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Iowa 2008 Caucus Thread

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Souldriver said:
Since when did Romney become such a big candidate? And Guilliani is no were to be seen. Is this just the situation in Iowa, or has Romney risen like Huckabee has the past weeks nationwide? (Or was he always that big and I've never noticed it).

Guiliani took a pass on Iowa, as Hillary was going to until she decided she can get a knock out punch there and exported her Wisconsin machine to Iowa.


eznark said:
I don't see Romney not winning NH. And i McCain win the GOP nomination there will be a democrat in the white house no matter who wins.

Last polls had McCain only 3 or 4 points behind Romney. With Romney not winning in IA and McCain pulling out a surprise 3rd place finish, I think McCain wins it.

BTW, you don't think McCain would beat Hillary?


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eznark said:
Guiliani took a pass on Iowa, as Hillary was going to until she decided she can get a knock out punch there and exported her Wisconsin machine to Iowa.

Why did Guiles think that was a good idea?


HawkeyeIC said:
Last polls had McCain only 3 or 4 points behind Romney. With Romney not winning in IA and McCain pulling out a surprise 3rd place finish, I think McCain wins it.

Wouldn't be shocking, but McCain has had his chance and never done much. When the chips fall I think republicans'll realize there was a reason they never voted for him in the past.


mckmas8808 said:
Why did Guiles think that was a good idea?

better a no-show than a poor showing I suppose? And with New Hampshire only 5 days after Iowa (and a weekend in between) probably figured a win in Iowa wouldn't resonate as much in such a packed field, but a loss would be crippling in donor dollars?


Jeff-DSA said:
If Huckabee and Clinton both end up with the nominations I'm going to freak out. That's a total lose-lose for me.

I hope to hell that happens .. it would ensure a Bloomberg run.


ElectricBlue187 said:
how deliciously fascist
I prefer Platonic.

C'mon, you have to admit it. Most people are barely qualified to dress themselves in the morning, and yet they are somehow qualified to know who is the best person to lead the country?


-jinx- said:
I prefer Platonic.

C'mon, you have to admit it. Most people are barely qualified to dress themselves in the morning, and yet they are somehow qualified to know who is the best person to lead the country?

I wonder would you agree if you failed the "test" to decide? I'd imagine the select few kingmakers wouldn't spend their afternoons posting on internet message boards dedicated to video games?


eznark said:
I wonder would you agree if you failed the "test" to decide? I'd imagine the select few kingmakers wouldn't spend their afternoons posting on internet message boards dedicated to video games?
First of all, I'm being sarcastic about the solution, but dead serious about the problem. Stupid people breed and vote for politicians based on things that are irrelevant or factually incorrect.

Second of all, I obviously have brain cycles to spare, so kneel and kiss my ring. If you're nice enough, I'll make sure you have a non-janitorial job in the New World Order.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
-jinx- said:
I prefer Platonic.

C'mon, you have to admit it. Most people are barely qualified to dress themselves in the morning, and yet they are somehow qualified to know who is the best person to lead the country?

So how 'hard' would this test be?


AdmiralViscen said:
I'd just love to see who got to design and grade the tests.
Oh, that's easy: "Have you ever watched To Catch A Predator or anything on MTV in the last 12 months? If you answered yes, you CANNOT vote in this election."
-jinx- said:
Oh, that's easy: "Have you ever watched To Catch A Predator or anything on MTV in the last 12 months? If you answered yes, you CANNOT vote in this election."

well it's a good thing I don't have cable. the people don't pick who the next president is anyway...it's smoke and mirrors, expensive mirrors and interesting smoke, but just the same.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i'm watching CNN International's caucus how-to using chess pieces. seriously, the rest of the developed (or undeveloped even) world must think we're idiots.


-jinx- said:
First of all, I'm being sarcastic about the solution, but dead serious about the problem. Stupid people breed and vote for politicians based on things that are irrelevant or factually incorrect.

Second of all, I obviously have brain cycles to spare, so kneel and kiss my ring. If you're nice enough, I'll make sure you have a non-janitorial job in the New World Order.

"stupid" people may vote on things that are irrelevant to you, but what makes your wants and desires more "intelligent" than theirs?

The best solution is all domestic issues be dealt with locally, leaving only the issue of foreign affairs to a federal Government. Narrowing the issue to one that really does bind this nation evens the playing field by not putting a premium on broad knowledge.

