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Kamiya concerned that Nintendo isn't marketing Wonderful 101 much at all


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Saying that a game like Wonderful 101 would bomb on PS3/360 because of the art style is a load of shit. Games with colour can sell you know. This is Nintendo being incompetent at doing what a publisher should be doing, that and the game being on a platform no one outside the Internet cares about.

I respectfully disagree. It is a hard game to explain, and at first glance definitely gives off a kiddie type vibe.

Hell, do you remember the thread last year when it was unveiled?


Who seriously said Nintendo are the best publisher for Platinum?
At least they're a publisher for PG... I'm happy to see W101 coming. I hope it'll get some exposure. That being said, I'm not sure that the game itself is mainstream, maybe they were wrong with the budget. But it's Nintendo money, no? Nintendo itself would lose money should the game sell badly?

And if they're the only one ready to publish a PG game, they become de facto the best one... among one ;)

Fox Mulder

Nintendo can be shitty with marketing, but this looks like a niche game that will appeal to people that already know about it and have been starved since launch.

There's a reason platinum had to crawl to nintendo for publishing in the first place.


And as is usually the case with negative Nintendo threads, it's already full of uninformed bitching, trolling and (stealth) port begging.

Well, isn't that generally the case, regardless of platform? Negative threads always get more attention than positive ones.

I assumed this was a more modest title. If this used 1.5x the manpower that Bayonetta did, what does Bayonetta 2 use? For any third-party studio that seems like quite a commitment to single platform.

Both W101 and Bayonetta 2 are Nintendo games. It's not quite a big commitment when someone else is paying your bills. PG aren't really taking a risk here.


likes action games but has never heard of Devil May Cry???????


even if the original was 10 years ago, games of note in the action genre are few and far between (relative to the shooter genres). devil may cry is the blueprint [that bayonetta later improved on]

how the hell do you not know it



W101 and B2 are the only games i wanna play. But Nintendo doesnt give a fuck so PS/Xbox gets a port sooner or later.

Bayonetta 2 is being funded and published by Nintendo so that will stay a Wii U exclusive and Nintendo own The Wonderful 101 IP.

Neither are getting ported.

Who seriously said Nintendo are the best publisher for Platinum?

Well that isn't incorrect as so far Nintendo is currently is the only one willing to fund any of Platinum's games.

Though I do think that Nintendo really need to step it up with the marketing as The Wonderful 101 is a new Nintendo IP and really needs all the support it can get. This game doesn't deserve to bomb

Not surprising at all. Nintendo is incapable of marketing their own games lot of the time. PG should have seen this before deciding to work with Nintendo.

Well there isn't much you can do if Nintendo is the only company willing to fund your game and to be honest I can't see anyone else stepping in to fund them.


I think there are major major issues with Nintendo's marketing. I do feel however that W101 might not be the best example of that.

I think Bayonetta 2 will be far more relevant- we know how much the first one sold, and we know that its a type of game Nintendo doesn't have much experience marketing.
I agree completely. Nintendo needs to change their marketing strategy. If that means inviting members of the press to all expenses paid trips to Hawaii and sending out elaborate special review editions to get the press to talk about the game, then so be it. Shit like that isn't all that expensive in the grand scheme of things.


Saying that a game like Wonderful 101 would bomb on PS3/360 because of the art style is a load of shit. Games with colour can sell you know. This is Nintendo being incompetent at doing what a publisher should be doing, that and the game being on a platform no one outside the Internet cares about.

It wouldn't bomb because of its art style. At least not only because of it. It would bomb because W101 is a combination of Viewtiful Joe and Pikmin. If you combine two niche games, the result normally is even more niche. In order to be interested in Wonderful 101 you have to like a) VJ-like cartoon action games and b) Pikmin-like control of dozens of characters.

That's a niche if I ever saw one.


I'd be more worried just making an exclusive Wii U game when Nintendo is barely making any effort to market the HW.


I think there are major major issues with Nintendo's marketing. I do feel however that W101 might not be the best example of that.

I think Bayonetta 2 will be far more relevant- we know how much the first one sold, and we know that its a type of game Nintendo doesn't have much experience marketing.

I respectfully disagree. It is a hard game to explain, and at first glance definitely gives off a kiddie type vibe.

Hell, do you remember the thread last year when it was unveiled?

