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June 2008: Battleground for PC Graphics - Geforce GTX 200 v Radeon HD 4800

here is nvidia ceo worst nightmare...






There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Chiggs said:
Jen's gonna knock 'em right in the jaw. Just you wait! :D
Not this gen Chiggs, not thing gen. However, next gen (aka past fall) will be a fierce battle.
otake said:
no crysis benchmark = fail!
Crysis fails at benchmarking in general. Besides.... Crysis Warhead and Far Cry 2 will be coming out here shortly which will give the 4870x2 a good run for it's money and show us what it can do.


Mrs. Harvey
I think it's weird that the 4870X2 destroys the 280 and GX2 in every game but Crysis. That would be the only reason why I'd upgrade since I want that running better.


Kadey said:
I think it's weird that the 4870X2 destroys the 280 and GX2 in every game but Crysis. That would be the only reason why I'd upgrade since I want that running better.
I'm sure Nvidia paid to have it that way.


Kadey said:
I think it's weird that the 4870X2 destroys the 280 and GX2 in every game but Crysis. That would be the only reason why I'd upgrade since I want that running better.

I'm pretty sure Nvidia probably had something to do with that :)


otake said:
well my g/f gave me a 4850 for my birthday. Now I just have to get a power supply. So far I'm liking this:

Thermaltake Toughpower 700-Watt Power Supply.

Corsair TX750W 750-Watt Power Supply

worried about noise and whatnot. want to have enough for crossfire in the future. advice?

i personally dislike either of those brands. try going with a PCP & C or Fortran

heres a great PSU that should check out


otake said:
noisy or high failure rate?

that one you suggested sure has a lot of pcie connectors!

a little bit of both...one thing i noticed about PSU from those brands and many other brands are the degrade in performance after a while, the voltage regulators becomes sporadic. you will start to notice variable voltage fluctuations. for example the 12v rail would fluctuate between 12.22v - 11.98v. you dont want that...you want a steady stream of voltage running through you PC.

And if i may add, IMHO the PSU is the MOST important part of your PC so dont skimp on that purchase.


Anyone install a Zalman VF900 on their 4850? I just got mine, and the fan plugs don't match. Left my multi-meter at work...does anyone know which wires match?

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
VictimOfGrief said:
Crysis fails at benchmarking in general. Besides.... Crysis Warhead and Far Cry 2 will be coming out here shortly which will give the 4870x2 a good run for it's money and show us what it can do.

This is what I'm thinking. It's nice and all to benchmark Crysis but hardly anyone is playing that any more. Of course like most games I haven't beat it yet, but it runs over 30fps for me on high settings (very high for shaders/water) so I'm content.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
I don't even know if I want the 4870x2 any more. I am in the same boat as Kadey. I have a 3970x2 and it gives me 60fps or more in anything other than Crysis at the native res of my monitor. If I don't get the 4870x2, then I am going out of the country for vacations.


I sent back my 4870 so now I've fallen back on my old x1800 until happy shiny mr. 4870x2 arrives (stupidly sold my 8800gt).

..I'm already starting to lose it. I needs the pretties, precious. I don' t think i can wait 2 weeks. D:


I just got a 4850 and installed the latest 8.7's, and Crysis runs about the same as it did with my old 8800GTS640mb.

I was able to crank every graphical setting to very high at the beginning night beach part and was getting about 30 fps, so I was happy (I couldn't do this with the 8800). But as soon as I get to the sunrise and stand on the hilltop overlooking the ocean and the enemy encampment below, BAM 16 fps, just like the old gpu. I tried lowering the settings to what I used with the 8800, but it was pretty much the same.

I don't see much improvement in UT3, either...

I have an Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (2.6 ghz), is it the cpu that's holding me back?


madmook said:
I just got a 4850 and installed the latest 8.7's, and Crysis runs about the same as it did with my old 8800GTS640mb.

Crysis is heavily tailored to work the best on nVidia cards. It's not a fair app to use for benchmarking.


madmook said:
I just got a 4850 and installed the latest 8.7's, and Crysis runs about the same as it did with my old 8800GTS640mb.

I was able to crank every graphical setting to very high at the beginning night beach part and was getting about 30 fps, so I was happy (I couldn't do this with the 8800). But as soon as I get to the sunrise and stand on the hilltop overlooking the ocean and the enemy encampment below, BAM 16 fps, just like the old gpu. I tried lowering the settings to what I used with the 8800, but it was pretty much the same.

