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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT5| Controversies Over Nothing


Anybody got the original article on the $40 million Blanc investment claim asides from that retarded Twitter account?


New Juniel is not bad:
JUNIEL(주니엘) - 연애하나 봐 (I think I’m in love) M/V
This is not bad too:
양송이 (Yang Song E) - 웃으며 안녕 (Smiling Goodbye)

Talking about Jessica, it would be good If all the members that have left a group could have said their truth like Jessica said, instead of staying quiet, that would be great, but obviously not all of them have someone that can back them up with a lot of money, imagine what the ZE:A member could have said.
Come on dude, we don't really know anything about him or their relationship together.
This is all totally speculation. I would seriously take this kind of stuff with a grain of salt.
Seriously, posting Tweets as news? I don't understand the hate for this guy, he financed her girlfriend dream, there are rumors that even say that they are close to marry, but still there are many fans that treat him like shit, how much of a low consideration of Jessica you have to have to think that this guy is a terrible human.
I don't know him, so I'm not sure how he is, fan can be right about him
In other news:

Ji Eun's solo mini, called "25" is coming out October 14. Duble sidekick produced the title track "Pretty Age 25."
Please don't be a stupid song, please don't be a stupid song, please be a good song. Still disappointed in the fact that she didn't promote "Don't look at me like that" and at those stupid articles about the fact that she lost 5kg for this comeback(who cares?) to fight the articles about the fact that Ailee lost 10kg(Who cares number 2).
You know what the perfect cure for this drama is? The Ryutube being back. :D

This is actually pretty good. Good to see her back.

Obviously he is smart, he wouldn't be so rich if he wasn't smart. If you have seen the translation of the comments you've seen that they are all negative, why would he want this kind of publicity. Now the problem is, why everyone think that Jessica is so ingenuous. This girls are successful in one of the toughest and competitive market in the world(music wise).


Tiffany holding her tears during Goodbye when Sunny cover Sica´s part.

Feel bad to see anyone that sad, hopefully with time both them and Jessica they can all feel better and I'm sure they will continue doing good albums and performance.
Talking about Tablo, they did a "Show me the Money" parody on Gag Concert, is not bad:
Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 (2014.09.27) - God of Hip Hop
3/4 of Sistar were guests in the skit "The Big World":
Gag Concert | 개그콘서트 (2014.09.27) - The Big World
that Kim Taewon agility,lol


The Sone Civil War is going to be a bloodbath. People online are at each others throats over this, slagging off all the members all over the place. I've seen a few supposed "insiders" (grain of salt and all that) saying that Taeyeon, Tiffany and Sunny orchestrated the whole thing. But nobody is presenting any evidence for any of their claims, so until we see some receipts I'm keeping an open mind.

I will say that I find it hard to believe the claims that the other 8 were all jealous and that's why they kicked her out. Pissing away 14 years of friendship (in the case of Hyo and Sooyoung, seeing as they trained with her the longest) over some petty envy seems pretty farfetched to me. If they did conspire to kick her from the group I would hope it was for a better reason that that.

(I'm going to continue to stan for AOA until this all blows over)

(Also Hyo got a nose job so hopefully she has some kind of individual activity coming up and she's not just getting surgery because she's bored due to the complete lack of anything to do)


Ridiculous claim by the way, a neuron should be enough to dismiss that, in particular the first theory. So farfetched that is mind blowing. Without further news people get time to speculate, that's it.


Here's some relevant questions:

  1. Why was Jessica informed the day (or two?) before the fanmeeting in China and not in person?
  2. Why would other members be annoyed with Jessica's solo activities (her business), when other members would spend months away filming?
  3. Why didn't SM make an announcement until Jessica's Weibo post? When would have been the appropriate time if she didn't post?
  4. Why remove her when she's made it to every major appearances for the group? (rhetorical question, but it refutes SM's claim she has been putting GG priorities on the backburner)
  5. When will the other members speak out, and who will be the first? (Sunny didn't a word on her radio show)

My opinion developed when I saw this page:


You just know Tyler Kwon is getting all these Chinese deals for her. I wonder if SM is getting any piece of the pie? hmm


Here's some relevant questions:

