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Im scared of watching anime now, but what should i watch?

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My last really big anime I really liked was Fullmetal, Gurren Lagann and Steins Gate. And than, I started picking up some show that looked interesting but got caugh later on as cliché or there was ALWAYS a triangle love shit, or some Moe or fanservice characters (tho, yoko in GL I really didnt mind). Ever since, I stopped watching anime because of all that and because some of them only lasted 12 episodes which is really not long (24 eps is all right). I really want to start watching something again but im afraid to find cliché, fanservice or freaking love triangle again. I have netflix canada if that can help but I can find my anime elsewhere.
If you can ignore the few instances of fanservice, Space Battleship Yamato 2199 is a fantastic sci fi show that stands with the best of sci fi tv in general.

Going by what you liked though give a try to:

- Fate Zero: lots of action, little to no fan service, pretty dark.

- Samurai Champloo

- Baccano: a personal favorite, can't recall any fan service and watch the dub for amazing work from the voice actors with the accents

- Currently airing 'Erased' isn't a bad option either.
So you hate moe shit?

And you're alright with classic anime?


Yu Yu Hakusho-
The main character dies in the first episode and becomes a spirit detective. It's well voice acted(In english) and funny at times, but the fight scenes are pretty intense.

A punk who always tried his least becomes a teacher. Kinda wacky adventures, light-hearted, pretty funny. I'd recommend the manga, but the anime is alright too.

This is a damned good thriller style-anime.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Legend of Galactic Heroes

Having watched this I can't say enough how great this is, but on the other hand that's a pretty massive task as it's 100+ episodes and can be a pretty slow-burn in some places. I remember being pretty bored with the first couple of episodes, though it really, really picks up once you get to the first episode that isn't a space fight and the show demonstrates how deep it is when it comes to tackling political and social issues.

But if you have the time OP I'd try this out...
It would help a little more if you gave some specific examples of what you found objectionable in the anime you tried out. At any rate, here's some good relatively recent unconventional anime you should give a try:

Blue Exorcist: The Movie
Diary of Ochibi
Eccentric Family
Flowers of Evil
Garo the Animation
Miss Hokusai
Ping Pong the Animation
Saint Young Men
Shounen Hollywood
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu

For unconventional anime a bit older you may not have seen:

Aoi Bungaku
Genius Party and Genius Party Beyond
Master Keaton
Mouryou no Hako
Skull Man
Wolf's Rain
You Are Umasou

That should be enough suggestions for starters.

The Adder

Paranoia Agent.

A master work series by one of the greatest animated directors of all time.

Having watched this I can't say enough how great this is, but on the other hand that's a pretty massive task as it's 100+ episodes and can be a pretty slow-burn in some places. I remember being pretty bored with the first couple of episodes, though it really, really picks up once you get to the first episode that isn't a space fight and the show demonstrates how deep it is when it comes to tackling political and social issues.

But if you have the time OP I'd try this out...

If you watch Legend of Galactic Heroes, you should start with the film Overture to a New War, which tells the same events as the first two episodes of the OVA series, only much better. You shouldn't be bored with that.


aka IMurRIVAL69
One Punch Man for the god tier animation and novel concept. Only anime that has held my attention since DBZ/Berserk.

Cowboy Bebop
Black Lagoon
Samurai Champloo


This may actually be the best choice for someone tired of cliches and moe in anime, because Madoka sure plays around with those tropes man lol
That'd be my recommendation, got me back into anime when i was in a "done with anime" state.


Stormy Grey
Paranoia Agent.

A master work series by one of the greatest animated directors of all time.


Throw in Paprika and Millennium Actress, then weep into the night as you realize we'll never get another work from Satoshi Kon again.

Add in his other films too, actually. Save Tokyo Godfathers for the holiday season, though.


I tend to have trouble finding anime that holds me. Samurai Champloo however was amazing. By far my favorite anime I've seen.

Besides that all my other suggestions you have already seen. If you like older stuff Ranma 1/2 was pretty good.


im okay with some moe shit ahah I just don't want the characters to be retarded

Ohh yeaaah I forgot that I watched the 2 first season of Jojo and it was really good, I need to pick it up where I left
Also the new JoJo season should start this April iirc


aka IMurRIVAL69
Yeah, Berserk is amazing. The anime is really good, but don't watch the movies that are on Netflix. They're pretty dumb. The original anime in it's entirety (20 eps) is on youtube.

The story from the manga nosedives straight into the dumpster as soon as the anime cuts off too, but people will disagree.


Haibane renmei
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Death Note
Eureka Seven
Eve no Jikan
Ghost in the Shell
Hunter X Hunter
Nodame Cantabile
Spice and Wolf
Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin
Rozen Maiden
SKET Dance
Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time)

Some of these are movies


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Yeah, Berserk is amazing. The anime is really good, but don't watch the movies that are on Netflix. They're pretty dumb. The original anime in it's entirety (20 eps) is on youtube.

The story from the manga nosedives straight into the dumpster as soon as the anime cuts off too, but people will disagree.

Yeah people will most definitely disagree haha vehemently so!


Golden Age arc is still my favorite arc in Berserk but Blackswordsman arc, Conviction arc and the arc leading up to the Fantasia arc are all good stuff (Fantasia arc has been good too it's just that the release schedule has been awful). So many iconic moments in all of them, I legit get chills just thinking about some of them.

The Troll arc is certainly dumpster tier though. It's only redeemed by having the final moment of it being amazing.
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