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IMPORT Official MGS Peace Walker Thread of Everything - if you can name it, it's in


duckroll said:
I dunno exactly, I've done 3 so far. There are probably like 6 or so.
I think there are 3 monster bosses, and there's a day time and evening time version of each mission.
Nice, I can't wait for this. Paid off pre-order and only one month to go.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
:( I knew this was going to happen, I ended up buying the game.

my japanese is 0! I dont know if I would be able to resist...


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Got the game on Friday... it's amazing, SO much better than MGS4 in my opinion and I haven't even finished chapter 2 yet.:lol The boss fights have been great, requiring a good deal of pattern recognition and wise equipment selection (lacking in one aspect is going to get you killed) and recruiting your troops and managing your base is really addicting. Haven't tried playing it via ad-hoc party but as soon as I get stronger I'm going to have to jump online to try it out.

Spoiler on progress:
I just finished the mission after taking down the Hind, so I think I'm at the end of chapter 2, if chapter 1 was any indication (You fought the tank, then soon after Pupa). I was able to take down the Hind on my first go and seized it for my own personal use lol. It was totally an accident too because I fired at the pilot without realizing it and it went down without destroying it. I'm going to have to try to do that to the Tank I fought earlier. Can you do the same thing against the Pupa or is that not possible due to the storyline?


I'd love to try the coop with some of you guys. I'm in the US though so not sure how lag will be :lol

This is now my favorite Metal Gear game in the series. It's just so damn fun and insanely playable. Finished the game and I've been working on unlocking stuff. Got so many toys unlocked I'd like to try. :lol

I'm loving this kit I put together
Neo Moss Camo + M4 (M653) Carbine with grenade launcher - and the custom 1911. It's like having the MGS3 Snake mixed in with the MGS4 snake.

It's easily the most fun out of the previous games.

It really feels like it's a refined version of the "old school" Metal Gear Solid games. On my first playthrough some levels took me
about 40 minutes
in playing it methodically. Once I picked up more toy and gadgets I managed to cut that down to
about 3 1/2 minutes

Hardest level for me were actually
the Monster Hunter levels - they really keep you on your toes with how aggressive they are.
But once I picked out the right kit for what I was trying to do
tranq Tigrex

The only downside is it feels like there's some balance issues
Shotguns feel WAY overpowered.


Oichi said:
Got the game on Friday... it's amazing, SO much better than MGS4 in my opinion and I haven't even finished chapter 2 yet.:lol The boss fights have been great, requiring a good deal of pattern recognition and wise equipment selection (lacking in one aspect is going to get you killed) and recruiting your troops and managing your base is really addicting. Haven't tried playing it via ad-hoc party but as soon as I get stronger I'm going to have to jump online to try it out.

Spoiler on progress:
I just finished the mission after taking down the Hind, so I think I'm at the end of chapter 2, if chapter 1 was any indication (You fought the tank, then soon after Pupa). I was able to take down the Hind on my first go and seized it for my own personal use lol. It was totally an accident too because I fired at the pilot without realizing it and it went down without destroying it. I'm going to have to try to do that to the Tank I fought earlier. Can you do the same thing against the Pupa or is that not possible due to the storyline?

Don't want to spoil too much, but it's different.
Pupa is a bit more complex than the Hind. Apparently what part of Pupa you actually destroy influences what you get as a reward.

I was missing a certain part off of a certain boss, so I went back and re-focused on what part of the boss to work on and won that part in a subsequent attempt at the mission.


The shotgun isn't really overpowered imo. The clip capacity and the range really handicap it. It's very good for up front encounters when enemies are spawning you, but such encounters are rare and/or unlikely unless you play in a way which gets your on alert all the time. For heavy battles I prefer an assault rifle or machine gun over a shotgun any day, and for stealth missions the Mk22 is more than enough.

It might be fun to try a run through many of the missions with just a shotgun with rubber bullets for stun though. :lol


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Ran into a mission-ending glitch. :(

Chapter 4, where you gotta do the backtrack to the heliport (when Heaven's Divide kicks in)... I killed all of the enemies after getting off the elevator, but then I shot at the helicoptor and it swung around and... never came back. I think it got stuck in the stage because the sound indicator showed that it was still flying around, and i could hear it, but it wasn't on the screen at all. That stage was a bit of a bitch to play through too on the first go :/ Oh well, I'll try tomorrow!


Good god I just almost had a heart attack on one of the missions
Extra Ops 91: AH56A-raider Custom and 28 guards.

It's a 5 star Red Skull map.

