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is this real ? Benoit found Dead

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Synthesizer Patel said:
Has anyone considered the possibility that Benoit was under the influence of En Sabah Nur? As we saw in Uncanny X-Men #335, the millienia-old abilities of Ἀποκάλυψις are powerful enough to turn even boy scout Scott Summers "heel." In fact, it seems likely to me that the Apocalypse-controlled Benoit had offered his wife and child positions as two of the four Horsemen, but that they failed to pass the stringent "only the strong survive" tests he created for their benefit. Also, what a work ethic!
vas_a_morir said:
Wow, i've never seen one thread inspire so many bannings so quick. Is it because nobody on GAF has any tact?

some guy about to get banned said:
Has anyone considered the possibility that Benoit was under the influence of En Sabah Nur? As we saw in Uncanny X-Men #335, the millienia-old abilities of Ἀποκάλυψις are powerful enough to turn even boy scout Scott Summers "heel." In fact, it seems likely to me that the Apocalypse-controlled Benoit had offered his wife and child positions as two of the four Horsemen, but that they failed to pass the stringent "only the strong survive" tests he created for their benefit. Also, what a work ethic!

I guess some people just don't get it.


Keyser Soze said:
I find it amazing that Willco, Cheebs and others seem to be expressing joy as they get their points across to others in light of this terrible event.

Sure, we all agree fully with all your points but, unlike you, we have watched the man wrestle a huge portion of great matches in the WWE for the past 7 years and, once again unlike you, most of us had huge respect for this guy, we even still respected this guy at this point yesterday for all the great matches he wrestled. Unlike you, at this time yesterday, when we thought him and his family died just from some terrible circumstances we were all in this thread expressing concern as we had no idea of the cluster**** this would turn into. But finally, less than a few hours ago we now know what finally happed. Yes, we are sickened to by what he did but unlike you we know all about his past, so there is a conflict of emotions.

Now, I am pretty sure I never saw most of you in any one of the wrestling threads before so up until today you probably never knew much of the guy and sure it is easy to hate him but you’ve got to realize that right now we also hate him for what he did to but it is a lot harder to take if you know the full 20 year + back-story. Honestly, I fully understand if you put a lol smilie in a reply after you read this, or whatever reply you think will be the best bait for others, but that is just mine, and probably alot of others opinion on here.

Also, please ask yourselves would you be even in this thread if the whole story had not turned as twisted as it is now?

I've idolized my father for the last 20 years of my life and if he murdered a small child I would hate him and not have a "conflict of emotions". Anyone regardless how close ever murders a innocent child there should never be any conflict of emotions. There is no excuse for that.


Rosa Parks hater
Keyser Soze said:
Also, please ask yourselves would you be even in this thread if the whole story had not turned as twisted as it is now?

That's kind of like asking if Nicole Brown died of natural causes would we have followed her death as closely. I wonder if someone on a NFL usenet board posted something like that 13 years ago?
Shard said:
Quite, quite and one of the central questions here is "Why did Benoit did what he did?" Was it an isolated incident brought on by the onset of insanity or is there something else at work here, namely did the wrestling lifestyle claim Benoit and family?
No, Benoit claimed Benoit and family.


First of all, an incredibly sad and difficult to fathom situation... made me think pretty quickly of this newspaper feature that ran just over a month ago: http://slam.canoe.ca/Slam/Wrestling/2007/05/20/4195265.html

(I haven't been a wrestling fan for years -- since I was in middle school -- and I mostly remember him from Stampede wrestling)

I was a little surprised by the reactions here (not the early reactions giving Benoit the benefit of the doubt before more news came out, but those that have emerged since its become clear the authorities believe he's responsible).

Then I thought about the "seven stages of grief" and its like this thread is a mirror for them (or at least the first three so far):

Shock or Disbelief
Acceptance and Hope

Anyhow, although I'm not into wrestling these days, I hope the WWE never stoops to invoking his name for the sake of "entertainment" ... I know it wouldn't happen in the near term, but a few years down the road, I'm not so sure...


super funk said:
Im glad someone agrees with me (sort of at least). I never admired Chris Benoit as a person, I admired him as a wreslter. His legacy is tainted now, but that doesnt mean to me that he did still wrestle in great matches, I just can never respect him. But everyone is entitled to feel thier own way.

I'm still in this camp as well. If I watch a match from 2000, it has zero to do with what happened in 2007. And someone can reply and go "BUT YES IT DOES HE KILLED PEOPLE", but I'd like to see how his actions this weekend has any bearing on something that happened years ago.