  1. Why was Jessica informed the day (or two?) before the fanmeeting in China and not in person?
  2. Why would other members be annoyed with Jessica's solo activities (her business), when other members would spend months away filming?
  3. Why didn't SM make an announcement until Jessica's Weibo post? When would have been the appropriate time if she didn't post?
  4. Why remove her when she's made it to every major appearances for the group? (rhetorical question, but it refutes SM's claim she has been putting GG priorities on the backburner)
  5. When will the other members speak out, and who will be the first? (Sunny didn't a word on her radio show)

My opinion developed when I saw this page:


You just know Tyler Kwon is getting all these Chinese deals for her. I wonder if SM is getting any piece of the pie? hmm

Just a very quick answers
1- Do you know if it was in person or not, or even the exact time? Weibo post was hours before their departure and she said day 29.
2- They may be "annoyed" (I think this is the wrong adjective) but we don't know the exact details. Different situation in the end, she was outside SM while managing her business, the other members weren't.
3- As she said, it was noticed day 29, she posted day 29. Probably SM didn't had any final statement. Second part we will never know, not relevant question.
4- We don't know what happened behind the scenes about the group activities, only what they performed together. We can only speculate if there weren't other hindrances for future plannings, endorsements, concerts, etc.
5- Them to release any clear individual statement would be more fuel. Any statement would be a joint one and we will never know how much PR and/or SM influence on it could be done, so only under SM signature any statement will be released.

Edit: :(


The day she was informed matches the day she went to New York for business, that may have been the trigger.

Also, the way Jessica worded her post and statement seems like she was pointing mostly towards the other members, and the fact that SM wants to keep her for her individual activities kind of says they really knew nothing.
The day she was informed matches the day she went to New York for business, that may have been the trigger.

This is incorrect I think... they were spotted leaving New York together not leaving SK to head to NY. http://blog.koreaboo.com/post/98774748313/breaking-dispatch-finds-girls-generation-jessica-in

Here's some relevant questions:

  1. Why was Jessica informed the day (or two?) before the fanmeeting in China and not in person?
  2. Why would other members be annoyed with Jessica's solo activities (her business), when other members would spend months away filming?
  3. Why didn't SM make an announcement until Jessica's Weibo post? When would have been the appropriate time if she didn't post?
  4. Why remove her when she's made it to every major appearances for the group? (rhetorical question, but it refutes SM's claim she has been putting GG priorities on the backburner)
  5. When will the other members speak out, and who will be the first? (Sunny didn't a word on her radio show)

1. I'm assuming SM tried to inform her when she was on that flight from NY to Incheon but obviously they probably couldn't reach her while on the plane and them not knowing where she was, I assume SM assumed the worst and thought she wasn't gonna be back in time for the fanmeeting.

2. This is a really good question that we won't know unless somebody that isn't SM/Sica speak. See #1 for my thoughts on this, I think both SM and the members assumed the worst.

3. According to the statements from both sides, they were planning to keep this under wraps until literally the last minute. Like right before the next album, to announce that Sica would be leaving to pursue other things. And I think this is the only shred of truth SM has willingly shared simply because it's too specific not to be real. And the fact that Sica's not even refuted these claims lends some credence to this.

4. This one I think is where both jumped the gun, if we believe either side of the story. It doesn't make sense that SM would kick her out just because she might miss the fanmeet in China... sure it's a snowball of all other factors, but I honestly cannot believe a stupid fanmeet would be the straw that'd break the camels back. SM could've said that she was sick/busy with Blanc/pulling a Sulli with Tyler and the fans wouldn't give a rats ass about it.

On the other hand, Sica's story doesn't make any sense either. I think the initial post is legit, coming from the fact that her emotions took over and got her to post that smoking gun on Weibo. But her statement the day after is like a M.Night Shymalayalalan movie. At this point she was just blaming SM and the group but I don't think it's as simple as that. To throw away 14 years just like that? Something isn't right.

5. No one. See the 2PM and Jay Park. If there's one thing Korean PR can do excellently is keeping the lid on things after the scandal. If we're to hear of the truth, it'll be a long time from now. When SNSD is no more, when one member(most likely Hyoyeon lol) is just trying to cash on their last second of fame before everyone forgets about her.