It's nearly impossible to kill this thing head on solo with brute force, so have to stealth it. I took out all 28 guys without anyone noticing, hit the chopper pilot with 4 or 5 darts (I was one dart short of knocking him down when he all of a sudden spots me and starts raining fiery death from above.

This is literally death from above, one rocket barrage that hit me would kill me ( it consumes like 2 rations per hit, or something ridiculous like that).

I spent the last 5 minute desperatly seeking cover *just* hoping to get enough time to get that last shot off. Every time I'd peek out the chopper would line up for another rocket run.

I was out of rations, last bit of health, and just fired desperately in the air at his direction, when one of the darts hit him and brought him down :lol

42 minutes, 22 kills, 7 fulton caps including the commander.(I used some crazy/hilarious tactic involving decoys, claymores, and C4), only a C ranking but I'm so damn happy I got through that one.

It's definitely a fun coop map though, it would require quite a bit of teamwork based on how fatal the rockets are.


duckroll said:
The shotgun isn't really overpowered imo. The clip capacity and the range really handicap it. It's very good for up front encounters when enemies are spawning you, but such encounters are rare and/or unlikely unless you play in a way which gets your on alert all the time. For heavy battles I prefer an assault rifle or machine gun over a shotgun any day, and for stealth missions the Mk22 is more than enough.

It might be fun to try a run through many of the missions with just a shotgun with rubber bullets for stun though. :lol

At the risk of sounding like I run and gun it too much, I do sometimes try + have fun by loading up the
silenced shotgun
for some maps.

I have the
staring at me in the tech tree though, those sound like a lot of fun. The
does have a fairly large mag compared to the other shotguns though.

I think I found the perfect compromise
M653 rifle with a Shotgun attachment :lol It's more limited than the regular shotgun (only 3 rounds without the battle armor), but would make for a great fallback when you have to shoot it out.

Next on my list is to figure out where to get the
pre-req's like an optics engineer to build that scoped FAL on my tech tree


EekTheKat said:
Good god I just almost had a heart attack on one of the missions
Extra Ops 91: AH56A-raider Custom and 28 guards.

I did that twice over Adhoc Party so far. It's pretty fun but really, really hard. I didn't manage to capture it either, we had to blow it up both times.


DLC added today:

- Black and Naked (Black) camo patterns added
- Heaven's Divide on the walkman
- AI voice: Pupa - Human Voice Version
- Vocaloid Edit track: Love Deterrence (Intro)


duckroll said:
DLC added today:

- Black and Naked (Black) camo patterns added
- Heaven's Divide on the walkman
- AI voice: Pupa - Human Voice Version
- Vocaloid Edit track: Love Deterrence (Intro)
Free or paid DLC?


playing during my short commutes - not too far in but so far so utterly brilliant.

If i get "MGS4'ed" with this , Kojima loses a testicle.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
mehdi_san said:
Free or paid DLC?

DLC is free, do I need a ps3 to download it??


dgenx said:
DLC is free, do I need a ps3 to download it??

No, it's in the Extra menu, it works exactly like the MGS4 DLC works. You sign in to PSN, and the game menu connects to some Konami server of its own and you can view new downloads and stuff.


duckroll said:
No, it's in the Extra menu, it works exactly like the MGS4 DLC works. You sign in to PSN, and the game menu connects to some Konami server of its own and you can view new downloads and stuff.

Man...that completely seals it. I'm completely hyped for this game. As of right now, this is THE game I want to play. I'm dying waiting, but it comes at a great time in the lull of the summer. :)


dallow_bg said:
As for the audio, does it have surround or Dolby Pro-Logic II options for hooking up to my audio system?

Dude it's a PSP game. No. It's designed to be a portable experience to be played with headphones on the train.


nods at old men
duckroll said:
Dude it's a PSP game. No. It's designed to be a portable experience to be played with headphones on the train.
But other portable games have had this option in the past for home play.

Like Monster Hunter.

That's a shame, I only play at home. I'm sure it still sounds good in stereo.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
argh, so mad from yesterday's Peace Walker action:lol

Went up against Peace Walker, second fight.... I had tried fighting it during lunch yesterday but ran out of time and had to shut off the game to go back to work, so I tried again when I got home.

My setup
Battle Dress Suit
3 Rocket Launchers (no lock-on)
Strike MK

I had PW down to ONE life bar, but then I ran out of rockets, grenades, and strikes lol. I planted C4 whenever he did his motor charge and had good success with that, but then I tried to get greedy and plant 2 C4 charges before his motor charge and he wiped me out. Damn good boss battle but jesus it's taking a long time.

