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Mass Effect 3 Debut Trailer - Holiday 2011 - 360/PS3/PC


Acheteedo said:
a) When it comes to Mass Effect, yes :p
b) Really though, it's the over-reaction to minimal info that's the issue. Bioware in particular can't catch a break. Every piece of information they release somehow gets interpreted as a disaster.

Only because every piece of information released has been fucking awful.


Lakitu said:
Honestly cannot believe people are judging the game on 30-45 second CGI trailer.

Oh wait, I forgot for a second where we are.

Never mind.

it's how it's done, son! :p


Subete no aware
Lakitu said:
Honestly cannot believe people are judging the game on 30-45 second CGI trailer.

Oh wait, I forgot for a second where we are.

Never mind.

Like people have said, we've played ME2.


Chinner said:
It just doesn't make sense really. Mass Effect 1 showed how much power they had, and Mass Effect 2 showed us how their fleet was gigantic. The Fact that it's taking them a few weeks to destroy Earth and Shepard has enough time to get a space army and bring them back to save earth just seems kind of....silly.

SlickVic said:
Right, I understand that Sovereign would be the easiest method as they'd essentially catch everyone by surprise before they'd have a chance to even fight back. However (maybe I'm not remembering this correctly) but I thought the Reapers are described as this nearly unstoppable force? At the end of ME1, doesn't it take a huge galactic force just to take down Sovereign? How would they be able to handle a fleet of Reapers?

I guess my point is, if the Reaper fleet is that powerful, it seems they should pretty easily be able to kill everything, surprise attack with Sovereign or not. It kinda makes me feel that destroying Sovereign really wasn't a big deal to the Reapers.

This is what I remembered from Mass Effect 1/2. The Reapers didn't wipe out the Proteans all at once, they had to methodically wipe out the planets one by one over the course of a few decades. The Proteans couldn't effectively fight back because their main source of transportation(the Mass Relay) was denied to them, so they had no way of finding out what is happening or even prepare to fight when the Reapers came.

This time would be different because this time they would have to take on the whole galaxy at once since I assumed there would be no way for the Reapers to prevent them from calling others for help and block them.

The trailer also didn't specify if this is occurring at the beginning of ME3, but I am thinking that it might be near the middle or near the end of the game where Sheperd has to start gathering the allies when he first heard Earth is getting attacked. Remember how Sheperd has to rescue his crew when they got kidnapped near the end of the game? The longer Sheperd takes his time to do his quests/etc, the more of them died? It's probably like that except this time, Sherpard has a week or so of time to gather all the allies before Earth fall near the end of the game.

Edit: I also forgot to mentioned that the Reaper Vanguard they left behind in ME1 was probably one of their strongest, it would make sense to leave behind one of their most powerful to call them when it's time to start the purge again, so that's why Sovereign could take so much damage from the alliance. I think that other reapers would be much weaker.


Still wouldn't explain how they got there so fast.
yup you're right. still loads of stuff that doesn't make sense or breaks what me1 established, but i think it'd be a step in the right direction and would make things less cliche.

tokkun said:
It's been a while since I played ME2, but I thought the other races accepted that Saren went rogue, but not the Reaper threat. I thought that was a pretty major plot point in why you continue to work with Cerberus throughout that game.
same, i haven't played it in awhile. i was mistaken and you're right though, and thats just really lazy writing and just spits over me1s ending.
Proelite said:
At a rate of 7 million humans per week, the reapers will take about 28 years to kill 10 billion humans on Earth. :lol

Fucking ID4 Aliens did 100 times that in a day, and they got beat by a Windows virus.

Well, one thing is how long did the last Reaper cleansing of the galaxy take place (plus they didn't get the citadel this time)?

Honestly I'm fine with Earth. They've been saying I think since ME1/2 that Earth would appear in the third. I was fine with two, but I would prefer more item diversity (armor, weapons, addons) like in one. Still I'm happy and I can't wait till I can play the game.

At least I'll have DA2 till kill some time in between.


firehawk12 said:
Jesus Christ, they might as well have Shepard say "I'm here to finish the fight" at the end of that trailer.

Why does Science Fiction HAVE to suck? Is there some rule that says SF writers have to use the most generic bullshit in their stories?

Yeah. The ME universe has so much more potential then the generic bullshit that trailer is. Well I'm really not expecting much from ME storyline anyway, considering they completely wasted it in ME2. I wouldn't be surprised if they concluded the trilogy in a complete by-the-books method.
tokkun said:
It's been a while since I played ME2, but I thought the other races accepted that Saren went rogue, but not the Reaper threat. I thought that was a pretty major plot point in why you continue to work with Cerberus throughout that game.

