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Legend of Korra Book 2 HYPE Thread (Book 1 & 2 Spoilers inside)

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Yeah Zuko doesnt appear like a king or royal at all, looks really off. And Sokka seems too similar to his younger self for a politician.


They really did a good job of make the old Gaang look older. No way they're just for show, we're definitely seeing the Gaang at that age again (unless that's confirmed already which i may have overlooked.)


Clearer versions of the posters:

From: http://jenny-sdcc.tumblr.com/
Finally a non old lady Katara sighting.

Old gang looks boss as fuck.

The info sounds good and it will be nice to see how the other characters are doing

With Mako on police duty and Bolin trying to hold his own i guess Mako finally backed off a bit and gave the guy some fucking air. Asami trying to rebuild the family name is pretty interesting as well and Korra still has some growing up to do LOL. More of her family plus the spirit world is gonna be cool to see also.

it seems Bumi and Kya became much lighter in skin tone (almost like what they did to Vanessa in the Virtua fighter series)
It was a race against the air nomad kids? Are you fucking kidding me?

I can't watch the vid right now, but if this is true SMH man.

I called it in the other thread:

I'm putting ten dollars on Korra starting off the new seasons portraying Korra as the shittiest Avatar history has ever known - heck, maybe a little bit of a knowing self-aware plotline about characters brushing Korra aside because she didn't really "earn" her power. Instead of a story about the Avatar struggling to gain power, the show becomes about somebody who was handed immense power learning how to use it for good, instead of just beating the shit out people with it.

Spider-man with a side helping of eastern mysticism.

I think it's a good direction to go.


I agree. She isn't a responsible person, so how else would you expect her to treat this immense power? Over the season, she will become more spiritually attuned and take the responsibility of being the avatar seriously. I don't understand the anger.


Just watched the video. Korra cheating in a race is even dumber in animatic form then it is in one sentence summary. Mysterious spirit thing at the ending looks cool and has potential.
Sucks to be Bolin, his friends are off doing bigger and better things and he's stuck on a terrible probending team. Finally out of Mako's shadow but he's left with crap :/

to be fair its the best time for him to finally forge his own path.

Hopefully the creators will allow him to do that.
Looking awesome. Mako's new outfit does suck compared to his old one. Korra's looks boss though.

At this point whenever I see someone whining about Korra's maturity I just tune out. Your opinions are duly noted like ten times over by now, damn. Give it a rest.


I said this before in the other thread, not realizing that there is a thread for this.

Does anyone else think it's a bit odd that Korra is suddenly revealed to be actual royalty?
Holy shit the old Gaang looks badass than amotherfucker. If Nick wants a third series please let it be the old Gaang as adults trying to manage the world after the war. Goddamn son.


I felt pretty bummed in hearing Korra used the avatar state to win a race. The first thing I think is "how immature" and I like Korra, so I don't want to feel this way about her. But after I see it's against the nomad kids and a air race, I feel much better about it personally. I'm not seeing the outrage.

Sure she's cheating, but she seems to be doing it playfully. It's not like she's in some official race where she's about to steal fist place for some money or a title. Can't say, but it seems like she's having a bit of fun with her teacher's children, whom she's probably grown to really like, while getting a bit of practice in at the same time. And if the case is that she truly needed the avatar state to win against "children," the kids are proven to be pretty good air benders, while Korra must be still new at it. I'm not sure how much time has passed since season 1 so I can't say.

Either way, people seem to be overreacting.
Sure she's cheating, but she seems to be doing it playfully. It's not like she's in some official race where she's about to steal fist place for some money or a title. Can't say, but it seems like she's having a bit of fun with her teacher's children, whom she's probably grown to really like, while getting a bit of practice in at the same time. And if the case is that she truly needed the avatar state to win against "children," the kids are proven to be pretty good air benders, while Korra must be still new at it. I'm not sure how much time has passed since season 1 so I can't say.

Either way, people seem to be overreacting.

shes using the knowledge and power of her past lives, something that is functional to protect her from getting killed, to protect others from getting killed...to beat a couple of kids at a race. Its completely childish and unbecoming for someone thats allegedly a fully realized avatar. Its not a toy. Maybe that is part of her arc, realizing this. Its still silly, good that tenzin calls her out on it.