Also did the first Monster Hunter quest solo too... very fun although it felt a bit too easy. I'm going to guess the next monsters will be a lot more difficult.:D


Oichi said:
argh, so mad from yesterday's Peace Walker action:lol

[Spoiler about early game item and boss strategy]
I think if you don't use supply mic, you're pretty much screwed. There is no way not to run out of ammo. I think using it once or twice won't hurt your ranking. And you should just focus all rockets on the AI pod, right?
to all who finished, are you still going back into single player? are there really over a hundred hours of content there?

god i cant wait til june 8...


finished up the main story (not complete story though)

been doing everything. About 25-30 hours in now.

gameplay-wise it's amazing and I agree with everything duckroll says and would say MGS3=MGS5 > * though MGS3/MGS5 have their pros/cons gameplay-wise over each other.

story though...totally blew imo. I actually think it's worse than Portable Ops and feels like a straight to dvd side story sequel written by someone other than kojima who played MGS3 once and wanted to do a direct sequel. The presentation is EXCELLENT though like the main MGS1-4 so it's exciting and entertaining and the dialogue is good and the characters are fine. It's just a total mehhhh plot imo. Kind of wish this hadn't been hinted as "mgs5" in that respect because like I said it feels more like portable ops short (dumb) side story. So for story I'd say MGS3 >>>>>>> MGS1 > MGS2 > Portable Ops > MGS4 > MGS5.

also I like the way they did the codecs and there are lots of them (I probably spent 6-9 hours listening to them) but the support group on the other end of your codec are pretty boring :| There's some funny stuff and they are not bad characters, but it's definitely the most boring support cast in an MGS. Between this and the main story I kind of wonder if Kojima/Murata are running out of fresh ideas/steam by now in terms of their writing ability.

Luckily since it's such a gameplay-heavy focused title and the gameplay is MGS at its BEST, now that I'm done with the story I can just forget the plot and enjoy the post-game incredible gameplay missions for another 20 hours or so. Don't get me wrong the game is fantastic and I'd give it a 9.5ish/10 although KH BBS is still my 2010 goty. I just think the story sucks like how MGS4's story sucked and portable ops story was weak and it's been too many damn years since we've gotten a quality great MGS story >_<


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
wow.. and I have been waiting this game in great part for the story. :(


Oichi said:
argh, so mad from yesterday's Peace Walker action:lol

Went up against Peace Walker, second fight.... I had tried fighting it during lunch yesterday but ran out of time and had to shut off the game to go back to work, so I tried again when I got home.

My setup
Battle Dress Suit
3 Rocket Launchers (no lock-on)
Strike MK

I had PW down to ONE life bar, but then I ran out of rockets, grenades, and strikes lol. I planted C4 whenever he did his motor charge and had good success with that, but then I tried to get greedy and plant 2 C4 charges before his motor charge and he wiped me out. Damn good boss battle but jesus it's taking a long time.

I hated this fight. First time I went in with 3 rocket launchers + 10 supply markers and after 30 mins of fighting I got it down to 1 bar left and...I ran out of ammo. Had to restart and then beat it the next time with a clear time of ...32 mins.

While I like the patterns and stuff, I'd say it was definitely the worst boss fight in an MGS game to me simply because of the length. When it takes 3 rpg7s to the AI pod to do 1 bar...that's just stupid. Especially when every other boss in this game is a very fair < 10 min battle.

I wonder if the bosses get more life depending on the amount of players? Because if not it seems like that boss was meant for multiplayer at the expense of everyone playing single player.


Bebpo said:
story though...totally blew imo. I actually think it's worse than Portable Ops and feels like a straight to dvd side story sequel written by someone other than kojima who played MGS3 once and wanted to do a direct sequel.


So for story I'd say MGS3 >>>>>>> MGS1 > MGS2 > Portable Ops > MGS4 > MGS5..

Worse than MGS4? Daaaaaaaaaaaamn


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Bebpo said:
I hated this fight. First time I went in with 3 rocket launchers + 10 supply markers and after 30 mins of fighting I got it down to 1 bar left and...I ran out of ammo. Had to restart and then beat it the next time with a clear time of ...32 mins.

While I like the patterns and stuff, I'd say it was definitely the worst boss fight in an MGS game to me simply because of the length. When it takes 3 rpg7s to the AI pod to do 1 bar...that's just stupid. Especially when every other boss in this game is a very fair < 10 min battle.

I wonder if the bosses get more life depending on the amount of players? Because if not it seems like that boss was meant for multiplayer at the expense of everyone playing single player.

I agree, the fight was generally annoying because of how long it took. The previous boss fights didn't last nearly as long and were actually fun because you could see yourself making progress... with this one it was annoying how you basically had to exhaust all of your resources just to barely beat the thing. But... I still haven't beaten the thing, although for what it's worth I haven't actually played that mission since then, since I've been cleaning up the Extra OPS missions first.

