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Kotaku: Assassin's Creed 2015 set in Victorian London (Quebec Dev, Screenshots)


You could have held off from announcing this UBI. "Nevermind the broken game we released weeks ago! The SEQUEL is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER"

Sleazy, hope this bombs.

lol, nobody has announced anything, kotaku just got hold of the target footage, its a leak


If I ever play this I'm going straight to the chimneys. I have a musical number I need to reenact.

Kick your knees up
Step in time
Kick your knees up
Step in time
Never need a reason, never need a rhyme
Kick your knees up
Step in time

It's happened. I officially have no enthusiasm for this franchise anymore. This news makes me feel nothing.

I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved the first three games. Thanks a lot, Ubisoft.
It's crazy to me that there never seems to be any franchise fatigue with Assassins creed. Black flag was the only one i've played and i liked it, great launch game. But man these games just never stop coming.


I'm never going to catch up to this franchise at this rate, hah. The current game hasn't even hit its slow end of life crawl in sales, and they're already talking about the next.


Neo Member
meh, not sure if ill buy this one, been a fan since the first and played them all, but its getting tedious, black flag was a nice change and i loved the game but Unity made me lose interest rather quickly, i literally havent touched it since i finished the story and gathering all collectibles was nice the first couple times but i just pass on that now

make an AC thats set in ancient egypt and youll spark my interest again Ubi


Victorian era London is not boring.

What are people going on about?

I'm a bit of an Anglophile, so I'm biased.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Hang on a second; the first screenshot in the OP has Westminster Palace on the opposite side of the Thames to St Paul's Cathedral?

[edit] Or I guess it could be because of the river bend.
Very interesting.

I hope they´ll be able to release a polished game next fall.

I think I´ll buy it
the GOTY-edition in mid 2016 for 30€
God damn.

I actually think by now that the have templates for games like PowerPoint Designs which they just choose for a new game and done.

Somewhere there's a dark basement where one guy just draws up the templates for all of these AAA games and sells them to individual companies.

If I ever play this I'm going straight to the chimneys. I have a musical number I need to reenact.

Kick your knees up
Step in time
Kick your knees up
Step in time
Never need a reason, never need a rhyme
Kick your knees up
Step in time

Fucking lol this is amazing.


Unity is creatively so strong it sold me on the 2015 entry honestly.

And I'm sure they know to make it smoother this time.


This is one of those frequent suggestions so now the next time one of these Ubi guys scoffs at "Ninjas?!? Too obvious" we can glare extra hard at them.


Yes! This is the setting I always wanted most for an assassins creed game. Skipping Unity now for sure so that I won't get burned out of the series.
I'm slightly more interested in this setting than I was Paris, but I'm going to need to hear and see more before I'm really on board.
They're totally going for that crazy Freemason Jack the Ripper angle except with Templars, aren't they?

If previous games are anything to go by, you're some sort of assassin/templar version of forrest gump, who either interacts or plays a major part in the historical milestones of his or her's time

nothing of consequence will happen, nothing of consequence will be resolved because, let's face it, we got another 3-4 years of this crap before the series finally flames out.


This could be a interesting AC game for me... I LOVE Victorian England (London) and I want to see some missions in Whitechapel which could have something to do with Jack the Ripper


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
you guys are really into abusive relationship huh? 2 weeks after getting slapped in the face you're back on the hype train

Exactly. As far as long term memories, gamers have the shortest. We are always some screens and a slick trailer from "All is forgiven." And the companies know that. Wouldn't be shocked if this was planned to take the heat off Unity.



This and French revolution were my number one picks for an AC setting back in the day, but after Unity, i don't care were they set it, i'm done.

It helps that Bloodborne will have that Victorian goodness, with actually good gameplay, though.


There was a gaffer who met some guy at plane and he told him about ac in victorian era England. Seems like it was true


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
you guys are really into abusive relationship huh? 2 weeks after getting slapped in the face you're back on the hype train

I had loads of fun with Unity and it ran at 60FPS for the most part, so I'm not worried.


Assassin's Creed: Black Rag, a return to form for ubisoft's yearly tower climbing, stealth tailing, poorly implemented combat gameplay rehash that everyone is tired of but for some ungodly reason it still sells.
Well clearly lost of people aren't tired of it, otherwise it wouldn't sell.
I wouldn't be surprised if Ubi rushes to reveal this one to get attention off Unity. "You know that other game we released? Man, that one sucked, but this one is great! Look at how fun it looks when we show it off selectively! Unity? What's that?"


That's quite the early leak. Anyway, screenshots look gorgeous - not much of a surprise since Unity itself is gorgeous as well. Hope this one comes out more polished than Unity.
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