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Hollow Knight - Beautifully animated 2D 'vania - On Kickstarter


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?



The style is somewhat different, but this game still gives me vibes of this Tatsunoko cartoon i loved as a kid.
I think in the US was called something like Hutch the Honeybee (not sure, here it had a totally different name):


Was pretty brutal and scary for a children's cartoon, some of the insects, like the Napidae, were super scary to me.


The style is somewhat different, but this game still gives me vibes of this Tatsunoko cartoon i loved as a kid.
I think in the US was called something like Hutch the Honeybee (not sure, here it had a totally different name):


Was pretty brutal and scary for a children's cartoon, some of the insects, like the Napidae, were super scary to me.

Oh woah! This is an obscure reference. But I'm thrilled to be compared to such a classic style show.

My girlfriend loves this cartoon. She also watched it as a child. I think Yoshitaka Amano, the Final Fantasy artist, may have been the character designer on it?

I really should sit down and watch it actually. It'd be great reference for Hollow Knight!


I haven't watched it since i was a kid, so i should give it a look myself.

There was also another similar show (even more popular, here) that was a tad more recent (we're still talking 70's animation) and more kid friendly (also more lame, if you ask me) which looked like this:


This is all going by memory though.


Backed it too :p ,it's my first project backed too, game looks fantastic! ..


4,400$ to go! :eek:

now to get some friends to back it :p


Backed it too :p ,it's my first project backed too, game looks fantastic! ..


4,400$ to go! :eek:

now to get some friends to back it :p

Umi, you are awesome!

Here's a new promo poster for you:


I'm going to try and get one more of these done before the end of the campaign. We're also aiming for a third gameplay video, though things are pretty crazy so it might be tough to fit.
The style is somewhat different, but this game still gives me vibes of this Tatsunoko cartoon i loved as a kid.
I think in the US was called something like Hutch the Honeybee (not sure, here it had a totally different name):

Was pretty brutal and scary for a children's cartoon, some of the insects, like the Napidae, were super scary to me.

Haha man, that show was brutal as hell (the Dark Souls of children's cartoons?). I was curious about the Amano connection that AriEX2 mentioned and looked into it. He actually worked on a sequel to this series, in which (spoilers for a 70s cartoon? sure why not)
Hutch finally finds his mother... and then she gets killed
. Holy shit. I think the writer on this thing had serious issues. :)

OT: Great progress on this thing, Ari. It barely slowed down at all after all. Hopefully the last days push hits a few stretch goals.


Funded! Woah!!!!!

Thanks so much all. We're pretty over the moon (also really tired). Hoping we can achieve some of those stretch goals now. Wii U we're comin for ya!


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Congrats on the funding AriEX2. I'm so happy to see this game get funded and on it's way to release.

I am so excited to play your game.

My favorite gif. The leg animations have so much character.


Funded! Woah!!!!!

Thanks so much all. We're pretty over the moon (also really tired). Hoping we can achieve some of those stretch goals now. Wii U we're comin for ya!

Ah YES!!! Ah Wii U-versipon would be great!!!

Also, the music in the gameplay-demonstration, is that the actual soundtrack? It has a Danny Elfman-vibe, I love it!
Love the look of this; really glad it got funded even though I don't have the money to contribute right now. Ari, if you ever manage to bring it to Vita in the future I'm definitely on board.


I contributed, so I feel helpful. :p

I hope you can make it to the WiiU stretch as I loved these sorts of games on the GamePad.


Ah YES!!! Ah Wii U-versipon would be great!!!

Also, the music in the gameplay-demonstration, is that the actual soundtrack? It has a Danny Elfman-vibe, I love it!

Oh man! We're really keen on that Wii U version. There's a definite chance we could hit it too. We're counting paypal pledges to hit the stretch goals and those aren't listed on KS yet. We'll have to do another update soon!

The current soundtrack is temp, but! We kinda dig the vibe as well. The few composers we've narrowed down to all hit a pretty similar tone and I actually think these guys are much better than the royalty free music we've been using. Really excited to start hearing the score come together.

Love the look of this; really glad it got funded even though I don't have the money to contribute right now. Ari, if you ever manage to bring it to Vita in the future I'm definitely on board.

I'm pushing for it! We've spoken with Shahid and the gang at Sony and they were totally receptive to it. Plus, my Vita is basically my favourite system. Man I love that OLED! If a Gravity Rush sequel ever actually appears on it, expect a 1 week delay in Hollow Knight's release for me to play the bejeezus out of it! ;P


Never backed anything on Kickstarter, but I'm going to back this hoping for the Wii U version.

edit: backed.


