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ITT: We post screens that showcase the visual charisma lost by modern Simpsons

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ili0926 said:

...how can that be considered beautiful?!


Having studied Keats now in university I can appreciate this joke so much more :lol :lol :lol

Holy shit, never noticed it says John Keats (Civilian) :lol
Dr. Hibbert back in the 90s:


:lol :lol

That whole freaking Lisa's Sax-episode is so filled with glorious Simpson-moments. :D

Marge: I cannot believe this! I'm trying to give our daughter a head start
in life, and you aren't not helping a bit!
Homer: Marge, name one successful person in life who ever lived without air
Marge: Balzac!
Homer: No need for potty mouth just because you can't think of one.
Marge: But Balzac is the name!
Homer: [interrupting] "If if's and but's were candy and nuts..." eh,
how does the rest of that go?

:lol :lol :lol

Ned: Uh, Homer?
Homer: What, Flanders?
Ned: [politely] Well sir, I hate to be suspicious-allouicious on you,
[angrily] but did you steal my air conditioner?!
[We take a look out the window, and see an obvious path leading from
a hole torn out of the side of Ned's house in the window where his
air conditioner used to be, leading to a knocked over fence
accompanied by footprints in the soil, and a newly installed unit
sticking out of Homer's window.]
Homer: Well, I admit it looks bad, Flanders, but haven't you heard of "let
he who is without sin cast the first stone"?
[Homer gets hit in the head with a rock.
Todd: Got him, dad!

:lol :lol


Chief Wiggum: Bye, Lisa! If anything goes wrong, just dial 911! Uh, unless it's an emergency!
Lisa: G'bye, Chief! Enjoy Bob Saget!
Chief Wiggum: Heh, it's Bob Seger! (He looks at the tickets and frowns) Aw, crap!


canoli2006 said:
Chief Wiggum: Bye, Lisa! If anything goes wrong, just dial 911! Uh, unless it's an emergency!
Lisa: G'bye, Chief! Enjoy Bob Saget!
Chief Wiggum: Heh, it's Bob Seger! (He looks at the tickets and frowns) Aw, crap!

I heard Night Moves for the first time ever on Monday and this is the quote that's playing in my head whenever the song isn't.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Patrick Bateman said:
Dr. Hibbert back in the 90s:


:lol :lol

That whole freaking Lisa's Sax-episode is so filled with glorious Simpson-moments. :D

:lol :lol :lol

:lol :lol


Isn't this in the same episode where after Homer tells a story about Bart as a (younger) kid and it ends with..

Homer : "And that's how Bart was .... *forget the rest*"
Lisa : "Yeah...except you were going to tell me how i've got my saxophone!"
*Homer has that classic blank stare*
Homer : "DOH!"

I just like how Lisa says that line. :lol


brianjones said:

Burns: Now before we begin, let me make one thing clear for you. I want your legal advice. I even pay for it. But to me you're all vipers! You live on personal injuries, you live on divorces, you live on pain and misery! I-- Oh, but I'm rambling. Would anyone like some coffee?

Lawyer: Yes, I would like some coffee.

Burns: Want it black, don't you? Black like your heart? It's so hard for me to listen to you, I hate you all so much!
:lol I can't even remember what episode that's from, but as soon as I started reading it, the lines came flooding back to me. :lol


Kids, let me tell you about another so-called 'wicked' guy. He had long hair and some wild ideas. He didn't always do what other people thought was right. And that man's name was... I forget. But the point is... I forget that, too.
Marge, you know what I'm talking about. He used to drive that blue car?

One of my all time favourite scenes from TV.. especially Barts face as Homer forgets his name.


Get Inside Her!
The last couple episodes I saw on TV from the Glory Years really made me realize how much Lisa has changed as a character. Now she's just an insufferable yuppie knowitall that serves only to parody various real-world crap. In these episodes though she was actually a CHILD. Sure she was awfully well-spoken and smart but she'd argue with Bart, she'd annoy her parents, she'd be all hyperactive and just... genuinely youthful. Asking Marge all the questions about her Chanel dress is a perfect example.



Cosby: Hey, kids! Meet Grampa Murphy!