Just a very quick answers
1- Do you know if it was in person or not, or even the exact time? Weibo post was hours before their departure and she said day 29.
2- They may be "annoyed" (I think this is the wrong adjective) but we don't know the exact details. Different situation in the end, she was outside SM while managing her business, the other members weren't.
3- As she said, it was noticed day 29, she posted day 29. Probably SM didn't had any final statement. Second part we will never know, not relevant question.
4- We don't know what happened behind the scenes about the group activities, only what they performed together. We can only speculate if there weren't other hindrances for future plannings, endorsements, concerts, etc.
5- Them to release any clear individual statement would be more fuel. Any statement would be a joint one and we will never know how much PR and/or SM influence on it could be done, so only under SM signature any statement will be released.

Edit: :(

really sad people think the other 8 wanted her gone in anyway.... It's totally SM's greed and sica's stubbornness... :(

[Eng Sub] The TaeTiSeo Ep 4 [1/7] all subbed :D <3... its crazy how much fany is really behind things... I'm sure she does the same for SNSD... I really hope the bes for jess.... I really hope she doesn't hold it against the other 8.... I hope they take a long break though, and dont comeback til late winter or something.... hell I WANT MORE TTS promotions :(
The original Bae.

dat left side :p


Man too much drama in Kpop this year. Between that and working too much it feels more stressful than fun lately. lol

Here's some relevant questions:

  1. Why was Jessica informed the day (or two?) before the fanmeeting in China and not in person?
  2. Why would other members be annoyed with Jessica's solo activities (her business), when other members would spend months away filming?
  3. Why didn't SM make an announcement until Jessica's Weibo post? When would have been the appropriate time if she didn't post?
  4. Why remove her when she's made it to every major appearances for the group? (rhetorical question, but it refutes SM's claim she has been putting GG priorities on the backburner)
  5. When will the other members speak out, and who will be the first? (Sunny didn't a word on her radio show)

My opinion developed when I saw this page:


You just know Tyler Kwon is getting all these Chinese deals for her. I wonder if SM is getting any piece of the pie? hmm

1. She had been in New York for the last week looking at universities. I'm assuming they had a meeting when she returned.

2. I don't think the members had a problem with her solo activities at all. Just that she was being unclear about everything.

3. Who knows. SM despite their famed status have been a fly by the seat of their pants, cracker jack operation and never really handle PR well.

4. Even if she has made most of the appearances a big chunk of obligations are things we wouldn't see or know about.

5. I wonder if they will at all. Jessica and Tyler Kwon's statements on SNS made things a mess.

6. From what I understand SM isn't getting any of the pie or have any control of her business. They had been negotiating new contracts for all the girls over the past months and worked out all the terms with Jessica concerning Blanc.

This summary lines up perfectly with all the rumblings from Oniontaker and other insiders the past 6 or 7 months.

K-SONEs' version of the story in chronological order. Choose to believe it or not, but it does make a point :

- Jessica and Tyler Kwon had plans to get married for months now. Jessica made the decision to leave the group for this specific reason, which the 8 members respected and accepted.
- Jessica launched Blanc when SNSD's contract expiration was near.
- Jessica and Tyler Kwon eventually thought it was better for Blanc's success if Jessica kept promoting as an SNSD member. So she decided to re-sign.
- But Blanc still was Jessica's main focus. The other members felt like Jessica didn't renew her contract for the right reasons (= business reasons). Members were disappointed in how Jessica didn't really have the motivation anymore but decided to keep going only to sell Blanc to fans under SNSD's name. Especially since the other 8 girls had prepared for her departure, she re-signed last minute and caught the other members off guard. As much as Jessica still wanted to promote as SNSD, she just was too busy to handle her singer career and her fashion career.

We all have to understand that starting a company takes a lot of time and effort. Jessica thought she could do both and it looks like she did pretty well, but we only see what's happening in front of our eyes. We don't know how many rehearsals she missed, how many projects were delayed or decline because she didn't have the same level of involvement as the other members.

There's also a rumor saying that Tyler was encouraging bad articles about SNSD in the Korean press after the SNSD members had that misunderstanding with Jessica, and SM felt like it was getting out of control. But this is hard to believe, so take this with a grain of salt.