I don't see much improvement in UT3, either...

I have an Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (2.6 ghz), is it the cpu that's holding me back?
That cpu seems like a bottleneck to me.
what would be a good card that would be under 300 for my current cpu (E6850 C2D 3ghz), im not upgrading the cpu (...and then mobo... and then ram...) for prolly another 2 years so the card I get will be for about that length of time, my current card I think ive gotten good use out of it (7800gtx 256 that I bought 3? years ago.)

i was thinking a 4870 or would my cpu bottleneck it badly and should I go with a 4850 instead?


ZombieSupaStar said:
what would be a good card that would be under 300 for my current cpu (E6850 C2D 3ghz), im not upgrading the cpu (...and then mobo... and then ram...) for prolly another 2 years so the card I get will be for about that length of time, my current card I think ive gotten good use out of it (7800gtx 256 that I bought 3? years ago.)

i was thinking a 4870 or would my cpu bottleneck it badly and should I go with a 4850 instead?
CPU is good, you can actually OC it a bit on the stock cooler. I'd suggest the 4870...

The 4870 is better than the GTX 260 I believe in most scenarios (They cost roughly the same depending on brand/clocks). And the GTX 280 is $450 or so. I can imagine the 4870 lasting 2 years. (No game in sight that looks to top Crysis in terms of load)

Assuming you aren't going to a 30" anytime in the next two years (2560x1600 will hurt), then the 4870 is probably the best pick.


formerly sane
I did some budgeting and with the left overs bought a new system sans somethings I'm transplanting. I have a 4850 now but was wondering where to find the fan utility I've been hearing it since by default it don't work correctly.
Don't use Crysis as an indication of performance. It simply does not scale properly. There arequite a few sites looking at dropping it from their reviews in the near future because of it. It is not about nVidia TWIMTBP optimizasions as it is a trend across botth brands of GPU.

All this talk about CPU bottlnecks makes me want some benchmarks showing this.AFAIK nnwer games are significantly more taxing on the GPU to the extent that the GPU makes a far bigger difference to FPS than the CPU does, especiall once you are using either CPUs above 2.5ghz.
So any benchmaks that will show this (at a proper resolution that taxes the higher end cards such as 1680x1050, not the usual CPU benchmarks where games are run at 1024x768)?
godhandiscen said:
I don't even know if I want the 4870x2 any more. I am in the same boat as Kadey. I have a 3970x2 and it gives me 60fps or more in anything other than Crysis at the native res of my monitor. If I don't get the 4870x2, then I am going out of the country for vacations.
Enjoy your vacation.
Or at least wait to see how your current shit does on Far Cry 2 and Crysis: WH before upgrading.
madmook said:
I just got a 4850 and installed the latest 8.7's, and Crysis runs about the same as it did with my old 8800GTS640mb.

I was able to crank every graphical setting to very high at the beginning night beach part and was getting about 30 fps, so I was happy (I couldn't do this with the 8800). But as soon as I get to the sunrise and stand on the hilltop overlooking the ocean and the enemy encampment below, BAM 16 fps, just like the old gpu. I tried lowering the settings to what I used with the 8800, but it was pretty much the same.

I don't see much improvement in UT3, either...

I have an Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (2.6 ghz), is it the cpu that's holding me back?

How much ram you running on your system? XP or Vista?

Your CPU may be bottlenecking but then again, Crysis is a piece of shit to try and judge any benchmarks at all with. Crysis: Warhead on the other hand due out in about a month and a half will do a much better job of benchmarking than Crysis did.


Gold Member
godhandiscen said:
I don't even know if I want the 4870x2 any more. I am in the same boat as Kadey. I have a 3970x2 and it gives me 60fps or more in anything other than Crysis at the native res of my monitor. If I don't get the 4870x2, then I am going out of the country for vacations.

Why even bother? Your card is going to be excellent for the forseeable future. No reason to spend the cash.

Go to Fiji.


Mrs. Harvey
Nvidia has something up their sleeves but it's a huge question mark and some of the stuff doesn't make sense. Like releasing a weaker 8800GT and also a 9800GT.
This big bang rumor is supposed to be mind boggling according to them but we'll see how much of an impact it really is.


madmook said:
I just got a 4850 and installed the latest 8.7's, and Crysis runs about the same as it did with my old 8800GTS640mb.