They can't just make a videotape and email it?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Solo said:
You probably joke, but theres probably a lot of truth to that :lol They've already completely retconned/marginalized the Reapers.

No, I'm not joking in the slightest. Its business. Planning a game trilogy is fucking stupid, because this is not an entirely predictable industry. Why do you think ME1 ended with such finality? Because BioWare were unsure if the game would be accepted by the masses, and that they'd have the ability to invest in two high budget sequels.

Making a trilogy of this calibre is very, very expensive and extremely time consuming. ME2 proved BioWare are grapsing at straws and pulling shit out of their arse for the story, but it was always going to be this way. ME1 effectively ended the Reaper threat, and there was no way they could continue it in Shepard's timeline without doing some stupid "AND THEN THE REAPERS FLEW BACK TO THE GALAXY" shit.

Savour ME1's experience, but dont be surprised when the sequels take a dive for the trashy. End of the day, as awesome as ME1 was, it was still pulling the generic sci-fi tropes from the very beginning. Unexplainable god race? Galactic harvest? Fighting for humanity? This was ME1, and this is how the trilogy was always going to be.


firehawk12 said:
Like people have said, we've played ME2.

That's fine. You've played it and are free to feel whatever you want about it. But the ME 3 hate is ridiculous considering we know next to nothing about the game.


HK-47 said:
Translation: No one can ever have negative opinions about things I like. I can't deal with conflict!
So he's not aloud to have a negative opinion about the insane amount of pessimism on GAF?
tenchir said:
This is what I remembered from Mass Effect 1/2. The Reapers didn't wipe out the Proteans all at once, they had to methodically wipe out the planets one by one over the course of a few decades. The Proteans couldn't effective fight back because their main source of transportation(the Mass Relay) was denied to them, so they had no way of finding out what is happening or even prepare to fight when the Reapers came.

This time would be different because this time they would have to take on the whole galaxy at once since I assumed there would be no way for the Reapers to prevent them from calling others for help and block them. The trailer also didn't specify if this is occurring at the beginning of ME3, but I am thinking that it might be near the middle or near the end of the game where Sheperd has to start gathering the allies when he first heard Earth is getting attacked. Remember how Sheperd has to rescue his crew when they got kidnapped near the end of the game? The longer Sheperd takes his time to do his quests/etc, the more of them died?
Precisely. And during this time, the science team on Ilos was finishing up the Conduit to stop the cycle from repeating.


Solo said:
You probably joke, but theres probably a lot of truth to that :lol They've already completely retconned/marginalized the Reapers.

This seems to be crux of peoples meltdown but it makes absolutely no sense. All powerful reapers based on what? Because Sovereign told Shepard they were? Of course he is going to say that. Also if they are really all that powerful why are the only two reapers we meet in BOTH games sneaking around in hiding. On top of that the whole plot of ME1 was that they sent out the lone scout to take over the Citadel so they could implement their surprise coordianated attack keeping the races of all the galaxies from rallying against their attacks using the element of surprise. They have NEVER been truly portrayed as all powerful, just extremely well planned and utilizing the elements of stealth, surprise and no knowledge of their existence or weak points.

No one here really knows exactly the extent of their powers or weaknesses or even how powerful Sovreign was compared to all the other reapers. And when the fleet coordinated they were able to take him down pretty easy after that. Some of you need to replay ME1.


Ponn01 said:
This seems to be crux of peoples meltdown but it makes absolutely no sense. All powerful reapers based on what? Because Sovereign told Shepard they were? Of course he is going to say that. Also if they are really all that powerful why are the only two reapers we meet in BOTH games sneaking around in hiding. On top of that the whole plot of ME1 was that they sent out the lone scout to take over the Citadel so they could implement their surprise coordianated attack keeping the races of all the galaxies from rallying against their attacks using the element of surprise. They have NEVER been truly portrayed as all powerful, just extremely well planned and utilizing the elements of stealth, surprise and no knowledge of their existence or weak points.

No one here really knows exactly the extent of their powers or weaknesses or even how powerful Sovreign was compared to all the other reapers. And when the fleet coordinated they were able to take him down pretty easy after that. Some of you need to replay ME1.
you say while ignoring the fact that sovereign basically destroys the citadel fleet in direct combat.


Lakitu said:
That's fine. You've played it and are free to feel whatever you want about it. But the ME 3 hate is ridiculous considering we know next to nothing about the game.