Never backed anything on Kickstarter, but I'm going to back this hoping for the Wii U version.

edit: backed.

You Rock pfr! We're blasting towards that Wii U goal! Miyamoto here we come :O

wow, this is approaching UbiArt levels of gorgeous!

how many people or working on this?

Haha! Thanks so much. So far it's been two people: myself and the programmer, William. We're aiming to bring on another artist, Rohan, as we continue to flesh it all out.


Really happy for you three, the game looks great and I can't wait to play it.

Any thoughts on releasing where the campaign is with PayPal included? Might spur people on a bit towards some stretch goals if they realize it's closer that whatever number KS says.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I rarely play something on my laptop (more handheld/console oriented) so I'm completely uninformed about what's possible, but recently a friend pointed out that it's possible to connect a wired 360 controller to a pc/laptop and play games with it. Would it be possible to play this with such a set-up?


Starting to look like the first stretch goal is definitely going to be hit. I'm hoping it makes it to the second one also, at least.


I rarely play something on my laptop (more handheld/console oriented) so I'm completely uninformed about what's possible, but recently a friend pointed out that it's possible to connect a wired 360 controller to a pc/laptop and play games with it. Would it be possible to play this with such a set-up?

Your absolutely right Rei_Toei! We've been playing the builds almost exclusively with a 360 pad. All you have to do is plug on in and you're good to go.

You can get pretty great wired 360-like controllers of ebay for dirt cheap as well. Still with that horrid mushy 360 d-pad mind you, but whatev's! They're cheap.

Also: Hollow Knight's almost reached it's first stretch goal! The White Palace. Only $800 AUD to go. That's so nuts! We're really excited. It's an additional end-game area full of traps and challenges and we've planned some pretty intense bosses to encounter there too!


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Your absolutely right Rei_Toei! We've been playing the builds almost exclusively with a 360 pad. All you have to do is plug on in and you're good to go.

You can get pretty great wired 360-like controllers of ebay for dirt cheap as well. Still with that horrid mushy 360 d-pad mind you, but whatev's! They're cheap.

Also: Hollow Knight's almost reached it's first stretch goal! The White Palace. Only $800 AUD to go. That's so nuts! We're really excited. It's an additional end-game area full of traps and challenges and we've planned some pretty intense bosses to encounter there too!

Thanks dude, that's good to hear. I completely suck with a keyboard and a mouse :). Playing with a 360 pad gives me a shot to actually finish your game.


Ill do what I can to help out. I tweeted it out under my own Wii U game dev twitter account (ZeNfA Productions) and will encourage other Wii U devs to tweet about it. :)


Ill do what I can to help out. I tweeted it out under my own Wii U game dev twitter account (ZeNfA Productions) and will encourage other Wii U devs to tweet about it. :)

You're amazing GulAtiCa! Thanks so much.

I feel so bad constantly pushing the game at people! I promise after the next 42hrs we'll stop the onslaught :)

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Unconfirmed Member
Bump to let people know they need under $7k AUD to hit the Wii U goal!
LOL the dev is doing that already. :)


Really looks like the Wii U goal is in the bag now, and the 2nd playable character is totally feasible too. I love how this kickstarter has exploded. A few days ago it wasn't even a certainty it would be funded! Can't wait to play this.


Oh geebuz!! All you guys rock so hard. Look at little Hollow Knight shoot for that Wii U goal!


Hornet's totally on the cards as well! I'd be so excited to get her in there. Her animation would be an absolute blast to do!

Also: Dung Defender. My fave character! Just look at that guy. Who wouldn't play a game with him in it?

I haven't backed anything in ages, but I had to throw my $25 in.

Are there any chances for an Xbox One port down the line? I might be willing to double dip.



Money went to holiday crap and gas. Will donate what I can, you magnificent beast.

I forgive you Wuvcraft! Tis' the season after all ;)

I haven't backed anything in ages, but I had to throw my $25 in.

Are there any chances for an Xbox One port down the line? I might be willing to double dip.

Love ya! Thanks so much ;) We want to make it happen, but we've already got such a giant pile of stuff and platforms to release on, it'd have to be later down the line. Get ready for those all those kinect features though!

Also, new areas!




I'm backing this purely due to the great artstyle. I'm a bit wary on backing platformers, since I tend to suck at them, but I believe this one deserves my money :p

Will have to see how far I get once it's released!
Had no idea there was a thread on this game. I backed it a while back. Seriously, they had me at metroidvania. Really excited to play it.
Edit: Just saw they updated the stretch goals with vita. :'(
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