Honestly I feel TW101 might have been a decent opportunity for them.

My initial impression was that it was a family friendly Platinum action game that could have appeal to the audience Nintendo already has, especially the kind of people who would be picking up a Wii U out the gate.

Bayonetta on the other hand is hyper violent, hyper sexual, and you go around murdering angels as a demon witch, which is kind of a harder audience match-up.


likes action games but has never heard of Devil May Cry???????
Haven't you seen the hilarious Best of E3 bullshit this year? "Action" apparently means "first person shooter" these days - real action games are considered action/adventures now. That's the category Bayonetta 2 was nominated in (and didn't win, of course), Wonderful 101 wasn't nominated at all. In any category.
Bayonetta 2 is being funded and published by Nintendo so that will stay a Wii U exclusive and Nintendo own The Wonderful 101 IP.

Neither are getting ported.

Well that isn't incorrect so far as Nintendo is currently is the only one willing to fund any of Platinum's games.

Though I do think that Nintendo really need to step it up with the marketing as The Wonderful 101 is a new Nintendo IP and really needs all the support it can get. This game doesn't deserve to bomb

Well there isn't much you can do if Nintendo is the only company willing to fund your game and to be honest I can't see anyone else stepping in to fund them.
Funding a game is irrelevant when you don't even give it a chance of succeeding. Long term, having both Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 bombing will not be good for Platinum, since no one will want to fund their games, not even Nintendo. What happens then?


He said people who like action games. If your "people" don't know Devil May Cry or Bayonetta, I question their expertise in the genre. :p
Well, they do know about God of War or Darksiders for instance. One of 'em even played Revengeance.

Not quite the same, but they fall in the action segment I suppose. And these guys ocassionaly play games like FIFA, CoD or GTA and gave the three above a chance. But alas, I guess TW101 doesn't fall in that category :p
Haven't you seen the hilarious Best of E3 bullshit this year? "Action" apparently means "first person shooter" these days - real action games are considered action/adventures now. That's the category Bayonetta 2 was nominated in (and didn't win, of course), Wonderful 101 wasn't nominated at all. In any category.

o i c

Now everything makes sense.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Honestly I feel TW101 might have been a decent opportunity for them.

My initial impression was that it was a family friendly Platinum action game that could have appeal to the audience Nintendo already has, especially the kind of people who would be picking up a Wii U out the gate.

Bayonetta on the other hand is hyper violent, hyper sexual, and you go around murdering angels as a demon witch, which is kind of a harder audience match-up.

I kind of see that, but the actual gameplay seems a bit more complex than something you can sell en masse to the Nintendo crowd.

I personally thought this was a great opportunity to fully unveil their NFC tech.

Ahh well.

I expect terrible to non-existent marketing from NOA, but like I said I think Nintendo will push it some in Japan.


Haven't you seen the hilarious Best of E3 bullshit this year? "Action" apparently means "first person shooter" these days - real action games are considered action/adventures now. That's the category Bayonetta 2 was nominated in (and didn't win, of course), Wonderful 101 wasn't nominated at all. In any category.

i hadnt seen any of that stuff

that really bums me out, and suddenly everything makes sense now :/
Funding a game is irrelevant when you don't even give it a chance of succeeding. Long term, having both Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 bombing will not be good for Platinum, since no one will want to fund their games, not even Nintendo. What happens then?

They developed sales flops ever since the Capcom days, their reputation in that regard will not get any worse with this game :lol
I love Nintendo, but this sort of thing is endlessly frustrating.

Market your console!
Market your games!

Back in the 80s when you were first pushing the NES, there were commercials all over the damned place.

Nintendo's product is as good as it has ever been, but their connection to the consumer is way off mark.
Why do they keep putting QTE bullshit in these damn games!? That gif just reminds me how much of a horrible practice it is. At least don't blatantly present it as one, if it must be in there.


Platnium's wii u games are going to tank so badly, it's going to be hard to watch. I wish Nintendo oe Sony would just buy them, I don't want to see them go out of business.


Haven't you seen the hilarious Best of E3 bullshit this year? "Action" apparently means "first person shooter" these days - real action games are considered action/adventures now. That's the category Bayonetta 2 was nominated in (and didn't win, of course), Wonderful 101 wasn't nominated at all. In any category.

