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May wrasslin' thread

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TNA Spoilers...holy shit man.... MORE new additions (one's a biggie that WWE really missed the boat on)

by Ashley Colton @ 2009-05-27 21:35:20

Shawn Spears (using a name like Shields) vs. Elijah Burke. Burke wins following the Elijah Experience. Burke worked face and got a huge ovation from the crowd.

Nation of Violence First Blood Match: Samoa Joe defeated Scott Steiner & Booker T. Brawl went all over the Impact zone, Joe wins makes Steiner bleed by having him in a trash can & repeatedly & viciously beat it with a kendo stick. Then it was time for Booker T & Sharmell (with complete music & pyro entrance) to come out to the top of the stage, Joe charges Booker & attacks, the 2 fight down to the ringside area, Joe finally makes him bleed to win the match.

Tara (the former Victoria) defeated Madison Rayne w/Angelina Love & Velvet Sky with a Widow's Peak.

Raisha Saeed defeated SoJo Bolt following a Boston Crab into a sit-down type move.

They are setting up the ring for some sort of celebration with streamers & balloons along with a banner that reads "Welcome Back Jeffrey"

TNA World Champion Mick Foley along with Earl Hebner, Sally Boy, Rocco and balloon carrying clown come down to the ring. What a difference a week makes, Foley starts, he said something is back and that's his smile. But also our founder Jeff Jarrett is back and also, Yurple was not available she was doing a bachelor party so we have Webbo the low rent clown. Also, Earl Hebner is back, everything looks good and he has dropped the outstanding lawsuit against TNA. Mick then brings out AJ Styles followed by Samoa Joe and then Mick welcomes out Kurt Angle for the celebration. He then brings out the man none of them would be there without, Double J Jeff Jarrett.

Jeff comes out, shaking his head in disbelief of the sight he is seeing in the ring & needed some encouragement getting into the ring. He asks Mick if he has lost his mind, and Mick says he has a surprise and the magic word is "Jeffery" count of 3, the crowd yells Jeffery and confetti cannons go off and fill the ring. He says he has a special main event planned, Samoa Joe and his hand picked successor AJ Styles, who Foley says he will be handing over the keys to the castle in 2 years taking on Kurt Angle & Sting but its a 3 way tag team match and it'll be Jeff Jarrett and Mick Foley. Foley asks everyone to put their hands in and say Team! Jarrett immediately leaves the ring, Angle enters in, Styles does as well, Samoa Joe looks on, goes to put his hand in and punches Angle. And with that the celebration ends.

They are now setting up the ring for Raven's Clockwork Orange House of Fun match

Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match. Raven w/ Dr Stevie defeated The Outlaw Jethro Holiday. Post-match, Daffney came to ringside with a straitjacket and they pulled Holiday back into the ring where Raven gave him an Evenflow DDT onto a chair, then Raven & Stevie were placing holiday into the jacket, Abyss charged down to ringside and Raven, Daffney & Stevie headed up the aisle.

Matt Morgan comes out and says he has something to say to an important man and that's Sting. Sting comes to the ring. He said there are a lot of differences between them. He addresses that 2 weeks ago, Sting said he couldn't join the Mafia cause he's not a former world champion. Sting said he never said that. Morgan says to put his money where his mouth is & to give him a chance to beat a world champion aka Sting, at Slammiversary. Sting says he'll do one better, and says Morgan can defeat him at Slammiversary, he can have his position in the Mafia. As Sting went to leave the ring, Morgan goes to attack him, but Sting sidestepped him and caused Morgan to fall out of the ring which angered Morgan.

Daffney & TNA Knockout Champion, Angelina Love w/Madison Rayne & Velvet Sky vs. Taylor Wilde & Awesome Kong w/Raisha Saeed. Kong & Wilde get the win following an Awesome Bomb on Daffney. Postmatch, TBP & Daffney beat down on Kong & Wilde while Saeed was out of the ring blinded by a Velvet Sky spray to the eyes. Tara ran down to make the save and TBP ran from the ring, meanwhile Tara & Long were left alone in the ring and had a several minute stare down till eventually Saeed pulled Kong from the ring.

Team 3D & Beer Money def Lethal Consequences & Motor City Machineguns. Prematch, SoCal Val is backstage with Beer Money and she asks why last week they weren't there to return the favor for Team 3D, 3D comes in and they argue, which lead to brawling all the way to ringside while Creed, Lethal, Shelley & Sabin were all celebrating what they believed their inevitable victory. As Beer Money were near the ring, Creed & Lethal dived over the top rope while Shelley stayed in the ring but was attacked by Suicide. Meanwhile 3D got into the ring and delivered a 3D to Shelley for the win.

IMPACT! Main Event
Mick Foley & Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe & AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle & Sting. Foley would leave at periods to go commentate and then would miss the tag from Jarrett. Jarrett finally able to make a tag to Styles, but Samoa Joe placed his hand over AJ's. Jarrett made his way to the commentary table and attacked Foley which had to be broken up by security. Samoa Joe hit a muscle buster on Angle for the win. AJ Styles never made it into the match.

ODB w/Cody Deaner defeated Velvet Sky.

The filmed an energy drink commercial with Abyss, who came to the ring with 3 Monster Energy drinks.

Rhino & Jesse Neal defeated The British Invasion when Rhino pinned Magnus


Outcast2004 said:
one's a biggie that WWE really missed the boat on)

Raven? I'd hardly call him a biggie. The WWE barely did anything with him once they had them and he's 44 so I doubt the WWE is kicking themselves over not grabbing him.
Forkball said:
Raven? I'd hardly call him a biggie. The WWE barely did anything with him once they had them and he's 44 so I doubt the WWE is kicking themselves over not grabbing him.

