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Life Is Strange |OT| Rewinder Me


Did you even read what I said? I don't want rushed games, I want them to start releasing them later when they can commit to a solid release schedule.

When episode 1 of Game of Thrones airs they're not rushing to get the last few eps filmed.

I also said in that very post that game development is hard. But I'm paying for a product and it's unprofessional to not have a solid release schedule. TV shows would never get away with it so games shouldn't either.

Again I don't want it rushed. Read what I'm saying.

Game of Thrones is filmed like a 10-hour movie, then edited and goes to post-production.

Sure, you can do that with episodic games like Life Is Strange, but with a price: they would have to stick to a very small budget. Episode 4 clearly had more budget than the first or second, because sales allowed them to improve. Also, feedback being addressed.

So, if you want a more concrete release window, the episodes would need to be far into production, not taking feedback into account and not improving as much as the game goes along. These are the real reasons why developers took interest in episodic gaming: get sales going to make the other episodes better. The only one that really tried to simulate a TV series was Alan Wake.

Life Is Strange started with a very small budget compared to what they have now.


Did you even read what I said? I don't want rushed games, I want them to start releasing them later when they can commit to a solid release schedule.

When episode 1 of Game of Thrones airs they're not rushing to get the last few eps filmed.

I also said in that very post that game development is hard. But I'm paying for a product and it's unprofessional to not have a solid release schedule. TV shows would never get away with it so games shouldn't either.

Again I don't want it rushed. Read what I'm saying.
I don't think you get how game development works, way too many variables can pop up that can cause delays, if that's an issue for you I'd suggest waiting until all of the episodes are out instead of making idiotic "unprofessional" claims
I also said in that very post that game development is hard. But I'm paying for a product and it's unprofessional to not have a solid release schedule. TV shows would never get away with it so games shouldn't either.

Again I don't want it rushed. Read what I'm saying.

Dontnod has said that budget concerns were a large factor in deciding to go episodic. Remember, this is the studio whose previous--and first ever--game was Remember Me. I don't think they had a ton of money up front.


Dontnod has said that budget concerns were a large factor in deciding to go episodic. Remember, this is the studio whose previous--and first ever--game was Remember Me. I don't think they had a ton of money up front.

Yep, we wouldn't have LiS if it wasn't episodic


Episodic gaming is great but release schedules need to be set in stone. This constant waiting and mystery is bullshit. Same is true for Telltale games etc.

And yes I understand making games is hard but that shouldn't matter to a consumer. So is making a weekly tv show but they don't keep people guessing when the next episode will be.

Yay for episodic gaming. Boo to bullshit release schedules.

Don't release episode 1 until you can set the rest of the release dates in stone.

What you're actually asking for here is no episodic gaming, but developers to finish games and release it. If the games are still being made its impossible to have a set in stone release date. Games are incredibly difficult to make.

Super excited for Episode 5. Hope they stick the landing.


I imagine the VO would be done by now. Hannah Telle posted a studio photo on instagram and said they were getting close a week or two ago.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Several prominent voice actors have voted to strike

One of them: Ashly Burch (Life is Strange's Chloe, Borderlands 2's Tina Tina)

Hope all recordings for Chloe are done by the time the strike may begin :S

I imagine the VO would be done by now. Hannah Telle posted a studio photo on instagram and said they were getting close a week or two ago.

I hope so, and I suppose most of other characters' VO are done, maybe with the exception of Max due to her internal thoughts dialogue.
Alright, so I decided to finally hop this train.

I really want to see more in this point and click/choice genre of games.

Until Dawn, Heavy Rain seem like the big hitters that have the biggest branching.

Walking Dead exploded the genre.

Life is Strange seems very good so far. I absolutely adore the setting: I want more games with school drama! I think I may get Persona because of this reason alone.

I am curious, are the choices just 2 dimensional illusions? Please try not to spoil it, but in Walking Dead, (spoiler about the mechanics of the game)
when you are given a choice between two people, it ultimately doesn't matter since the other guy dies in the same episode, or the next.

Games like Heavy Rain seem to have genuinely varied enough choices which branch the game in significantly different directions.

In contrast, Walking Dead seems much more like an illusion.

I only finished Episode 2, so maybe it's a spoiler to know the answer for myself, but Im very curious if it will warrant multiple playthroughs. Either style doesnt matter to me. This is a smaller game after all, and Im enjoying the ride a lot, just like I did with Walking Dead.