Rudy: We have three grampas already!

Cosby: This one’s a great jazz musician.

Rudy: Oh, they all are.


Lady: Did your wife just call a second ago?

Homer: No, I said Sampson, not Simpson.


Lady: Thank God...those Simpson's, what a bunch of savages!


Lady: Especially that big Ape father.


Those expressions gets me every time :lol


BitchTits said:
http://i37.tinypic.com/14kjnki.jpg[/ IMG]

Cosby: Hey, kids! Meet Grampa Murphy!

Rudy: We have three grampas [I]already![/I]

Cosby: This one’s a great jazz musician.

Rudy: Oh, they [I][B]all[/B][/I] are.[/QUOTE]

Y'see, the kids, they listen to the rap music, which gives them the brain damage. With their hippin' and their hoppin', and their bippin', and their boppin'... so they don't know what the jazz is all about! You see, Jazz is like a Jello Pudding pop — no! Actually, it's more like Kodak film — no! Actually, jazz is like the new Coke; it'll be around forever! Heh heh heh...
Patrick Bateman said:

Thank you, Hey-hey! I can't read that, not that either.

I love it when Krusty's public appearances go wrong or he just doesn't care.

"Oh say can you see, lalaladada...light. What so proudly we yah...lalaya...[crowd boos] Ooh, I knew I shouldn't have turned down those cue cards."

"You were in The Blue Lagoon, and I'm a blue haired goon... what the? That's terrible! My hair's not even blue, it's green!"

"This is my favorite part of the pageant because---[squints] Whazzat say? ... Oh---it gives me a change to visit with a girl's personality. Uh, personally."



Souldriver said:
I love it when Krusty's public appearances go wrong or he just doesn't care.

"Oh say can you see, lalaladada...light. What so proudly we yah...lalaya...[crowd boos] Ooh, I knew I shouldn't have turned down those cue cards."

"You were in The Blue Lagoon, and I'm a blue haired goon... what the? That's terrible! My hair's not even blue, it's green!"

"This is my favorite part of the pageant because---[squints] Whazzat say? ... Oh---it gives me a change to visit with a girl's personality. Uh, personally."


"Now for my favorite part of the show....What does that say? Talk to the audience! Ugghhh, this is always death..."


Whimsical Phil said:
Homer: All right, Lisa, you got your way. Your Mom's going to a psychiatrist. She's going to tell Marge to leave me. It'll break up the family and you'll have to live with your grandmother and pick beans.
Lisa: Dad, I like picking beans with Gramma.
Homer: Well, keep it up, then.
Lisa: OK, I will.
Homer: Good. You do that.
Lisa: Fine.
Homer: You'll be picking many a bean.
Lisa: Hope I do.

Another great one along these lines.

From the episode where GWB moves in next door to the Simpsons.

Homer: Ooh! Hiding behind your goons, eh, Bush? Well _you_ are a
George: [with trembling lips] Wimp, am I? Agent Johnson, Agent Heintz,
you men stand down.
[the gate opens and Homer walks in]
All right, Mister: you want trouble? You're going to get
Homer: Oh, I want trouble, all right.
George: Then you're going to get trouble.
Homer: No, _you're_ going to get trouble.
George: Oh, that's good, that's good, 'cause I _want_ trouble.
Homer: Then we're agreed there'll be trouble.
George: Oh, yeah, lots of trouble.
Homer: Trouble it is.
George: For you. [walks inside, slams door]
Homer: For -- d'oh!
One of my all time favorite episodes. When Mr. Burns is becoming a germaphobe and acts like Howard Huges

Burns: Smithers, I’ve designed a new plane. I call it the "Spruce Moose", and it will carry two hundred passengers from New York’s Idyllwild Airport to the Belgian Congo in seventeen minutes!

Smithers: That’s quite a nice model, sir.

Burns: Model?


Burns: Get in.


