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is this real ? Benoit found Dead

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Useff said:

too soon...

but wow, i havent watched wrestling in about 2 years now, and all of a sudden i'm hearing about all these deaths...its tragic


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Heard about this briefly last nite before going to bed... woke up to find out people were claiming a murder-suicide. Wish we got some stuff cleared up, this whole situation is pretty damn messed up... condolences to Benoit's family and friends.
WOW, from PWInsider:

In light of the Benoit family tragedy, WWE's Shopzone merchandise website has pulled all merchandise related to Chris Benoit. Searches for Benoit's name in the website's search engine are returned "discontinued."

Benoit's name has been removed to the degree that the listing for the DVD of Wrestlemania XX now reads, "Triple H defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Michaels."

Benoit is basically being removed from WWE lineage ...


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Hollywood_mIRC said:
WOW, from PWInsider:

In light of the Benoit family tragedy, WWE's Shopzone merchandise website has pulled all merchandise related to Chris Benoit. Searches for Benoit's name in the website's search engine are returned "discontinued."

Benoit's name has been removed to the degree that the listing for the DVD of Wrestlemania XX now reads, "Triple H defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Michaels."

Benoit is basically being removed from WWE lineage ...

They are in an awkward spot... no doubt.

Speevy said:
Why can't people who have absolutely nothing to gain by killing others just kill themselves and be done with it?

Last month my pastor before he gave a sermon started talking about suicide. He opened by saying, you know what... if you're feeling like taking your life I'm probably not the person to call, because I can't GIVE you reasons to stay around... but you know we keep reading the news about people committing suicide but first killing other family members, etc... what is that all about? If you feel like you're ready to go, go ahead, I won't stop you... but leave other people alone.

I was so with him on that. Rev keeps it real.


I'm not blaming WWE for what happened here. Ultimately every man is responsible for his own actions. But I think it's fair to question what they could've done in other areas.

For example, steroids were allegedly found inside Benoit's home. If drug testing is in place, how is it that Benoit was in line to win the ECW title on Sunday? And if he wasn't using roids, what was he keeping that shit for? Momento's from a previous era?

Also the schedule is ****ing whacked. The last fifteen years has seen virtually all professional sports leagues and associations take things like head injuries and time recovery far more seriously then they did before, due to side effects from concussions and other injuries that weren't known about before. Sure, the wrestlers aren't as busy now as they were in the 70's and 80's when they were doing 350 ****ing shows a year (many of those days included double date in neighbouring cities), but 200 days a year is still far too much for an industry that has no real off season to allow their performers to rest and recover.

Stuff like this has been talked about for years...even if it's not related to the events of the weekend, I still say it's worth bringing up.

Shard said:
Well, to be fair, the mainstream media is more focused on, oh say, steroid usage in Baseball then drugs uasge in pro wrestling.

Or football.

And even in baseball it just seems to be certain players.

Like I said, it's pick n' choose morality...personally I've got no time for it.


Hollywood_mIRC said:
WOW, from PWInsider:

In light of the Benoit family tragedy, WWE's Shopzone merchandise website has pulled all merchandise related to Chris Benoit. Searches for Benoit's name in the website's search engine are returned "discontinued."

Benoit's name has been removed to the degree that the listing for the DVD of Wrestlemania XX now reads, "Triple H defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Michaels."

Benoit is basically being removed from WWE lineage ...

what a difference 24 hours makes, last night they have a 3 hour tribute show to the man, now they try to sweep him under the rug
DarienA said:
They are in an awkward spot... no doubt.

Last month my pastor before he gave a sermon started talking about suicide. He opened by saying, you know what... if you're feeling like taking your life I'm probably not the person to call, because I can't GIVE you reasons to stay around... but you know we keep reading the news about people committing suicide but first killing other family members, etc... what is that all about? If you feel like you're ready to go, go ahead, I won't stop you... but leave other people alone.

I was so with him on that. Rev keeps it real.

I was saying the exact same thing on another board...and they were giving me shit about it. Glad to see I got Reverends on my side.


Hollywood_mIRC said:
WOW, from PWInsider:

In light of the Benoit family tragedy, WWE's Shopzone merchandise website has pulled all merchandise related to Chris Benoit. Searches for Benoit's name in the website's search engine are returned "discontinued."

Benoit's name has been removed to the degree that the listing for the DVD of Wrestlemania XX now reads, "Triple H defends his World Heavyweight Championship against Shawn Michaels."

Benoit is basically being removed from WWE lineage ...