The context of the story and characters relating to choice is super, and what is most important. Ultimately, I'd hope that the characters I interact with are each unique and have their own destiny that are impacted by my choice. When having to choose between 3 key characters in Episode 2, I was truly conflicted because each character had a reason and motivation that made me consider hard.

Max's friend saying "amazeballs" was bad lol. Lip syncing is unfortunate, but Im reading the subtitles anyway, so it's not too horrible

Again, I just finished Episode 2, but some of your reactions to waiting for episode 5 made me jump in.


Alright, so I decided to finally hop this train.

I really want to see more in this point and click/choice genre of games.

Until Dawn, Heavy Rain seem like the big hitters that have the biggest branching.

Walking Dead exploded the genre.

Life is Strange seems very good so far. I absolutely adore the setting: I want more games with school drama! I think I may get Persona because of this reason alone.

I am curious, are the choices just 2 dimensional illusions? Please try not to spoil it, but in Walking Dead, (spoiler about the mechanics of the game)
when you are given a choice between two people, it ultimately doesn't matter since the other guy dies in the same episode, or the next.

Games like Heavy Rain seem to have genuinely varied enough choices which branch the game in significantly different directions.

In contrast, Walking Dead seems much more like an illusion.

I only finished Episode 2, so maybe it's a spoiler to know the answer for myself, but Im very curious if it will warrant multiple playthroughs. Either style doesnt matter to me. This is a smaller game after all, and Im enjoying the ride a lot, just like I did with Walking Dead.

The context of the story and characters relating to choice is super, and what is most important. Ultimately, I'd hope that the characters I interact with are each unique and have their own destiny that are impacted by my choice. When having to choose between 3 key characters in Episode 2, I was truly conflicted because each character had a reason and motivation that made me consider hard.

Max's friend saying "amazeballs" was bad lol. Lip syncing is unfortunate, but Im reading the subtitles anyway, so it's not too horrible

Again, I just finished Episode 2, but some of your reactions to waiting for episode 5 made me jump in.

The ends of episodes 3 and 4 are going to melt your brain. Play faster!
Did you even read what I said? I don't want rushed games, I want them to start releasing them later when they can commit to a solid release schedule.


Again I don't want it rushed. Read what I'm saying.

OK, let's say someone goes back in time and forces Dontnod to do your wish. Well, at the beginning they thought they could get each episode done in 6 weeks. That estimate didn't hold up, because episodes started getting longer and more full of content. So to keep with the arbitrary deadline of every 6 weeks, they would have to either really rush development on the last few episodes, or cut content. You can't say "I don't want it rushed" and "I want them to guess at all release dates and they MUST be ironclad unchanging no matter what" at the same time. If you are that incredibly impatient that you can't wait a few extra weeks for a game, then you should probably not play any video games at all unless they come from the biggest AAA publishers, and even then delays will happen, and not just a few weeks but a few months.


I don't know what it would take but maybe they shouldn't release episode one until the whole season is 95% complete. Then release one new episode every two weeks. Or every week if you are generous.

Perhaps with the first season of this game that would have not been possible. But Dontnod have surely solidified themselves as a premiere developer in this industry so hopefully they can secure publishing funds to almost completely finish the game before releasing a single episode. I hope if they make another episodic game they do what Capcom did with RE Revelations 2.


I bought the whole season from GMG, since I had -32% off coupon. I figured the game wouldn't end up being any cheaper on the possible autumn or winter Steam sales.

EP1 was pretty good. It's a shame that the good voice acting suffers so much from bad lip syncing. At first I thought it was only my old computer, but apparently not.


I bought the whole season from GMG, since I had -32% off coupon. I figured the game wouldn't end up being any cheaper on the possible autumn or winter Steam sales.

EP1 was pretty good. It's a shame that the good voice acting suffers so much from bad lip syncing. At first I thought it was only my old computer, but apparently not.

I feel like the lip-sync issues get better the further you go, or perhaps I just stopped caring since the game was so good. It's a small blemish, but I definitely noticed how janky it was when I started chapter one again.


Just finished EP4

The lip sync seems to be better timed now, but there is still something off, probably with the animation.

Major spoiler for EP4:
I was sure that Jefferson had something to do with the disappearing of Rachel Amber, he was way too nice. I think he actually took all the pictures that were in Nathan's room.


Halfway through episode 4 and personally I feel like I'm just forcing my way through it just to get my money's worth or something. I'm just absolutely unable to give a single fuck about any of these characters, I don't care what they do, if they live or die etc lol.