In his sad attempt at trolling, Willco made an OJ reference. If you look at OJ's numbers, he was a good football player, obviously. Now, most people may remember him for the murder trial circus, but you can't take away his football accomplishments. He was a good football player way before he cut anyone up. Same goes for Benoit to me. It is fully possible to separate the persona from the person portraying that persona.

And the Hitler reference someone made is a bit of a stretch imo, but Hitler was Time's man of the year before WW2. So it's fully possible to recognize someone on merits that are viewed as positives at the time, only to have it go drastically wrong later. It was better for WWE to do a tribute show than the Mr McMahon whodunit given the info they had at the time, and even though Benoit is apparently behind these murders, the show's matches showcased Benoit the performer, which is who people tune in to see.
Cheebs said:
I've idolized my father for the last 20 years of my life and if he murdered a small child I would hate him and not have a "conflict of emotions". Anyone regardless how close ever murders a innocent child there should never be any conflict of emotions. There is no excuse for that.

And that is your perfect right. However you don't have the right to tell me what I should think and how I should feel. Of course the man is a murderer. Of course that is heinous.

I reserve the right to separate the man from his work. I admire the work. I detest the man. I can make that distinction personally and I'm fine with it. I might watch him wrestle and go wow what a wrester and then say he was a horrible human being at the same time.

What some of us object to is the arrogrance of someone saying you can't do that. Yes I can! And you can feel another way. And that's alright too.


Cheebs said:
I've idolized my father for the last 20 years of my life and if he murdered a small child I would hate him and not have a "conflict of emotions". Anyone regardless how close ever murders a innocent child there should never be any conflict of emotions. There is no excuse for that.

It's easy to say how you would act when it's a hypothetical situation.
bjork said:
I'm still in this camp as well. If I watch a match from 2000, it has zero to do with what happened in 2007. And someone can reply and go "BUT YES IT DOES HE KILLED PEOPLE", but I'd like to see how his actions this weekend has any bearing on something that happened years ago.

In his sad attempt at trolling, Willco made an OJ reference. If you look at OJ's numbers, he was a good football player, obviously. Now, most people may remember him for the murder trial circus, but you can't take away his football accomplishments. He was a good football player way before he cut anyone up. Same goes for Benoit to me. It is fully possible to separate the persona from the person portraying that persona.

And the Hitler reference someone made is a bit of a stretch imo, but Hitler was Time's man of the year before WW2. So it's fully possible to recognize someone on merits that are viewed as positives at the time, only to have it go drastically wrong later. It was better for WWE to do a tribute show than the Mr McMahon whodunit given the info they had at the time, and even though Benoit is apparently behind these murders, the show's matches showcased Benoit the performer, which is who people tune in to see.
He killed a child.
Stoney Mason said:
And that is your perfect right. However you don't have the right to tell me what I should think and how I should feel. Of course the man is a murderer. Of course that is heinous.

I reserve the right to separate the man from his work. I admire the work. I detest the man. I can make that distinction personally and I'm fine with it. I might watch him wrestle and go wow what a wrester and then say he was a horrible human being at the same time.

What some of us object to is the arrogrance of someone saying you can't do that. Yes I can! And you can feel another way. And that's alright too.

This is the way to look at it. If you can separate the man from the entertainer, then there is no reason you can't still watch his old matches or remember him for being a good wrestler. But obviously this will always be on the mind as well.


ZombieSupaStar said:
not sarcasm

sorry I cant enjoy watching matches with a guy who is capable of what he did.

You'd be surprised of what the average human being is capable of when put in certain situations.

I am in no way trying to justify what he did, as that simply can't be done, no matter what.
But as someone who has had a very close brush with committing suicide several years ago, I can tell you that when you're at such a point, you aren't thinking clearly...at all.
For some reason you believe that there is only one way out, and at that point it isn't felt as being cowardly. It simply is your supposedly only option to get away from all the pain and all the f*cked up sh*t that's been thrown onto your shoulders.
You just want it to stop, no matter what the cost.

I'm glad I was able to work out my problems myself, and don't want to return to that place ever again. I won't let it come that far again.

Sure, this is not the exact same thing, but there are overlapping parts.
After reading up on family drama's and seeing lots of these in the news, you hear it all the time that kids are not killed out of anger or anything like that, but instead out of a feeling that it's best for them.
Even though that sounds so very, very wrong, I know.
still this does show up in many if not most cases.