I was able to crank every graphical setting to very high at the beginning night beach part and was getting about 30 fps, so I was happy (I couldn't do this with the 8800). But as soon as I get to the sunrise and stand on the hilltop overlooking the ocean and the enemy encampment below, BAM 16 fps, just like the old gpu. I tried lowering the settings to what I used with the 8800, but it was pretty much the same.

I don't see much improvement in UT3, either...

I have an Athlon 64 X2 5000+ (2.6 ghz), is it the cpu that's holding me back?
i have the same proc and while i admit it is the limiting factor in my system, i would hardly call it a bottleneck... and i run an 8800GTX.


Gold Member
Rur0ni said:
The 4870 is better than the GTX 260 I believe in most scenarios

I absolutely disagree with this, but I can understand how people got caught up in the ATI hype train (and please don't post reviews from back in June, before the 177.41 drivers hit, to prove your point).

As it stands now, the GTX 260 and 4870 trade blows, depending on the game and resolution. I personally believe the 260 has the edge due to more ram, which will be very useful in future titles, but AMD fans will quickly point out that the 4870 excels past the 260 in high resolution situations (think 1920 x 1080 and above) where 8x AA is applied. Fair enough, even though I'd like to point out that your average pc gamer won't be playing at that resolution and probably doesn't even have a rig that compares to whatever rig Anandtech (or Toms or Guru3D) was using when doing the benchmarks.

On a similar note, it never ceases to amaze me how these sites get by without doing in depth CPU scaling tests, and how consumers make their purchasing decisions based on a review which very likely uses a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT system than what they have at home. "But, Chiggs, using an extremely high end CPU really shows what the card is capable of!" Okay, great? Why should I care when my system is entirely different and won't yield the same results? Should I purchase a 4870 HD because it gets 23FPS in Assassin's Creed @ 2500 X 1600 with 8x AA, whereas the 260 only gets 17fps, on a system that I don't have? I don't think so, and I think people that factor their decision on something like that are pretty naive. They probably think they'll get those extra 5fps on their systems, too. Sorry, folks, that's not how it works.

"Gee, Tom is showing that the 4870 outperforms the 260 on his QX9770 system at 2500 X 1600 by a margin of 23FPS to 17FPS. Since I have a Core 2 Duo E6400 and a monitor that maxes out at 1680 X 1050, I'll buy a 4870."


"But I'm future proofing!"


Anyway, back on point. Here are two excellent reasons why someone should consider a GTX 260 over an 4870HD: Overclockability and acceptable thermals. My GTX 260 overclocks like a beast, easily pushing past GTX 280 ranges. And the highest I've seen it go during a game of Crysis was 75 C. Sure, the 4870HD can overclock too, but without a decent aftermarket cooler (and possibly a bios flash), there's a very good chance your thermals will be out of control. Heck, some of the idle temps on the 4870 make me cringe.

Okay, so if you haven't figured it out yet, I would definitely recommend a GTX 260 over a 4870; in fact, it's the only Nvidia card I would recommend right now (that would change if they started selling 1GB 4870's and they were actually available in wide quantities and they didn't cost more than $319.99). For everything else, AMD is the way to go,


Gold Member
Fularu said:
Can you like.. stop trolling ATi?

You are borderline pathetic

1. Okay, I recommend one mid-range product over another, give reasons why, then go on to say that for everything else AMD is the way to go (meaning low end and high end), and that somehow makes me a troll?

2. Why? Because I made a post on the internet? What the hell are you, then?


Fularu said:
Can you like.. stop trolling ATi?

You are borderline pathetic
I read his entire post and it makes plenty of sense to me. Unless you want to post something of substance, the only troll here is you.


Chiggs said:
1. Okay, I recommend one mid-range product over another, give reasons why, then go on to say that for everything else AMD is the way to go (meaning low end and high end), and that somehow makes me a troll?

2. Why? Because I made a post on the internet? What the hell are you, then?

All over this thread you have been hellbent on proving to everyone how Nvidia's the shit and how ATi's cards aren't up to par.

While I don't really care who's your favorite manufacturer or GPU dealer is, it grows both old and tiring to see you repeatedly turn down with more and more fallacious arguments as to why nvidia's offerings are soo much better. This despite every benchmark in existence proving you wrong (but oh noes, those benchmarks are teh biased! I don't have the exact same configuration at home!)