Bart: Kwyjibo: K-W-Y-J-I-B-O. Twenty-two points. Plus, triple-word score, plus fifty points for using all my letters... Game's over, I'm outta here.
Homer: Wait a minute, you little cheater. You're not going anywhere 'til you tell me what a Kwyjibo is.
Bart: Kwyjibo. Uh, a big dumb, balding North American ape. With no chin.
Marge: And a short temper.
Homer: I'll show you a big dumb balding ape!
Bart: Uh oh, Kwyjibo on the loose!

Classic D:


Burns: Homer, I want you to show this woman the time of her life.
Homer: Marge, we're getting some drive-thru and doing it twice!
Taken from season 5 episode 19 "Sweet Seymour Skinners Baadasssss Song". I never knew the baby with one eyebrow had a mom with such huge bazongas

Yesterday I saw (again) pretty much the worst episode of Simpsons ever.

It had Roofi and single people going against families with babies, season 14 or something.
PetriP-TNT said:
Yesterday I saw (again) pretty much the worst episode of Simpsons ever.

It had Roofi and single people going against families with babies, season 14 or something.
I can't recall what you're describing. I should consider myself lucky right? Is it really worse than That 90s Show?


I've been despising my local FOX affiliate for the past few months because they have been playing episodes exclusively from 2004 - 2010. I WANT GOOD EPISODES! I mean, they replay 3 different episodes a day, and they've all been crap lately.

Earlier this year, they were playing episodes from 1992-1999 and my DVR was filling up like crazy. Nowadays, I'm going through withdrawals.
PetriP-TNT said:
Why would Marge start an anti-gay anti-... group? Seems kinda out of character. I do vaguely remember seeing the episode though, but perhaps only the first part. I remember the horrible children songs from that entertainer that Maggie likes.

But I probably switched channels after the first half. But I doubt it's worse than That 90s Show. Your episode just seems to have a shitty story, That 90s Show fucks up just about every Simpson character, reconning the whole family's history. Uuuurhgh! There are many shitty episodes with shitty stories, but you can just ignore them. There however, are also a few episodes which try to retroactively ruin the classic episodes. I want to nuke those from the planet.
Souldriver said:
But I probably switched channels after the first half. But I doubt it's worse than That 90s Show. Your episode just seems to have a shitty story, That 90s Show fucks up just about every Simpson character, reconning the whole family's history. Uuuurhgh! There are many shitty episodes with shitty stories, but you can just ignore them. There however, are also a few episodes which try to retroactively ruin the classic episodes. I want to nuke those from the planet.

I am 100% sure that in few years 90's Show will be classified as non-canon by everyone, including the makers so it doesn't bother me that much :p
Fidel Castro: Comrads, our nation is completely bankrupt! We have no choice but to abandon communism!
Castro's Aide #1, Castro's Associates: [sigh]
Fidel Castro: I know, I know, I know... but we all knew from day one this mumbo jumbo wouldn't fly! I'll call Washington and tell them they won.
Castro's Aide #1: But presidente, America tried to kill you!
Fidel Castro: Ah, they're not so bad. They even named a street after me in San Francisco!
[Aide #2 whispers something into his ear]
Fidel Castro: It's full of what?

BigAT said:
I find it difficult to get out of my car without saying, "Now remember, we're in the Itchy lot."
Why is it that every one of us has a few of those Simpsons quotes that we use in real life without fully realizing it or without being able to get rid of it. The quote that's ingrained in my brain is quite embarrassing out of context, and I get weird looks whenever I use it.

Every time someone asks me something I don't know the answer to, I say...
"Don't ask me, I'm just a Girl! *giggles*

BitchTits said:

Cosby: Hey, kids! Meet Grampa Murphy!

Rudy: We have three grampas already!

Cosby: This one’s a great jazz musician.

Rudy: Oh, they all are.

Y'see.. kids today listen to the rap music, that gives them the brain damage, with the hippin and the hoppin and the bippin and the boppin... they don't know what the jazz.. is all about! Y'see Jazz is like Jello Pudding, no wait it's like Kodak Film, no wait, it's like the new Coke, it'll be around forever.


There was a really shitty simpsons just on. Marge starts saving money, Homer steals it and spends it on an RV, he repeatedly insults her and they split up, then Marge apologises for it.

Consolation is knowing she'll be pounded by Krusty in the future.
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