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Mass Effect 3 Debut Trailer - Holiday 2011 - 360/PS3/PC

Acheteedo said:
The fundamental counter point to all your points is that you have no idea what the story will actually entail, the trailer told you guys next to nothing, only that some aspects (reapers+earth) will be involved, and you're all up in arms about it. People are already drawing conclusions in this thread like ME1 being entirely invalidated, it's just puerile.

Did you see the EA store synopsis of the game's premise?

"Save the Earth" seems to be the focus.
SlickVic said:
Are those Reapers at the end of the trailer? The whole point of Sovereign in ME1 seems pretty useless now if they guys can still attack the galaxy without his help.

The citadel mass relay was plan A attacking at the Citadel directly would've been the easiest way to harvest all galactic life, when you stop Sovereign in ME 1 the reapers had to utilise different methods hence the reapers awaking in deep space at the end of ME 2

Sotha Sil

The focus on urgency should be interesting, though.

I wonder if we'll get an actual casualty counter; I'd be nice to know how many millions died while you were busy busting it out on the dancefloor or fondling your teammates.


SlickVic said:
Are those Reapers at the end of the trailer? The whole point of Sovereign in ME1 seems pretty useless now if they guys can still attack the galaxy without his help.
It just doesn't make sense really. Mass Effect 1 showed how much power they had, and Mass Effect 2 showed us how their fleet was gigantic. The Fact that it's taking them a few weeks to destroy Earth and Shepard has enough time to get a space army and bring them back to save earth just seems kind of....silly.
I hope Earth is just the final level. Like how the Citadel was for ME.

What I want most however is a combination of ME and ME2. A more explorable universe and strong character development. I also hope that the story has a sense of urgency that progresses into full on chaos. Basically just good pacing and atmosphere.

I love BioWare, but I'm a little uneasy about how they are going to handle this last part of the trilogy.

I'll just have to wait and see I guess, I know when I get my hands on it though I'm going to love it either way.

Sotha Sil said:
The focus on urgency should be interesting, though.

I wonder if we'll get an actual casualty counter; I'd be nice to know how many millions died while you were busy busting it out on the dancefloor or fondling your teammates.

It would be pretty awesome if they lived up to the "you only have a limited time to do blah blah blah, choose wisely" promises of the first game.
Chinner said:
It just doesn't make sense really. Mass Effect 1 showed how much power they had, and Mass Effect 2 showed us how their fleet was gigantic. The Fact that it's taking them a few weeks to destroy Earth and Shepard has enough time to get a space army and bring them back to save earth just seems kind of....silly.

Yeah. Sovereign alone tore the shit out of the fifth fleet in like fifteen minutes. Now you're telling me it takes weeks to glass one planet? Give me break.


Subete no aware
Fimbulvetr said:
It would be pretty awesome if they lived up to the "you only have a limited time to do blah blah blah" promises of the first game.

They could do it wrong though and let you min-max an optimum path like they do in ME2.


anonnumber6 said:
The citadel mass relay was plan A attacking at the Citadel directly would've been the easiest way to harvest all galactic life, when you stop Sovereign in ME 1 the reapers had to utilise different methods hence the reapers awaking in deep space at the end of ME 2 [/spoilers]
Right, I understand that Sovereign would be the easiest method as they'd essentially catch everyone by surprise before they'd have a chance to even fight back. However (maybe I'm not remembering this correctly) but I thought the Reapers are described as this nearly unstoppable force? At the end of ME1, doesn't it take a huge galactic force just to take down Sovereign? How would they be able to handle a fleet of Reapers?

I guess my point is, if the Reaper fleet is that powerful, it seems they should pretty easily be able to kill everything, surprise attack with Sovereign or not. It kinda makes me feel that destroying Sovereign really wasn't a big deal to the Reapers.


