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IGN reviews Fallout 3


Gold Member
Karma said:
No it is complete bullshit. No way the 360 version looks REALLY BAD compared to the PS3 version.

Okay, well if you don't mind the lower res and awful LOD scaling I guess you're right.


Chiggs said:
Okay, well if you don't mind the lower res and awful LOD scaling I guess you're right.

But..the AA and HDR on 360 does make it look nicer in some ways, no? It's sort of half-a-dozen of one, six of the other.

Hyperbole just gets people riled up.


Bluemercury said:
Inferior controls for the win......:lol ...no wonder wii doesnt get these kind of games, next gen console players seem stuck in old gen controllers.....

How is the Wii controller any better? The 360's is the best and most comfy controller I've ever used. Most Wii games have annoying waggle shit which doesn't add anything except annoyance.

And yeah, the reason the Wii doesn't get these kind of games is because it can't run anything like FO3.


Gold Member
2600 said:
But..the AA and HDR on 360 does make it look nicer in some ways, no?
Hyperbole just gets people riled up.

Sure, it definitely has its perks. Fair enough on the hyperbole, though. It's just very hard for me to look past the LOD thing, especially when you're on some vista and the grid stuff becomes really apparent.

TheExodu5 said:
Don't forget shittier textures (or did they patch those?).

So the textures are also different, or is it just the AF on the PS3 version that makes them look better?


Chiggs said:
So the textures are also different, or is it just the AF on the PS3 version that makes them look better?

I remember comparison shots were posted of both versions. I recall ground textures on the 360 looking much worse. I honestly didn't see much passed that.

The game looked and ran awful on all systems anyways.


Loudninja said:
It really sucks thought,I was really looking forward to the game for a long time.

The PS3 version is still fine. Unless you are a massive graphics whore, just get it. Nothing gameplay wise has been ruined.
I'm getting the PC version for the HTPC with 360 pad. It will be just like I'm playing the 360, complete with Live friends list access.

and prettier


Gold Member
TheExodu5 said:
The game looked and ran awful on all systems anyways.

I have to agree. Qarls texture pack made thing so much nicer. Even maxed out on the pc, the original version didn't look all that hot. Although, indoors things were kind of nice.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
I'm getting the PC version for the HTPC with 360 pad. It will be just like I'm playing the 360, complete with Live friends list access.

and prettier

How nice is that? Cheaper too.

Tom Penny

MacBosse said:
He's gone? I need my comical fix!

Gamespot says "It's a shame, in light of these impressive design elements, that the PlayStation 3 version is shockingly inferior to the others from a technical perspective. Although the Xbox 360 and PC versions display the occasional visual oddity and bland texture, these nitpicks are easy to overlook. Sadly, the jagged edges, washed-out lighting, and slightly diminished draw distance of the PS3 release aren't so easy to dismiss. We also experienced a number of visual bugs on the PS3. Character faces disappeared several times, leaving only eyeballs and hair; limbs on robots went missing; some character models had an odd outline around them as if they were cel-shaded; and the day-to-night transition may cause odd streaks on the screen as you move the camera around

WTF :lol That is ridiculous. Almost as bad as the PS3 and PC getting a gimped version of Rage because of the X360.


Chiggs said:
Okay, well if you don't mind the lower res and awful LOD scaling I guess you're right.

Good god. The LOD and Shaders were fixed with the upgrade patch. The LOD is not AWFUL and the 360 version does not look REALLY BAD.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
I'm getting the PC version for the HTPC with 360 pad. It will be just like I'm playing the 360, complete with Live friends list access.

and prettier
and achievements!! They need to do that for every pc/360 game.


Chiggs said:
I have to agree. Qarls texture pack made thing so much nicer. Even maxed out on the pc, the original version didn't look all that hot. Although, indoors things were kind of nice.

The game looked stunning when it was first released. The omly problem was the god awful draw distance.


Gold Member
Karma said:
Good god. The LOD and Shaders were fixed with the upgrade patch. The LOD is not AWFUL and the 360 version does not look REALLY BAD.

