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Infinity Ward confirms: CoD Ghost is 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4




The RAM issue was something that couldn't be fixed. They knew they needed 8 gigs and went with ddr3 and then added the move engines and ESRAM. The RAM solution isn't as good as Sonys, but it most likely was one of the first things set in stone and with how things went, was unavoidable. But they could have added a better GPU. And that would have helped developers hit a better resolution without having to heavily optimize the system.

I think they went with ESRAM because a better GPU would rise the cost of the console even more. I could be wrong though.
The RAM issue was something that couldn't be fixed. They knew they needed 8 gigs and went with ddr3 and then added the move engines and ESRAM. The RAM solution isn't as good as Sonys, but it most likely was one of the first things set in stone and with how things went, was unavoidable. But they could have added a better GPU. And that would have helped developers hit a better resolution without having to heavily optimize the system.
The esram prevents them from getting a better GPU. They already have a large chip thanks to the on die esram taking up a ton of space. The ddr3 + esram approach limited their GPU choice because the CPU, GPU, esram are all on the same single chip.
I'm starting to think that people are ignorant enough to think that resolution is all that is different between games.

Things like MSAA, TXAA, or FXAA are just 3 differences in one game that can alter performance.

You could have a Wii U game running 60fps @ 720p but it may be completely missing

Enhanced Geometry
Dynamic Shadows
PCSS (soft shadows)
Depth of Field
Lens Flares
Motion Blur
Real Time Reflections
Light Shafts
Ambient Occlusion
Actual Physics....etc.

Resolution only dictates so much.
Make a thread on this while resolution threads are hot.


So did Microsoft negotiated a deal for 720p exclusivity as well? They are really all-in making deals with publishers.

By the way, I'm sure everyone that called FamousMortimer a liar and doubted his rumor has already presented their apology, right?

Just one more thing, how are Mr. Penello and Mr. Hryb feeling now that the truth has come out and set us free from all the lies from NeoGAF/Sony propaganda?
Also, this is one game. One Cross-gen game by one developer on an engine that could use some work. DICE has BF4 running at 900p on Xbox One, and the game itself looks FAR better than CoD has.

This comparison will get much more interesting as we leave last gen behind, but I don't think we can come out and just straight up rip Penello yet when this could have more to do with the developer than we know.

Dice has bf4 only running at 720p on xbone as well, not 900p
So this wasn't totally clear for me in the BF4 thread...are all the XB1 games (or at least the multiplats) going to have that mega contrast and blown out colors?

It didn't look as horrible in BF4 since the palette is a big more muted to start with but it looks god awful in Ghosts...I mean really bad. Unless that oversaturated image was made by someone here to make fun of it. In that case, well done.
Pretty sure the issue was on DF's end and yes all the comparisons here are made up for humor purposes.


So all that time DF, Penello and Microsoft PR were full of shit. Who knew? Negligible differences we were told. Let the games do the talking they said! Won't be any noticeable differences and all the rest. All about balance and all that other crap. Turns out that in the end, common sense, maths, GAF and our insiders > the aforementioned.

Even I'm eating crow to be honest. Didn't quite expect a 720p vs 1080p difference so early on. We're talking 125% more pixels. It was plausible given the 7770 vs 7850 comparisons, just not completely likely. Oh well.

Lol, would laugh if that is the case again.


I was always of the opinion if the native resolution is either scaled by the console or scaled by the TV, if I select 720p native on Console display, no TV upscaling = No display lag etc, however if I select 1080p display and the game is outputting 720p, the TV upscales it and introduces input lag.

X1 has a dedicated chip so that the tv doesn't do the scaling, the console does, basically Native game 720>Upscaled at console to 1080p pre processed>Received at tv at 1080p = No display lag

Unless There is a PS4 Hardware scaler it will be (however unlikely a 720p title on PS4) 720p Game > TV Upscaled to 1080 = Display lag

Appreciate your insight, trying to get onto the same page here, my understanding differs from yours.

There is no different understanding between us. PS4 does have hardware scaler every console since PS1 era have their own hardware scalers build in.

There is no lag difference between PS4 or Xbone version.

so is it now confirmed that this mystical X1 'upscaler' is the true special sauce?

Sounds downright phenomenal based on some posts from IGN, reddit, etc. ;)

It is misterX media insider bullshit same as dGPU, 12 GB ram, Shape having 2,5 Tflop power Xbone having 12CU+2dormant CU + enchanced CUs.