When you consider that they have more info on the matter than the general public, this speaks volumes. i think Vince should really stopp with this though, you don't see the NFL removing all of the OJ highlights and erasing him from their record books because of what happened with him. (then again OJ wasn't found guilty)
The Calgary Sun covered the Benoit family tragedy today, featuring quotes from Bret, Ross, and Diana Hart. Bret, just a short time after hearing of the passings, said, "I don't know the details, and I'm not sure I even want to know. He was like a family member to me, and everyone in my family is taking it real hard. It's almost like reliving the whole Owen (Hart) death over again." Given the context of the quote, my belief is Hart was interviewed before the scenario investigators believe happen - that Benoit killed his family and then himself - came to light. - PWInsider


God .. Bret Hart has to be the most cursed person in wrestling history. Screwjob, career ending injury, motorcycle accident and seizures, and various family members all around him have died.


DarienA said:
Last month my pastor before he gave a sermon started talking about suicide. He opened by saying, you know what... if you're feeling like taking your life I'm probably not the person to call, because I can't GIVE you reasons to stay around... but you know we keep reading the news about people committing suicide but first killing other family members, etc... what is that all about? If you feel like you're ready to go, go ahead, I won't stop you... but leave other people alone.

I was so with him on that. Rev keeps it real.

Not to mention Benoit would be lauded as a troubled hero.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
f3niks said:
When you consider that they have more info on the matter than the general public, this speaks volumes. i think Vince should really stopp with this though, you don't see the NFL removing all of the OJ highlights and erasing him from their record books because of what happened with him. (then again OJ wasn't found guilty)

Yeah we need to find a better comparison to see how other leagues have handled something like this.... does anyone have a comparison?
Once again...

This was all perfectly obvious this was going to happen. They proceeded with a plan to make a tribute on the person.

As circumstances change people's action change.

I fail to see the big deal.
Kabuki Waq said:
man you apologists are awful. At the end of the day he was a man who made his own choices. He could have left WWE like Brock or Jericho whenever he felt like it. If he did kill his family he only has himself to blame. Should your workplace be responsible for your actions after work?

If he did kill his family he only has himself to blame.

Im not disputing that. He can rot if thats the case.

Should your workplace be responsible for your actions after work?

Of course not. Though if something is wrong during work related to business or pleasure it gets addressed A-safp.

Will they release the SMS details?


DarienA said:
Yeah we need to find a better comparison to see how other leagues have handled something like this.... does anyone have a comparison?

wasnt there a knucklehead on the carolina panthers that killed his wife or girlfriend, then was caught by the cops in somebody's trunk, i think it was ray caruth (spelling ?)

but he wasnt exactly a star player or anything


DarienA said:
He opened by saying, you know what... if you're feeling like taking your life I'm probably not the person to call, because I can't GIVE you reasons to stay around...
Sounds like kind of a shitty minister.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
border said:
Sounds like kind of a shitty minister.

Nope sounds like a realist to me. You have take responsibility for your own actions.

Sorry if he isn't one of those pie in the sky all I do is holy pastors you might know. Rev is one of the most normal pastors I've ever known (who also happens to be a member of my fiance's and soon to be my family). I've spoken to him in public gatherings and privately and I'm always impressed by how "normal" he is... if you didn't know he was a pastor you'd have no idea in having a regular conversation with him. Great guy.

You bad mouth my pastor again and I will find you.

Speevy said:
Not to mention Benoit would be lauded as a troubled hero.

Very true.
Well Pete Rose did illegally gamble on games(not even close to Benoit) and he was stricken from the record books and banned from the league. It doesn't strike me as pecuilar that the WWE would get rid of him and his name from everything...the big difference here is Rose acted by himself and was trying to make himself rich for his own personal reasons...Benoit on the other hand may have essentially been a victim of the industry he was working for...and didn't even realize it before it was too late.


DarienA said:
Nope sounds like a realist to me.
Giving up on anyone that's suicidal is "realistic"? Considering that a large part of a pastor's role is going to be providing counseling to parishoners, it sounds pretty ridiculous.
ErasureAcer said:
Well Pete Rose did illegally gamble on games(not even close to Benoit) and he was stricken from the record books and banned from the league. It doesn't strike me as pecuilar that the WWE would get rid of him and his name from everything...the big difference here is Rose acted by himself and was trying to make himself rich for his own personal reasons...Benoit on the other hand may have essentially been a victim of the industry he was working for...and didn't even realize it before it was too late.

Rose is still in the record books. Just banned from the Hall.