We know that it's moving from RPG to TPS and it's at the hands of the "Press a button = Awesome things happen" so it's only logical to assume that they will ditch whatever the bro target don't like.

Just like Dragon age.

This seems to be crux of peoples meltdown but it makes absolutely no sense. All powerful reapers based on what? Because Sovereign told Shepard they were? Of course he is going to say that. Also if they are really all that powerful why are the only two reapers we meet in BOTH games sneaking around in hiding. On top of that the whole plot of ME1 was that they sent out the lone scout to take over the Citadel so they could implement their surprise coordianated attack keeping the races of all the galaxies from rallying against their attacks using the element of surprise. They have NEVER been truly portrayed as all powerful, just extremely well planned and utilizing the elements of stealth, surprise and no knowledge of their existence or weak points.

No one here really knows exactly the extent of their powers or weaknesses or even how powerful Sovreign was compared to all the other reapers. And when the fleet coordinated they were able to take him down pretty easy after that. Some of you need to replay ME1.

Just one reaper and a fleet of geth ships wiped the entire citadel army.
kman3000 said:
So he's not aloud to have a negative opinion about the insane amount of pessimism on GAF?

You can't be "aloud" through text. :lol

And nobody is allowed to have negative opinions of his negative opinions of negative opinions?


Subete no aware
Lafiel said:
Yeah. The ME universe has so much more potential then the generic bullshit that trailer is. Well I'm really not expecting much from ME storyline anyway, considering they completely wasted it in ME2. I wouldn't be surprised if they concluded the trilogy in a complete by-the-books method.
I have zero expectations now, like most people had with AC:B. Maybe that'll mean I'll end up loving it. :lol

dejan said:
It's BioWare's best game to date and one of the best games in recent years. Your point being?

That game is still probably Baldur's Gate 2.
It's BioWare's best third person shooter to date, I suppose.

Lakitu said:
That's fine. You've played it and are free to feel whatever you want about it. But the ME 3 hate is ridiculous considering we know next to nothing about the game.

It's probably because I was so invested in ME1 both as a premise and a franchise. Yeah, it gladly ripped off science fiction tropes, but it put it together in an interesting RPG package. Invoking the spirit of Vangelis in the first game's musical score probably made the game more special to me than it actually is in retrospect.

At this point though ME looks about as interesting as any other SF game franchise. Gears of Killzone Resistance 3, if you want to be an ass about it. It's just hugely disappointing that they had to basically appeal to the lowest common denominator.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
megalowho said:
So ME2 is "trashy" now? Why, because of dat ass? Goddamn this is some grade A hate in this thread :D

You know what I mean. I fucking love the games and I know I'm going to adore Mass Effect 3, but the 'humanity is super special' card and the way BioWare has handled the Reapers post-ME1 has been predictably trashy sci-fi.

Trashy sci-fi I love, mind you, but trashy none the less.
LiK said:
Ah yes,
"in-game footage."

We have dismissed this claim.


yeah, the biggest problem I have with this trailer is that it shows the Reapers already here in the galaxy. it makes the events of ME1 feel even less important.

But, all Bioware really has to do is show me two minutes of dialog gameplay, perhaps with some interrupt events, and I’ll be as hyped as ever


megalowho said:
So ME2 is "trashy" now? Why, because of dat ass? Goddamn this is some grade A hate in this thread :D

The hate for ME2 has been going on for a while, and I honestly don't see where it comes from, but it sure is entertaining to watch.

EatChildren said:
You know what I mean. I fucking love the games and I know I'm going to adore Mass Effect 3, but the 'humanity is super special' card and the way BioWare has handled the Reapers post-ME1 has been predictably trashy sci-fi.

Trashy sci-fi I love, mind you, but trashy none the less.

I haven't played it in a while, but the idea that humanity is special has been a trope that's been fairly well handled by Bioware iirc. They made humanity unique without making them really better than other races. They gave a legitimate reason for Reapers wanting humanity over other species (in story legitimate, not scientifically legitimate), but the other races are hardly overshadowed by humanity. And whenever humanity tried to be portrayed as superior to others it's portrayed negatively. The main promoter of humanity is the leader of a criminal organization and all your options to do the same are marked red as Renegade.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
To be honest I really don't give a shit about Earth in the Mass Effect universe. Show me space.
megalowho said:
So ME2 is "trashy" now? Why, because of dat ass? Goddamn this is some grade A hate in this thread :D

ME 1 got a lot of negative opinions as well.

