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Mass Effect: Andromeda - E3 Info Dump


I will remain sceptical. It's EA and I expect Dudebro-action, a weak story, microtransactions and a filler-Ubi-world full of mundane busywork.

I hope so, the running animation of male Shep in ME3 was awful and was actually a step down from the animation in ME2.
Yeah I remember being flabbergasted by that when playing the ME3 demo. That was the first thing that put me off the game (+the dudebro vibe).

I still wonder what went wrong there. At some point someone surely must've thought "Honestly, our new animation looks like shit, let's just use the better one from ME2"?


can we have the Trilogy as a remaster or even BC on Xbox One already? I missed out on some of ME3's DLC as that ending soured me, would love to go back to them


I will remain sceptical. It's EA and I expect Dudebro-action, a weak story, microtransactions and a filler-Ubi-world full of mundane busywork.

Yeah I remember being flabbergasted by that when playing the ME3 demo. That was the first thing that put me off the game (+the dudebro vibe).

I still wonder what went wrong there. At some point someone surely must've thought "Honestly, our new animation looks like shit, let's just use the better one from ME2"?
Those were my thoughts when I first played the demo as well. I had hoped it was just a placeholder and it would be fixed before the final version but nah.. I have high hopes for Andromeda though.


can we have the Trilogy as a remaster or even BC on Xbox One already? I missed out on some of ME3's DLC as that ending soured me, would love to go back to them
I'd love them to make the trilogy BC before Andromeda comes out as a gift to the fans so we can replay them. It'd be dope if the game ran slightly better on the One too.
can we have the Trilogy as a remaster or even BC on Xbox One already? I missed out on some of ME3's DLC as that ending soured me, would love to go back to them

ME1 is BC already. 2 and 3 are not even Games on Demand yet, due to the difficulty (but not impossibility..) of making multi-disc games into GOD.

EA seems completely uninterested in doing remasters of their last-gen games.


Bioware said:
We will be able to choose male/female, but they want to go a little bit further with this. More details to come soon

Very curious to find out what this means. Most RPGs (at least of recent memory) with gender choice still play out almost identically regardless if you're playing as a dude or a lady, save some changes in romantic options. And that's certainly not a bad thing on its own; adding mysoginy and discrimination simply for the sake of distinguishing a gender choice wouldn't go over well, and isn't particularly interesting. But I also do think there are ways to make that choice more meaningful than just aesthetics, particularly in the relationships and interactions other characters have with you that doesn't necessarily have to be about romance. I do feel games like the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age: Inquisition have done this to a limited extent in the past, but it would be interesting to see if this gets fleshed out further in this game.
What a PR disaster. I was thoroughly convinced this game was in development hell or something.

Why was none of this in your press conference EA?
it's at least nice to hear about this game finally.


ME1 is BC already. 2 and 3 are not even Games on Demand yet, due to the difficulty (but not impossibility..) of making multi-disc games into GOD.

EA seems completely uninterested in doing remasters of their last-gen games.

I got sick of waiting and after EA's press conference, I can only assume they're allergic to money and fan appreciation and support, so I'm just going to go all out and mod the PC version. I'll make my own Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster, with blackjack and Fornax!

... And then I realize just how many baffling choices EA made with the PC versions. Unfixed glitches and bugs (what's wrong with Garrus's face?!), utter lack of any controller pad support (despite all the Xbox elements still being packaged with the game), an absolutely travesty of DLC and platform break-up (Bioware Points! Steam Wallet! Origin shenanigans!)...

I'm working on some of those mods by very talented people to get these games up to snuff as basically 1080p, 60 fps, high-resolution masterpieces, but EA really went out of their way to make the games very unfriendly to mods... to say nothing of the exorbitant price of the DLC still...

The ONE time I'd be happy to toss money at EA, despite all their anti-consumer or poor decisions... the one time I'd do it with glee.... and they have no interest in doing a remaster.

*sigh* Now let's see if this texture mod breaks anything...


I got sick of waiting and after EA's press conference, I can only assume they're allergic to money and fan appreciation and support, so I'm just going to go all out and mod the PC version. I'll make my own Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster, with blackjack and Fornax.

Blackjack some kind of human game? Surely, you mean quasar and fornax.


The story of the game will be more personal this time, even though the scale is still grand

I hope this means we don't need to save an entire Galaxy this time, practically by ourselves. I've always hated that story trope, it always makes me think if that's all it takes to defeat the giant threat, it probably wasn't much of a threat in the first place, and the Galactic Community is probably too dumb to be worth saving.

Very curious to find out what this means. Most RPGs (at least of recent memory) with gender choice still play out almost identically regardless if you're playing as a dude or a lady, save some changes in romantic options. And that's certainly not a bad thing on its own; adding mysoginy and discrimination simply for the sake of distinguishing a gender choice wouldn't go over well, and isn't particularly interesting. But I also do think there are ways to make that choice more meaningful than just aesthetics, particularly in the relationships and interactions other characters have with you that doesn't necessarily have to be about romance. I do feel games like the Mass Effect series and Dragon Age: Inquisition have done this to a limited extent in the past, but it would be interesting to see if this gets fleshed out further in this game.

I'm interested as well. I've always loved Sci-fi because anything and everything is possible, and it's a glimpse at a potentially more optimistic future. They could mean that gender affects how people interact with you, but that's been done before. It would be interesting if they did a "3rd Gender", or maybe they could add "Transexual" as a backstory option. This being a Sci-fi story, they could really do anything they wanted with it.


I hope this means we don't need to save an entire Galaxy this time, practically by ourselves. I've always hated that story trope, it always makes me think if that's all it takes to defeat the giant threat, it probably wasn't much of a threat in the first place, and the Galactic Community is probably too dumb to be worth saving.

