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Just had my neighbor try to knock down my door and threaten to kill me

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Whatever you do don't provoke the situation and touch him.

Defend yourself yes but you have no idea who this guy knows and if you and your friends beat him whose to say he won't just return the favour at a later date.

I've seen it happen to often, there is no such thing as a fair fight anymore.
Whatever you do don't provoke the situation and touch him.

Defend yourself yes but you have no idea who this guy knows and if you and your friends beat him whose to say he won't just return the favour at a later date.

I've seen it happen to often, there is no such thing as a fair fight anymore.

Not to mention that this guy sounds like he will eat your heart and cut your eyes out in the name of Beelzebub. Macho actions and posturing mean nothing to the clinically insane.

I would not stay there another day.
Have you tried openong the door and talking to him and seeing if you can resolve his concerns in a calm and civilized manner?

I wouldn't expect somebody to open up their home to a man who sounds very violent and insane and is making threats on their life. I know I wouldn't even consider that.


In a sad attempt at lightening the mood for the OP....



I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
I wouldn't expect somebody to open up their home to a man who sounds very violent and insane and is making threats on their life. I know I wouldn't even consider that.

your sarcasm meter needs to go through maintenance.


So, any update as far as why the fuck does he want to wear your face? I still assume mental problems.

Argh, the lack of detail in Reggie's replies is driving me nuts. Like what happened in court today? Did they question him about why he was going nuts? Did he see Reggie in court and recognise him/go nuts when he saw him? Have the police given any indication about what set him off or whether he has mental problems etc?

I understand you're probably stressed out and dealing with a bunch of shit IRL at the moment Reggie, but GAF > real life. We need details mang! Details!
I wouldn't expect somebody to open up their home to a man who sounds very violent and insane and is making threats on their life. I know I wouldn't even consider that.

Ignoring him, calling the cops on him, and globally shaming him on neogaf and YouTube is only going to antagonize him further. It never hurts to try good old fashion diplomacy


So what's your plan when a physically superior opponent breaks into your place wielding some form of weapon with the intent to hurt you? The question doesn't have anything to do with geography.

Yes, because guns clearly have an amazing protective effect against violent crime. I'm not necessarily saying they cause violent crime, but they don't ameliorate whatever is the cause either, clearly.

When a physically superior opponent breaks into your place wielding some form of weapon with the intent to hurt you, owning a gun does have an amazing protective effect.

And you didn't answer the question, what would you do?


Argh, the lack of detail in Reggie's replies is driving me nuts. Like what happened in court today? Did they question him about why he was going nuts? Did he see Reggie in court and recognise him/go nuts when he saw him? Have the police given any indication about what set him off or whether he has mental problems etc?

Details mang! Details!

I didn't get much information myself. I think the police charged him in regards to when he attacked them at the first arrest. When it was time for my case it was just them setting the conditions of the AVO. He didn't get to say anything and I didn't either. Like I already said, he's now on a curfew - has to report to the police every day, is now living with his mother, and is not allowed back near the residence. I think he pleaded not guilty. We go back to court in June. It all happened so quick, and I know nothing about how the system works, so I apologize for the terrible details.

Ignoring him, calling the cops on him, and globally shaming him on neogaf and YouTube is only going to antagonize him further. It never hurts to try good old fashion diplomacy

I didn't even know who it was at first. When someone is belting your door so hard that you think it's going to fall down while screaming they're going to kill you the last thing you think of is to open the door.
Ignoring him, calling the cops on him, and globally shaming him on neogaf and YouTube is only going to antagonize him further. It never hurts to try good old fashion diplomacy

Lol you're really serious? Did you listen to them videos?

He doesn't sound like a reasonable person at all, diplomacy is only going to work if the other party is not willing to tear your head off before you can open your mouth. Calling the cops was the right thing to do, as long as you're not a master of martial arts, a Marine or someone who can handle a rabid person with your bear hands if need be.

Edit: I doubt he's reading this thread on neogaf or watching the video on Youtube either...


get some go again
i'm going to timedog's house and kicking his door down in similar fashion for beating blame space in the poll. get out you poll thief! :p


good credit (by proxy)
i'm going to timedog's house and kicking his door down in similar fashion for beating blame space in the poll. get out you poll thief! :p

Shutup I'm gonna beat your ass. Actually no, I'm gonna go steal a fucking horse and have my new horse friend beat your ass with it's big strong neck, you fuck!
Oh sweet, a retarded gun debate.

D: What happened in here?!

So what's your plan when a physically superior opponent breaks into your place wielding some form of weapon with the intent to hurt you? The question doesn't have anything to do with geography.

Considering he can't GET a gun because of his geographical location, it seems pretty important from where I'm standing. The culture is totally different dude.


australians sound funny even when trying to kill people

"you fucking dawg"

i'm imagining crocodile dundee smashing his knife against that door


australians sound funny even when trying to kill people

"you fucking dawg"

i'm imagining crocodile dundee smashing his knife against that door

If Age of Empires is realistic his whole house would catch fire if you hit the door with a knife.
Oh hey it's Australia. What's your neighboring country? Is it a country that has drug cartels running their country? Do they smuggle drugs into your country with men as armed as some small countries?

Don't make those kind of comments unless you know anything about Australia and its neighbours, because there is a shit ton of drug smuggling happening in SE Asia. Still don't know what that has to do with gun ownership though.