I don't think the WWE can act as if he never existed. They don't have to memorialize him like Owen Hart or Guerrero, but they have to acknowledge him. Last night McMahon called him "one of the greatest WWE superstars ever."


squicken said:
Rae Carruth?
Edit: beaten

That's the thing, Rae was an isignificant player compared to OJ but his stats still show up on the books and I'm sure if there's a replay of the old Panther's yearbooks on ESPN or NFL net, I doubt that they will go as far to edit out his highlights or blur his name out whenever his jersey is shown.
Stoney Mason said:

Good Lord.

Personal Responsibility ftl

You think he would have killed his family and himself had he been a non-drug addict, living a normal life, working a normal job? I would say not as bloody likely. I think his career definitely played a part and thus his career is somewhat responsible...you can't just place this all on Benoit. Conditions were there for this to happen...and his workplace, the place that sees him the most, didn't step in and do anything about it...but rather just kept feeding him roids so he could perform better and rake in big bucks for the company. That's the truth.


Stoney Mason said:

Good Lord.

Personal Responsibility ftl

I wonder what Jack Thompson is doing right now. Surely Benoit played violent video games, right? We gotta spread the blame around to everyone but Benoit.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
border said:
Giving up on anyone that's suicidal is "realistic"? Considering that a large part of a pastor's role is going to be providing counseling to parishoners, it sounds pretty ridiculous.

WTF border I have obviously shorted the goddamn story for this post. Thanks for NOT focusing on the part that really matters here i.e. not killing others just because you are ready to commit suicide.

ErasureAcer said:
You think he would have killed his family and himself had he been a non-drug addict, living a normal life, working a normal job? I would say not as bloody likely. I think his career definitely played a part and thus his career is somewhat responsible...you can't just place this all on Benoit. Conditions were there for this to happen...and his workplace, the place that sees him the most, didn't step in and do anything about it...but rather just kept feeding him roids so he could perform better and rake in big bucks for the company. That's the truth.

You don't read the paper much do you... only drug addicted or abnormal life or non normal job working folks kill themselves and their families?

Keep feeding him rods? Wow.... somebody needs a time out....


not a medical professional
worldrunover said:
Rose is still in the record books. Just banned from the Hall.

I don't think the WWE can act as if he never existed. They don't have to memorialize him like Owen Hart or Guerrero, but they have to acknowledge him. Last night McMahon called him "one of the greatest WWE superstars ever."

That was before they knew the whole story.

It's a lot like this thread - when people, early on, were saying that he did it, people were calling for those people to be banned - yet now, when we find out he DID do it? Everyone 180s and starts turning on everyone else...

WWE is doing the same thing, and Its hilarious how that in less than 12 hours, everyone forgets the crap that they said or did.

Should we go back through the 23 odd pages of this thread, and pull out everyone's quotes to ban certain people for, now correctly, accusing Benoit for the deaths of his family?

Everyone judges too prematurely, it's part of what makes GAF a sometimes horrible place to have a discussion in. People are impatient, and well, it's kind of disheartening (sp?) to see, especially in the face of an event like this.

I think people need to kind of step back for a bit, figure out their stance, and stop flip flopping like a backwards politician.
f3niks said:
That's the thing, Rae was an isignificant player compaired to OJ but his stats still show up on the books and I'm sure if there's a replay of the old Panther's yearbooks on ESPN or NFL net, I doubt that they will go as far to edit out his highlights or blur his name out whenever his jersey is shown.

Wrestling is far more akin to movie-making than football as a business. If Tom Cruise murders someone you sure can bet you won't go to the studio site and see his name plastered all over it. It would become a stigma. Like Amos and Andy or something.
border said:
Giving up on anyone that's suicidal is "realistic"? Considering that a large part of a pastor's role is going to be providing counseling to parishoners, it sounds pretty ridiculous.

Everyone should have the right to end ones life if one wants to. Just don't take others with you, or force cops or whoever into doing it for you. That pastor is right on the money, if I was Stoney Mason I'd make a topic out of him.
ErasureAcer said:
You think he would have killed his family and himself had he been a non-drug addict, living a normal life, working a normal job? I would say not as bloody likely. I think his career definitely played a part and thus his career is somewhat responsible...you can't just place this all on Benoit. Conditions were there for this to happen...and his workplace, the place that sees him the most, didn't step in and do anything about it...but rather just kept feeding him roids so he could perform better and rake in big bucks for the company. That's the truth.

I liked Chris Benoit. The wrestler. I will always like Chris Benoit the wrestler. I will even still watch his wrestling tapes EVEN if he did this horrible crime. I could see someone taking the exact opposite opinion though and I respect that.