I also think ME 1 was the better of the two ME games but I have high hopes for three and I'm confident the trilogy as a whole will be amazing.

LCfiner said:
yeah, the biggest problem I have with this trailer is that it shows the Reapers already here in the galaxy. it makes the events of ME1 feel even less important.

But, all Bioware really has to do is show me two minutes of dialog gameplay, perhaps with some interrupt events, and I’ll be as hyped as ever
It is the reapers you saw at the end of ME 2, they have come directly from deep space and not the citadel mass relay
eh, ME is mainstream sci-fi, nothing we haven't heard before. Big alien threat, galactic consortium, humans ostracized then grudgingly accepted, human becomes key to victory thanks to human virtues, human destroys big alien threat with big ass explosion

it was never Isaac Asimov. Not sure why people are hating on ME 3 since it will follow the same cliched pattern of the other two games


Chinner said:
you say while ignoring the fact that sovereign basically destroys the citadel fleet in direct combat.

But you don't know how powerful Sovereign is compared to other Reapers. Sovereign could be the equivalent of Shepard among the Reapers, the best his kind has to offer.


Ponn01 said:
This seems to be crux of peoples meltdown but it makes absolutely no sense. All powerful reapers based on what?

The fact that they destroy all sentient life in the galaxy when the mood fits them?
Acheteedo said:
The same first game where you destroy a Reaper? Doesn't sound "all powerful" to me.

You mean the one that stuck its mind in someone else's body while its real body was stationary and defenseless?


Generic said:
The hate for ME2 has been going on for a while, and I honestly don't see where it comes from, but it sure is entertaining to watch.

People claim that ME2 was not an RPG because it took away the inventory management component and reduced the number of character stats.
tokkun said:
People claim that ME2 was not an RPG because it took away the inventory management component and reduced the number of character stats.

That "not an RPG" assertion is stupid. And I do think ME2 is a better game than ME1.

But why are people not allowed to rag on its bad story?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
dejan said:
It's BioWare's best game to date and one of the best games in recent years. Your point being?
I think ME2 is a fine game despite personally disappointing me in a huge way, but BG2 dumps on ME2 in every way.


Fimbulvetr said:
You mean the one that stuck its mind in someone else's body while its real body was stationary and defenseless?

Demonstrates that they can be destroyed nonetheless, now they just need the right tools/firepower, fortunately they have 28 years to find it :p


Balphon said:
From context he seemed to mean in London alone.

Well, there's 7 mil in London now (who knows how many people are in ME's SPACE London), but that's still a ridiculously slow rate if it took a week or so to destroy London.


Fimbulvetr said:
That "not an RPG" assertion is stupid. And I do think ME2 is a better game than ME1.

But why are people not allowed to rag on its bad story?

Because there is no such thing as a nuanced opinion: for or against!
tokkun said:
People claim that ME2 was not an RPG because it took away the inventory management component and reduced the number of character stats.

Honestly, I think the majority of ME2 "haters" would say that the story was its main weakness, although the segmented, linear world design was also a problem.
Solo said:
I don't know if I've ever been so disappointed in a franchise's progression. ME1 was my GOTG and promised two epic sequels involving a massive conflict across the galaxy. Instead I got to dick around with my squad and do nothing in ME2, and ME3 is set on earth.

The fuck?

I feel the same.

The tone of the franchise seems to have slowly creeped towards a more Gears type thing. Not saying that it can't still be a cool game, just not really feeling like the overall experience is really all that unique anymore.


I'm quite sure Mass Effect 3 will be the Mass Effect we'll all want to play. Christina Norman (The lead systems designer for Mass Effect 2) said at GDC 2010 that Mass Effect 2's lack of traditional RPG mechanics is something they need to definitely fix for Mass Effect 3. I'm quite confident that Bioware will deliver.


EatChildren said:
You know what I mean. I fucking love the games and I know I'm going to adore Mass Effect 3, but the 'humanity is super special' card and the way BioWare has handled the Reapers post-ME1 has been predictably trashy sci-fi.

Trashy sci-fi I love, mind you, but trashy none the less.

The series has always been trashy sci-fi. But ME1 did the "trashy" sci-fic thing really well. (the better for this would be "pulp" maybe?) I'm not so sure about ME2 though, it had some good writing in places, but the worst part about that game was it basically had no storyline.:lol i do really hate the whole "humanity in super special" trope that was prevalent in ME2. But you could argue that was present in ME1 as well, it just felt more prevalent in ME2.:lol
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