I actually really liked the story of Peace Walker, the writing was not spectacular but it was solid enough for me to enjoy and the animated cutscenes were great, with just enough interactivity for me not to pass them up.

The "torture" scene was also unexpected and hilarious lol


Bebpo said:
story though...totally blew imo. I actually think it's worse than Portable Ops and feels like a straight to dvd side story sequel written by someone other than kojima who played MGS3 once and wanted to do a direct sequel.

Damn dude, it's not like Kojima is even a decent writer or anything, the story must be something truly awful. Please at least say the story is fun to go through, Kojima is usually pretty good for that.


After talking to duckroll a bunch about the story I think I should rephrase that.

The story is ok by videogame standards. Save one thing that I have a HUGE issue with, it's a decent Splinter Cell/Uncharted/Generic Action Thriller plot that is entertaining to watch and provides a backdrop for the excellent gameplay. The comic cutscenes are fantastic and I have no problems with them.

As an MGS story though...myself being a huge MGS fan like cvxfreak is a huge RE fan...I can't help but be incredibly disappointed.

Here is the thing. Kojima is trolling the fanbase. When Portable Ops came out people were like OMG OMG OMG it's gonna be the story of how Big Boss goes from the end of MGS3 to being SEAN CONNERY in MG1. It's gonna epic and amazing story of how one man changed over the years and built Outer Heaven and METAL GEAR and how it all culminated in Solid Snake's mission in MG1.

...and then it was a little short story that was fine but took place over like a week and had almost no relevance to the main MGS timeline besides "hey, snake gets the idea to build a soldier's paradise and people start following him".

Then the trailers and info about Peace Walker came out. This time around it was originally called MGS5. It was a real Kojima written/directed title. The trailer has Miller and Big Boss talking about acquiring a nuke and becoming an independent nation that the world is going to come after. Kojima was teasing that unlike Portable Ops that THIS TIME it'd be that awesome major MGS storyline of how Big Boss came to be sean connery and what drove him to be the boss that solid snake fights in MG1.

...and then this time again it's a little short story that is fine but has little relevance to the main MGS timeline.

While that is a bit spoilerish. I think that will help everyone who hasn't played the game enjoy Peace Walker more because it should bring down the expectations for all the MGS fans who were hoping this time was the real story deal that Portable Ops wasn't. If you don't have those expectations and you are ok with a straightforward simple action tale then it'll be fine and the presentation of it is great.

Also my biggest issue with the plot itself is that it refers back to MGS3 non-stop. IMO MGS3's plot is perfect and should be left alone. All post-mgs3 game plotlines should simply be standalone tales about big boss. They shouldn't keep flashing back to MGS3 and basing their plot around events that happened in MGS3. I find the constant need to fall back on MGS3's plot to be extremely lazy and lame. So the heavy amount of MGS3 connections in Peace Walker bothered me a lot and that combined with very little major timeline movement and a dull support cast made it the weakest kojima-written game I've played and a total disappointment from a plot perspective.

As much as MGS4's plot sucks because of it's length of cutscenes, godawful retconning/explanations, and weak ending I think I still prefer it because at least it had a handful of really awesome events, when taken separately from the main plotline. The Rex vs. Ray was badass, most of the Raiden stuff was quite cool. There's some nice stuff in MGS4 despite it's overall shitting on the MGS fans. Plus Drebin/Otocon/Meryl/Raiden were much better codec support characters than anyone in Peace Walker.

But overall I think outside of MGS3/MGS1, the MGS stories have been generally disappointing tales. MGS2/MGS4 have some neat stuff held down by a lot of superflous crap. Portable Ops is actually a nice little story but it's super short. And Peace Walker to me is just kind of forgettable generic summer action movie. It's everything you expect out of an MGS story, but nothing more and a whole lot less.

Yet it's still one of my favorite games this year because I like everything else in it :p


Unconfirmed Member
Bebpo said:
Kojima was teasing that unlike Portable Ops that THIS TIME it'd be that awesome major MGS storyline of how Big Boss came to be sean connery and what drove him to be the boss that solid snake fights in MG1.

...and then this time again it's a little short story that is fine but has little relevance to the main MGS timeline.


I really had the same expectations..dammit. At least now I won't feel too disappointed when I actually do play it. Thanks for the insight.


Bebpo said:

Sorry to kind of derail, but the above image has a PSP Holder (the clear Peace Walker holder). I can't seem to find that in any of the advertised packs...did it actually ever come out? I'm extremely interested in one. Anyone know if it's possible to get one stand alone?


