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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


There are definitely worse AD's right now, though.


If you're really comfortable with him you can make him work in the lower elo's


Kalista is actually great right now, I'm loving playing her. Her buffs helped so much.

Most people can't utilize her strengths properly, but with any ranged support she's a monster.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There are definitely worse AD's right now, though.

If you're really comfortable with him you can make him work in the lower elo's
Kalista has CC and utility at least. You can see top players accomplishing something with her. Lucian is just bad damage. Might as well be a troll pick.


Idk, as far as utility ADC's go I think you could do much better with Ashe, Sivir etc. But what do I know.

Do you guys think Jayce is still viable after nerfs to his damage and the coming nerf on cleaver?


Eh, I don't think so. Being able to perpetually shove waves and having an innate spellshield in a meta where people are spamming jhin/varus at least puts her above Kalista in my eyes


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Idk, as far as utility ADC's go I think you could do much better with Ashe, Sivir etc. But what do I know.

Do you guys think Jayce is still viable after nerfs to his damage and the coming nerf on cleaver?
I agree that it gets better, but at least Kalista still has these tools. If someone is really good on Kalista I think they can make things happen in games still. For Jayce...still probably viable but most of the playerbase will probably move away from him.


She doesn't shove any faster than Jhin or Varus.

Trust me, I've play a lot of Sivir.

She's not great ATM. She's still playable, but no reason to lock her.


Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.


Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.
Oh sweet summer child.


Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.



Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.

Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.

For some context on the S+, that shows you how well you did compared to the average Garen in terms of a number of metrics (minions killed, KDA, damage done, etc.). I assume that's around your level but I don't know. But it means that you did much better than other Garen players at your level.


Not having a desktop computer for 1.5 months is suffering. I don't even remember what my keyboard feels like.

Also welcome new guy.


Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.

I have playing this game for 3 years and you are already better than me

The only ADs I'd call shit right now are Trist and Vayne

Why? I got the idea her Q buff would help her a lot

Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.

I never get satisfied playing Trist. Even at 6 items my attacks don't feel like they have any power to them. Could be just the general attack animation.


Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.

Hey man, that's great. Only gets better from here!



Hello guys.

Very very new to the game. I have only played 4 PVP games. 2W - 2L.

Today I just got rank S+ with Garen 11/0/10
One of my teammates said getting S+ was amazing.
After googling around it turns out this is what everybody wants to get, right?

Well, I can say I am hooked on this game.



Ok so I've got 6300 IP saved up, time to decide on who to get next.

I play mid and support mostly. I was thinking I'd like to get a melee mid champ, recommendations? Which is the most fun to play as, in your opinion(s)?

Also was looking at Ivern, so I would have a jungle champ for auto fill who's still pretty support-y...


Finally, a real nerf

yea that's a very relevant nerf

like, being able to oneshot ppl like this (old video) was pretty silly

i'm still confused why his winrate is so fucking low. he's got a bit of a skillfloor but it's hard to believe people are so shit at him while zed and leblanc do much better

maybe it's a scaling thing, but cassiopeia is doing fine and anivia is one of the best performing midlaners

it's weird

and seeing zed have such a high winrate kind of makes me want to try him again

specially now that leblanc is gonna be nerfed

tho i could just play midlane quinn


Played my soloq match of the day as Yorick (laning against a meh Ekko) and did quite well. Beat everyone by about 130 cs (345 at 39:12), rotated often (due to Ekko mostly being a non-issue) to take a total of five towers, two inhibs and two dragons, and overall played in a way that felt like I was actually contributing more to the team than just "winning" my lane. Of course everybody else not feeding and the enemy jungler being pretty meh helped, but it felt great when I realized that hey, maybe I could actually take mid down while Ekko was busy pushing top back and the rest of the enemy team was busy fighting my teammates down bot.

It's cool how Yorick's ult allows him to take dragons pretty easily on his own, and is pretty likely to leave the spirit thing at high enough HP to still be a threat in later teamfights or to go take objectives. I still don't like the idea of leaving her on her own though, since the extra damage she affords you is pretty necessary due to Yorick being an immobile champ.
yea that's a very relevant nerf

like, being able to oneshot ppl like this (old video) was pretty silly

i'm still confused why his winrate is so fucking low. he's got a bit of a skillfloor but it's hard to believe people are so shit at him while zed and leblanc do much better

maybe it's a scaling thing, but cassiopeia is doing fine and anivia is one of the best performing midlaners

it's weird

and seeing zed have such a high winrate kind of makes me want to try him again

specially now that leblanc is gonna be nerfed

tho i could just play midlane quinn

it's the skill floor

at high elo play ryze is a terror in his current form

everywhere else, unless that ryze player is good, it's alot harder to pull of his combos


LeBlanc can snowball hard early though, whereas Ryze takes time to scale. If you get fed as LB you can absolutely carry a game and basically end it before 30.


yea that's why i mentioned cassiopeia

ryze's winrate is like absurdly low

he's got basically the same winrate as azir while being super broken
For some context on the S+, that shows you how well you did compared to the average Garen in terms of a number of metrics (minions killed, KDA, damage done, etc.). I assume that's around your level but I don't know. But it means that you did much better than other Garen players at your level.
Mind blown. I didn't know this compared to other players.


Played a game as top Urgot since I thought I was going to lane against Jayce (he ended up being mid, with Nasus top), and did okay (got an S!). I can't deny the carries were adc Quinn and Vi, though, but I'm happy with my performance (I bet I got an S because there isn't enough Urgot play data to assert who's actually good at him and who isn't).

Still, does anyone know what kind of build I should go for with him? I just went Tear first, then boots (tabi since Nasus, Jax and Lucian were all auto-based), then triforce (since I can really abuse sheen with Q), then a defensive item so I could tank a couple hits. His ult range is really underwhelming at first, but even then I got to use it to prevent Nasus from taking a tower (bought us some time so we could finish him off before the tower went down from his Qs) and secure kills on stray enemies when I had a teammate nearby.

I've still got to work on my non-existent roaming skills, but I'm kind of happy with how I'm doing for still being relatively new to toplane.
"Vincent, we're sorry you just spent 4 minutes looking for a Ranked game because (no exaggeration) 7 games we found you had a player decline, and 1 game went halfway through draft before someone dodged! To make all of this frustration and irritation better, we've decided to autofill you to Support. Enjoy!"

Go. Fuck. Yourself.

-Deep Breath-

So, how's everyone doin' tonight? :D


You guys should really put time into learning support. It's really not that difficult if you're not playing high difficulty champs.


"Vincent, we're sorry you just spent 4 minutes looking for a Ranked game because (no exaggeration) 7 games we found you had a player decline, and 1 game went halfway through draft before someone dodged! To make all of this frustration and irritation better, we've decided to autofill you to Support. Enjoy!"

Go. Fuck. Yourself.

-Deep Breath-

So, how's everyone doin' tonight? :D

Eh. I said I was going to play ranked today, but been held up by IRL friends. I wish their was an appear offline button, rip.


i feel like the best thing about quinn is that it lets me terrorize mids

my law when playing quinn is i won't allow enemy mids to have flash

i just won't

4 game win streak, plat 5 promos

let's go baby
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