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John Carter - Trailer #2

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Classics? What?

Pixar classics: Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, Ratatouille

Finding Nemo was mediocre and overhyped to all hell.

WALL-E had a fantastic first half and went completely downhill the moment him and Eve arrived on the Axiom. I own Wall-E and can never make it past the first hour anymore. Which is a shame since the closing titles sequence is superb. It's just that all the stuff in between with the humans is garbage.

Tintin shits on Nemo and Wall-E.

This is absolutely true. WALL-E becomes crap at this exact moment. I'm even going to say WALL-E is Pixar's worst film. Not sure how I feel about the Finding Nemo comment.


That poster is pretty fantastic looking. I might consider going to a midnight showing if they're giving those away.


Unconfirmed Member
Whaaaaat? Soulless? SOULLESS?!

I loved everything with Hanna sightseeing and roaming around the different towns and villages with the family. As for action? I am a HUGE fucking fan of the long tracking shot that ends in this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIaUqIucp5E

Also the container park fight scene is great. I was much more invested in the characters of HANNA than I was with MI4.
You're right, that tracking shot is great.

I get a feeling from Joe Wright's work that he's much more interested in technical showmanship than he is in the characters and their emotions. Hanna travelling around with the family is a nice idea, but I never felt much. Maybe because the daughter was such an annoying Movie Kid.
It ultimately settles into the generic 'framed man person on the run' story beats anyway, which I don't have much patience for after three Bourne movies. Multiple scenes of
villains turning up to kill side characters with a connection to the lead just so we know how evil they are, a big "Who am I!?" identity freakout where the main character realizes they will forever be separate from society, etc...
. The fairytale angle was just pretentious. Also, I hated Cate Blanchett's character and performance.

MI4 is not in any way interesting in character or storyline, but it works as a constant spectacle and achieves what it sets out to do.
What if YOU need to change your post count per page?!

edit: fine, changed to 100.


Welcome to the real world.
I've not seen Cars 2, but I'd say Cars is easily their worst film, with Nemo and (runs to safe distance) Up just above it.

Disclaimer: Up suffers the same problem as WALL-E, only much earlier in the film. Up's opening twenty minutes is some of the best stuff Pixar has ever produced. Goddamn magicl, heartwarming and excellently orchestrated. Then the entirety of the film after that is one long, boring drag that fails to capitalize on the promise of the film's premise.
You're right, that tracking shot is great.

I get a feeling from Joe Wright's work that he's much more interested in technical showmanship than he is in the characters and their emotions.

I've been saying it and I'll keep saying it: with the right script, Joe Wright would be an amazing choice to direct the next Bond film.
I don't like the franchise either now that I think about it, considering the fact I only like 2 of the 4 films. 50% isn't good for such a short series.

Joe Wright is definitely more concerned with showing off technically, but I think that's what made Hanna so entertaining for me. Action films have kinda gotten boring lately and I thought stuff like Hanna and Scott Pilgrim just felt like really enjoyable theater experiences because of it.

I want him on the next Bond. (uh I knew Sculli was gonna say this...)


This is absolutely true. WALL-E becomes crap at this exact moment. I'm even going to say WALL-E is Pixar's worst film. Not sure how I feel about the Finding Nemo comment.
Wall-E did not go downhill at the landing of the Axiom. Geez, the way people complain about it, I think ones were actually expecting to see Wall-E die by dead battery after hauling trash that was too big. The most emotional moments were built into the second half.

There was no possible way for the story develop unless it was an entirely different story aka it really did suck.

I get it if the movie wasn't liked which is fine, but the half a movie being good thing continues to make no sense to me in realtion to Wall-E.

With that said, this movie cannot be good if it has the same sensibilities as Wall-E. Wall-E was never an action movie and never marketed as such so the pacing was different. If Stanton directs it the way he directed that, it will suck.
Wall-E did not go downhill at the landing of the Axiom. Geez, the way people complain about it, I think ones were actually expecting to see Wall-E die by dead battery after hauling trash that was too big. The most emotional moments were built into the second half.

There was no possible way for the story develop unless it was an entirely different story aka it really did suck.

I get it if the movie wasn't liked which is fine, but the half a movie being good thing continues to make no sense to me in realtion to Wall-E.

