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Mass Effect Andromeda Official 4K Tech Video


Would you rather have something of this graphics quality with 50-100 hours of gameplay, or something that looks even better like on par with God of War PS4 and Horizon but which is more like 10-20 hours of equivalency? / Not saying this is the length of ME or that this scenario is aplicable across all games.
I'd rather it to not be padded to shit with gamification elements like galactic readiness and power level. So if they feel the need to incorporate that again, and I'm sure they do because muh microtransaction moneys, I prefer 10-20 hours like God of War thank you very much.

ME2 took me 32 hours for a semi complete run and I thought that was the perfect length of getting a fill and being left wanting for more. Gtfo with 50-100 games.


Maybe DA:I and ME are in the same universe?
Maybe one of the planets in Andromeda is the one from DA:I

Looks great but man did the guy in the video sound cocky at the one point where he was like "if you aren't viewing this on a 4K screen look elsewhere!". Sorry buddy 90% of people will be viewing this on their phones , laptops, tablets all below 4K.

Environment looked absolutely beautiful and I do love how it the field of view was really pulled back to bring out the size of the remnant station.

Seriously. Not to mention youtube at 4k is a joke.
So? It's cute. I don't much care what the intent was, it's a really nice little clip.
Yeah, they should add in a piece of toast flopping out of her mouth and give her a schoolbag to carry. Then it'd be kawaii as shit.

Because that's what I'm looking for from Mass Effect. Cuteness.


Tears of Nintendo
Yeah, the end aniamtions for Asari is just laughable and goofy as fuck - they need to fix this shit asap along with running animations - no one is running like this from a bunch of alien monsters.... expect maybe looney tunes heroes or any other characters from 80s-90s cartoons))))))

Other than that... Animations for the main character is way better than in previous trilogy, although we haven't seen running animations for him yet so, heh, we need to wait and see if it also was improved.

Location design is really not that interesting and...., well, generic. Scaning and other stuff is almost like in No Man Sky (please, God, save us from mining a bunch shit and survival elements like in No Man's Sky).

Cut-scenes are way too much like in the first trilogy - almost zero improvement on that front. It's not that they were bad in the first trilogy but... come on, they could at least try to make them better... juuuuuust a little bit.
Yeah, they should add in a piece of toast flopping out of her mouth and give her a schoolbag to carry. Then it'd be kawaii as shit.

Because that's what I'm looking for from Mass Effect. Cuteness.

Hey man, I'm not saying you're wrong dislike it, I just don't get it is all. No need to get so comically defensive.

Mass Effect's goofy weirdness has always been my favorite part of it, and a lot of people's. I mean, have you played ME3? Or 2? Or even 1? The games have a LOT of moments exactly like that clip, from drunken Ashley in ME3 to Grunt's rampage in Citadel to even interrupting more serious moments, like ill-timed jokes about Wrex while he's possibly losing his shit on Virmire.

If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but it's in no way a new thing to the series. I'm not sure why you were expecting a pretty core component of the franchise to change.


Hey man, I'm not saying you're wrong dislike it, I just don't get it is all. No need to get so comically defensive.

Mass Effect's goofy weirdness has always been my favorite part of it, and a lot of people's. I mean, have you played ME3? Or 2? Or even 1? The games have a LOT of moments exactly like that clip, from drunken Ashley in ME3 to Grunt's rampage in Citadel to even interrupting more serious moments, like ill-timed jokes about Wrex while he's possibly losing his shit on Virmire.

If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but it's in no way a new thing to the series. I'm not sure why you were expecting a pretty core component of the franchise to change.
It's new in so far as how badly realized it is.

It's poorly timed, poorly animated and just looks glaringly stupid in the context of that sequence.
Hey man, I'm not saying you're wrong dislike it, I just don't get it is all. No need to get so comically defensive.

