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Mass Effect Andromeda Official 4K Tech Video

I really don't see the similarities between this and DA:I (outside of the columns you see in the Storm Coast, big deal) but even if they do take a page out of that game's book, that's a good thing!

I loved DA:I. Especially the art and world design.

Some areas there are fucking amazing, if ME:A can deliver that, I'm even more hyped.
Those environments look much more DA:I than I'd like.. and I really, really hope they won't have "space dungeons" as a large part of the game. Remove the future tech and this could really be a section from Inquisition.

Also, still no real gameplay shown which is worrisome.
Totally unimpressed ...gameplay, design and graphics wise. Could not tell if that was a level from Halo, Destiny or (fill in the blank). Even the lighting looks more natural in Battlefront.
After waiting so long for a first good look at ME: Andromeda, I have to say I'm quite underwhelmed with the demo shown.
It was quite boring frankly with it's terminal activation and walking segments.

That being said, graphically and stylistically it looks bloody fantastic! Those getting to play this game in 4K on the Pro are in for a real treat I think.

Certainly hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for the game one bit, I'm sure Bioware will deliver.


The game is in pre alpha stage still? Just a few months away from its release? Am I the only one expecting another delay?


The game is in pre alpha stage still? Just a few months away from its release? Am I the only one expecting another delay?

'pre-alpha' has become a marketing term and not an actual indication of where it's at in its development stage.
This was a tech demo showing off the environments and it wasn't meant to be a "big deal". Maybe that's why we got shitty, generic male Ryder because Fem Ryder is still the main protag.
I understand that it wasn't a huge deal. I just don't get why the default Dude Ryder is so terrible.


As a showcase vid this didnt work for me at all. Looked oke i guess.
The environment was nice. But the rest we meh. Especially the cutscene.


I hope I can edit the brother because the default model is the blandest and most milquetoast video game character of all time. He even sounds like Nolan North!

I still can't believe they ended up with that. Super disappointing character and marketing choices.
I imagine the look of the protagonist will affect the appearance of the sibling like in dragon age 2.


I wouldn't like being the guy that got his face scanned for the default male Ryder. Nobody seems to like his face lol.

You guys are jerks. :(

It's not his fault that video games have historically had his type of face plastered everywhere. It's Bioware marketing and decision-makers that are at fault for continuing the yawn-inducing brown-haired white male stereotype of video game protagonists:



He doesn't even have any unique features - he looks completely bland and forgettable.
It's not his fault that video games have historically had his type of face plastered everywhere. It's Bioware marketing and decision-makers that are at fault for continuing the yawn-inducing brown-haired white male stereotype of video game protagonists:



He doesn't even have any unique features - he looks completely bland and forgettable.
The problem is that in that collage, even among the stereotype, many of those faces are more memorable than Ryder's. He's just soooooo boring. It's like a new height of generic.


Dialogue and voice acting seemed off. Sounded more like the cringey canned co-op stuff that Ubisoft uses in their gameplay demos than actual ME characters.

Couldn't quite put finger on what bothered me about this, but I think this is it. I'm starting to think the voice actor may have even worked for Ubisoft.


Couldn't quite put finger on what bothered me about this, but I think this is it. I'm starting to think the voice actor may have even worked for Ubisoft.

I guess Nolan North is now on every "Games features" list that needs to be checked for that mass appeal.


Couldn't quite put finger on what bothered me about this, but I think this is it. I'm starting to think the voice actor may have even worked for Ubisoft.

Aside from the appearance, I do admittedly think it's bad that the protagonist sounds like almost every male protagonist I've heard lately even though I don't know who voices him.


There is no "default" Ryder like there was with Commander Shepard.

I mean, the default in the marketing we've seen is Brad and Becky Ryder:


That's the face-scanned actors and I'm pretty damn sure those will be the "faces" of the branding of Andromeda, i.e. white dude video game hero #1585164 and white girl video game hero #16


As others have said, pretty but boring. I'd like to know where your squad was during gameplay.

Also has this been confirmed to be native 4K or are all of the 4K Pro games using a reconstruction technique?

Edit: nevermind I see that it's not 4K.


