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Is this a ghost?

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I'd like to see some hot hot scientific evidence for ghosts, before the mods suppress it of course...

I cant tell who's trolling or not but holy shit am I embarrassed to be a human right now.


Yes, this is correct. There was no editing other user's posts, only his own. Don't really want to go back over the whole thing, just bringing this up because I don't want people to think we can just go back and ghost-edit everyone's posts.

Well.. and admin can if they change a few settings ;)

The glorious admins of NeoGAF are beautiful creatures capable of great feats.
I'd think you'd hear about haunted hospitals a lot more often since people eye there on a daily basis. Or is there an onsite exorcist? That would make more sense seeing as how Hospitals are only haunted once they are vacated. Ghost Proofing bills must function like electricity bills QED it needs to be paid to keep bring effective.
I'd think you'd hear about haunted hospitals a lot more often since people eye there on a daily basis. Or is there an onsite exorcist? That would make more sense seeing as how Hospitals are only haunted once they are vacated. Ghost Proofing bills must function like electricity bills QED it needs to be paid to keep bring effective.
Too much electromagnetic energy in operating hospitals to detect ghosts; that's why they always appear in abandoned ones.
Too much electromagnetic energy in operating hospitals to detect ghosts; that's why they always appear in abandoned ones.

But with the various monitor around, I'd think something would still be capable of getting through and communicating.

I think there is something in hospitals keeping ghost from doing so.


I think a person like you, who likes to manipulate information in the shadows from a position of authority, is largely a part of the reason that a specific sect of the scientific community discredits the studies of paranormal as unworthy of even being considered fringe science.

bwahahaha. Yes all us scientists get together to coordinate a conspiracy to suppress the "truth". Because ghosts being real wouldn't be fucking awesome.


Gold Member
Wow, there are actually several people in here who are seriously arguing for the existence of ghosts based on absolutely nothing. Or are there? I kinda can't tell if you guys are serious or if you're just trolling. It must be the latter, because the former is just so absurd.


Gold Member
I think a person like you, who likes to manipulate information in the shadows from a position of authority, is largely a part of the reason that a specific sect of the scientific community discredits the studies of paranormal as unworthy of even being considered fringe science.


Is this real life?

For real though: There is ZERO evidence of anything paranormal existing. Nothing, zip, nada. Why do you think the James Randi Challenge has gone unbeaten? Do people simply not want one million dollars? Or could it be that it's all fucking bullshit?


Jesus was a Welshman.

bwahahaha. Yes all us scientists get together to coordinate a conspiracy to suppress the "truth". Because ghosts being real wouldn't be fucking awesome.
Why is that hard to believe? A lot of money in maintaining the status quo across the board.
Wow, there are actually several people in here who are seriously arguing for the existence of ghosts based on absolutely nothing. Or are there? I kinda can't tell if you guys are serious or if you're just trolling. It must be the latter, because the former is just so absurd.
I wonder if people dismissed Peter Higgs like this.


Not for sure how many posts in this thread are "serious" and how many are "Oh, you GAFfers"

For sake of argument, maybe they are real, maybe they are not
okay, i'm biased, they are not

But to throw my 2 cents in, due to my job I have seen a lot of people die, and work with a lot of people who have seen a lot of people die, and not once have any of us seen any type of "spirit" leave the body like that this person "just happened" to catch by chance..........


LOL at all the ghost skeptics in this thread, I bet you were the same people saying Noah's Ark wasn't real until science proved it was and you had to change your tone.

When science proves ghosts are real, what will you say then?


If ghosts actually existed , figure how many would appear when the world has been around for millions of years.. Why can't we see ghosts of animals?


Gold Member

If ghosts actually existed , figure how many would appear when the world has been around for millions of years.. Why can't we see ghosts of animals?

Animals have no souls, duh. Except for the animal called "human", of course.

If ghosts actually existed , figure how many would appear when the world has been around for millions of years.. Why can't we see ghosts of animals?
Ghosts are a form of heat energy (like dark matter), and while animals come in all shapes and sizes, they lack the psychic will to bind themselves into recognizable form and instead just dissapate into the cosmos at death. The current theory is that these are the smudges you usually see on film etc that are unexplained but not recognizably 'human' in appearance.

edit: this may seem blunt but this is also theorized as to why you rarely see infant ghosts or ghosts of unintelligent people.


Gold Member
Ghosts are a form of heat energy (like dark matter), and while animals come in all shapes and sizes, they lack the psychic will to bind themselves into recognizable form and instead just dissapate into the cosmos. The current theory is that These are the smudges you usually see on film etc that are unexplained but not recognizably 'human' in appearance.