Mass Effect's goofy weirdness has always been my favorite part of it, and a lot of people's. I mean, have you played ME3? Or 2? Or even 1? The games have a LOT of moments exactly like that clip, from drunken Ashley in ME3 to Grunt's rampage in Citadel to even interrupting more serious moments, like ill-timed jokes about Wrex while he's possibly losing his shit on Virmire.

If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but it's in no way a new thing to the series. I'm not sure why you were expecting a pretty core component of the franchise to change.
Pretty core component is a stretch. People don't go "I play mass effect for the out of place comedic moments"
It's new in so far as how badly realized it is.

It's poorly timed, poorly animated and just looks glaringly stupid in the context of that sequence.

I guess we just disagree there, then. I think it looks great [art-wise; technically/mocap wise, yeah it's bad, but I never have and never will care about animation quality], and I like the timing on it. The Scooby Doo comparison is apt, but I consider it a compliment more than an insult.

Pretty core component is a stretch. People don't go "I play mass effect for the out of place comedic moments"

You should check out more of the ME Tumblr fandom if you think that's the case. A LOT of people, including myself, are mostly in it for the irreverence and goofiness. [Plus the alien sex.]



Very unimpressive. Animation looks shit especially the running scene. That aside I have no problems with the graphics side.


Hey man, I'm not saying you're wrong dislike it, I just don't get it is all. No need to get so comically defensive.

Mass Effect's goofy weirdness has always been my favorite part of it, and a lot of people's. I mean, have you played ME3? Or 2? Or even 1? The games have a LOT of moments exactly like that clip, from drunken Ashley in ME3 to Grunt's rampage in Citadel to even interrupting more serious moments, like ill-timed jokes about Wrex while he's possibly losing his shit on Virmire.

If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but it's in no way a new thing to the series. I'm not sure why you were expecting a pretty core component of the franchise to change.


I get what you're saying, but in the context of the demo that moment really doesn't work.
Pretty core component is a stretch. People don't go "I play mass effect for the out of place comedic moments"
I mean, I enjoy goofy shit in sci-fi games that reminds me of how silly sci-fi can and always has been. A dose of cheese never hurts.

This isn't that though. It's not goofy in any kind of nostalgic or genuine way. It doesn't fit a sequence of sci-fi stupidity, it's contextually bizarre. It's goofy because it looks bad.


Hey man, I'm not saying you're wrong dislike it, I just don't get it is all. No need to get so comically defensive.

Mass Effect's goofy weirdness has always been my favorite part of it, and a lot of people's. I mean, have you played ME3? Or 2? Or even 1? The games have a LOT of moments exactly like that clip, from drunken Ashley in ME3 to Grunt's rampage in Citadel to even interrupting more serious moments, like ill-timed jokes about Wrex while he's possibly losing his shit on Virmire.

If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but it's in no way a new thing to the series. I'm not sure why you were expecting a pretty core component of the franchise to change.


Bioware have always had moments where the game doesn't take itself too seriously, they've done that as far back as the first Baldur's Gate.

That said, id still argue having characters move their legs like that when running from something is just poor animation.
I guess we just disagree there, then. I think it looks great [art-wise; technically/mocap wise, yeah it's bad, but I never have and never will care about animation quality], and I like the timing on it. The Scooby Doo comparison is apt, but I consider it a compliment more than an insult.

You should check out more of the ME Tumblr fandom if you think that's the case. A LOT of people, including myself, are mostly in it for the irreverence and goofiness. [Plus the alien sex.]
Let me rephrase that.

It's not a core component to the point it's a selling point for the developer itself for a small minority I guess. Bioware loves having out of place goofy shit in their serious games. It's more of something they like to do.

This cartoony run is just awkward in a serious situation though.

People might enjoy Shepard dancing fabulously or garrus acknowledging the memes about calibration, but in the middle of a serious scene we don't have Shepard burst out dancing or garrus scream "calibraaaaations"

Just like dragon age doesn't have sandal pop in and scream "enchantment" when you're fighting the last boss.
Bioware have always had moments where the game doesn't take itself too seriously, they've done that as far back as the first Baldur's Gate.