Did you miss the part where I said it wasn't fixed--even with the patch? There was a comparison thread about a year ago where users on this forum took screenshots of their characters standing on top of Cloudruler Temple. I was one of the posters in that thread DEFENDING THE PATCHED 360 VERSION until someone posted a similar comparison shot from the PS3 version that clearly showed superior LOD.

If someone would love to correct me on this (because after searching, I can't seem to find that thread) with visual evidence, I'd be more than happy to eat crow. For all the talk of Bethesda's patch fixing everything, it didn't appear to do much of anything when it came right down to it.


Chiggs said:
Did you miss the part where I said it wasn't fixed--even with the patch? There was a comparison thread about a year ago where users on this forum took screenshots of their characters standing on top of Cloudruler Temple. I was one of the posters in that thread DEFENDING THE PATCHED 360 VERSION until someone posted a similar comparison shot from the PS3 version that clearly showed superior LOD.

If someone would love to correct me on this (because after searching, I can't seem to find that thread) with visual evidence, I'd be more than happy to eat crow. For all the talk of Bethesda's patch fixing everything, it didn't appear to do much of anything when it came right down to it.

I never said the 360 version was equal just that it was not AWFUL and REALLY BAD like you said it was.


KTallguy said:
The same OR better.

Don't get your panties in a bunch, both machines can do amazing things.

But there's no reason why multiplat PS3 games should look worse than 360 games at all.
Other games have done it, Fallout 3 has no excuse.

Aaaaaaaaand I am still on the fence about Fallout as a GAME!
I think I'll go play Fable first.

There are plenty of excuses... it's clear what most devs think of the PS3. Both systems are equally capable, it's a time and money issue. I would hate if they delayed ALL versions just so that they could put extra time(and money) in PS3 version, and you would hate if the PS3 version was released three months from now.


Chiggs said:
Did you miss the part where I said it wasn't fixed--even with the patch? There was a comparison thread about a year ago where users on this forum took screenshots of their characters standing on top of Cloudruler Temple. I was one of the posters in that thread DEFENDING THE PATCHED 360 VERSION until someone posted a similar comparison shot from the PS3 version that clearly showed superior LOD.

If someone would love to correct me on this (because after searching, I can't seem to find that thread) with visual evidence, I'd be more than happy to eat crow. For all the talk of Bethesda's patch fixing everything, it didn't appear to do much of anything when it came right down to it.
It was fixed with the patch though. I have the pc version also and the 360 patch replicates what the pc one does.


Chiggs said:
No, it's really not. It runs at a lower resolution, and the LOD still appears to be worse despite that amazing patch that supposedly fixed everything. The upside to the 360 version is that it uses AA + HDR.

No in fact it is. The only real difference is the AF and that pretty much sums it up. Hardly matters for this port obviously.

gregor7777 said:
Wait, what? Better quality? Isn't that exactly what people are constantly bitching about here?

It's OK for me to expect the 360 version to be of better quality than the PS3 version then?

Yea, ain't that a total crock.

Druz said:
There are plenty of excuses... it's clear what most devs think of the PS3. Both systems are equally capable, it's a time and money issue. I would hate if they delayed ALL versions just so that they could put extra time(and money) in PS3 version, and you would hate if the PS3 version was released three months from now.

That is the bottom line too. Just like Carmack put it, in theory you could probably do more with more time, but that in itself is a catch 22. For one you have to hold back the other versions or release it later and either way people or going to cry.


Gold Member
~Kinggi~ said:
It was fixed with the patch though. I have the pc version also and the 360 patch replicates what the pc one does.

Okay, post some pictures of the 360 version if you can. I'd like to settle this, and if I'm wrong I will eat a crow.

Edit: Replicates the pc version? At what settings do you think?


Gold Member
Jtyettis said:
No in fact it is. The only real difference is the AF and that pretty much sums it up. Hardly matters for this port obviously.

Did Bethesda's patch also make Oblivion 360 run at native 720p, too?


Overrated like shit.

Seriously, how can they score the gameplay so high? And the graphics, that are awful?

I don't understand how can this game get a pass like this.


Known Shippable said:
What was wrong with Oblivion? Was I the only one who liked it?