Rumor basically started from MS saying Xbone will upscale games to 1080 so all games are 1080p thus this upscaler is some magical device. In reality MS just said their sub 1080p content will play on Xbox without black borders because they have upscaler build in like X360 had Xbox1 and almost any other console out there in existence.


benevolent sexism
I was always of the opinion if the native resolution is either scaled by the console or scaled by the TV, if I select 720p native on Console display, no TV upscaling = No display lag etc, however if I select 1080p display and the game is outputting 720p, the TV upscales it and introduces input lag.

I don't know if I'm reading this right, but if you select 720p in the console settings (and deselect 1080p, I'm assuming), aren't you forcing the TV to do the upscaling? I think you might have everything backwards. Am I crazy?


Hopefully the other rumors are right and this is just launch hiccups until devs figure out what the fuck is going on inside the XB1

And at the same time devs will get better with the PS4 and... ah... you know what... why not. Sure, man. Run with it. Run with it for the entirety of the forthcoming gen.

Yeah I knew this would happen during the BF4 comparison thread...Custom Upscaler has become the next buzzword for the Xbone

I swear this console had the most number of buzzwords associated with it in the shortest time period than any other console ever.

We just need a NEW buzzword, that's all. Plenty of time to turn things around before launch.
Yikes, that comment is really specific about the time frame he expects an apology.

So I guess he sort of does owe NeoGAFers an apology for that one. I guess the lesson is: don't wade into the fire unless you can be sure of what you're saying (or what you're allowed to say, anyway).
There is no way he's going to apologise
The minute he did there would be headlines saying 'microsoft representative concedes that xbox one is significantly less powerful than ps4'
He's going to keep lying and keep spinning

Wow just wow that is terrible

I think that's misterxmedia based

Has anyone checked on him by the way?
Live footage from misterxmedia' Kinect camera :

My question, and what I believe the real issue to be, is this: what happens if (when) devs need to drop the resolution to add more and more effects on the PS4 version of games? So when the PS4 version of a game is 720p, what happens to the Xbox One version?
You kind of answered your own question ,they just won't be able to add those effects, and might add black bars so they can have sub 720p (like bf3 on consoles) and they will for sure drop the framerate again.
I bet my hat that within 4 years both consoles will be back at 24 fps games

what's sad, is that there are mobile phones that output games at 1080p.

XBONE is lagging behind ARM-based Smartphones ROFL.
no , it really isn't
smartphones are in a whole other realm of weaksauce, they make the memory bandwidth of xbox one's ddr3 look like scifi technology.
lpddr3 is shit and they are still at least 2 years away from catching up to xbox 360 on gpu power.
Well to be fair, early PS3 ports were sub par and the multiplayer experience left much to be desired.

The point still stands.
90% of the multiplatform games this generation had the edge on 360. Better AA, better framerate...
Outside of a few games designed specifically with the ps3 in mind throughout the generation (vanquish, burnout paradise, dead space 2, final fantasy xiii, etc...), you always had technically worse experiences on ps3. Only in 2012/2013 did we start seeing a few big games being better on ps3 (like tomb raider, bioshock infinite, gta5).

To be fair, I think most people would recommend the 360 for it's social and online gaming features, rather than the fact that some games looked or ran better on it.

Digital Foundry, for example, didn't gain recognition for recommending social and online features.


Yikes, that comment is really specific about the time frame he expects an apology.

So I guess he sort of does owe NeoGAFers an apology for that one. I guess the lesson is: don't wade into the fire unless you can be sure of what you're saying (or what you're allowed to say, anyway).

Yep, it is very specific.

Well to be fair in BF the difference in fps was about single digit in favor of PS4... or course it ran at 900p vs 720p on the Xbone. Time to apologize?

1. What piece of information would you want that I could provide that would convince you there is not a huge delta in performance?
2. If it comes out after we launch that the difference between 3rd party games is maybe single-digit FPS between the two platforms, will I get an apology or concession?

I think both point 1 and 2 do not allow for a fudged result of slower frame/sec, less resolution, less effects and less anti aliasing.

Well we have a to wait a bit, this is technically not after launch.

I am willing to wait. I do not think COD will change in a few weeks, especially since its resolution was officially announced. I do not expect BF4 to change resolution either, but I am willing to wait.