That said, id still argue having characters move their legs like that when running from something is just poor animation.

Maybe? I'm a bad judge of that kind of thing, so I can't say either way, but I feel like I've -seen- people in real life do exactly what she did, kind of half-slide when changing directions. Sure, it's exaggerated/not super well-animated probably but again, that doesn't bother me. I'm a lot more interested in the idea than the execution.

Let me rephrase that.

It's not a core component to the point it's a selling point for the developer itself for a small minority I guess. Bioware loves having out of place goofy shit in their serious games. It's more of something they like to do.

This cartoony run is just awkward in a serious situation though.

People might enjoy Shepard dancing fabulously or garrus acknowledging the memes about calibration, but in the middle of a serious scene we don't have Shepard burst out dancing or garrus scream "calibraaaaations"

Just like dragon age doesn't have sandal pop in and scream "enchantment" when you're fighting the last boss.

Fair enough! I really wish Sandal did do that, though, like, I REALLY am mad that didn't happen now. Just Sandal busting in and dropping Enchantment bombs. So I guess I'm the target audience for this kind of thing. I like awkwardness in serious situations, I like irreverence like that. It feels more...I don't know, sincere, I guess.


I think people are being extremely nitpicky, but at the same time Bioware is kinda inviting it by releasing a video that puts such an emphasis on graphics. Bioware games have never been outstanding on a technical level, and I'm fine with that because that's never been their main appeal.


It's just a glimpse of the game of course, but that was thoroughly unimpressive. I felt like I was playing the game; walk a bit, press a button to jump (probably automatically) to the next bit. Hold a button to activate something, watch a scene, walk some more, press a button. It's extremely unengaging and rote.

I don't have high hopes for it anyway, it's a mass game as it is, so they're not gonna risk losing millions by actually making an interesting game. It's gonna be a third person action game with walking segements.

Who knows, maybe they'll surprise us when they finally decide to show the real game (surely this isn't it), but I'm not expecting much.
Thoroughly unimpressive.

I did have a hope that they would capture what made Mass Effect 1 so great and disregard what made 2 and 3 so shit, but the longer we go without seeing any glimpses of greatness, the less optimistic I am.

At least I can replay Mass Effect 1 again I guess!


So I know it's not that new of a trope but with No Man's Sky, Breath of the Wild, and now this I'm kind of getting tired already of mysterious robot protectors that attack you when you mess with the "natural order".
Male for sure.

This is great:

This is garbage:

This was a tech demo showing off the environments and it wasn't meant to be a "big deal". Maybe that's why we got shitty, generic male Ryder because Fem Ryder is still the main protag.


I wasn't impressed visually by this game at all, Horizon on vanilla PS4 looks much better, not to speak on the pro version, maybe it's the art and other level would be more impressive but nothing stood out for me, not the characters models, not the environment, very bland looking game.


All that, and the SSAO is still suffering the same basic problems and looks like crap. Can they not be bothered to finally ditch HDAO for something better? That DOF looked terrible too, aliasing out the wazoo on out of focus elements from a super low res buffer. (Just pause it on any of the frames at 2:44. Instantly your 4k game looks like it's being rendered at 1/16th resolution)


For a game supposedly dealing with colonialism, the writing in the sequence ("the power readings are off the charts!!") and the Scooby Doo sequence seem like poor storytelling choices..


For a game supposedly dealing with colonialism, the writing in the sequence ("the power readings are off the charts!!") and the Scooby Doo sequence seem like poor storytelling choices..

Just because a studio decides to tackle serious and complicated themes doesn't mean the writing will magically improve. See Mankind Divided. Even in DA:I the writing was really uneven.


For a game supposedly dealing with colonialism, the writing in the sequence ("the power readings are off the charts!!") and the Scooby Doo sequence seem like poor storytelling choices..

Is colonialism the right term? They were technically forced to migrate and resettle in the Andromeda galaxy due to the reapers, so it's not like they can go back or are sending back resources to anyone.