We got it, you like nvidia a lot, let it rest.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Chiggs said:
Why even bother? Your card is going to be excellent for the forseeable future. No reason to spend the cash.

Go to Fiji.

You didnt see my other thread huh? I let a friend borrow mah moneyz and now I cannot give me the luxury of spending in a 4870x2 anymore. I think I'll get it around Oct 1st now.


Gold Member
Fularu said:
All over this thread you have been hellbent on proving to everyone how Nvidia's the shit and how ATi's cards aren't up to par.

That's just absolutely untrue. AMD/ATI make great cards and I'm glad they're around.

This despite every benchmark in existence proving you wrong (but oh noes, those benchmarks are teh biased! I don't have the exact same configuration at home!)

Okay, now it's apparent you're not even reading, and even worse, you're resorting to sarcasm to help prop up some sort of straw man argument. It's not a matter of site bias; it's matter of drivers. A lot of the reviews back in June benched the two cards head-to-head using lackluster Nvidia drivers. Who's fault is this? Nvidia's. All I'm saying is that performance has been improved greatly with the 177.41's. Here are the two most recent reviews that I could find of the GTX 260 and 280. The Bit Tech review clearly states they are using 177.41, whereas the Overclocker's Club does not, but given the performance, it's reasonable to think that they are.



Both of these reviews paint a different picture than the one we were given in mid-to-late June. There's my intention in a nutshell. I wish more sites would re-review these cards once drivers mature, but that's just not the case.

And as far as the system configuration thing goes, it's true. The sites don't do a good job of testing the cards with a variety of CPU configs which leads to misinformed purchasing and expectations that aren't met.


Chiggs said:
1. Okay, I recommend one mid-range product over another, give reasons why, then go on to say that for everything else AMD is the way to go (meaning low end and high end), and that somehow makes me a troll?

2. Why? Because I made a post on the internet? What the hell are you, then?
260 pricing is not in the same league as 4870 outside of NA.


Gold Member
irfan said:
260 pricing is not in the same league as 4870 outside of NA.

I was just looking at prices on TigerDirect.ca and noticed the difference between a 4870 and 260 ranged from 30-40, which could understandably push someone in Big Red's direction.

Not sure about other regions. I'd be interested to see what things are like in Taiwan or Japan.


Chiggs said:
I was just looking at prices on TigerDirect.ca and noticed the difference between a 4870 and 260 ranged from 30-40, which could understandably push someone in Big Red's direction.

Not sure about other regions. I'd be interested to see what things are like in Taiwan or Japan.
Its much worse.

4870 ~$400
GTX260 ~$500

The price cuts was a good move by Nvidia to damage control the bad PR. As far as pricing goes, the price parity is largely limited to NA.


My HD4870 seems to be limited by my E8400 @ 3.00GHz, since OC'ing to 3.3GHz improved my 3DMark06 score. It didn't just improve the CPU score component, it also improved the SM2.0 and SM3.0 scores.

As for thermals, with Catalyst 8.7, if you enable Overdrive (you don't have to OC though) and create a profile, make it the only profile so it autoloads on system startup, and edit it to run the fans at 35%, my idle drops from 77C to 52C. Fans at 45% took me down to 49C idle but anything above 35% speed is louder so if you want a silent system, you don't want to hit 40%+.


irfan said:
260 pricing is not in the same league as 4870 outside of NA.

it is in the UK theres about a £5 difference between the two cards, i'd still go for the 4870 though


Gold Member
This is probably one of the best reviews I've seen of the GTX 260 and 4870HD. Holy moly, it covers 40+ games.


Too bad I can't read all of it because of the language. Anyway, one of the most impressive things about the review is how they target some of the most demanding sections of the game they're benchmarking. Note the STALKER page; look how they benchmark the army warehouses and bar. Anyone who has played the game knows that those two sections were framerate killers.
Swapping out my Gigabyte 8800GT for a Xpertvision HD4870 512MB sometime next week. Will also be installing Server 2008.

Should be fun.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
Mr. Pointy said:
Swapping out my Gigabyte 8800GT for a Xpertvision HD4870 512MB sometime next week. Will also be installing Server 2008.

Should be fun.
Why server 2008?


I just got the HD 4850 a few days ago, i have a Conroe E6600 @ stock, is this a bottleneck? I get good fps in games but i dunno if my cpu is holding it back maybe.
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