Chinner said:
It just doesn't make sense really. Mass Effect 1 showed how much power they had, and Mass Effect 2 showed us how their fleet was gigantic. The Fact that it's taking them a few weeks to destroy Earth and Shepard has enough time to get a space army and bring them back to save earth just seems kind of....silly.

We know jack shit about the details of the attack or timeline of events in the game, so nitpicking things now just seems kind of....silly.


heliosRAzi said:
Proof for your assertion


That's hot!


Fimbulvetr said:
Did you see the EA store synopsis of the game's premise?

"Save the Earth" seems to be the focus.

You're right, it's time to call it a day, there's no way in hell that Bioware could a) do anything else worthwhile during a story with an earth saving element, or b) construct a unique and interesting take on earth saving angle. Pack in in folks, they had a good run. I mean sure, we know for fact that the Reapers have grander plans than just the earth, and the weight of those plans will be a major aspect of ME3, but... well... there is no but.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Wow that was a totally cliche space marine game/movie trailer.

The threat of the Reapers seems a lot less diminished in this game. Before it took the entire might of a galactic union, a special soldier, and his rag tag team of hardened badasses to take out one reaper. Previously They made it seem like a reaper force could easily take out a portion of the galaxy in a second. In this trailer they are having trouble with resistance fighter's on earth, on foot?
SlickVic said:
Right, I understand that Sovereign would be the easiest method as they'd essentially catch everyone by surprise before they'd have a chance to even fight back. However (maybe I'm not remembering this correctly) but I thought the Reapers are described as this nearly unstoppable force? At the end of ME1, doesn't it take a huge galactic force just to take down Sovereign? How would they be able to handle a fleet of Reapers?

I guess my point is, if the Reaper fleet is that powerful, it seems they should pretty easily be able to kill everything, surprise attack with Sovereign or not. It kinda makes me feel that destroying Sovereign really wasn't a big deal to the Reapers.

The reapers taking the citadel would also disrupt all council race communications as well as turn off all mass relays.

Also it was the alliance fleet versus a stationary and multi-tasking Sovereign(he assumed direct control of Saren).


Will drop pants for Sony.
SlickVic said:
Right, I understand that Sovereign would be the easiest method as they'd essentially catch everyone by surprise before they'd have a chance to even fight back. However (maybe I'm not remembering this correctly) but I thought the Reapers are described as this nearly unstoppable force? At the end of ME1, doesn't it take a huge galactic force just to take down Sovereign? How would they be able to handle a fleet of Reapers?

I guess my point is, if the Reaper fleet is that powerful, it seems they should pretty easily be able to kill everything, surprise attack with Sovereign or not. It kinda makes me feel that destroying Sovereign really wasn't a big deal to the Reapers.

yeah, it is like Bioware forgot ME1 happened.


tokkun said:
We know jack shit about the details of the attack or timeline of events in the game, so nitpicking things now just seems kind of....silly.
alright how about this. the reapers in me3 are an established threat. why the shit does shepard have to go around the universe uniting an army. doesnt make sense.
SlickVic said:
Right, I understand that Sovereign would be the easiest method as they'd essentially catch everyone by surprise before they'd have a chance to even fight back. However (maybe I'm not remembering this correctly) but I thought the Reapers are described as this nearly unstoppable force? At the end of ME1, doesn't it take a huge galactic force just to take down Sovereign? How would they be able to handle a fleet of Reapers?

I guess my point is, if the Reaper fleet is that powerful, it seems they should pretty easily be able to kill everything, surprise attack with Sovereign or not. It kinda makes me feel that destroying Sovereign really wasn't a big deal to the Reapers.

The only explanation I can think of just from that trailer is that either the journey from deep space has destroyed the destructive capabilities of the reaper felt or that Sovereign was one of the deadlier and more capable reapers.


Subete no aware
Trojita said:
Wow that was a totally cliche space marine game/movie trailer.