Hell no, Oblivion is the one game this generation I can always go back to. It pretty much got me into RPG's, I've put 100 hours in and am still nowhere near completing it and I haven't even got... that nightmare/dreamscape expansion.


antiloop said:
and the awful performance if you didn't run 7800GTX in SLI.

I had 1 7800GT(still do) and it ran fine on almost max. It only chugged in thick forest areas which was fixed with a small mod.


I can't believe this thread is rivalling the offical one in length/activity, and it's just constant PS3 vs 360 blabber.
its funny, when owning both a ps3 and a 360, seeing how these type of threads turn out..

it's just comical, yet a bit sad to see the fanboys go at each other....like shit...is it really that serious?

ah...the joys of owning a ps3 and 360.


Gold Member
Fixed2BeBroken said:
its funny, when owning both a ps3 and a 360, seeing how these type of threads turn out..

it's just comical, yet a bit sad to see the fanboys go at each other....like shit...is it really that serious?

ah...the joys of owning a ps3 and 360.

Nobody's frothing at the mouth in here.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
so which version should I get...the ps3 version or the 360 version...and why?

If you have both, get 360 since it doesn't have the friend's list messaging you = few seconds of freezing game.

If you only have PS3, get it anyways because that issue will surely get patched (eventually). The current solution is to stay off PSN while playing. The PS3 version does appear to be a tad buggier though.
Zzoram said:
If you have both, get 360 since it doesn't have the friend's list messaging you = few seconds of freezing game.

If you only have PS3, get it anyways because that issue will surely get patched (eventually). The current solution is to stay off PSN while playing.

which controls better? which one has the better graphics? I remember DMC4 had better Ice crystals than 360 which made it the clear victor and the vastly superior game.


As for the people mad at Bethesda, this happened because Oblivion didn't sell very well on PS3. Why would they put more effort into the PS3 version than the 360 one, when they know they're making most of their money on the 360 side?

I think Oblivion debuted at like 50,000K for PS3 NPD, and tanked after that. Those are Lair numbers. It sold ~1.5million on Xbox 360 and 500,000+ on PC after a year and a bit. It's almost certain that the PS3 numbers didn't even match the PC sales.
plagiarize said:
well i think most people say it isn't a port simply because it improved the 360 version. if it was a straight port there wouldn't have been the improvements they made on it. to be honest i'm surprised the PS3 version of Fallout 3 is suffering since i figured their tech was about equal on both systems.

it would make sense to lead on PS3 IF PS3 games sold better, but ensuring the game runs best on the system it will sell the best on FIRST before porting isn't some crazy batshit loco move. the PS2 held back a lot of multiplatform games last gen, but then guess what, it was the best selling system. you didn't hear me complaining about that. i didn't hear you complaining about that.

i'll continue to celebrate EA for putting out multiplatform games that are pretty much identical across the board... but sometimes you guys need to look beyond system preferences. there is a reason why a lot of developers are leading on 360 and maybe it isn't A: stupidity or B: money hats.

yeah but even in most cases the xbox ports of ps2 games (that were usually ps2 based like madden) ran even better and looked even better, doesnt seem to the same like that this gen, where the lesser lead system games run even worse on ps3.

ps2 benefited last gen of being off the hype of the ps1, and also eventually getting good games (ssx, then silent hill2, atv offroad fury like 8 months later), but this gen will all of sonys misteps now they arent trend setting and people arnt being forced to deal with it (the hardware layout) because they have to, I think thats the reason for the sloppy seconds.

And as a Ps3 and 360 (and Wii and gaming pc lol) owner, it makes my ps3 a 600 dollar metal gear solid 4 player (which I beat and havent touched) and mebbe later little big planet, I mean outta all the multiplatform stuff, only oblivion (which is crap unless modded on a pc) and ...slightly burnout paradise are better than the 360 versions. I swear with a gaming caliber PC, i almost dont need my 360 now (since the pc gets most 360 games) but If I wanted to rebuy or get multiplatform games on ps3, 9/10 they are inferior and thats BS, oh and it doesnt have dead rising (cmon capcom of all the franchises you milk, and you do NOTHING with DR! for shame!)