Haha, oh man, this is great. Well, now I know you're trolling. There's no other explanation.
But to throw my 2 cents in, due to my job I have seen a lot of people die, and work with a lot of people who have seen a lot of people die, and not once have any of us seen any type of "spirit" leave the body like that this person "just happened" to catch by chance..........

But you said so yourself, you're biased. It could've happened and you and your coworkers just didn't notice it. You weren't looking for it.
Ghosts are a form of heat energy (like dark matter), and while animals come in all shapes and sizes, they lack the psychic will to bind themselves into recognizable form and instead just dissapate into the cosmos at death. The current theory is that these are the smudges you usually see on film etc that are unexplained but not recognizably 'human' in appearance.

edit: this may seem blunt but this is also theorized as to why you rarely see infant ghosts or ghosts of unintelligent people.

So do you have proof for this theory?
So do you have proof for this theory?
Me personally? No, I'm not a research scientist. But I trust the expertise of those in the field. Much like I trust a biologist to identify an organism, an herbalist to clear a sore throat, a theologian to explain purpose, or a physicist to explain the Big Bang. Not much of a difference, save the level of mainstream acceptance.
Me personally? No, I'm not a research scientist. But I trust the expertise of those in the field. Much like I trust a biologist to identify an organism, an herbalist to clear a sore throat, a theologian to explain purpose, or a physicist to explain the Big Bang. Not much of a difference, save the level of mainstream acceptance.

Who are some of these credited paranormal scientists?



If ghosts actually existed , figure how many would appear when the world has been around for millions of years.. Why can't we see ghosts of animals?

iirc ghosts slowly dissipate over time, thats why the world isn't overrun by them

EDIT: Just checked and yeah this is correct


people dismissing ghost research because of a bunch of dumpy TV stars is just as goofy as dismissing science because of steve urkle. If you want to seriously, with an unbiased mind examine the reality of ghost and paranormal activity, you need to seek out legitimate ghost research done in a professional environment.
Just FYI guys saying "why we got no animal ghosts" there are plenty of ghost stories involving animals. There are even somehow ghost stories involving inanimate objects like trains and ships. I can sort of understand the ideas behind living creatures leaving imprints but the vehicle thing has always gone a little too far for me. The only good explanation I've heard is actually in this thread where someone suggested ghosts appear due to weak points in our reality that let other realities shine through, if that had any merit at all I could see it explaining a "ghost house" or ship or something.

This sounds like false equivalence to me. Just because we don't know certain things it doesn't mean other things are automatically possible or plausible.

Sorry I wasn't meaning to say "EM Drive is possible so ghost are possible", I was just saying to say with definitive conviction that we know everything, therefore something that goes against what we know is obviously false, is a bad idea. There are many many examples throughout history where humans knew 100% what was going on in the universe only to have their shit turned ass over teacup. I didn't mean to insinuate the EM Drive proved ghosts could be real, just saying it's stupid to assume we know everything about physics and biology and chemistry. We don't and we're still finding things to this day that challenge or change what we "know" to be absolute fact. That's why I brought up the EM Drive, just because by what we know it is impossible, yet somehow it seems to work.

I personally really like fringe science. I think it's super interesting and cool and fun to think about. There's a lot of stuff we have today that was fringe science mere decades ago. I'd like to think anyone who sees themselves as a scientist knows to keep an open mind and constantly be looking for things to challenge and explore.

I get that everyone is "lol ghosts" so the research isn't taken seriously but sometimes I wonder what we would find if they one day said "Ok you know what we're tired of this, here's a ton of money, go do real research and try to figure out what it is" what would we find? Weak points in our reality, lending credence to the multiverse theory? Certain areas on earth have a stronger electromagnetic field or pull, causing people to feel as if they're being watched or that there's a presence in the area? Some kind of fume or gas that causes certain people to have hallucinations, or could trigger shared hallucinations, similar to how sleep paralysis can play with your mind yet the effects are similar across thousands of different cases? People attempting to time travel but fucking it up so they become trapped in time, doomed to repeat events over and over again but displaced in time so that they only appear as a faint shadow to us? I'm not a scientists so I don't know but I'm also not naive enough to believe we have everything about our world figured out already, especially when history has shown again and again that that is not the case. Maybe it's nothing and maybe it's something but the attitude towards the research isn't really constructive or conducive to finding real answers. There are scientists right now trying to make teleportation a real thing and figure out how to open fucking worm holes y'know?
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