The threat of the Reapers seems a lot less diminished in this game. Before it took the entire might of a galactic union, a special soldier, and his rag tag team of hardened badasses to take out one reaper. Previously They made it seem like a reaper force could easily take out a portion of the galaxy in a second. In this trailer they are having trouble with resistance fighter's on earth, on foot?

Which makes even less sense since, if all they care about are the resources left by the "organics", all they have to do is just kill everyone in orbit or use some kind of biological weapon.

But let's retcon ME1 even more, while we're at it. :lol
Acheteedo said:
You're right, it's time to call it a day, there's no way in hell that Bioware could a) do anything else worthwhile during a story with an earth saving element, or b) construct a unique and interesting take on earth saving angle. Pack in in folks, they had a good run. I mean sure, we know for fact that the Reapers have grander plans than just the earth, and the weight of those plans will be a major aspect of ME3, but... well... there is no but.

Nobody is saying earth will be the game's only plot point. But from the info we have it seems to be THE major focus.
Acheteedo said:
The fundamental counter point to all your points is that you have no idea what the story will actually entail, the trailer told you guys next to nothing, only that some aspects (reapers+earth) will be involved, and you're all up in arms about it. People are already drawing conclusions in this thread like ME1 being entirely invalidated, it's just puerile.
If you've played previous BioWare games, then it's not completely unreasonable to predict the outcome of Mass Effect. Many folks fear that BioWare will take ME's story down a predictable path, and from the media that's been released, those fears seem to be coming true.

Dax01 said:
How can you say the game is wasted potential when all you've seen is a CG trailer for it and haven't played the game?
I'm just basing my statements off of the changes from ME1 to ME2, and the media that has been released for ME3 so far. While I will say that ME2 is a more fun and polished game, it is definitely more linear than ME1, and its plot is almost nonexistent if you take away the recruits. If BioWare's recent developments are any indication, I think it's best to expect less from this game. I will, however, reserve my final judgment until I beat ME3. It could be amazing in every way, but I'm not about to become over-hyped.

vodka-bull said:
I hope the human race dies in Mass Effect 3.
That would be really interesting to see.


I am not even sure how I am supposed to react at this point.

The only way this could be salvaged is if Earth is destroyed/effectively enslaved very early on.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
neojubei said:
yeah, it is like Bioware forgot ME1 happened.

They exhausted all the story they had in the first game in case it bombed and they couldn't finish the trilogy. They're winging it from hereon out.


Subete no aware
Jerk 2.0 said:
I am not even sure how I am supposed to react at this point.

The only way this could be salvaged is if Earth is destroyed/effectively enslaved very early on.

Turns out humanity were just proto-Reapers all along and they end up taking over the galaxy!


At a rate of 7 million humans per week, the reapers will take about 28 years to kill 10 billion humans on Earth. :lol

Fucking ID4 Aliens did 100 times that in a day, and they got beat by a Windows virus.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Acheteedo said:
Retarded post. Gaf has repeatedly gone through this ridiculous cycle due to harboring so many clinically depressed pessimists. You hate good things, we get it.

Translation: No one can ever have negative opinions about things I like. I can't deal with conflict!


Proelite said:
At a rate of 7 million humans per week, the reapers will take about 28 years to kill 10 billion humans on Earth. :lol

:lol Oh yeah... Plenty of time to gather your party and do loyalty missions.


Subete no aware
Proelite said:
At a rate of 7 million humans per week, the reapers will take about 28 years to kill 10 billion humans on Earth. :lol

Fucking ID4 Aliens did 100 times that in a day, and they got beat by a Windows virus.

Gives you time to go around scanning planets for minerals.


Chinner said:
alright how about this. the reapers in me3 are an established threat. why the shit does shepard have to go around the universe uniting an army. doesnt make sense.

You seem to know the entire plot of ME3 and can pass this infallible judgment of what exactly is going on so let us all in on whats going on in ME3. Let's go with some spoilers here.