Perhaps the judges didn't feel they were worthy of nominating / winning?

Why do you feel this happened?


..Nintendo isn't even marketing the wii u right now beside japan, which they started 2 weeks ago, and they just started to market their own title, pikmin 3, two weeks ago too, the game is slated to release in two weeks in Japan

Wonderful 101 is headed to America in two months, and it's release in other parts of the world is a little less than two months ( comes out last week of August )

beside AAA blockbusters aka EA- Battlefield and Ubisoft's Ass creed who airs game commercials 8 months before their release..who else markets their games two months before releases??

so there's plenty of time for Nintendo to advertise W101 next month because Pikmin 3 comes out in Japan mid July so they got other priorities right now'


On a semi-related note, by the looks of it, EDGE might be up to something.


They posted this tweet earlier on, but it was deleted almost instantly. The link of the tweet no longer works. Bayonetta 2 getting all the spot lights...



hide your water-based mammals
Lies tbh.

I agree with him. Some have to come to terms that the Nintendo core base on the internet knows about it and even then, that doesn't guarantee that all the WiiU owners or people who don't have one will watch. I have interest in WiiU but haven't watched a single direct yet.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
..Nintendo isn't even marketing the wii u right now beside japan, which they started 2 weeks ago, and they just started to market their own title, pikmin 3, two weeks ago too, the game is slated to release in two weeks in Japan

Right, this is what I said earlier in the thread. This is how Nintendo operates in Japan. We know it is getting a ND and I would guess some sort of advertising push will coincide with that.

Right now they have to advertise for July 13th.


I literally thought W101 was some party game like Mario Party until yesterday... I can only imagine what casual gamers think of it if they even heard of it.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Wouldn't advertising for The Wonderful 101 be closer to its August 24th release date? It's still early July.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Wouldn't advertising for The Wonderful 101 be closer to its August 24th release date? It's still early July.

Yes. I do think that Nintendo should probably be doing more as far as advertising in Famitsu, etc. To my knowledge, the game hasn't been featured much if at all in the Japanese gaming magazines. That might be some of what Kamiya is referencing.


On a semi-related note, by the looks of it, EDGE might be up to something.


They posted this tweet earlier on, but it was deleted almost instantly. The link of the tweet no longer works. Bayonetta 2 getting all the spot lights...

Damn, I wonder if it was new stuff.
Yay for new IP and all, but I think this game will tank commercially. A lot of Nintendo games would tank if not for throwing Nintendo characters in them. If Mario Kart was some generic kart racer with no characters in it... well, it'd be F-Zero and it'd put up F-Zero numbers.

I can't help but think how much better Kamiya, Platinum Games, and everyone would be if early on there was some agreement to scrap the 101 random dudes nobody has ever heard of and replaced it with 101 Nintendo characters. You'd probably go from a game that might pull in 1 million sales to a game that might pull in 10 million sales. New IP with old characters is the Nintendo formula for guaranteed success like clock work.


likes action games but has never heard of Devil May Cry???????

even if the original was 10 years ago, games of note in the action genre are few and far between (relative to the shooter genres). devil may cry is the blueprint [that bayonetta later improved on]

how the hell do you not know it
For context, my friends and acquaintances label me as the guy with weird gaming tastes; it's mostly a group playing the latest FIFA games, the occasional Assassin's Creed (although they're burned out on the series right now) and lookie, the next GTA or CoD. There's a few guys in there who sometimes take the plunge (hey man, thanks for the tip on Uncharted or hey I like Batman!) but they'll just buy what they know and be done with it.

They were just curious about me owning a Wii U and asking me what game I wanted next. I showed TW101. Afterwards, they chuckle :(


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Yes. I do think that Nintendo should probably be doing more as far as advertising in Famitsu, etc. To my knowledge, the game hasn't been featured much if at all in the Japanese gaming magazines. That might be some of what Kamiya is referencing.

I take it that advertising in gaming magazines is much more important in Japan than it is everywhere else?
Here in the states (and I presume in almost every other country), advertising in gaming magazines isn't much now.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
I take it that advertising in gaming magazines is much more important in Japan than it is everywhere else?
Here in the states (and I presume in almost every other country), advertising in gaming magazines isn't much now.

I'm not an expert, but yes, that is my general impression. Famitsu and other magazines still regularly unveil games, release dates, etc.
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