As it is now:

PS4 = 2
Xbone = 0
AlbertP = pfft!
This only matters to graphics whores and those that only care about comparing their dick sizes. Lol

It will still be the same game full of shit talking 10 year olds.


ok so i took 2 shots of counter strike: global offensive. one at 720p and one at 1080p highest settings bar MSAA which is off and I have instead used FXAA.



I viewed both images on my 32" HDTV from my usual viewing distance of about 2m there is a noticeable difference. not huge, One is just blatantly more blurry than the other.
I was always of the opinion if the native resolution is either scaled by the console or scaled by the TV, if I select 720p native on Console display, no TV upscaling = No display lag etc, however if I select 1080p display and the game is outputting 720p, the TV upscales it and introduces input lag.

X1 has a dedicated chip so that the tv doesn't do the scaling, the console does, basically Native game 720>Upscaled at console to 1080p pre processed>Received at tv at 1080p = No display lag

Unless There is a PS4 Hardware scaler it will be (however unlikely a 720p title on PS4) 720p Game > TV Upscaled to 1080 = Display lag

Appreciate your insight, trying to get onto the same page here, my understanding differs from yours.

Keep digging, soon you'll find your nugget of gold. Meanwhile, bring up the MP3 thing before Larry confirms that it also wont work on the xbone.
Read this one on the Xbox One IGN forums. LMAO
Is there really a supaduda upscaler in XB1? I mean, MS has admitted that ANA and HANA were not upscalers on 360, upscale was actually handled by Xenos. If XB1's upscaler resides in its GPU once again, chances are PS4 has the same one embedded.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
There is no different understanding between us. PS4 does have hardware scaler every console since PS1 era have their own hardware scalers build in.
Err, PSX and PS2 definitely do not feature hardware scaling in the way that you seem to think. What on earth makes you think that they did?

Unless There is a PS4 Hardware scaler it will be (however unlikely a 720p title on PS4) 720p Game > TV Upscaled to 1080 = Display lag
Scaling can easily be handled by the ATI...err, AMD GPU. The fact that PS3 worked the way it did has no bearing on PS4.


The denial in this thread and on other sites is unbelievable. There are either a legion of grossly uninformed people or blind loyalists out there.

If you don't care that the system is weaker and you prefer X1, no problem. I completely understand. But to try to spin stuff and actually come out of your mouth with things like "720p upscaled is better than native 1080p" is just mind-boggling.


Well one good thing with this is this proves the power of the Cloud. Imagine, without the power of the Cloud, COD Xbone would've been running at the resolution of 180P. It would've been worse than games on the PSX. Thank God for the power of the Cloud from saving the Xbone from being piece of shit hardware.
I was always of the opinion if the native resolution is either scaled by the console or scaled by the TV, if I select 720p native on Console display, no TV upscaling = No display lag etc, however if I select 1080p display and the game is outputting 720p, the TV upscales it and introduces input lag.

X1 has a dedicated chip so that the tv doesn't do the scaling, the console does, basically Native game 720>Upscaled at console to 1080p pre processed>Received at tv at 1080p = No display lag

Unless There is a PS4 Hardware scaler it will be (however unlikely a 720p title on PS4) 720p Game > TV Upscaled to 1080 = Display lag

Appreciate your insight, trying to get onto the same page here, my understanding differs from yours.

PS4's Hardware Scaler exposed


Dreams in Digital
Is there a setting on Gaf that automatically turns my PC on when false tweets start getting posted and Bish starts culling users? I just feel like taking a nap.
There is no way he's going to apologise
The minute he did there would be headlines saying 'microsoft representative concedes that xbox one is significantly less powerful than ps4'
He's going to keep lying and keep spinning

Live footage from misterxmedia' Kinect camera :

You kind of answered your own question ,they just won't be able to add those effects, and might add black bars so they can have sub 720p (like bf3 on consoles) and they will for sure drop the framerate again.
I bet my hat that within 4 years both consoles will be back at 24 fps games

no , it really isn't
smartphones are in a whole other realm of weaksauce, they make the memory bandwidth of xbox one's ddr3 look like scifi technology.
lpddr3 is shit and they are still at least 2 years away from catching up to xbox 360 on gpu power.

Ha. Someone should loop that gif so the pills never stop like the ketchup secret sauce gif.
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