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Marvel Cinematic Universe |OT2| Discussion on released and future projects (spoilers)

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Zoe Saldana on Gamora's relationship with Nebula:

When it comes to her relationship with Nebula, I appreciate what James Gunn did. He definitely heard what the fans were saying, you know. To see this relationship extensively unfold and see what they're about and, I mean, but through their relationship, you getting like a closer idea of what Thanos is really about. I think it's really interesting to open up that window. And he certainly has with this sequel.

More at ComicBook.


Brian Michael Bendis comments on the similarities between Ganke Lee and Ned Leeds:

“I’ll be very honest right now. I have not talked about this publicly, but it feels very bizarre,” Bendis told the Ultimate Spin podcast (via CBR). “Most of the time the characters that I’ve had a hand in creating that have made it to the screen, from Jessica [Jones] all the way to Maria Hill and Quake, the level of quality of the adaptation and care in which they bring the character forward past the adaptation into its new life has been uniformly amazing — my luck in this area has been second to none.

“I’ve not seen Spider-Man: Homecoming, so I’m gonna wait until we see what we see,” he continued. “But, yeah, it was bizarre and flattering. I don’t even know if Ganke was the inspiration, or they just got to their own place with a character like this on their own. I don’t know. It does seem like it might have been, but no one’s told me either way. There’s so much else in that trailer that’s from Ultimate Spider-Man that I would assume that, yes, it is… It’s weird only because Ganke wasn’t part of Peter’s story — he was part of Miles’s story.”

Source: ComicBook


So there's a new German international trailer out for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 apparently over at ComicBookMovie.


And I'm left hoping Mantis doesn't die. Hasn't Pom Klementieff been confirmed for Avengers: Infinity War already?

There's also a Walkman promo on Youtube.


She absolutely will die to give the Defenders extra motivation.

Fuck. That.

The thing I like most about Claire is that she's a driven, intelligent, fiercely independent woman who doesn't conform to the traditional, bone-tired "damsel in distress" archetype that plagues that characterization of so many female characters in comic book stories. Quite in contrast to that, Claire's grown to become an infinitely more dynamic and capable supporting character in her own right...becoming a sort of figure of strength the heroes themselves have grown to depend on. I really wouldn't be remotely interested in seeing the character bumped off purely as a means to "motivate" the Defenders, as if the group would need any more motivation to fight evil.

Claire's own direct guidance as a friend and personal advisor to the various members of the team as a smart and tenacious individual has proved to be more than enough motivation for the group. She can (and has) motivated them far better alive, then she could as just another superhero's dead girlfriend, which would not only pay a great disservice to the character, but once again serve as another example of another utterly uninspired (not to mention mildly sexist) narrative cliche. Killing off the character would be fine, but killing her off purely as a means of giving the team a little motivation would be lame as hell.


I really disliked Claire in Iron Fist and didn't like Luke Cage as a whole so I would be fine with her going.

Admittedly, I haven't seen Iron Fist yet...so perhaps Claire's character-arc pulls a complete one-eighty in that show and she ends up turning to drink and drugs whilst she spends her spare time blowing up orphanages.

I like the character though, and in all her appearances so far, I've found her refreshing. A female supporting character who isn't purely viewed through a romantic lens and who has her own narrative agency...that's pretty damn rare, especially in the Marvel movies/tv-shows.


I like Claire the character, but it feels so cheap how she is forced into all the shows. They should try and give her more of an arc. I actually think she developed most in Iron Fist.
Claire was at her best in Iron Fist IMO. I think the character has a clear arc. She was obviously reluctant to help as much as she could before, now she's basically embraced that her life is fucked thanks to all these damn superheroes and rolls with it. She's making a huge difference and now realizes that.


And that's exactly why she can't die in Defenders. She's a singular representation of what the group stands for, or at least is supposed to stand for. She doesn't have powers but she's also not vulnerable. She helps because she has a good heart, but she's in over her head and she knows it. She is who the Defenders defend. Eliminating her is eliminating a symbol of her purpose. Plus, aside from Iron Fist, the rest of the Defenders have been motivated already. Killing Claire doesn't really serve to motivate them. I could still see her being the one convincing them to work as a team and either resolve their inner conflicts or disagreements between them, but rather than ending her life, she'll do it with words as she always has. Coulson died because he wasn't a convincing guy most of the time. Coulson never really found purpose for himself until his character was rebooted and developed over several seasons on SHIELD.

The Kree

And that's exactly why she can't die in Defenders. She's a singular representation of what the group stands for, or at least is supposed to stand for. She doesn't have powers but she's also not vulnerable. She helps because she has a good heart, but she's in over her head and she knows it. She is who the Defenders defend. Eliminating her is eliminating a symbol of her purpose. Plus, aside from Iron Fist, the rest of the Defenders have been motivated already. Killing Claire doesn't really serve to motivate them. I could still see her being the one convincing them to work as a team and either resolve their inner conflicts or disagreements between them, but rather than ending her life, she'll do it with words as she always has. Coulson died because he wasn't a convincing guy most of the time. Coulson never really found purpose for himself until his character was rebooted and developed over several seasons on SHIELD.

She can die, she just doesn't have to die being "defended" the way Coulson had to be "avenged". She can go out swinging and have it be meaningful. The plebs who love to complain about steaks can have theirs bloody and we get to keep the main heroes.
Killing Claire would be a massive mistake after all the buildup. She's not some side character like Coulson, that's why I don't get the complaints about the "cameos." They're not really cameos when she is a pretty big part of each show and has a continuous arc throughout. Honestly she's as much of a Defender as the rest of them to me. And I feel the same way about Misty and Colleen. They're essentially the Natasha and Clint of the group to me.


Behind the scenes shot from Spiderman: Homecoming.


I may quibble about Tony's influence turning Spiderman more machine than man...but godamn, sometimes I forget how perfect that mask is.
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