With that said, this movie cannot be good if it has the same sensibilities as Wall-E. Wall-E was never an action movie and never marketed as such so the pacing was different. If Stanton directs it the way he directed that, it will suck.

I would have been happier if there were no humans left on the Axiom. If it was just the robots and their plight/fight to re-seed Earth - this giant mystery that their directives have revolved around their entire operating life, it would have been much better. The humans ruined goddamn everything. Such lazy writing went into them.


I don't understand. Even the worst big budget film made by a major studio gets a huge marketing push. What was it that killed this? Was it the title? Does Disney not want to push a movie with the title "John Carter"? Doesn't Disney have faith in it?


Unconfirmed Member
Why the fuck didn't they use that great poster???
Right now that poster should be on the sides of buildings around the world.
I wish they would have had the guts to
off the family
, though.
There were a bunch of superfluous cutaways to
periphery characters getting killed off by the villains
anyway, but they didn't have the guts to go through with it with characters the audience was supposed to connect to. It's a cop out.
I've been saying it and I'll keep saying it: with the right script, Joe Wright would be an amazing choice to direct the next Bond film.
That could be terrific. It would be a more exciting 'prestige' director choice than Sam Mendes.
Would they let The Chemical Brothers score it?

I would have been happier if there were no humans left on the Axiom. If it was just the robots and their plight/fight to re-seed Earth - this giant mystery that their directives have revolved around their entire operating life, it would have been much better. The humans ruined goddamn everything. Such lazy writing went into them.
Would have been a much more effective cautionary tale too.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't understand. Even the worst big budget film made by a major studio gets a huge marketing push. What was it that killed this? Was it the title? Does Disney not want to push a movie with the title "John Carter"? Doesn't Disney have faith in it?
They seem to be deeply ashamed that the movie is about Martians. It's not just the title, Mars isn't mentioned in the trailers.

It's funny, right now they'd be better off with the original 'ZOMGZ BOYS WON'T SEE IT' title, A Princess of Mars.

J2 Cool

Disclaimer: Up suffers the same problem as WALL-E, only much earlier in the film. Up's opening twenty minutes is some of the best stuff Pixar has ever produced. Goddamn magicl, heartwarming and excellently orchestrated. Then the entirety of the film after that is one long, boring drag that fails to capitalize on the promise of the film's premise.

I completely agree with this. Up just went off the tracks after storm hits. I can't even watch it again really, other than to admire the designs for a minute or two. Wall-E's humans are annoying as hell also.

Nemo is fine on the other hand, except for being aimed at a much younger audience. The score is great, maybe Pixar's best. Visuals were stunning at the time (aged a little in the complexity of their rigs), the emotional undertones are perfectly hit. It's pretty high for me, behind Toy Story, Ratatouille, and The Incredibles. Maybe tied with TS3.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
One day the Aliens from the end of A.I. will find the marketing from JCM and wonder how much crack the people of Earth smoked before their planet was flooded by crack-powered global warming.


Unconfirmed Member
I was done with the Pixar buddy-buddy thing after Monsters, Inc.

And yeah, it's amazing how little they do with the premise.


I've yet to see any posters outside of cinemas in London. They sure are leaving it quite late.

Still can't think of him not as Tim Riggins, especially when he said 'Yes ma'am' in that fan made trailer.


Positive twitter impressions:

Steven Weintraub@colliderfrosty
JOHN CARTER is a great movie. For 2 hours I was transported to another time and place. Can't wait to see it again. Don't miss it.

Steven Weintraub@colliderfrosty
Also the effects were amazing. The action scenes inspiring. And the music was fantastic. Seriously....JOHN CARTER is not to be missed.

Drew McWeeny@DrewAtHitFix
I am no longer in danger of being killed for saying that I quite liked "John Carter". Full reviews are still embargoed, though.

Devin Faraci@devincf
JOHN CARTER Twitter embargo is lifted! I can say that I will be giving the film a Fresh review.

Devin Faraci@devincf
There are scenes in JOHN CARTER that are all-timers. Some brilliant work. But there are also a LOT of problems with the film.

