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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Saying Happy Birthday in the thread for Zky so he doesn't feel bad that it's just in the discord...



Ivan Pavlov's a challenger Teemp otp and supposedly #2 main worldwide. Basically got a lot better at playing Teemo after watching the stream and watching his gameplan against different champions, as well as learning how to do a more flexible build order that caters to the enemy team more than just buying items in a set path every single game.

Except I consistently do most damage or 2nd most damage in my team despite going Mallet + BorK + Visage + Runaans/Nashors, while also not dying in two hits (which throws many people off since they expect the glass cannon ap build) and being decent frontline material. Seriously, on-hit Teemo's giving me really good results while not disrupting team comps by giving us another glass cannon. Like, at least Malz or Zyra can unload their whole kits for massive damage, while Teemo's shrooms are absolutely unusable in teamfights and your paper-thin defenses mean you won't be abusing your E either, so that leaves what, Q damage?

I hear you, but I use his shrooms in team fight all the time. Works good for me, but I'm only low gold. Usually end game with double the damage as the next highest.

That said, I don't think he is that great of a champ no matter how he is built. What region is this Ivan guy challenger in?


I hear you, but I use his shrooms in team fight all the time. Works good for me, but I'm only low gold. Usually end game with double the damage as the next highest.

That said, I don't think he is that great of a champ no matter how he is built. What region is this Ivan guy challenger in?


He does say AP is still viable on low ELO, but then again I'd say the whole "viable in low ELO" thing is bogus for me, since of course he'll win more games than he loses against plats regardless of his build due to better mechanics, micro and macro.

The thing with going on-hit is that you end up doing a fairly even split of ad and ap damage, so it's harder for tanks to counter that until they build both types of armor later into the game, while ensuring they can't just stack mr to ignore most of your damage. My biggesst issue with ap is that, theoretically, you'll have to get through the enemy team's frontline to get into shroom/q/aa range, and if you do that without flanking (which often is unviable unless you, like, go for stealth in a pretty dangerous position and wait there for a while) then you're going to die before you even make it near their squishies. Most champs are pretty dangerous once you enter their range, but Teemo's kit doesn't have any kind of amazing CC, burst or aoe damage (again, unless people just ignore your r's 1s arm time and take the shroom damage), so on-hit's utility basically helps you mitigate the risk from going glass cannon AP while not really hurting your overall damage potential (barring shrooms, you trade Q burst for sustained dps/peel/kite).

Actually, the reason he's trying nashor's tooth now is that control wards and red trinkets no longer disable shrooms to the point they become useless when you need them most against competent teams, but even then he doesn't recommend banking that hard on them and Q damage because visage is a 2800 item that most tank-ish champions build farily early, and you're forced to counter it with items worth twice as much gold (ie: liandries plus void staff), which is a pretty big disadvantage for you.
Happy Birthday Zky. May you receive many fanarts.

Gator I'm starting to see why you like Renekton. I'm still garbage at him, but I've been spamming him top and got a few solo kills in my last two games. Now if I could just improve my sense of what the fuck I need to be doing at any given time...

I like this one

Def one of my favorite bday comics.

Does anyone else feel like the particle effects on God Fist Lee Sin aren't immediately as understandable as any other skin? It took me like half a game to figure out what his Q was (he never ganked my lane).


When I lane against a Teemo top and see him rushing Frozen Mallet, I die a little inside.

In what sense, "oh god the cancer" or "ezpz"? It certainly is one of the items that does the most work for me, since melee champs' life becomes hell when you factor in your W passive, W active and the constant slows from mallet, plus Q for when they actually manage to get in, all while you're building up keystone stacks.

Still, most of the time the recommended build is t2 boots (tabi/mercs) -> recurve bow -> mallet though, with maybe an early giant's belt if you need the extra tankiness. ipav only recommends rushing mallet if you're getting heavily camped, and even then he often recommends that you go for t2 boots first for the cheaper extra movement speed and tankiness.
In what sense, "oh god the cancer" or "ezpz"? It certainly is one of the items that does the most work for me, since melee champs' life becomes hell when you factor in your W passive, W active and the constant slows from mallet, plus Q for when they actually manage to get in, all while you're building up keystone stacks.

