPS games much but this year has my interest.

Battlefront maybe if it isn't a 100% BF4 skin.

Rainbow Six too but not sure if I would want to deal with Uplay. Would probably be playing these on PC.

Halo would take priority over Rainbow Six if a PC version was plausible but, it's not right now.

I like Treyarch's CoD games but I don't know if I'll get back into that.


Halo 5 and Battlefront for sure. Haven't bought a CoD since MW3 (that game made me finally realize how crap the franchise is)


This thread is depressing. Siege looks like it might be the best console multiplayer fps in years, maybe since Cod 4, and almost no one is even considering it.

I'm interested in all of them except Halo 'cause I don't have an Xbox.

In order:
- Siege
- Blops 3 / Battlefront


Battlefront is what I am most excited for. Will get blops3 if the co-op rumor turns out to be true and halo 5 eventually.


Leaning towards Battlefront but I want to make sure it works first. Blops 3 I'll probably play down the line.

Kind of sad that there's not many good SP focused FPS these days. At least for that we've got Wolfenstein next month.
I'm leaning towards battlefront to and as far as I know there's no single player so they have more time to focus on the multiplayer to get it working this time


Surprised at the lack of interest for R6 from people (even though I'd prefer it to be a traditional Rainbow 6 game),Although I could easily see that slipping to spring and doing much better there.

I'm in for Battlefront IF it works at launch and isn't severely lacking in content.

New CoD does nothing for me so far (enjoyed advanced warfare though)

Don't have an xbox one but I've always had to force myself into finishing Halo games, not for me.


CoD, probably. Halo 5 has the most potential but I'm not pulling the trigger until I know it's not busted/shitty/bait-and-switch.
I'mma be cosplaying the Kool-Aid man in Rainbow Six busting through walls like "OH YEAHHH!"
This thread is depressing. Siege looks like it might be the best console multiplayer fps in years, maybe since Cod 4, and almost no one is even considering it.

I'm interested in all of them except Halo 'cause I don't have an Xbox.

In order:
- Siege
- Blops 3 / Battlefront

eh i just didnt like the game since its reveal tbh, not really my kind of game


Star Wars Battlefront is easily the winner for me.

Black Ops 3 I expected to impress me more, but as of now it just seems meh


Rainbow Six. No splitscreen versus is a massive turnoff for Battlefront, it was the only reason I wanted a successor to Battlefront 2.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Probably none, but RainbowSix looked very very interesting from the Giantbomb Quicklook. Will keep my eye on it. Curious how Battlefront turns out but I'm waaaay too cynical for that game. They'd have to move hell and earth to get me on that one. Just not gonna happen. Yuck.

I don't even know what the hell is going on with Halo. I don't have an Xbox so whatever, but I was a fan in the Bungie days. The newest marketing materials have me confused and embarassed for the franchise. I've been playing the iOS Halo games on my lunch break and they're awful too.


Rainbow six and Star war battlefront.

Rainbow Six. No splitscreen versus is a massive turnoff for Battlefront, it was the only reason I wanted a successor to Battlefront 2.

No gal con was a major disappointment for me personally, though I'm still in.



No interest in BLOPSIII, looks like a dumbed-down AW for the whiners who couldn't handle fast movements.

I normally don't like FPS,
I've heard of COD
but, I had no idea that there was a series called COD black ops,
and that it was already the third installment.

I know about star wars, didn't know about they had a FPS game coming out.

never heard of ballet front

heard of halo before :)

Lord Phol

Definetly Battlefront! There's no way I'm not going to enjoy this. Even has bots so I don't have to play online.
I don't own an xbox, but if I would I'd definetly buy Halo 5.
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