But I paid for the whole season and each episode only takes a couple of hours, so I'll do episode 4 and 5 when the latter comes out just to get some closure.
Halfway through episode 4 and personally I feel like I'm just forcing my way through it just to get my money's worth or something. I'm just absolutely unable to give a single fuck about any of these characters, I don't care what they do, if they live or die etc lol.

But I paid for the whole season and each episode only takes a couple of hours, so I'll do episode 4 and 5 when the latter comes out just to get some closure.

Why force it? If you don't care, that is 99% of the game's charm gone.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Yep, the game depends on the charm of the characters, coupled with a catching story (that in turn also depends on its characters). If you don't care about that, then you'll probably won't find the gameplay good enough to play it.


Halfway through episode 4 and personally I feel like I'm just forcing my way through it just to get my money's worth or something. I'm just absolutely unable to give a single fuck about any of these characters, I don't care what they do, if they live or die etc lol.

But I paid for the whole season and each episode only takes a couple of hours, so I'll do episode 4 and 5 when the latter comes out just to get some closure.

Just drop it if you don't like it. No point in wasting your time.
Finished episode 2 for the second time. Got all the photos as well, which is cool.

saved Kate again as well. Its weird how one of those bible verses is about helping her, and the only is basically advising her to kill herself. Also in the office afterwards, even though I want to accuse Nathan cos we don't know Jefferson is involved yet, I also can't cos I have no evidence

Playing through it for a second time is actually cool, you can see all the little hints and what not.
I don't think you get how game development works, way too many variables can pop up that can cause delays, if that's an issue for you I'd suggest waiting until all of the episodes are out instead of making idiotic "unprofessional" claims

Hell, I'm not sure the poster understands how television production works. Lots of shows continue filming after the first episode has aired. Look at practically every cancelled show ever. If they'd filmed an entire season beforehand, that's a lot more money wasted on a dead show. And lots of weekly shows come dangerously close to delays--24 was notorious for having scripts still being worked on until just before production on an episode was supposed to start (we're talking days at best). Part of the reason why there are/were breaks in traditional television seasons was to leave breathing room for production schedules.

Back on track: I think it's unlikely that Dontnod will miss the October 20th date, especially given how consistent they've been in the past with the two-month gaps between episodes.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Finished episode 2 for the second time. Got all the photos as well, which is cool.

saved Kate again as well. Its weird how one of those bible verses is about helping her, and the only is basically advising her to kill herself. Also in the office afterwards, even though I want to accuse Nathan cos we don't know Jefferson is involved yet, I also can't cos I have no evidence

Playing through it for a second time is actually cool, you can see all the little hints and what not.

You can always blame Jefferson and get his SF travel cancelled, because fuck him.


Finished episode 2 for the second time. Got all the photos as well, which is cool.

saved Kate again as well. Its weird how one of those bible verses is about helping her, and the only is basically advising her to kill herself. Also in the office afterwards, even though I want to accuse Nathan cos we don't know Jefferson is involved yet, I also can't cos I have no evidence

Playing through it for a second time is actually cool, you can see all the little hints and what not.

You can always blame Jefferson and get his SF travel cancelled, because fuck him.

It's not clear you guys are going to be spoiling stuff beyond Episode 2. I've played all four released but the unspoilered text is talking about finishing Episode 2
while the spoilered text has some stuff from later on.

Nitpick but just a thought.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
It's not clear you guys are going to be spoiling stuff beyond Episode 2. I've played all four released but the unspoilered text is talking about finishing Episode 2
while the spoilered text has some stuff from later on.

Nitpick but just a thought.

Actually I was referring to the content within Episode 2. But will take in account!


How did everyone get the code for the number pad in episode 4? The code for the
dark room
I mean.

(potential puzzle solution spoiler)
I remembered a 3 digit number from the earlier notes
and luckily it happened to be the right one but I was kind of surprised that it was correct. I mean what would you do if you didn't happen to remember that?


How did everyone get the code for the number pad in episode 4? The code for the
dark room
I mean.

(potential puzzle solution spoiler)
I remembered a 3 digit number from the earlier notes
and luckily it happened to be the right one but I was kind of surprised that it was correct. I mean what would you do if you didn't happen to remember that?

I instantly noticed the worn buttons and tried like three combinations before I got it.


I instantly noticed the worn buttons and tried like three combinations before I got it.

Ah, I never noticed that.
I probably would have gone through all the combinations! Or maybe I would have noticed after trying a few


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