No, I was talking about Elijah Burke. The guy's young, has a great look, can talk great, and can work.

Raven's had his moment and pissed it away.


When Vince got backstage after the Stan Kroenke segment on RAW he was extremely pleased with his performance and how the crowd reacted. Vince was also much more pleased with the other impersonators on the show (like "Jack Nicholson") than the majority of the wrestlers watching on the monitors backstage were. There are some on the roster who are just counting down the days until Vince steps down from his position as the head of the company, and this week's episode of RAW didn't help change their minds.
Sources: ProWrestling.net, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Vince McMahon and his creative team currently feel that the quality of the Monday Night RAW is strong. Vince wants there to be differences in the content between his various TV shows, and one company source sees silver lining in this by pointing out that SmackDown is able to have such quality wrestling because RAW is Vince's sports entertainment variety show. The problem, is that RAW is the company's flagship show and is usually how the general public judges the company.

This week's episode of RAW was mostly straight from Vince McMahon, to the point that one source says he essentially dictated the direction of the show to the creative team.

For months now, some colleagues have been crediting Triple H and Shawn Michaels for trying their best to weed out some of the campy stuff Vince and lead writer Brian Gewirtz produce. Even people who don't like HHH backstage are saying that he should soon be taking the reigns from Vince as the creative head of the company. Triple H is seen as the most likely candidate for the job due to his family ties, but sources within the company also acknowledge that Triple H does have a good understanding of what the fans want and who their target audience really should be.

Triple H has been at the recent RAW shows, but one backstage observer notes that he isn't as emotionally attached or involved in the show when he's not wrestling. In other words, he might be saving his ideas for when he returns to television.

Mr. Sam

People need to realise that there's no difference between "sports entertainment" and wrestling. I cringe when people complain about too much sports entertainment.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Bootaaay said:
Unfourtunatly that's probably the case - Teddy's a total dick, but i'd love to see Teddy & Evans teaming in WWE.

AAA just split them up I think.

Kinda a shame, since those two, Nicho, Joe Lider, and Zorro were the main reasons to watch AAA.

Besides, if JBL can work for them for 10 years, I'm sure Teddy can get a second chance, though I'd rather see Zorro tear it up in the US (I think he speaks enough English to get over like Eddie did)


arstal said:
Besides, if JBL can work for them for 10 years, I'm sure Teddy can get a second chance, though

Teddy is way more unprofessional than JBL. At an ROH show Teddy was in a multi-man cage match, after the match instead of selling how brutal the match was he climbed up to the top of the cage and started doing moonsaults onto guys who had no idea he was going to so had no time to prepare. He then vomited in the ring.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
DKehoe said:
Teddy is way more unprofessional than JBL. At an ROH show Teddy was in a multi-man cage match, after the match instead of selling how brutal the match was he climbed up to the top of the cage and started doing moonsaults onto guys who had no idea he was going to so had no time to prepare. He then vomited in the ring.

Well, I haven't heard of Teddy getting the shit kicked out of him liked what happened to Juvi down in Mexico, so maybe he cleaned up his act? Either that or they got enough blow to keep him happy.


I was pleasantly surprised to see Shane Douglas and Raven in pretty decent looking shape on Impact.

And Victoria looks as good as ever. <3


arstal said:
Well, I haven't heard of Teddy getting the shit kicked out of him liked what happened to Juvi down in Mexico, so maybe he cleaned up his act? Either that or they got enough blow to keep him happy.
Juvi got the shit kicked out of him because Konann doesn't like him. Teddy and Jack hang around with Konann


Lebron said:
No "failure turtle"? :(
It's there.

I can't believe Kennedy got released. Any details on the reasons? Did the WWE just think he was too injury prone or was there a falling out? It looked like he hurt his wrist on Monday but I wasn't sure if he was just selling the RKO or if he just landed on it weird. I didn't think it would be that serious. The guy had a ton of potential, it's a shame that his body was made of glass.


I can't say blame them really. He has spent the better part of two years in and out of injury.

The WWE has been ready to push him on several occassions so for once I don't see it as their fault.


Matthew Gallant said:
Kennedy released. :/

:lol :lol :lol

He had so much potential. I was a fan of the guy's until I saw him live, and realized he couldn't wrestle for shit.




I would hope its because his injury is more severe than we were let on, or he was on drugs (injury-pain killers?) again. If it is lesser than we were let known, and he's fine, it's a strange deal. He's better than 90% of the Raw roster in terms of mic/wrestling.

I, too, hope he goes to TNA.
Penguin said:
I can't say blame them really. He has spent the better part of two years in and out of injury.

The WWE has been ready to push him on several occassions so for once I don't see it as their fault.

Hell, they were going to put the title on him. But a combination of a drug bust and bad-luck injuries did their toll on him.

He's a good talent with a huge black cloud following him.


Jericho disguising himself as one of Rey's fan was without a doubt the best moment in today's Smackdown. I really though it he a normal fan at first.


First tragedy, then farce.
Kennedy fucked himself with the drug thing. He was set to become Mr. McMahons "son" and then got busted and they had to waste the whole thing on hornswaggle.


thank god I never saw anything in him he said his name twice, big freaking deal...I always found him annoying and thought his matches were boring to boot.

He had SO many chances too

Mr. Sam

Azuran said:
I really though it he a normal fan at first.

Me too. I was looking forward to Rey taking a swing at someone wearing his mask.

As for Kennedy being released... I reckon it's a work. I don't really, but I'm covering myself in case it is.
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