Devin Faraci@devincf
Hopefully the internet will be able to put aside binary 'It sucks/It rocks' stuff and look at JOHN CARTER as a movie w/ good and bad aspects

Mike Ryan@mikeryan
I enjoyed John Carter more than I thought that I would enjoy John Carter.
They marketed this movie so badly. The name "john carter" is dumb and the trailers looked like somebody literally edited together scenes from Prince of Persia and Attack of the Clones. They should have kept the Frazetta influence it makes the property look unique.


I was just thinking recently that they should have gone full pulp with the lurid Frazetta look. As it is the movie looks totally bland and Disneyfied.

Yea, Frazetta's designs were the only thing that made me interested in the project (having not read the book), but I think I read somewhere that Stanton doesn't like Frazetta's designs. That's a fireable offense right there.

Again, if you haven't seen the fan-made trailer for John Carter, it really highlights how incompetent Disney's marketing team is.


Eh. Still has shitty alien designs, glossy CGI, Tim Riggins' B-movie face and terrible hair, and a ton of cringeworthy dialogue.
One day the Aliens from the end of A.I. will find the marketing from JCM and wonder how much crack the people of Earth smoked before their planet was flooded by crack-powered global warming.

There not aliens, they're super advanced mecha who just happen to look like aliens/deus ex machina because Spielberg didn't know how to end the film without Kubrick so he resorted to his his typical schmaltz finish!
There not aliens, they're super advanced mecha who just happen to look like aliens/deus ex machina because Spielberg didn't know how to end the film without Kubrick so he resorted to his his typical schmaltz finish!

I don't know what makes you look more stupid, the fact that you didn't pick up on his sarcasm or the fact that you think the ending wasn't Kubrick's original.

But let us not derail the thread any more.

The film will be worth it for Giacchino's score alone. From what I've listened to, it is his best work since Ratatouille.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Other twitter opinions

The best parts of JOHN CARTER are Woola and Dejah Thoris. A generation will be ushered into puberty by Lynn Collins.

Some truly vivid and massive special effects work, some kickass aliens and a needlessly imperfect rhythm. But fun. #JohnCarter

If the reviews keep high, I think I will indeed see this at midnight and it will mostly be just for that poster.


I would have been happier if there were no humans left on the Axiom. If it was just the robots and their plight/fight to re-seed Earth - this giant mystery that their directives have revolved around their entire operating life, it would have been much better. The humans ruined goddamn everything. Such lazy writing went into them.
That seriously would have been a great PG-13 movie (I was going to say something about A.I., but that appears to be discussed already). Even the most depressing PIXAR movie of all time (Toy Story 3) couldn't pull off a theme of hopelessness.

However, Wall-E as a love story, a character study, & a kids' film about the influence the little guy has on man and machine was at least decent to me.

I do think the humans are the most annoying part but in the end they still play a pretty small role. The space dance with EVE and the little robot imitating his wave trumps almost everything in the beginning outside of art direction since they both explain the point of the story.

Anyway, not a Wall-E thread and still want to see JC. The latest twitters trump the bad ones. Looks like 2.5 - 3 stars which will be worth the price of matinee admission.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Maaaaaaaan I hope one theater is playing regular Imax and the other is playing the 3d, otherwise I'm so boooooned. That poster is still worth it, imo and I am not as big into 3D as sculli. Bigger into dope posters, clearly.


It is, but I definitely wish they'd branch out from that formula more. I feel like it somewhat hampers Ratatouille (otherwise their best film imo.)

Edit: oh yeah, still want to see that JC movie.
They branched out when they did Cars 2.

That movie would have been great too if they hadn't shoehorned in the original characters. The spy parts was neat.


Glad to see the positive tweets. Seems like this movie will settle around a very good, but not great level in terms of the overall consensus. That's a bit of a disappointment to a huge Stanton fan like me, but I'll judge for myself.
I've read that the reason Disney dropped the "of Mars" is because the only thing they had trademarked was the John Carter name, and I guess they were worried of B-movie companies latching on and releasing Warlord of Mars and Princess of Mars to try and steal their thunder. I guess I can understand that, but if true it's a dumb reason. Didn't hurt War of the Worlds.
That would be a really dumb reason that I don't really believe. Disney can afford to buy the rights to the sequel names of a potential blockbuster franchise they're starting.
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