Zzoram said:
I think Oblivion debuted at like 50,000K for PS3 NPD, and tanked after that. Those are Lair numbers. It sold ~1.5million on Xbox 360 and 500,000+ on PC after a year and a bit. It's almost certain that the PS3 numbers didn't even match the PC sales.

"Ah, Rise of the PC, the tide has turned, look upon in despair console owners, as we retake what is rightfully ours!",......sorry didnt see draft in awhile, had to fill in ;)


Druz said:
Both systems are equally capable, it's a time and money issue.

Yep, but a game shouldn't be pushed out the door looking poor on one console and amazing on the other. Delay one of them a month, announce that there will be a patch to fix the issues, whatever. On top of that, if development has started for both SKUs at the same time, there's no reason why one or the other should look inferior.

Any game built with both systems in mind should be optimized for both systems. Fallout 3 was slated to be on the PS3 and the 360 from the beginning, so there's no excuse for any version to look substantially worse than the other. GTA4 on the PS3 and the 360 looks pretty much exactly the same (all resolution arguments aside), so if they can do it, the Oblivion team can do it.

Edit: Anyway, I'll get my copy next week. When I play it I probably won't be able to tell the difference :p Maybe I'll borrow my friends 360 copy and flip back and forth.... nah :lol


KTallguy said:
Yep, but a game shouldn't be pushed out the door looking poor on one console and amazing on the other. Delay one of them a month, announce that there will be a patch to fix the issues, whatever.

Any game built with both systems in mind should be optimized for both systems. Fallout 3 was slated to be on the PS3 and the 360 from the beginning, so there's no excuse for any version to look substantially worse than the other. GTA4 on the PS3 and the 360 looks pretty much exactly the same (all resolution arguments aside), so if they can do it, the Oblivion team can do it.

If they delayed the PS3 version a month, you can bet people would be equally mad, or maybe even moreso. There was no win for them on forums except delaying everything, but that's not a win since they'd lose sales.
KTallguy said:
Any game built with both systems in mind should be optimized for both systems. Fallout 3 was slated to be on the PS3 and the 360 from the beginning, so there's no excuse for any version to look substantially worse than the other. GTA4 on the PS3 and the 360 looks pretty much exactly the same (all resolution arguments aside), so if they can do it, the Oblivion team can do it.
Way too simplistic an argument (although that's to be expected in system wars). Rockstar has way more resources and budget than Bethesda.

Anyway, you guys have fun, you'll eventually learn down the road that it's much easier to own all the systems, makes things much less stressful.


GitarooMan said:
Way too simplistic an argument (although that's to be expected in system wars). Rockstar has way more resources and budget than Bethesda.

Anyway, you guys have fun, you'll eventually learn down the road that it's much easier to own all the systems, makes things much less stressful.

I only play exclusives on my 360 because I'm afraid it will Red Ring.
My box has red ringed twice already, and I have no warranty left.
Probably the most stress I've gotten out of any console, honestly. :lol

Fady K

:lol I just read the okrim-duckroll showdown. Did he not know he was talking to a mod? What saying he how can to moderator? Though he got chance but still he speak curses.

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
So what's the final verdict on the PS3 comparisons?
From the pictures, it seemed to have better texture & more effects/lighting than the 360. Is that the reason for having the extra framerate problems?


FTWer said:
So what's the final verdict on the PS3 comparisons?
From the pictures, it seemed to have better texture & more effects/lighting than the 360. Is that the reason for having the extra framerate problems?
Every review ive read has said all things across the board are worse on ps3, so it seems 360 is the obvious choice.
I can understand the graphical differences, like aliasing and what not but freezing during msgs? Sound glitches? They obviously didnt put the effort into the PS3 version. I think PS3 only owners have some right to be annoyed.
KTallguy said:
I only play exclusives on my 360 because I'm afraid it will Red Ring.
My box has red ringed twice already, and I have no warranty left.
Probably the most stress I've gotten out of any console, honestly. :lol
:lol, I have thought about the fact that my original launch 360 (which has been refurbed/replaced 3/4 times, I can't remember), is now coming up on 3 years so I think the RRoD warranty will be gone. I try not to think about it, still try to just play the best console version (unless I feel like playing the PC version of games, which I occasionally do)
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