I'm interested as well. I've always loved Sci-fi because anything and everything is possible, and it's a glimpse at a potentially more optimistic future. They could mean that gender affects how people interact with you, but that's been done before. It would be interesting if they did a "3rd Gender", or maybe they could add "Transexual" as a backstory option. This being a Sci-fi story, they could really do anything they wanted with it.

Since the game only takes place within a single cluster, I don't know how they'd even get you to save the galaxy anyway.


Since the game only takes place within a single cluster, I don't know how they'd even get you to save the galaxy anyway.
It doesn't have to take place in the entire Galaxy for some dumb writer to put in the line "If we don't stop them here, they could destroy every intelligent race in the entire Andromeda Galaxy!"


People called Romanes they go the house?
I must admit curiosity with how they're going to reconcile 'not Shepard aka Space Jesus' right alongside Ryder waking up first (because the odds of that are?....or alternatively, the reason for them waking up first being?), as well as presumably being important enough to have command of their own ship and explore the galaxy


I don't think they need tie the MP with the single player that much. Let the MP work at best, without SP strings. What need to improve a lot is the lobby and loading system in the MP.


Everything sounds great. Except maybe (as others have noted) the "biggest game ever" comments. DA:I was huge and it was to its detriment in many ways. Hopefully they find a better balance in ME:A. Witcher 3 for example imo was better, but still not great in this respect.


So excited. ME2 will always be one of my favourite games, it's just too good.

Anyone know if this is set before or after ME1-3?


So excited. ME2 will always be one of my favourite games, it's just too good.

Anyone know if this is set before or after ME1-3?

Hundreds of years later in a totally different galaxy. IMO they won't- and shouldn't reconcile this with the events of 1-3. Just say, they left, and move on.


not me
Everything sounds great. Except maybe (as others have noted) the "biggest game ever" comments. DA:I was huge and it was to its detriment in many ways. Hopefully they find a better balance in ME:A. Witcher 3 for example imo was better, but still not great in this respect.

I don't think it's quite fair to compare this to fantasy games. It makes a lot more sense in a space game to have uninhabited planets, for example, and indeed that can be a part of the draw of a space exploration game. The story could be great, the characters fantastic, and a planet with nothing on it except an incredible environment and stunning skybox could be the most memorable thing about it.


Junior Member
I haven't played Inquisition but I've heard at how annoyed people were with the grind in that game. I'm expecting Andromeda to basically be that game but with guns and the Mako.

I'm one of the people who really enjoyed surface exploration in ME1. It wasn't perfect but for me it nailed the feeling of roving across alien landscapes which is just something you don't get in other video games. Elite Dangerous Horizons is maybe the only other recent game even attempting the same thing. I think what mainly did it for me in ME1 was that surface exploration had a very Mars rover feel about it. It wasn't like exploring a typical pre-determined video game path. The alien sky boxes enhanced the feeling. Andromeda needs to maintain that. The surfaces shouldn't be shaped like Skyrim or Far Cry or the areas of Inquisition.
Everything sounds great. Except maybe (as others have noted) the "biggest game ever" comments. DA:I was huge and it was to its detriment in many ways. Hopefully they find a better balance in ME:A. Witcher 3 for example imo was better, but still not great in this respect.

Even if the smallest planet was bigger than all of DA:I combined, people seem to forget that they will have a vehicle in this game. And from the looks of it, a damn fast one. If the Mako is fun to drive, huge areas could be one of the best thing about this game, even if they are empty.


I wonder if the twist in the character creator is being able to have children with romantic partners Fire Emblem style. That sounds fantastic.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The requirements are obviously a bit different.

So I'm pretty sure that that statement on MEA having the same h/w requirements as DAI won't actually be true.
Not that I disagree with you on requirements, but South China Sea is a horribly unoptimized level.
I'm gonna run a female Ryder. Let's hope that "biggest game we've made" means interesting environments and things to actually do. That's my biggest fear with the game.
Were going to Andromeda and were bringing the genophage with us! Colonialism at its best. hehe, probably not though. The leviathans would be pissed I think.
Please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad please don't be bad...


Gold Member
Wow, thanks for all the info. I thought they didn't give us much, but apparently they did; I just missed it.

My most anticipated 2017 title.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Was this ever officially confirmed?

I don't think they did, but it make too much sense to not be it. Why else would they go to Andromeda? Plus there was that N7 video last year where Shepard was talking and telling them goodbye.


I suspect the twist about male and female Ryder is that the male will be a relative or husband to the female Ryder. Maybe you can have female /male Ryder on your team.


A twist? I'm not sure what this could even be a hint at.

I posted about this in another thread, but I think they're doing something like Fallout 4 where the male and female protagonist both exist in the same universe together.

-We will be able to choose male/female, but they want to go a little bit further with this. More details to come soon
-The female Ryder isn't exactly the default face. There is a bit of a twist this time around but they can't say more yet
-Ryder has a family. This family ties into the storyline (Maybe siblings, parents etc)

EDIT: It wouldn't be the first time BioWare has kicked around the idea of a sibling companion. Dragon Age 2 had Carver and Bethany Hawke.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Fucking Hype.

Mass Effect is my baby. Love it.

I need to go back and play the ME3 DLC, I was saving it, then never got around to it. Debating on whether to play it on BC One (is that a thing yet?), play through the entire trilogy on PC with controller mods. Or to hold out for a remaster that may never come?
Fucking Hype.

Mass Effect is my baby. Love it.

I need to go back and play the ME3 DLC, I was saving it, then never got around to it. Debating on whether to play it on BC One (is that a thing yet?), play through the entire trilogy on PC with controller mods. Or to hold out for a remaster that may never come?

I was in the same situation as you and I ended up going the PC route. It's just as good as a remaster would be, but it's available right now. It's just kind of expensive.
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