Thank you.

Well, in that case, I'm not sure she would be able to beat a few established since birth airbenders who have been training with the father all their lives, while she only has about 6 months of actually performing it under her belt. Who's to say how fast she learned after she unlocked it against Amon though. She seemed a natural with the other elements. After unlocking her airbending, she may have learned a fair bit in just 6 months. I guess we won't know much for now.


shes using the knowledge and power of her past lives, something that is functional to protect her from getting killed, to protect others from getting killed...to beat a couple of kids at a race. Its completely childish and unbecoming for someone thats allegedly a fully realized avatar.

You're right. That much we can be sure of. It's irresponsible, reckless, and immature to use her ability in such a manner. I'm still not completely okay with it, but I do feel somewhat better as I said. She's obviously got a lot to learn. She's not as wise as Aang, but he was trained by monks after all.

I don't want to sound like I'm taking up for Korra, because I'm not. I've been very critical since she was handed avatar mastery at the end of season 1. Just trying not to jump to too many conclusions before I see the scene properly animated, however.


After having a few days of drinking and debauchery (and thus my absence from a Korra thread -- I should have 40-odd posts in here by now!!!), I come onto GAF and find this.

My god. So hyped for Book Two now.

I'm interested in them going full out on the spiritual side, and I'm glad they've made Korra irresponsible with her gift. It makes the ending of Book One that much better, because she obviously hasn't earned it, and maybe she will retroactively earn her powers in Book Two. A large complaint of mine was how Korra never really "earned" the Avatar State, and that it was just gifted to her by Aang out of the blue. I'm glad that her use of the power reflects that, and shows that she's got a lot to learn before she's a proper Avatar. I think it's a good way to fix much of Book One's mess of a resolution.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with what we've seen. It seems pretty early on in production, sadly, so I don't expect we'll be getting this until next year, but I think what we've seen looks really promising.


I'm interested in them going full out on the spiritual side, and I'm glad they've made Korra irresponsible with her gift. It makes the ending of Book One that much better, because she obviously hasn't earned it, and maybe she will retroactively earn her powers in Book Two. A large complaint of mine was how Korra never really "earned" the Avatar State, and that it was just gifted to her by Aang out of the blue. I'm glad that her use of the power reflects that, and shows that she's got a lot to learn before she's a proper Avatar. I think it's a good way to fix much of Book One's mess of a resolution.

The fact that Korra hasn't matured at all makes her unlikable in my eyes, but that doesn't really have much anything to with why she has those powers. Controlling the avatar state is not a matter of maturity, but has a very specific process to it that even Aang, who is far more spiritual and mature than Korra anyway, had to go through to get his chakra's unlocked.

Korra growing up would be a good character arc, but it will never justify her getting those powers at the end of Book 1.


The fact that Korra hasn't matured at all makes her an unlikable character in my eyes, but that doesn't really have much anything to with why she has those powers. Controlling the avatar state is not a matter of maturity, but has a very specific process to it that even Aang, who is far more spiritual and mature than Korra anyway, had to go through to get his chakra's unlocked. Even if she was every bit as mature as Aang, there is nothing that can explain why she got those powers at the end.

Korra growing up would be a good character arc, but it will never justify her getting those powers at the end of Book 1.

She was given them by Aang using energybending. She shouldn't rightfully have them. That's the point I'm trying to make, and I imagine the point Mike and Bryan are trying to make. This is pretty much an acknowledgement that she got those powers too early, and absolutely does not deserve them. Her getting them isn't justified at all, because she's shown herself to be totally irresponsible with them.

But I guess some people will just keep on hating because the Book One ending wasn't what they wanted it to be. I re-watched Book One with a friend the other day and I've reconciled with pretty much everything except for the fact that Mako is a wooden, two-dimensional character. This Book Two promotion helps a lot too, especially with the rushed ending, because they can make that rushed, undeserved, gifted resolution to Korra's de-bending problem a facet of her character development now.

And I'm glad they've done that, to be honest. I was hoping she'd be totally irresponsible with it, because it in many respects saves the Book One ending. It shows that there's a consequence to her getting her powers in such an unusually easy way. They weren't earned.

I don't see what the hate is for.
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