When a physically superior opponent breaks into your place wielding some form of weapon with the intent to hurt you, owning a gun does have an amazing protective effect.

And you didn't answer the question, what would you do?

Amazingly, without a spiritual cause or particularly hippie ideological bent I've managed to live a life of total non-violence. I intend to keep it that way.

I, nor anyone I know, have never been victim to these savage acts of random violence you seem to be alluding to. Nobody carries a gun. Nobody needs to. The slight exception might well be the mutually aggravated drunken punch up, which I have seen, but injecting a firearm into that situation hardly seems like an improvement.


You can buy a tank in the US. A fucking tank!

People can get hold of guns in the UK illegally, but I dread to think what this country would be like if it were legal to possess them. The regulations for owning a firearm in the US are completely ineffective. The sheer amount of firearms produced in the US means that it is quite easy to acquire a gun illegally.

It's quite circular really. Because the production of firearms is huge it means that it is much easier for them to get into the wrong hands. Because so many guns are in the wrong hands, the need to buy a gun to protect yourself is greater. And I don't think there is much they can do now. Those who own guns illegally would still have those guns, while those who buy them legally are no longer able to protect themselves.
Okay. I don't really know the details only that you can buy one. I suppose simply having one in your possession means that the turret could be repaired. You can buy a functioning mini-gun though right?

You can buy grenades and automatic weapons too right? How would either of those things be considered just "defensive"?


You can buy grenades and automatic weapons too right? How would either of those things be considered just "defensive"?

I know. They go shooting them out in the desert. I've seen it on TV.

Kids shooting mini-guns in the desert. lol

A combat rifle just seems OTT to me, but then these things end up on the streets anyway.

Dead Man

Oh hey it's Australia. What's your neighboring country? Is it a country that has drug cartels running their country? Do they smuggle drugs into your country with men as armed as some small countries?

There's nothing wrong with legal ownership of a firearm. I can make an argument that a 80 year old man driving a car is more dangerous than a law abiding gun owner.

Did you even read my post? I don't believe you did, or you would have seen that I OWN GUNS WHEN I LIVE IN THE US. You twat.

So what's your plan when a physically superior opponent breaks into your place wielding some form of weapon with the intent to hurt you? The question doesn't have anything to do with geography.

I find a baseball bat upside the head works. The other guy (in Australia) will not have a gun during a break in, a bat or crow bar is sufficient.


The other guy (in Australia) will not have a gun during a break in, a bat or crow bar is sufficient.

Bikie wankers sometimes do. They tend not to go for domestic break-ins, though, unless they've taken exception to the occupant for some marvellously trivial reason.

Let us not forget, incidentally, that the two most noted bikie murders in recent Australian history were undertaken with:

a) A bit of a gym exercise bike.

b) One of those steel poles that hold up ropes at an airport queue. A bollard, that's the word.


God damn it. Will people stop making the assumption that everywhere is just like where they live? Not just you Drek, you just get the quote. I live in Australia and the US. When I am in Australia I don't have a gun, because I don't need a gun, because nobody has guns. When in America, I often have a gun, since every fucker already has one. Until you get rid of the hundreds of millions of guns in the US, no one will want to give their up first. Without a buyback from the government (not happening) there will always be millions of guns in the US. Don't make the mistake of thinking that means guns are needed everywhere.

In your time in the U.S. you obviously haven't figured much out.

For starters, there isn't some omnipresent threat of gun violence running rampant in this country. I now live in St. Louis and have spent a ton of time working in East St. Louis, IL (highest violent crime rate in the U.S. YEAR AFTER YEAR). I do not carry a gun when working and I have never had a single problem. So in literally the most violent part of the U.S. you can walk around generally at your discretion and if you don't fuck with shit you don't get fucked with by and large. Its not like pockets of the U.S. are constantly being invaded by Vikings armed with AK-47's.

Second, you can't run a buyback program simply because no one wants to sell their guns. You know what gun enthusiasts would spend the buyback money on? MORE GUNS. Guns are fucking cool and fucking fun. As long as you act like a mentally capable grown ass adult with them. People don't own guns simply out of fear. They own guns because they like guns.

Can guns be dangerous? Sure. But more people die of cigarette related cancer and heart attacks than gun related deaths every year in the U.S., so are we going to start outlawing cigarettes and McDonalds now? Nope, we just let you know that you're an idiot for using them.

My point was that you can't just say guns = violence. That isn't proven and my example (which I used simply because I could highlight the gun culture there with greater insight) shows just that. The least violent state in the union has the highest gun ownership per capita. So trying to pain firearm ownership as going hand in hand with violence is obviously completely untrue. Violence goes hand in hand with culture and societal structure, not any one single inanimate object.

Dead Man

Bikie wankers sometimes do. They tend not to go for domestic break-ins, though, unless they've taken exception to the occupant for some marvellously trivial reason.

Let us not forget, incidentally, that the two most noted bikie murders in recent Australian history were undertaken with:

a) A bit of a gym exercise bike.

b) One of those steel poles that hold up ropes at an airport queue. A bollard, that's the word.

Yeah, bikies will have a gun, but as you say, random break and enter is not really their thing, they will go rip off the guy with the hydro set-up.


good credit (by proxy)
How about we stop arguing about guns cause it's super irrelevant and look at this fucking horse neck.

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