No matter what people want to tell themselves, nothing is simply black&white, even if we don't like to admit it.

Almost anyone can come to such a point if they are pushed hard enough, and I hope none of you will ever have to find out the hard way.

Like I said, I'm not trying to justify what he did at all.
Guess I just see it in a different light. As a horrible tragedy instead of a clear cut predetermined murder case.
Instead of demonising him, I look at him with pitty. :(

White Man

bjork said:
And the Hitler reference someone made is a bit of a stretch imo, but Hitler was Time's man of the year before WW2.

He wasn't the man of the year for good reasons. Time's Man of the Year doesn't necessarily have to be a good guy.
Cheebs said:
I've idolized my father for the last 20 years of my life and if he murdered a small child I would hate him and not have a "conflict of emotions". Anyone regardless how close ever murders a innocent child there should never be any conflict of emotions. There is no excuse for that.

If you were that close to events the feeling would be stonger... we are watching this all on TV and via words on thte internet, we are distant from events and for me the whole thing has not sunk in yet. Yes, we still hate him for what he did but it is just all a weird ****ed up set of events...
bjork said:
I'm still in this camp as well. If I watch a match from 2000, it has zero to do with what happened in 2007. And someone can reply and go "BUT YES IT DOES HE KILLED PEOPLE", but I'd like to see how his actions this weekend has any bearing on something that happened years ago.

In his sad attempt at trolling, Willco made an OJ reference. If you look at OJ's numbers, he was a good football player, obviously. Now, most people may remember him for the murder trial circus, but you can't take away his football accomplishments. He was a good football player way before he cut anyone up. Same goes for Benoit to me. It is fully possible to separate the persona from the person portraying that persona.

And the Hitler reference someone made is a bit of a stretch imo, but Hitler was Time's man of the year before WW2. So it's fully possible to recognize someone on merits that are viewed as positives at the time, only to have it go drastically wrong later. It was better for WWE to do a tribute show than the Mr McMahon whodunit given the info they had at the time, and even though Benoit is apparently behind these murders, the show's matches showcased Benoit the performer, which is who people tune in to see.

Dont forget Kiddy raper Polanski Getting a standing ovation at the oscars. forget Separating the art from the man. A rapist is a rapist and a murderer in a murderer i will not support or appreciate him or his exploits ever again.


Kano On The Phone said:
No, Benoit claimed Benoit and family.

I actually hope that is the case, the latter impaction is even more disturbing if such a thing were possible. Ya see, suppose this horror was caused by drugs, especially steroids like the CNN is speculating on, the story takes another twist, one wrestling fans have heard time and again over the past 10 years, the lifestyle has claimed so many souls and now has claimed innocents, claimed a child, and that is just indfensable for the whole damn thing.

Also the WWE changes to the site are not fooling CNN and now they found the list.


malek4980 said:
It's sad that people just can't look past the murders of his wife and child and focus on what is really important; HIS WRESTLING.
Really important, his wrestling? Are you joking? I am a wrestling fan since 1988 (japan) and I respected Chris Benoit as a wrestler. But after all..... "focusing on what is really important: His wrestling???? Please WHAT?
What really is important: Two people died!!! WERE KILLED! One of them was a 7 year old child! THAT'S IMPORTANT! I will still watch wrestling. My biggest dream as a kid was a) get into the videogame business, or b) be a wrestler. I went with plan A and I am very happy but I am STILL a big wrestling fan! I love it! But this man, Chris Benoit is a murderer and nothing else!

Keyser Soze said:
Sure, we all agree fully with all your points but, unlike you, we have watched the man wrestle a huge portion of great matches in the WWE for the past 7 years and, once again unlike you, most of us had huge respect for this guy.
Wrong! I am a wrestling fan for 19 years and I respected him as a wrestler. But now there is NO respect left. He is a lousy murderer and a child-murderer.
There is nothing left :'(

Stoney Mason said:
What some of us object to is the arrogrance of someone saying you can't do that. Yes I can! And you can feel another way. And that's alright too.
Yes, you're right! It's your choice and your opinion! No one can do something against that!


The people talking about "roid rage" and whatever, I wonder what you think Benoit was thinking about while flying out home in a hurry. You don't take the plane for 3 minutes. He had a lot of time to think while in the plane.