FYI, Jessica is my favorite member and i'll always support her. This is not a post to blame Jessica, nor the SNSD members. Life sometimes just doesn't work out the way we want to, and I'm sure both parties wanted SNSD to continue as 9 but Jessica and the other girls had different motivations, which made it hard for them to promote together.

from the same person who told me about Teayeon dating months before it came to news. Take this a pinch of salt

She told me, that all the girls are ok with Jessica's personal plans wedding(which was originally scheduled this year), and her blanc business. The girls set up regular meetings to make a plan on how to work things with the group activities and individual/personal activities. But on the 3rd meeting scheduled Jessica flew to NY without telling anyone. And got back the day before their schedule to a fan meet in china.

Some other interesting things.
-Jessica launched Blanc much sooner than expected after deciding to re-sign. It could be used as part of her portfolio for school.
-SM also has had to turn down a lot of CF offers because of the uncertainty which would explain SNSD not doing any as a group this year.

Personally I think it's dumb to just kick her out straight up as that just hurts everyone. Jessica is screwed, the other girls are screwed, SM is screwed, blanc is screwed. Calling it something like an extended hiatus like Sulli (or permanent like Kibum if need be) would have prevented a lot of it and would have made a return much easier if the time ever comes.


Personally I think it's dumb to just kick her out straight up as that just hurts everyone. Jessica is screwed, the other girls are screwed, SM is screwed, blanc is screwed. Calling it something like an extended hiatus like Sulli (or permanent like Kibum if need be) would have prevented a lot of it and would have made a return much easier if the time ever comes.

I really, really doubt this was an out of the blue decision for SM (and the other 8 girls) therefore I really, really doubt Jessica was caught by surprise when she found out she was fired....
She was the one who posted that message on weibo and all hell broke loose. She could just waited to re-negotiate?

Then again, calling it an extended hiatus was probably not in Jessicas best interest (regarding media exposure for her brand). meh.. mess all around.
-SM also has had to turn down a lot of CF offers because of the uncertainty which would explain SNSD not doing any as a group this year.

This is not exactly like that, her brand is a complication for SNSD's CF offers, whatever brand who might want to set a deal with the whole group can't do it cause she's the face of another brand. This has happened before in 2011 when SNSD promoted Dior cosmetics Yoona, Taeyeon and Seohyun were excluded from the advertisements. This is because Yoona was the face of Innsifree back then, Taeyeon the face of A-Solution and Seohyun the face of Clean & Clear.

And yeah, this thing Jessica has is totally different from Yoona acting in a drama, TTS doing an album or Sunny doing a radio show, all of them are controlled and organized by SM, BLANC is outside of that and if it get's in their way, they can send Jessica home to read her contract again and remember her priorities.

My view on this is that foremost, Jessica is the one who screwed up, not by having her own thing but forgetting what made it possible, SNSD. Her brand depends on what SNSD jessica can do, not just Jessica and clearly she messed up things for not keeping her priorities straight. I'm sure there were signs that some things she did were wrong, she not only saw that but she felt confident that all along she was doing the right thing and now she can lose everything.

SM is next, it seems they don't want to learn how to handle things or they're just plain stupid. They must be so busy counting $$$ that don't care at all about this kind of thing, just look at what happened this year, i can understand that not handling F(x) properly can happen, but, EXO? Their biggest cash cow for the future, SNSD? Their iconic and most succefull girl group? it's just plain stupid.
They don't take care of their artists and more importantly, their investments, on moments like this i can't understand how the hell they managed to be the biggest company in Kpop, it's just too much.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
So walking to work today I'm like "It's Miss A time!" and put all their songs on shuffle and it was so good. Where the fuck have they been? 6mix is gonna debut soon so I don't think Miss A is getting anything this year. RIP JYP.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
No, how would u rate it?
AMAZING. Tho I did deeply identify with like 4 of the characters and was going through hard times when I watched it.

If you have ever really struggled in life, for yourself or for those close to you, you will cry. It's beautiful, man. So good drama.
Just listened to that YeeU x Seo Taiji collab... woah holy shit this is amazing!

I'm getting some Porter Robinson vibes from this... please tell me there's more of this!

I need moar!
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