The game looked like a pS4 neo enhanced mobile game. Did you guys see the close-ups of the characters during the cutscene? It was embarrassing.
It's not his fault that video games have historically had his type of face plastered everywhere. It's Bioware marketing and decision-makers that are at fault for continuing the yawn-inducing brown-haired white male stereotype of video game protagonists:



He doesn't even have any unique features - he looks completely bland and forgettable.

It's not even that, hate brown haired white male characters as much as you want but a lot of the ones in that picture look good and are somewhat memorable, male shep was p sexy.

This guy just looks like a forgettable goof.


Lol at people complaining that default Ryder looks like "default video game protagonist".
This game has customisation, your character can look however you want them to.


Lol at people complaining that default Ryder looks like "default video game protagonist".
This game has customisation, your character can look however you want them to.

The point is that marketing and branding matter. Not only is it an uncreative and uninteresting design that contributes to the overwhelming representation of white dudes in video games, but it also influences who's the default ManRyder (and it'll be the majority option that players who don't want to customize their characters will choose, just as we saw with Sheploo).


I mean, the default in the marketing we've seen is Brad and Becky Ryder:


That's the face-scanned actors and I'm pretty damn sure those will be the "faces" of the branding of Andromeda, i.e. white dude video game hero #1585164 and white girl video game hero #16

becky's face is way less generic tho
I just look at the video as being a preview of the graphical effects that'll be seen in the game and not a demonstration of gameplay. Tech demos are all about showing off the fidelity of the game and there is a lot to drool over in that video.

Regardless, character movement was janky, voice acting was extremely dull, and the cutscene looked rough. I imagine all of this will be fixed. I mean, Bioware has been working on this game for like 5 years now. These shouldn't be issues knowing their pedigree.

It's still the face they decided to use for their marketing. Awful.

Yep, and there's nothing particular about this. I mean, Shepard had a milquetoast look but he was carried over for 3 games so people got really used to stock Shepard. Plus, it led to some amazing memes.



I'm going to be new to ME when this comes out, so really not qualified to talk about this one.

That said, wtf is with all these reaction threads unfolding the same way? The first several pages everyone has the exact same complaints. It's almost like everyone waits for whatever outrage to build and then jumps on board.

What, now suddenly average brown hair protagonists are lame? This was the one that did it? Not the last most recent brown haired guy? Where is the few people who actually likes the way he looks? The law of averages would say there are at least a few. These threads are becoming parodies of themselves.


Continue with the outrage of the day

Sou Da

Wanna bet 10 bucks that guy isn't face scanned and we see a completely different Ryder for N7 day?

Because I'm pretty sure they're doing the Inquisition thing where every demo used a different character.


It's not his fault that video games have historically had his type of face plastered everywhere. It's Bioware marketing and decision-makers that are at fault for continuing the yawn-inducing brown-haired white male stereotype of video game protagonists:



He doesn't even have any unique features - he looks completely bland and forgettable.

Heyyyy!! Agent Francis York Morgan and Naked Snake are far more charismatic and interesting than any of those other dudes!

One thing I kind of like about default shepard in ME1-3 is that he was a basic bald marine man, but he was kind of a goofball idiot and his friends made him look stupid alot. I feel like Bioware does a good job at making even just military dudes interesting. In me2 you can deploy with Jacob and Zaeed or in ME3 with Kaiden and Vega and it still won't feel like a dudebro game, because the characters are just so much better and more interesting than anyone of those dumb boring guy faces on that tilesheet (except for snake and york, as pre-mentioned) Half of it in ME games comes from just giving them awkward social situations or portraying their faults in comedic ways with friends. ME3 really went out of its way to make Kaiden a decent character (Ashley kind of didn't work out as well, I almost always bring Kaiden into ME3 because he adds more to the game than she does, interesting because I liked him far less than ashley in ME1)

It is kind of funny how some of those guys literally look like the same person when next to eachother, though.

becky's face is way less generic tho

One thing I'm starting to feel about the last few years of gaming being more self-concious about that is "White girl with short brown hair in a ponytail" is becoming the nathan drake for female characters. It feels like I see that look more than others. (It's probably easy to make a hairstyle be "short ponytail" compared to something more elaborate like braids or wavey hair)


Wanna bet 10 bucks that guy isn't face scanned and we see a completely different Ryder for N7 day?