MrPliskin said:
Sorry to kind of derail, but the above image has a PSP Holder (the clear Peace Walker holder). I can't seem to find that in any of the advertised packs...did it actually ever come out? I'm extremely interested in one. Anyone know if it's possible to get one stand alone?

That's the limited edition that was sold on Konami's online store.
Details: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/01/26/peace_walker_products/
eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/PSP-Metal-Gear-Solid-Peace-Walker-Konami-Style-1974-LTD-/150438969400


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Im playing the game in moon language (japanese) and I have several questions , please halp!

- In the motherbase management what the heart means?

- When I grab a soldier and press R it says something in japanese, what it is?


dgenx said:
Im playing the game in moon language (japanese) and I have several questions , please halp!

- In the motherbase management what the heart means?

- When I grab a soldier and press R it says something in japanese, what it is?

1) heart next to soldier means you can date them on extra op 67. the big heart symbol next to mother base is your soldier's morale, which reflects the extent to which your soldiers are relieving their frustration through communal buggery. this imporves their performance on the battle field, although they will run more slowly.

2) "it'd be much more intimidating if you could use a knife to threaten the guards"


Errrr. I think you're very confused and providing inaccurate answers. :lol

The heart symbol in motherbase management is just the infirmary. It's where wounded soldiers go, or those who suddenly suffer from PTSD or whatever. The more skilled soldiers you have in medical, the faster soldiers will recover from the infirmary. Once they're recovered they can be deployed back into whatever field you want them to be in. It has nothing to do with dating!


Aww, ruining the fun... :D

For the press R part, I guess you mean when you interrogate them? He says "Talk", and then they say something on the bottom screen. It's usually junk but occasionally they give hints.


duckroll said:
Errrr. I think you're very confused and providing inaccurate answers. :lol

The heart symbol in motherbase management is just the infirmary. It's where wounded soldiers go, or those who suddenly suffer from PTSD or whatever. The more skilled soldiers you have in medical, the faster soldiers will recover from the infirmary. Once they're recovered they can be deployed back into whatever field you want them to be in. It has nothing to do with dating!

I figured kojima would have to leave the communal buggery out due to the t rating. You have to wonder what they all get up to on that rig though. It WOULD be pretty cool if they had a sims-style morale micromanagement aspect where you could get them to date etc. "so, what sort of weapon attachments are you into?" "that vic boss is a real dreamboat, eh mate?" "can i buy you some dorito's?" etc etc

alright all, due to real life shtuff I'm leaving gaf for a few weeks but I'll be back THE DAY BEFORE PEACE WALKER LAUNCHES! perfect timing, so exciting! i will be playing in my peace walker tshirts (i might have to wear them both at the same time for the first few hours of play) and struggling with the unholy mess that is xlink kai, just to hopefully meet up with some of you fine folks online. PEACE! walker (bah-dum)
Does anyone know what the Gamestop SE has in it? I know it comes with an artbook and in a cool case. Is the actual UMD is the same case as the regular version?

I'm not even sure if I'm going to open the UMD. I'm downloading it from PSN anyway, so me buying the SE is just me being the MG collector I've always been.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
duckroll said:
Errrr. I think you're very confused and providing inaccurate answers. :lol

The heart symbol in motherbase management is just the infirmary. It's where wounded soldiers go, or those who suddenly suffer from PTSD or whatever. The more skilled soldiers you have in medical, the faster soldiers will recover from the infirmary. Once they're recovered they can be deployed back into whatever field you want them to be in. It has nothing to do with dating!
:lol :lol phew! I was gettin scared at the people the boss could date a:lol

Impressions if anyone care:

- GAme its so polished its absurd
- Story so far is OK, but I will have to wait
- Feels so much metal gear than MGS4
- Love Box <3
- Am I crazy or the game ihas really good design?


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Took out the final boss a few days ago, now I'm replaying some of the boss battles so I can
build Metal Gear ZEKE! Having a hard time getting the armor and the radome though... no matter how many times I battle Cocoon and Chrystalis (sp) they don't seem to drop it


Will duckroll ban sites that say things like "Why isn't this on PS2, or PS3?" in their coverage of the North American and European launch?

I'm kind of expecting Kotaku and IGN to do that. They seem like the type.


cleared the post-game ending. Have about 36 hours on my save now. Still a ton of optional missions left. Will keep playing for a while although the red skull 5 star missions are not really fun 1p, so will skip those.

The post-game stuff is nice if you don't do it too often. Just doing a few missions here and there is fun because you are like "good gameplay, I missed you!" each time you play it. If you try to do too much at once though it starts to feel like a grind.
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