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If you could only have one system between PS1, N64 and Saturn...


people not saying N64 have probably never had friends

Apparently you and your friends were content playing the one good game that came out every three months...

I am going to assume that the people who aren't saying N64 aren't compromised by nostalgia, because that is the only way you could say the N64. It just wasn't a good system.


Apparently you and your friends were content playing the one good game that came out every three months...

I am going to assume that the people who aren't saying N64 aren't compromised by nostalgia, because that is the only way you could say the N64. It just wasn't a good system.

What's with these snarky, diminishing comments that delegitimise anyone's opinion they don't agree with because of "nostalgia"?

People have different preferences. People like particular series. People had enjoyable experiences with games that you might not have. Quit telling them they are wrong.

Nostalgia is perfectly fucking fine.


What's with these snarky, diminishing comments that delegitimise anyone's opinion they don't agree with because of "nostalgia"?

People have different preferences. People like particular series. People had enjoyable experiences with games that you might not have. Quit telling them they are wrong.

Nostalgia is perfectly fucking fine.

Yeah, you're right. I was responding to a dumb comment with a dumb comment. My bad.



Nostalgia or not - there were some games on the system that pretty much made me the gamer that I am today - without them I wouldnt be the same gamer.


Without a doubt PS1.

Huge Nintendo fan, but N64 was responsible for (temporarily) driving me away from Nintendo.
I'm still playing my PS1 backlog, on the other hand.


I grew up with the 64. It is an amazing console. However I think I would pick ps1 because a lot more of it would be new to me.

And let's be real, it has a much larger library and games are cheaper lol


Ps1, it's game lineup just demolishes the others in terms of sheer number of great games and variety.

Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy, Twisted Metal, Legacy of Kain, Metal Gear, Castlevania, etc.



Rayforce, Battle Garegga, Darius, Virtual-On, Panzer Dragoon, Virtua Fighter, Sega Rally, etc, etc

If you like 2D shooters or fighting games it's an easy choice.


If I could read japanese maybe saturn. Maybe. PS1 wins this easily. N64 is a non-starter since I've committed mario 64 to memory.


As dismissive as many may be towards this choice at first, it's actually a really tough call. PS1 has the games, period, but the games the N64 does have... damn! I love the Saturn too, but it just doesn't have enough to be considered for long here.

Favorites for N64:
  • Aidyn Chronicles (Screw the haters!)
  • Bomberman 64
  • Conker's Bad Fur Day
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • F-Zero X
  • Gauntlet Legends
  • Goemon's Great Adventure
  • Goldeneye 007
  • Harvest Moon 64 (Still the best in the series)
  • Jet Force Gemini (A deeply flawed game, but I still love it)
  • Mario Kart 64 (Not my favorite in the series, but still good)
  • Mario Party 1, 2, & 3
  • Mario Tennis (Will never get enough praise)
  • Mega Man 64 (Lovely, but PS1 has both Legends and Legends 2...)
  • Mischief Makers (Shake shake)
  • Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
  • NFL Blitz 2001
  • Ogre Battle 64 (Damn, I want a new Ogre Battle...)
  • Paper Mario
  • Perfect Dark
  • Star Fox 64 (Still kept playing even after unlocking all the medals)
  • Star Wars Episode I: Racer
  • Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
  • Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
  • Super Mario 64 (The King!)
  • Super Smash Bros (This might be the clincher...)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (Too good!)
  • Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
  • Waverace 64 (I don't even like racing games, yet I spent stupid amounts of time on this... stupid dolphin...)
  • Winback
  • Wrestling games on N64, period.

I don't know... that'll be tough to beat.

Favorites on PS1 (Had only N64 back in the day, so this list is still growing over recent years):
  • Arc the Lad Collection
  • Armored Core
  • Breath of Fire 3 & 4
  • Bushido Blade (Please bring back this series!)
  • Colony Wars
  • Grandia
  • Grand Theft Auto (Much preferred GTA2 on PC later, but still good times with a friend's copy of this back in the day)
  • Jet Moto (Easily the best game that was in my Uncle's limited PS1 library, so I played it till I loved it.)
  • Lunar 1 & 2 Complete
  • Mega Man Legends 1 & 2 (Words cannot do my love for this series justice!)
  • Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen (DAMN, I really want a new Ogre Battle!)
  • Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure (A charming romp)
  • Star Ocean: The Second Story
  • Suikoden 1 & 2 (... ... ...)
... Fuck, I can't go without Suikoden 2 ever again! PS1 it is. (I'm sorry my cherished N64...)

I guess I may as well fill out the rest of this anyway
  • Tales of Destiny
  • Tales of Phantasia (Still the best Tales game, BY FAR!)
  • Valkyrie Profile
  • Vanguard Bandits
  • Xenogears (Well, disc 1 anyways...)