Of course, maybe his wife filed for divorce again, he was angered by that fact, flew home to have a discussion with her, it turned out very bad, he then lost control and strangled her.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Aisenherz said:
Really important, his wrestling? Are you joking? I am a wrestling fan since 1988 (japan) and I respected Chris Benoit as a wrestler. But after all..... "focusing on what is really important: His wrestling???? Please WHAT?
What really is important: Two people died!!! WERE KILLED! One of them was a 7 year old child! THAT'S IMPORTANT! I will still watch wrestling. My biggest dream as a kid was a) get into the videogame business, or b) be a wrestler. I went with plan A and I am very happy but I am STILL a big wrestling fan! I love it! But this man, Chris Benoit is a murderer and nothing else!

He was clearly being sarcastic.
Aisenherz said:
Really important, his wrestling? Are you joking? I am a wrestling fan since 1988 (japan) and I respected Chris Benoit as a wrestler. But after all..... "focusing on what is really important: His wrestling???? Please WHAT?
What really is important: Two people died!!! WERE KILLED! One of them was a 7 year old child! THAT'S IMPORTANT! I will still watch wrestling. My biggest dream as a kid was a) get into the videogame business, or b) be a wrestler. I went with plan A and I am very happy but I am STILL a big wrestling fan! I love it! But this man, Chris Benoit is a murderer and nothing else!

needed to be quoted.

also new conference at 3.pm est (15 mins) coming up on cnn from the benoit house


Prime crotch said:
Because he killed two people before killing himself?

1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions
Aisenherz said:
Really important, his wrestling? Are you joking? I am a wrestling fan since 1988 (japan) and I respected Chris Benoit as a wrestler. But after all..... "focusing on what is really important: His wrestling???? Please WHAT?
What really is important: Two people died!!! WERE KILLED! One of them was a 7 year old child! THAT'S IMPORTANT! I will still watch wrestling. My biggest dream as a kid was a) get into the videogame business, or b) be a wrestler. I went with plan A and I am very happy but I am STILL a big wrestling fan! I love it! But this man, Chris Benoit is a murderer and nothing else!

I'm 99.9% percent certain that was a sarcastic response you were responding to.


Rage Bait Youtuber
farnham said:
1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions


There is never, ever, anything that can justify killing your wife and son. Nothing.

Unless they were a ticking time bomb that would've blown up the planet, there is no way to justify it.


Kabuki Waq said:
Dont forget Kiddy raper Polanski Getting a standing ovation at the oscars. forget Separating the art from the man. A rapist is a rapist and a murderer in a murderer i will not support or appreciate him or his exploits ever again.

Well, I'm not saying anyone else had to think the way I do. Personally, I don't see the happenings of this weekend as a statement on his career. His work and his personal life are not the same thing to me. I think some people here are also capable of separating these things, or at least conveniently forgetting them. Kobe is an alleged rapist, and he's still popular, among with many others. But Kobe is a good basketball player and he's not raping anyone (literally) when he's on the court playing basketball.

I think it's more that people don't want to sympathize with someone who did a really bad thing at the end of his days, for fear of getting some sideways stare from people, or having to wrestle with their own concept of morality. I'm not saying Benoit offing people is okay, because it's not. He was one of the best-working wrasslers there ever was, and if he'd blown up a church full of nuns and orphans, I'd still think so.


farnham said:
1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions

Please give me one situation which justifies murdering his child?
farnham said:
1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Shard said:
Also the WWE changes to the site are not fooling CNN and now they found the list.

What list? What did I miss?

farnham said:
1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions

Excuse my language here... there is NO ****ing situation that justifies killing your own child.
Cheebs said:
I've idolized my father for the last 20 years of my life and if he murdered a small child I would hate him and not have a "conflict of emotions". Anyone regardless how close ever murders a innocent child there should never be any conflict of emotions. There is no excuse for that.
Why, exactly, would your father kill a child? It sounds almost like you expect he's capable of it.

But I would wager you'd say that you don't expect him to capable of such a thing. Otherwise, you'd be pretty messed up for idolizing the guy.