So on one hand, I did like that they were going for this "mysterious exploration" vibe. Upon watching the 2nd time, I noticed these things:

1) The rock formations look like those in some of the DA:I levels. I mean it's not unreasonable that they would exist on another planet too, but why would you show off the same/similar thing from the last game the first time you show off your new game.

2) The rocketjumps seemed like Babby's first platforming. Could still be fun, but I hope it won't feel like everything is built unbelieveably specifically so you can jump around. Also, climbing being prompt-based? Come on, it's 2016 / 2017 when the game comes out.

3) The animations are still very stiff and faces look crappy. I mean it's kind of expected with BioWare but still, I mean come on. What is so hard to hire new talent/new technologies in that regard.

4) But what bothered me most, especcially when I watched it live and liked it up until that point, was the cringeworthy dialogue. Just WHY. This smug tumblr-esque fanfic-comic style "Huh, we better get out of here right :^) writing, Ughhh. I hope that was just this one presentation and we're not again up for more Seras.


Is colonialism the right term? They were technically forced to migrate and resettle in the Andromeda galaxy due to the reapers, so it's not like they can go back or are sending back resources to anyone.

Yeah it feels more like a Noah's ark kinda deal. Like the Quarians in the previous games.


Commented: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5QP8KsSWXM

It also confirms that the male/female protagonist are brother/sister and the other exists when choosing one or the other. The N7 soldier in the start was also the father.

I hope I can edit the brother because the default model is the blandest and most milquetoast video game character of all time. He even sounds like Nolan North!

I still can't believe they ended up with that. Super disappointing character and marketing choices.


Hard to judge anything off such a short gameplay video. Espeically one that's basically a commercial for 4k screens, and obviously focused on the visual aspect.

I just hope that there will be some depth to the game, and that they don't use DA:I as a template for how to make an rpg. Because that game was seriously shit.


For a game supposedly dealing with colonialism, the writing in the sequence ("the power readings are off the charts!!") and the Scooby Doo sequence seem like poor storytelling choices..

I mean, since it's (modern) Bioware we're talking about, expectations shouldn't be sky high to begin with...


of all the possibilities your character creator affords this is what you come up with bioware?


Hmm, yeah... Pretty generic. I guess the original ME protagonist dude was generic as well, but that guy had at least unique and interesting facial features.
Mass Effect's goofy weirdness has always been my favorite part of it, and a lot of people's. I mean, have you played ME3? Or 2? Or even 1? The games have a LOT of moments exactly like that clip, from drunken Ashley in ME3 to Grunt's rampage in Citadel to even interrupting more serious moments, like ill-timed jokes about Wrex while he's possibly losing his shit on Virmire.

If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but it's in no way a new thing to the series. I'm not sure why you were expecting a pretty core component of the franchise to change.

In retrospect, that's something that really annoyed me about Citadel. Mass Effect has always been funny, but it tended to be more verbal humour, or the odd cutaway with Renegade Shepard, but never really over the top slapstick funny. Citadel was really noticeable in that regard. DA:I added in a lot of physical humour in Trespasser, too, especially with some Sera and Iron Bull moments.There again hadn't been that sort of humour in the main game. It was really jarring in both DLCs.

Commented: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5QP8KsSWXM

It also confirms that the male/female protagonist are brother/sister and the other exists when choosing one or the other. The N7 soldier in the start was also the father.

N7 Daddy! I really enjoyed the added family element in DA2 (and the various depressing fates that could happen to your siblings), so I'm really interested to see how it plays out in Andromeda. It would be interesting if the non-protag sibling ended up being a party member, though there might be too much of a dissonance from how you play them as a player, to how they are written as their own character. I'm curious to see if N7 Daddy's character design works like in DA2, where they had some preset designs that changed depending on your Hawke.


With that jetpack in there, I hope Vanguard actually works properly in this game. The Combat maneuverability options would be massive!
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