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Hubris and Bullshit: Modern Warfare 2 PC will not allow dedicated servers.

sad thing is there is NO WIN for this situation, say the pc version comes out and bombs, goodbye future pc releases. comes out sells well, more pc developers follow suit and we continue our slide into mainstream mouth-breathing mediocrity.
spyshagg said:
As I understand, FPS Pc games have dedicated server modes where you can chose to run the game as a server. Anybody can do this at their home or at a datacenter.

From this news, I understand that it wont be possible to run it dedicated as a server.
If this is correct, I hope to fucking god the game gets cracked the day it comes out just to teach them a lesson.

Pretty much. Not for the fact that I or anyone I know will pirate it but just like the whole Spore DRM fiasco and backlash pushed EA to not repeat that stupidity again, I hope this teaches IW and Activision. Seriously, when Spore came out who would have thought that EA would not have all of their games on the PC using the same stupid DRM? Look at Dragons Age now, no extra DRM. Backlashes work. Hopefully it won't just be some message board folks that make a stink about this.
LovingSteam said:
Seriously, Activision and now IW can go screw themselves. Lets see here, Borderlands and Left 4 Dead 2 for $68 or COD MW2 for $60 and no dedicated servers, hmmm....
Very good way to put it.
LovingSteam said:
Pretty much. Not for the fact that I or anyone I know will pirate it but just like the whole Spore DRM fiasco and backlash pushed EA to not repeat that stupidity again, I hope this teaches IW and Activision. Seriously, when Spore came out who would have thought that EA would not have all of their games on the PC using the same stupid DRM? Look at Dragons Age now, no extra DRM. Backlashes work. Hopefully it won't just be some message board folks that make a stink about this.

you know whats funny, i would'nt be surprised to see something revered engineered by pirates that is better than the IW shit.

infact id be more surprised if it doesnt happen. (I expect this also to happen with sc2). With a nice open platform, its not if, just when (as long as enough people are working on it).
ZombieSupaStar said:
sad thing is there is NO WIN for this situation, say the pc version comes out and bombs, goodbye future pc releases. comes out sells well, more pc developers follow suit and we continue our slide into mainstream mouth-breathing mediocrity.
Not necessarily. If people go buy Borderlands and/or Left 4 Dead 2 instead of MW 2, that will show the PC market is thriving and works well with digital distribution and reasonable prices.


Anyone know how much this "P2P" system limits team sizes for the typical gamematch (deatmatch, capture-the-, etc)? The thing I love about dedicated servers is being able to handle nice 16 player teams; makes me feel even if I suck a lot at the game there are still plenty of other people to pick up the slack. If this is 8v8 or less now, I'm out. I notice with these smaller teams people usually get incredibly pissed if 1 player sucks or isn't following "the team strategy".

Shame since I had enough Amazon credit to get this for basically $20 but I wouldn't see myself having much fun in MP if it's smaller teams. Maybe I should just put the money to Mass Effect 2 and call it a day. Just wanted another good PC game to play this year.


ZombieSupaStar said:
sad thing is there is NO WIN for this situation, say the pc version comes out and bombs, goodbye future pc releases. comes out sells well, more pc developers follow suit and we continue our slide into mainstream mouth-breathing mediocrity.
-- It this bombs on PC the reasons will be crystal clear (and given how fast this news is spreading and the clan rage it is generating, I won't discount that happening).
-- Besides, I CAN live without Modern Warfare 3 on PC. CERTAINLY willing to make that sacrifice if it means the end of this stupid P2P BS.


Granted IW has some horrible community relations, I have to give them credit for making a pretty solid running/looking game that's multiplatform (well MW1 was). I'd like to see IW get bought up by MS or Sony, see what they can do when concentrating on one platform, and getting backed up with various resources other first party devs seem to enjoy.

I'd love to see them go Zipper's route and go Online only with their game, with whatever player count they'd like to go with.


LovingSteam said:
It's like having a location where gas has always cost $1.00 a gallon, decades. Even when other locations were paying $3.50, this location always paid $1.00. Then all of a sudden, FOR NO REASON, this location is now paying $4.00. PC gamers have always been able to enjoy a superior version of the game and with good reason. The modding, the clans, and for the simple fact that they wouldn't just accept the idea of paying for DLC when it has always been free or left up to the community to create. Activision and more specifically IW has no reason to do what they are doing, none, zilch, zip. I would venture to say that since the multi will be total crap now, that more will just go and pirate the PC version than they would have prior. Is it ok? No. However, IW has screwed themselves for the long run with this decision.
It's sad how true this is.


Shit like this is why this game was never even on my radar, even though I do enjoy the MP style they offer on my PC.