So, if he did kill someone, then wouldn't that be odd? Wouldn't you be looking for some sort of answer as to why a good man did a bad thing? Not an excuse, mind you, but just an answer why. Would you really just say, "Wow, I guess my dad was evil all along and he was tricking me all this time?"
farnham said:
1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions

farnham said:
1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions
No there is a never a justification despite the pathetic ramblings in this thread for murdering a seven year child.


there are too many reasons this case as it stands is doubtful

1. even if he did kill his wife.. why would he kill his son
2. why was his son killed the day after.
3. why didnt his son try to escape or call the police or whatever

plus interviews with his fellow wrestlers or his neighbours indicate that he was not a psychopath.. maybe he was good at hiding it...

but there are many indications for a 4th person that might have done all this and might have escaped... and yet everybody is acting like the case as it stands has no reasonable doubt


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
farnham said:
there are too many reasons this case as it stands is doubtful

1. even if he did kill his wife.. why would he kill his son
2. why was his son killed the day after.
3. why didnt his son try to escape or call the police or whatever

plus interviews with his fellow wrestlers or his neighbours indicate that he was not a psychopath.. maybe he was good at hiding it...

but there are many indications for a 4th person that might have done all this and might have escaped... and yet everybody is acting like the case as it stands has no reasonable doubt

Did you just pull out the one-armed man excuse?

Please stop, and read the newspaper occasionally... this isn't the first time a family member has killed their entire family.


farnham said:
there are too many reasons this case as it stands is doubtful

1. even if he did kill his wife.. why would he kill his son
2. why was his son killed the day after.
3. why didnt his son try to escape or call the police or whatever

plus interviews with his fellow wrestlers or his neighbours indicate that he was not a psychopath.. maybe he was good at hiding it...

but there are many indications for a 4th person that might have done all this and might have escaped... and yet everybody is acting like the case as it stands has no reasonable doubt

4th person killed the wife... waited a day.. killed the son... waited a day.. hung benoit?


Rosa Parks hater
farnham said:
1. you can still doubt that benoit killed his kid and his wife
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions
His wife hit him over the head with a folding chair and while Benoit was stunned his kid came up to him and gave hm a Testicular claw. THEY HAD IT COMING.
farnham said:
there are too many reasons this case as it stands is doubtful

1. even if he did kill his wife.. why would he kill his son
2. why was his son killed the day after.
3. why didnt his son try to escape or call the police or whatever

plus interviews with his fellow wrestlers or his neighbours indicate that he was not a psychopath.. maybe he was good at hiding it...

but there are many indications for a 4th person that might have done all this and might have escaped... and yet everybody is acting like the case as it stands has no reasonable doubt
I'm pretty sure people are more curious about the reasoning behind your second statement... not the first one.


farnham said:
there are too many reasons this case as it stands is doubtful

1. even if he did kill his wife.. why would he kill his son
2. why was his son killed the day after.
3. why didnt his son try to escape or call the police or whatever

plus interviews with his fellow wrestlers or his neighbours indicate that he was not a psychopath.. maybe he was good at hiding it...

but there are many indications for a 4th person that might have done all this and might have escaped... and yet everybody is acting like the case as it stands has no reasonable doubt
Name one of these indications.

Benoit was home for the weekend, but died Monday. If he wasn't the killer, he would've had to have been incapacitated, and signs of struggle/tying down would be obvious. Nothing like that has been reported.
farnham said:
there are too many reasons this case as it stands is doubtful

1. even if he did kill his wife.. why would he kill his son
2. why was his son killed the day after.
3. why didnt his son try to escape or call the police or whatever

plus interviews with his fellow wrestlers or his neighbours indicate that he was not a psychopath.. maybe he was good at hiding it...

but there are many indications for a 4th person that might have done all this and might have escaped... and yet everybody is acting like the case as it stands has no reasonable doubt

To be fair you are starting to sound like a 9/11 conspiracy guy. From the current evidence it seems like he killed those people. All that stuff you are saying is fairly irrelevant. He's most likely a murderer. Deal with it.


goddamit, Griese!
Willco said:
Dude, they sent the cops to the Benoit house. They knew what was up. You're crazy. This is like telling Scientologists that psychologists aren't even space aliens after all.

You're a ****ing idiot.

Anyway, at least there is no more speculation about what happened. Still curious as to what made him snap, though. Talk about ruining your legacy, jesus.

Smart move to have straight wrestling matches without storylines this week, though. Althought postponing everything a week might have been a better solution.


farnham said:
2. even if he did it.. there can be situations (we dont know about and probably never will since benoit is dead) that can justify his actions

That's what I'm thinking. Allow me to theorize. His wife met someone better and she was going to leave him. His child also wanted a new dad and plotted with his mother to have Benoit killed.

Benoit found out about this and decided to kill the both of them before he himself was killed. He opted to kill them himself with his bare hands. After he'd done so, he decided to kill himself just so that he could re-kill them in hell.

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