While I'm in the ME1>ME2 camp, I'm not going to judge this game based on a CGI trailer. I seriously doubt they're going to restrict the game to one planet. I'm just excited that we're getting more fucking Mass Effect so soon :D


Fimbulvetr said:
The reapers taking the citadel would also disrupt all council race communications as well as turn off all mass relays.

Also it was the alliance fleet versus a stationary and multi-tasking Sovereign(he assumed direct control of Saren).

Good point, I forgot some of the finer details of the ending. It starts to make me wonder if the Reapers aren't as amazing as Sovereign describes them at the end of ME1. Perhaps they are genuinely afraid a united attack from all the races may be enough to destroy them, hence shutting down communications/mass relays?


i actually think they could get this to work if they actually had the reapers destroy earth early on in the game. would be great actually.

doubt it'll happen though, especially from what the trailer was trying to portray.


SlickVic said:
Are those Reapers at the end of the trailer? The whole point of Sovereign in ME1 seems pretty useless now if they guys can still attack the galaxy without his help.

Pretty much. Obviously going the citadel route would have been better for many reasons, but it means little now.

Are you guys worried that the whole game will take place on Earth? I'm pretty sure will be able to go to other planets and probably see the homeworlds of the other species (turian , asari)

I'm not worried the whole game will take place on Earth as it would make little sense and the EA store listing makes it clear it won't be as we have to unite the rest of the galaxy to our cause.

I do wonder how exactly Shepard will get help to Earth however. I would have thought that the Reapers would lock down any mass relays they encounter to accept only Reapers, as this would make it easier to gather their chosen species and kill the rest. Normandy has the derelict Reaper IFF so it's all shits and giggles for them to get around, but what about everyone else? Maybe if the Citadel is still under our control, this point could be moot since we could probably unlock them as we did in the original game. Maybe we can just make more IFF? Perhaps Reapers are idiots and they don't lock down anything? Who the fuck knows.

I guess my point is, if the Reaper fleet is that powerful, it seems they should pretty easily be able to kill everything, surprise attack with Sovereign or not. It kinda makes me feel that destroying Sovereign really wasn't a big deal to the Reapers.

My whole worry about ME3 is how we will actually deal with the Reaper threat, Sovereign showed we would need a game changer as Reapers are fucking uber and I fear the resolution will be a cop out. If all that happens is that we get a lot of ships to attack them , then it will be pretty fucking ridiculous.


EatChildren said:
They exhausted all the story they had in the first game in case it bombed and they couldn't finish the trilogy. They're winging it from hereon out.

You probably joke, but theres probably a lot of truth to that :lol They've already completely retconned/marginalized the Reapers.


Subete no aware
Chinner said:
i actually think they could get this to work if they actually had the reapers destroy earth early on in the game. would be great actually.

doubt it'll happen though, especially from what the trailer was trying to portray.

To be serious for a moment, I figure they'll have a choice where you have to sacrifice Earth in order to save the rest of the galaxy. It's why Shepard walks away from Earth at the end of the trailer.


HK-47 said:
Translation: No one can ever have negative opinions about things I like. I can't deal with conflict!

a) When it comes to Mass Effect, yes :p
b) Really though, it's the over-reaction to minimal info that's the issue. Bioware in particular can't catch a break. Every piece of information they release somehow gets interpreted as a disaster.


Proelite said:
At a rate of 7 million humans per week, the reapers will take about 28 years to kill 10 billion humans on Earth. :lol

Fucking ID4 Aliens did 100 times that in a day, and they got beat by a Windows virus.

From context he seemed to mean in London alone.


Chinner said:
alright how about this. the reapers in me3 are an established threat. why the shit does shepard have to go around the universe uniting an army. doesnt make sense.

It's been a while since I played ME2, but I thought the other races accepted that Saren went rogue, but not the Reaper threat. I thought that was a pretty major plot point in why you continue to work with Cerberus throughout that game.


Honestly cannot believe people are judging the game on 30-45 second CGI trailer.

Oh wait, I forgot for a second where we are.

Never mind.
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