The problem isn't with how we elect federal officials, it's what we ask them to do.


eznark said:
The problem isn't with how we elect federal officials, it's what we ask them to do.


Although there's a few things wrong with how they're elected, just not a lack of what jinx is advocating.


yankeeforever2 said:
If Giulian gets the bid for the republicans after doing nothing in Iowa maybe they will finally figure out this is a pointless vote.

well, Guiliani is a "tough on crime, I fixed New York" guy. That shit won't resonate in Iowa, where there is no major metropolis that needs fixing. Plus this year, Iowa really is meaningless to the GOP.


If you take local responsiblilties away from the Federal government (as originally intended), this system works perfectly. It's the exponential expansion of Government that has thrown the situation into flux. Taxes, abortion, health care...those are not issues a president should decide yet we spend the entire election cycle debating them.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
eznark said:
If you take local responsiblilties away from the Federal government (as originally intended), this system works perfectly. It's the exponential expansion of Government that has thrown the situation into flux. Taxes, abortion, health care...those are not issues a president should decide yet we spend the entire election cycle debating them.

And education too right?


eznark said:
That is why polling is so worthless in the caucus style votes.

Why do you say that? If the candidates feel they are not viable and believe the so-called lesser evil is an acceptable alternative, then why can't they say so?


Mandark said:
Libertarians are all for the localization of government, until it runs up against their other beliefs.

Cute. Now tell me why a city that is explicitly federal territory and explicitly under the control of the legislative branch of the federal government not beholden to the federal Constitution, which is abundantly clear on this issue?

Furthermore, do you think we support local restrictions on freedom of speech? Right to a fair trial? Or are we talking about local control on areas where the Constitution is not explicitly clear?


Small balls, big fun!
I point out that localization of government is obviously a secondary priority to libertarians, and libertarians argue back that... localization of government is a secondary priority to them.



Funny, I thought I was pointing out how a link to an issue regarding guns in Washington D.C. has nothing to do with the topic at hand (which is itself a subtopic), and also how the issue you were talking about has little relevance to issues like abortion and healthcare.

But I guess pointing out to you that your argument has no basis in reality or the topic at hand must secretly mean I'm angrily agreeing with you. I must have left my secret decoder ring in my other pants because I'm not really getting that one.


ANYHOO, anyone got any kind of word on how this bitch is going down so far, or know when we'll know something?


Small balls, big fun!
I'm saying that libertarians argue for the devolution of government responsibility from national to local levels, but that's mostly because they think that will reduce government authority overall.

When local governments step in with smoking bans, zoning laws, extra labor and business regulations, etc, libbies don't support it in the name of self-government. And I don't expect them to, or say they should.

For libertarians, the value of state and municipal administration over federal administration is that it's a means towards a miniarchist end. That's all I'm saying.

That, and don't make me bring up the last time we discussed DC, and you had your insane idea about how it was never meant to have any residential districts.


Mandark said:
I point out that localization of government is obviously a secondary priority to libertarians, and libertarians argue back that... localization of government is a secondary priority to them.


I think you're confused. No where has anyone said localization of government is a libertarian priority.

I said it would fix the problem being discussed in this thread (ie how federal officials are elected) never said it was the #1 priority of Libertatians.

There won't any news of substance til early evening most likely.


JayDubya said:
ANYHOO, anyone got any kind of word on how this bitch is going down so far, or know when we'll know something?


Thomper said:
Seems that we, the rest of the world, are so interested in the American elections that a University here in the Netherlands, the 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', has created both an English and a Dutch version of the Electoral Compass for your elections. Basically, you answer some questions, and it shows you which candidates match up most with your opinion. I was closest to Obama and Edwards.


cool little app! illustrates the problem with the two party system quite well IMHO.


As you can see none of the candidates really match up to my pro drug anti tax views :(


Thomper said:
Seems that we, the rest of the world, are so interested in the American elections that a University here in the Netherlands, the 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', has created both an English and a Dutch version of the Electoral Compass for your elections. Basically, you answer some questions, and it shows you which candidates match up most with your opinion. I was closest to Obama and Edwards.


I don't get the way they organize these folks, really. The political compass seems to do it better.



thekad said:
:lol at that website. Ron Paul disagrees with everybody on everything.

Who is that in your avatar, Jay?
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