It's probably the first, because I assume teemo building on hit works like on-hit kennen.


It's probably the first, because I assume teemo building on hit works like on-hit kennen.

I think he can't really stick to you as effectively as Kennen can because he doesn't get the stun or ult, and I guess Gnar is also a better mallet user, but yeah, slowing enemies down on top of his W passive makes for a really bad time if you're an immobile champ or Teemo starts autoing you while your escape ability is on cooldown. I've forced people to burn flashes with my W, but then again that's probably because they didn't know better than to pick a 1v1 fight with me.


There's also the blind that makes laning a pain in the ass. I hate teemo.

Two picks you might want to consider to make life hell for the Teemo player are Pantheon and Jayce, who can both outpoke and outtrade him all day long during laning phase. If you're picking immobile champs that rely on autos into him then you're just asking for it.


Hmm ok I'll try Teemo that way tonight. My buddy and I duo in flex and he builds like that with Teemo. I go heimer and we both get zzrot. Then we shroom up the zzrot bush and put turrets down. Slowly work our way to nexus. I think both sides hate us for it, but we are undefeated so far in low elo.


Doran's Shield


+80 Health
Passive: Restores 6 Health every 5 seconds.
Passive: Basic attacks deal an additional 5 physical damage to minions on hit.
Unique Passive: Regain an additional 20 Health over 10 seconds after taking damage from an enemy champion.

yeah and they gave it up back then why is it back for the changes they want to do for midseason

edit: also finally changed my league handle
They didn't give up on it, they just pulled it back to work on it for a while longer. Riot always intended to ship those DShield changes in some way.
Literally rock bottom

0 LP at B5

Feels badder

Edit: Happy Zky
Try mid vel. Honestly anyone in a slump should try mid vel. Very easy combo, can play safe against most other mids. Combo feels satisfying. I can't think of too many ap mids that I fear going against as vel. Fizz and......? idk. Most other mages if worse comes to worst you can stall and just farm up.

Wtf is with dat anti dps Mage item posted? I thought it only lessened the damage from the spell/effect that triggered the passive? So spamming karth q would give them less damage from a few more karth qs. But it lessens all magic damage from the opponent when triggered?


Try mid vel. Honestly anyone in a slump should try mid vel. Very easy combo, can play safe against most other mids. Combo feels satisfying. I can't think of too many ap mids that I fear going against as vel. Fizz and......? idk. Most other mages if worse comes to worst you can stall and just farm up.

I don't play mid, but I;ll try him as supp


Today's game was yet another spudfest, the third in a row now. Katarina went 0/6 in lane against Lux because Warwick would constantly dive her, all while Lee Sin was barely doing anything. Early game ww was 4/1/2 and our lee was the opposite, 1/4/2 or something, on top of our Nasus dealing less damage to champions than him.

The worst part was their Alistar told us he was autofilled jank who'd always knock us back and out of his teammates' ults due to not knowing how to combo dash into knockup, and Lux sucked at actually landing her abilities as well. We even won a teamfight and got baron buff, but of course they decided to push for five seconds, left me for dead when ww went after me, and then two of them decided to do ancestral dragon with their whole enemy team alive, which included a Quinn, mind you. Of course Lee and Kat die to the enemy team, enemy team gets dragon buff and we lose shortly afterwards. I was alone in base waiting for teammates to respawn (as Nami can't really do anything to stop a 5-man push with ancestral dragon buff), and the next moment I see Kat running full speed ahead with homeward buff just to get deleted without killing anyone, and the rest of my teammates followed soon after.

Guess I was way too lucky with a 3-game winstreak, so the game had to statistically pull things back by giving me potato-tier retarded people for teammates in the last three games. Seriously, what I'd have given to have them replaced even by intermediate bots...
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