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Justice League - Comic-Con Sneak Peek


Omg Gal <3



...Well, at least we'll always have Starcrossed.

I never thought that the Justice League film we eventually got would look like an early 2000s superhero film. A really bad-looking early 2000s super hero film.


Captain America is an unaccountable jackass who feels that he should be above the law and feels that the best way to settle arguments by goading people into fights on Shield helicarriers. Unlike Cavill who is man enough to walk away from fights with sexual harassers rather than destroy a small business owner's diner, is more than willing to settle disputes with genocidal warlords by pleading with them before letting fists fly, talks to the army and is willing to work under them, tries to bring about change through non violence by influencing people via the press or talking to them at banquets. But hey Captain America when he steals cars tells people not to put their feet on the dashboard so I guess he represents truth, justice and the American way.

You mean the sexual harassers who it was well within his right (not to mention his job) to kick out if they were causing a disturbance? And that he'd frankly be able to do without breaking a sweat? Not to mention when he fucking obliterates their truck, without nobody around hearing?

You mean the Superman who could easily disarm a terrorist, but instead drives him through several walls?

You mean the Superman whose first words to Lex in the entire movie are "I'll bring you in without breaking you" in as threatening a way as he could?

You mean the Superman who could've just laid out the situation to Batman before needlessly tossing him around, but instead tries to exasperatedly say nothing in the form of "YOU DON'T... UNDERSTAND. THERE'S NO TIME." *throws Batman two blocks, and then throws him again*


Looks bad.

Affleck: has a blotted face.
Cyborg: looks complete wack
Aquaman: has messed up eyes, part from that looks the best character
Flash: meh, his costume doesn't look good
Wonder Woman: is just more Gal (I don't like her as a actress)



Loving how the trailer looks, all the little nods to a bigger universe beyond what we've seen so far in the DCEU, and how the movie looks to be a lot more action packed. My only quibble is Cyborg's line (I like the delivery from him in the first trailer a lot more). Can't wait for November!
So that was not a Superman tease at the end?

And that scene where Flash tips the falling sword in Wonder Woman's hand was the best scene of the trailer. So well done.


so is it superman or green lantern?

i see something of a red cape in that scene but alfreds glasses reflect green??????


Yea it does. Movies have shown tons of people thanking him, praising him etc. Hell he sacrificed himself at the end of BvS. People turned out for his funeral and memorial. It forced Bruce to be better.

Exactly. We get some politicians and Lex, and Batman questioning Superman. There is also the one scene in front of the capital before the bombing. However BvS shows a LOT of people during the film that look up to Superman, worship, count on him, and/or are glad when he's around. BvS just happens to show Superman not at all comfortable with the god like worship some have in regard to him. What Batman is saying in this trailer isn't wrong at all for those questioning that. The very end and Superman's funerals in BvS show what people think of Superman.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
-J.K. Simmons as Gordon feels like a massive underutilization of his talent.
-Jeremy Irons as Alfred isn't quite working for me.
-The shot for shot leg sweep taken from WW seems lazy to me, shoot it from different angles if you're gonna do it
-That shot of Aquaman looks way off
-Flash's costume is still bad

On a positive note, the tone of the trailer seems much more hopeful and overall it's brighter and the colors more saturated. The humor doesn't really land though and Superman's reappearance should be obvious to anyone who saw BvS.

Sweet a 4 minute trailer, that was a nice surprise. I was never not going to be excited for this movie, so even though this trailer didn't erase all my concerns, I'm still looking forward to it.

As for who it could be at the end with Alfred, Superman seems like the safe bet I guess, but I'll just throw out a crazy theory and say it's Black Adam, someone else who could make the ground shake and would explain why Alfred looks legit shook.


That is such a tiny fence.

Looks like Aquaman and Doomsday took surfing lessons together.


I'm trying to guess why Superman would go see Alfred and I don't have much. Doesn't make sense unless Batman left a note next to his grave saying "Go see Alfred when you wake up."


so is it superman or green lantern?

i see something of a red cape in that scene but alfreds glasses reflect green??????

I mean aside from the fact that Superman is already in a bunch of promotion material, Henry Cavill has taken photos of himself in costume at the set, and the fact that Batman would have zero idea what a Green Lantern is at this point...

It's far too thematically appropriate for Superman to make his return in this film when the point of this team is to live up to "his standard" after his apparent death. Alfred emphasized "hope" in that line for a reason. If it was a Green Lantern, they would've emphasized "will", because that's what you do when you're a writer and want to tease something like that.

It's Superman.


good thing these are all awful nit picks.

Not really. The acting is also a big concern for me. Cyborg is basically half a black face. I go to see superhero films for the look and the action, nothing in that trailer got me hyped.


You mean the sexual harassers who it was well within his right (not to mention his job) to kick out if they were causing a disturbance? And that he'd frankly be able to do without breaking a sweat? Not to mention when he fucking obliterates their truck, without nobody around hearing?

He wasn't Superman then. He didn't become that hero overnight... That's the entire point.

You mean the Superman who could easily disarm a terrorist, but instead drives him through several walls?

No, he couldn't. He doesn't have "superspeed" like Flash in this universe, he gains his speed from boosting himself either thanks to his muscles, or through flight. This isn't smallville. Considering how close to Lois he was, flying at full speed was the only thing he could have done in that situation.

You mean the Superman whose first words to Lex in the entire movie are "I'll bring you in without breaking you" in as threatening a way as he could?

Come on now. The guy just tried to murder his fiancée. That's a lot of self control if you remember how he reacted when Zod threatened his mother.

You mean the Superman who could've just laid out the situation to Batman before needlessly tossing him around, but instead tries to exasperatedly say nothing in the form of "YOU DON'T... UNDERSTAND. THERE'S NO TIME." *throws Batman two blocks, and then throws him again*

Here's the thing though, Superman has never faced anybody that could be a threat, safe for the other Kryptonians. He thought Batman was a fly, as illustrated earlier in the movie when he landed and Batman ran over him and crashed his batmobile. To Clark, Batman can't do anything.

He tries to talk, he sees Batman doesn't listen and wants to fight, so Superman initially tries to humor him thinking it would be over in a second.

As soon as Clark is exposed to the kryptonite (something new to him), his mindset entirely changes. It's not "let's show Batman who's the boss so he can listen", it's "survive".


Synder's damage is done. The Superman they're talking about in this trailer and the one we got in MoS and BvS are two different characters. You can produce a screencap of the 'S' on a roof surrounded by people needing saving, but neither film once made you feel like the Earth felt that way about Superman.

You can also add the big fat statue at the beginning to, but you're argument can basically be summarised as "if you ignore all the evidence like people singing his praises on the news, worshiping him in Mexico, building monuments in his name, putting his logo on their roofs, the many puff piece editorials in the Planet and the state funeral then you never truly got to feel that people in BVS liked Superman"
That green lantern acknowledgement.

I'm trying to guess why Superman would go see Alfred and I don't have much. Doesn't make sense unless Batman left a note next to his grave saying "Go see Alfred when you wake up."

Note: "Go see Alfred when you awake, here's my address. The batcave is behind the grandfather clock"

Alfred: "Bruce just wanted to let you know he knew you would come, they're out fighting right now"

Clark: "Yea I passed them on my way here..."
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