J-Rzez said:
Granted IW has some horrible community relations, I have to give them credit for making a pretty solid running/looking game that's multiplatform (well MW1 was). I'd like to see IW get bought up by MS or Sony, see what they can do when concentrating on one platform, and getting backed up with various resources other first party devs seem to enjoy.

I'd love to see them go Zipper's route and go Online only with their game, with whatever player count they'd like to go with.

That wont happen, they seem happy being at activision they make a ton of money selling to both systems and they get plenty of time to find new and better ways to exploit the gamers.
Mikey Jr. said:
Also, apparently it's P2P.

Hahaha, ohh man. This is just a massive fucking joke now.

Basically what the PC guys are buying is the console version.

Actually, if it's like WaW (which I would assume it is) it will actually be lacking the Split-screen co-op mode for Spec Ops. In which case you are actually getting the console verison with features removed.


Neo Member
Is it too late for them to change their minds and put dedicated servers in the game before it goes gold?

I won't buy this game until this happens.
ZombieSupaStar said:
sad thing is there is NO WIN for this situation, say the pc version comes out and bombs, goodbye future pc releases. comes out sells well, more pc developers follow suit and we continue our slide into mainstream mouth-breathing mediocrity.

Good-bye future PC releases? Good riddance. Giving up their stranglehold on so many consumer dollars will allow many other companies to have space to do great things.
J-Rzez said:
Granted IW has some horrible community relations, I have to give them credit for making a pretty solid running/looking game that's multiplatform (well MW1 was). I'd like to see IW get bought up by MS or Sony, see what they can do when concentrating on one platform, and getting backed up with various resources other first party devs seem to enjoy.

I'd love to see them go Zipper's route and go Online only with their game, with whatever player count they'd like to go with.

Reality is IW guys actually love Activision. They are happy with their arrangement with Activision. Just last year they signed new contracts to stay on board.

speculawyer said:
Not necessarily. If people go buy Borderlands and/or Left 4 Dead 2 instead of MW 2, that will show the PC market is thriving and works well with digital distribution and reasonable prices.

Which is exactly what I plan on doing. Instead of not spending money at all on the PC market, spend your money to the developers that care about you.


dpp said:
Is it too late for them to change their minds and put dedicated servers in the game before it goes gold?
I'd assume that it wouldn't take much time to code it in. That said, there's no chance. Gotta think about the additional revenue streams!
ZombieSupaStar said:
sad thing is there is NO WIN for this situation, say the pc version comes out and bombs, goodbye future pc releases. comes out sells well, more pc developers follow suit and we continue our slide into main mediocrity.

Yup. We are screwed either way with this decision.


GAF parliamentarian
Just read all this crap on BashandSlash. Fuck me, what a horrible decision. I only ever played on 3 servers, because I knew the guys there from a few years of CoD1. Now, nothing but randoms because they want to push console-ish "map rotations" and DLC garbage on us?

I'm out. They won't see me support this garbage with cash.


Hah. I'll just echo the sentiment of most folks on here. I'd like to thank Activision and IW for saving me $60 in November. Hello to Borderlands, which I was probably gonna get anyway.
Shins said:
This doesn't affect me so I don't care. :)

If you play multiplayer in anyway shape or form then this has affected you in some way. If you're a console gamer, then you'll likely never experience the glory of fan run dedicated servers. If you're on PC...well, this is another kick in the nuts.

I hope this game bombs on the PC, i'd rather have no COD on computer than let this customer rape mindset further infest and gain traction on our side of the hobby.


bishoptl said:
Any word on whether or not Bad Company 2 PC is going down the same hole?

What a horrible move.
Well, they did actually kick the player counts way up for the PC version of Battlefield 1942, so it seems to imply that they're more concerned about their PC versions and what the fans there want.


fuck this noise. this was going to be the first time i played call of duty online (only played the single player of the other ones)

i'l stick to battlefield bad company 2, team fortress 2, brink and left 4 dead 2


Safe Bet

LabouredSubterfuge said:
Why are PC gamers allowed to automatically expect dedicated servers whereas PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers are not?
Some of us 'console pesants' were hoping console gaming would follow pc gaming's lead and begin to feature dedicated servers, not the other way around.


It's like pc and console gaming are beginning to share the worst traits, not the best.


Trax416 said:
Not buying this anymore. Maybe on 360, probably not though.

Not saying that you shouldn't buy it on 360 or anything but if you buy, it will be like falling for what Activision wants people to do.
Arucardo said:
I'm surprised how little discussion there's been in this thread about the piracy issue, that's probably one of the big reasons they went this way. CoD4 has ALOT of cracked servers and IW was quite disappointed by that when it came out. Doing this might get rid of cracked servers for good, but personally I'm really bummed out about this.

Just look how much COD4 sold it's pretty clear that piracy had very little impact. I would say fucking up the experience that made the last one so popular has much more potential to affect sales.
One more here who won't be buying this anymore...