But if Chris Benoit went home and murdered his wife and his son that is a Chris Benoit issue. Do I think Vince runs the best working environment for his wrestlers with the amount of punishment they take? No. Should the government step in and make him do such a thing. Maybe. But you better realize there are a lot of other businesses that have these problems. Working at Mcdonalds for shitty pay below the poverty line, lots of frustration, and ton of hours probably isn't a great environment either.

I just don't care for mixing these two issues so casually without firmly and squarely placing the blame on Chris Benoit for the actions he choose to do. And of course I also retain the idea that we still don't have an official concluding report of what the police think happened. I reserve some judgment for that.


DarienA said:
WTF border I have obviously shorted the goddamn story for this post. Thanks for NOT focusing on the part that really matters here i.e. not killing others just because you are ready to commit suicide.
It just sounded like a guy brushing off those that need help because he wasn't comfortable dealing with a real life-or-death situation. Which seemed odd for a pastor in particular since a number of Christian denominations see suicide as a one-way ticket to hell. I'd hate to be suicidal and have the thought that my minister can't or won't help me.

I picked out that part because it's more controversial. "Don't murder your family before you kill yourself" seems like a fairly obvious lesson. If you've gotten to the point where doing so is a viable option, I'm not sure a Sunday morning sermon is going to influence you much.
SpoonyBard said:
Everyone should have the right to end ones life if one wants to. Just don't take others with you, or force cops or whoever into doing it for you. That pastor is right on the money, if I was Stoney Mason I'd make a topic out of him.

Working on it....:D


"He was like a family member to me, and everyone in my family is taking it real hard," said Bret Hart, a five-time WWE champion.

I miss Bret. What a hard life he's had to live the last decade.

Owen dying , British Bulldog, Benoit, his father---his divorce, the WWE screwing him over, Goldberg screwing him over....


Fatalah said:
I miss Bret. What a hard life he's had to live the last decade.

Owen dying , British Bulldog, Benoit, his father---his divorce, the WWE screwing him over, Goldberg screwing him over....

What's the story between him and Goldberg?


ZombieSupaStar said:
holy shit type in his name, NOTHING comes up.

The News update has a link to Benoits Profile

it says Chris Benoits Profile page. But that page leads you to the news update... :(


Goldberg's lack of in-ring ability has injured a number of wrestlers. When Goldberg wrestled Bret, he broke Bret's leg really bad because the move wasn't administered right.

Bret's athleticism went downhill from that point on.


Nah, Bret's leg was fine...what happened is that in their Starrcade '99 match, Goldberg gave Bret a full on mule kick that gave him a concussion, though Bret was unaware of it at the time. He finished the match, and wrestled a few more matches including one against Benoit, and a hardcore match against Terry Funk. He was scheduled to defend the belt against either Goldberg or Benoit (I forget who) at the Souled Out PPV in late January, but had to withdraw due to the headaches and gave up the belt. He never wrestled another match again, though he made a couple more WCW appearances before they cut him later that year.
I don’t know where this “everyone has the right to end there own life” talk came from but I just thought I’d air my two cents on the matter. I personally don’t think anyone has the right to… 15 years ago my uncle chose to it and as a result he left five kids without a fahter and a wife without a husband... by his selfishness he left six people highly affected and the rest of the family, nephews, nieces, friends and relations reeling, confused and without answers to why he would do such a thing. Now, I know this has nothing got to do with the Benoit cluster**** but no one has the right to take that way out as it affects many, many more people down the line.


it really is impressive now how great Hogan still looks and seems to be holding up mentally.

Hogan has had a lot of interests away from wrestling. He was able to do other things so that the wrestling business was not the entire focus of his life. He's been able to take long breaks away from wrestling, unlike other guys who spend most of their lives in the business. A business... that for some reason, really screws you up.
Keyser Soze said:
I don’t know where this “everyone has the right to end there own life” talk came from but I just thought I’d air my two cents on the matter. I personally don’t think anyone has the right to… 15 years ago my uncle chose to it and as a result he left five kids without a fahter and a wife without a husband... by his selfishness he left six people highly affected and the rest of the family, nephews, nieces, friends and relations reeling, confused and without answers to why he would do such a thing. Now, I know this has nothing got to do with the Benoit cluster**** but no one has the right to take that way out as it affects many, many more people down the line.

Whereas sticking around in daily agony, neglecting those loved ones and themselves is totally the way to go? People have the right to end their own suffering, and you have to realize that dealing with the everpresent compunction to stop ****ing living is among the worst possible kinds of suffering. Of course it's hard on those who survived your uncle, but would you rather he stuck around and suffered, just for their sakes?
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