So yeah, while I'd argue that N64 still has more games I care more about, Suikoden 2 is my 3rd favorite game of all time!


Lol what a choice.

Of course ps1 no contest

The only system to take over ps1 potentially is snes or ps2

Why would anyone go Ps1 when ps2 is a choice though? Ps2 plays all ps1 games so it's basically 2 in 1.

Now Snes vs PS1 would be a much more difficult choice. SNES has so many great games...

If it's PS2 vs Snes, I'd go with PS2 any day. Two awesome game libraries VS one.


Yea, would hate to be dismissive of anything here, lol.

Ah, I'm not trying to be dismissive. Some of my favorites on the system are Albert Odyssey, Dragon Force, Guardian Heroes, and what little I played of Shining Force 3. (The complete, translated trilogy wasn't available at the time, so I only dabbled with it, instead deciding to wait until I could play it all. Now, I'm just waiting for that recent Saturn DRM workaround to become available so I can do this and Dragon Force 2 without modding my system.)

I digress; my point was that great as I do consider the system to be, it just doesn't have enough of the type of games I really love to cause me much deliberation.


Ah, I'm not trying to be dismissive. Some of my favorites on the system are Albert Odyssey, Dragon Force, Guardian Heroes, and what little I played of Shining Force 3. (The complete, translated trilogy wasn't available at the time, so I only dabbled with it, instead deciding to wait until I could play it all. Now, I'm just waiting for that recent Saturn DRM workaround to become available so I can do this and Dragon Force 2 without modding my system.)

I digress; my point was that great as I do consider the system to be, it just doesn't have enough of the type of games I really love to cause me much deliberation.

Yea, I understand the thinking behind it, as its quite similar to why I'd consider a Saturn over a PlayStation but don't consider the N64 the have the library depth required to be a serious contender. I just thought it was a little ironic that you started off your post talking about people being dismissive, before moving onto state the exact reason others would dismissive of the N64, possibly in comparison to the Saturn let alone the PS1.

Basically, people will be dismissive of a console automatically if it doesn't offer the types of games they're looking for. The PS1 is pretty much immune to this however, as it has decent representation in every genre... just not as strong as the others in some specific genres. I all honesty, I think that what harms the Saturn a lot in comparisons like this, is the same thing that harms the XB1.. the overlap in titles with PlayStation. So games like Powerslave/Exhumed, Grandia, Tomb Raider etc are overlooked because you could get them elsewhere... but if you were only going to be able to have one consoles, then they're just as important to factor as any true exclusive, because if you choose an N64, you still lose them.


Yea, I understand the thinking behind it, as its quite similar to why I'd consider a Saturn over a PlayStation but don't consider the N64 the have the library depth required to be a serious contender. I just thought it was a little ironic that you started off your post talking about people being dismissive, before moving onto state the exact reason others would dismissive of the N64, possibly in comparison to the Saturn let alone the PS1.

Basically, people will be dismissive of a console automatically if it doesn't offer the types of games they're looking for. The PS1 is pretty much immune to this however, as it has decent representation in every genre... just not as strong as the others in some specific genres.

Oh I agree my sentence structure undermined my own message because I failed to indicate that I was moving from a general statement about the N64 and PS1 to a more personal statement about the Saturn. I'm actually appreciative you called me out on it, and so quickly, so I had the opportunity to clarify.


I loved my Playstation but I loved my Nintendo 64 more. For all the PS1's games I still played the likes of Mario 64, Mario Kart, Lylat Wars, Goldeneye, OOT etc far more and I'd choose them every time. Plus N64 was king for local multiplayer back then.

I'd fucking miss Tekken 3, MGS and RE2 though but I could get RE2 on N64 if push came to shove.

Sooo N64 me.
This is actually a pretty tough one. PS1 has the superior library hands down, but that local MP on N64 was so damn amazing. Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64 battle, WCW vs NWO, Smash Bros... it was awesome.... BUT that's all nostalgia for me since I'm old now and getting people together to play is extremely difficult and rare.

I'm rolling with the PS1 for all the RPGs and MGS
A lot of these posts seem like it's such an easy choice, but damn I really can't pick between PS1 and N64. Both have some of my favorite games of all time, and both are systems I regularly play to this day.

I am a very social gamer, and vastly prefer to play games in groups, but that doesn't mean I don't love my deep single player experiences when I'm alone.

The N64 library would be so limited in that regard, but I feel like on N64 you only need a stack of 30 or less games and you could play them every day for years with a group of friends and they won't get old.

I'd honestly pick N64 I think, but no matter which I pick I'd regret it lol.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
PS1 coz of:

1. Suikoden II
2. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
3. Star Ocean: Second Story
4. Final Fantasy VII
5. Final Fantasy IX
6. Xeogears
7. Parasite Eve
8. Silent Hill
9. Megaman Legends
10. Tomba
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