Because I'm pretty sure they're doing the Inquisition thing where every demo used a different character.

Are you willing to bet against Shinobi?


I'm going to be new to MA when this comes out, so really not qualified to talk about this one.

That said, wtf is with all these reaction threads unfolding the same way? The first several pages everyone has the exact same complaints. It's almost like everyone waits for whatever outrage to build and then jumps on board.

What, now suddenly average brown hair protagonists are lame? This was the one that did it? Not the last most recent brown haired guy? Where is the few people who actually likes the way he looks? The law of averages would say there are at least a few. These threads are becoming parodies of themselves.


Continue with the outrage of the day
If you've not yet grown tired of generic brown-haired white males, then more power to you good sir.

I, for one, find them extremely annoying and if I was a game director I would make sure to provide my protagonists with some stand-out features.


For what it's worth, I will give it to Bioware that it seems like they didn't just go with supermodel faces this time. Not to say they aren't good looking though.

I wish they did, even as a straight dude I'm not afraid to admit that Sheploo was sexy as fuck (especially in ME3), to the extent that I never even bothered to use my own custom Shepard because no matter how long you spent at the creation screen you literally could not make anything as good looking as Sheploo, it was impossible.
The problem is that in that collage, even among the stereotype, many of those faces are more memorable than Ryder's. He's just soooooo boring. It's like a new height of generic.

They're memorable because you've played their games and witness their stories.

Do you remember your first sight of male shepard? He's just a normal soldier at a glance.

Also, don't let me get started on Nathan Drake..


The problem is not that he's brown-haired and white, but that he looks very generic, like what an NPC in any other game would look like. I had to think of the generic Half-Life 2 City17 NPCs.

Male-Shepard was also a short-dark-haired white male yet he looked "Outstanding" in his facial features etc.


If you've not yet grown tired of generic brown-haired white males, then more power to you good sir.

I, for one, find them extremely annoying and if I was a game director I would make sure to provide my protagonists with some stand-out features.

I am as well, but don't tell anybody. That wasn't really my point though.


extra source of jiggaflops
Regardless, character movement was janky, voice acting was extremely dull, and the cutscene looked rough. I imagine all of this will be fixed. I mean, Bioware has been working on this game for like 5 years now. These shouldn't be issues knowing their pedigree.
Movement animation and cutscene acting hasn't been BioWar's strongest suit though.

So them putting this foot forward is not reassuring.

You could just as easily say it's been 5 years now and the movement animations are this weak compared with top developers is quite bad.
They're memorable because you've played their games and witness their stories.

Do you remember your first sight of male shepard? He's just a normal soldier at a glance.

Also, don't let me get started on Nathan Drake..
Not really. I looked at the collage, and I recognize about 3/4 of them and I've played around 1/2. Most of them have at least something slightly differentiating about them, even if it's only a small thing.

Like Lime kind of said, the striking thing about Dude Ryder is his lack of any memorable facial features. No facial scarring, no interesting hairstyle, no craggy nose, no particularly interesting facial shape, nothing. He's as plain as plain can be.
The problem is not that he's brown-haired and white, but that he looks very generic, like what an NPC in any other game would look like. I had to think of the generic Half-Life 2 City17 NPCs.

Male-Shepard was also a short-dark-haired white male yet he looked "Outstanding" in his facial features etc.
Right. They took the "bald soldier man" trope and went with it. They gave him enough facial definition to be at least mildly memorable. This chucklefish looks like an NPC from some outpost, not the main character of a game.
Lol at people complaining that default Ryder looks like "default video game protagonist".
This game has customisation, your character can look however you want them to.
Wow gee! We had no idea! Thanks for bringing this revelatory information to our attention!!!!!!


For what it's worth, I will give it to Bioware that it seems like they didn't just go with supermodel faces this time. Not to say they aren't good looking though.

I'm not sure a milquetoast face is the solution though. The face should be memorable and have character.

The female face is better though.
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