MirageDwarf said:
Reality is IW guys actually love Activision. They are happy with their arrangement with Activision. Just last year they signed new contracts to stay on board.
That's too bad -- IW always seemed like they were one of those devs that wanted to foster good communication with their fans, but were just being held back a bit. Seems like they could have been really cool if they spun off into their own company.

I guess the swimming pools of money are a helluva perk for working at Activision, though.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Truly blows my mind the amount of disrespect thrown the PC's way by developers and publishers a like. The place where many, many, many of these development houses called their home, and now they just shit on it. I'll never understand it. There will come a time where they will have to come back to this home and there will no longer be anyone left to welcome them back.


I'm pissed off about no dedicated servers. I like clans and communities, and I like knowing what my ping is going to be, maps etc... I've only had bad matchmaking experiences on PC.

Custom stuff can also be pretty fun.

I also hate the idea of paid dlc. I hate it so much.

However, I'm hoping this introduction will make things like ranks and prestige more legitimate. If there's no prestige mode this time around, I'm definitely out.
Right now I'm sort of on the fence...but I'm probably going to buy this anyway. I want the single player, and this multiplayer might still be decent. It'll be better than the console multiplayer just because of controls alone.


MirageDwarf said:
Not saying that you shouldn't buy it on 360 or anything but if you buy, it will be like falling for what Activision wants people to do.

Nay, just buy it used. You know a couple of weeks down the line some guy's gonna jack a UPS package or sneak off with a bunch of copies from some store and sell them back to Gamestop for a tidy sum. It always happens, and with a game like MW2, I can't see how it would be any different.


As it seems.... us PC gamers are getting crapped on from all fronts.

No Ded. servers seems like one of the final nails in the coffin from IW though. I can't imagine them adding it later as they are wanting some form of control over the gaming experience which may or may not have to do with distribution channels coming later down the road for additional content.

Either way the only way to vote on this is by simply not contributing to it and for $60 bucks, Borderlands coming out 2 weeks earlier, Gearbox just may have gotten their Christmas bonus this year thanks to IW.


ZombieSupaStar said:
sad thing is there is NO WIN for this situation, say the pc version comes out and bombs, goodbye future pc releases. comes out sells well, more pc developers follow suit and we continue our slide into mainstream mouth-breathing mediocrity.
Yea... I'm not sure if that will actually happen. Everyone loves making money.

They'd sooner just release the next version with dedicated servers and make money off of it than be stubborn and not do it at all...


MirageDwarf said:
Reality is IW guys actually love Activision. They are happy with their arrangement with Activision. Just last year they signed new contracts to stay on board.


Meh. Maybe some of their key talent can leave then instead.

Trax416 said:
Not buying this anymore. Maybe on 360, probably not though.

I'm buying it on the 360 as well, like others here have said, that's the version IW wants you to buy it seems. Just buy it used like I plan on doing. Pick the lesser of evils in this case and give GS your money instead.
This is quite huge...huge loss for the PC boyz

And, yah, that interview was extremely awkward after the bomb dropped about 1:45:00 into the interview. "Huge plans for IW.net, but...uh...it's extremely code heavy...so I can't...uh...speak to the future plans for IW.net right now"


Unconfirmed Member
Let's not pretend this is all the work of Kotick just because a few of the IW guys post here.

Just for the record, I think MW2 looks amazing and will probably sell 12+ million copies but I won't be supporting it. I'd rather support a game/company that gives a shit about it's customers.

(Homer "you just lost a customer" gif goes here, I know)


You know what boggles my mind, the fact that this will still sell craploads. It seems that consumers always help those that hurt them :-/

Safe Bet

J-Rzez said:
Meh. Maybe some of their key talent can leave then instead.

That's how IW was formed.

Making this another case of "Say hello to the new boss, just the same as the old boss.."
you can actually make people buy your game and counter act piracy by adding a good mp. MW sold over a million on copies on pc and the last time i checked 10.000 servers were online.

i see it coming that due to the lack of dedicated servers it will sell less and activision will blame piracy :lol


thanks for the laugh
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Right people, I'm expecting a hammering for even asking this but:

Why are PC gamers allowed to automatically expect dedicated servers whereas PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers are not?

anyone searching for the reason we're finding ourselves in this shitty state of affairs, observe the subservient orwellian bent on this question.

a better question would be "why don't console gamers automatically expect dedicated servers?"

sadly, we all know the answer. pc gamers are in the act of starting into the eyes of the person as they are physically pulling the wool over our eyes, and telling us they're doing it.


Deadly said:
Wow, I guess I'm going to stick with COD4. Can they patch it in somehow after release?

Apparently, they can.

According to the Bashcast or whatever, Medal of Honor: Airborne PC shipped without server browsing and it was patched in later.

But the question is, will the backlash be big enough for IW to imlement it?
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