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McCain’s Surgery May Be More Serious Than Thought, Experts Say

His voting record, as well as the rhetoric he and his party spreads has caused innocent people to die. You really want him to keep voting? He isn't just a mere "opposing politician" he is part of a system of oppression and tyranny.

What are a few (million) innocent deaths when you can keep on riding your high moral horse of self righteousness though?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I never said it wasn't warranted.

I never say he will. I said I hope he does.

I don't hope for anything from the GOP. They're not the party of "hope" unless you're a rich white straight person hoping for more tax breaks and money.


The Autumn Wind
What did you expect tbh? He is Republican and they are free prey here on GAF more often that not.
Yes, won't someone think about the shitty assholes backing Trump and trying to take healthcare away from over 20 million people and trying to set this country back decades with their archaic views.

How about you do something other than bitch about how unfairly Republicans are treated here? Interesting how you're never in any of the threads about the latest horrible thing they've done. You don't get to have it both ways, so FOH with your persecution complex.


You'd have thought you'd need to wait a bit before flying after a craniotomy. Pretty sure my Father was told to wait 6 weeks after his.
I have enormous respect for the man but I don't respect his politics at all.

I also wish him a speedy recovery.


Yes, won't someone think about the shitty assholes backing Trump and trying to take healthcare away from over 20 million people and trying to set this country back decades with their archaic views.

How about you do something other than bitch about how unfairly Republicans are treated here? Interesting how you're never in any of the threads about the latest horrible thing they've done. You don't get to have it both ways, so FOH with your persecution complex.

Pretty sure he's the thread starter for a lot of those.
I never say he will. I said I hope he does.

"Give him a chance!" you cry. "For there exists good in even the blackest heart, and I have witnessed it with mine own eyes. Once, as a child lay dying on the street [because of the health care bill for which McCain voted], he happened upon its wretched, writhing form and stopped. Reaching into his pocket, he produced a silver coin and flicked it onto the waif's heaving, laboring chest.

"As he strode away, he uttered words tinged with such grace and kindness that I knew him to be not of this mortal plane: 'Start yourself a health-savings account, kid. Bah humbug.'

"The child, gratified by the generosity of his betters, alighted to heaven the free market. His family considered using the silver coin to pay for a burial, but they instead opted for a Christmas goose, as their exorbitant premiums had forced them to endure a period of prolonged fasting and chimney sweeping.

"God bless us, everyone - and God especially bless the misunderstood moderates who mask their loving humanity with a convincing display of cruelty and selfishness."

You seem to be the only winner. Everyone else interpreted the statement incorrectly.

Maybe you should write more precisely rather than assume we can all read your tea leaves.


Can someone explain how you you catch this with a normal physical?

Just luck following a complaint or is it these guys have Cadillac plans that probably are much better than the average citizens?


Yes, won't someone think about the shitty assholes backing Trump and trying to take healthcare away from over 20 million people and trying to set this country back decades with their archaic views.

How about you do something other than bitch about how unfairly Republicans are treated here? Interesting how you're never in any of the threads about the latest horrible thing they've done. You don't get to have it both ways, so FOH with your persecution complex.

Can someone explain how you you catch this with a normal physical?

Just luck following a complaint or is it these guys have Cadillac plans that probably are much better than the average citizens?

'Something's up with my eye'

'OK, let's run some tests'
Can someone explain how you you catch this with a normal physical?

Just luck following a complaint or is it these guys have Cadillac plans that probably are much better than the average citizens?

Can be a little of both. Like it would still be sheer chance that they caught it, but it's chance bolstered by the fact McCain probably affords better than most.

It's kind of an unfortunate boon that his health troubles delay a health disaster for millions, but does make one have wider concerns for his health going forward. The man is 80 years old, and while some at that age will be perfectly fine - many members of the Senate are older still - it's not unsurprising if issues start cropping up.


How to tell you are not a good person. Guy is going through serious surgery and people have found no less than 3 separate snarky jokes at his expense. Hopefully he pulls through and it gives him an epiphany to start practicing what he preaches.

The GOP is potentially killing hundreds of thousands and condemning millions more to a lower standard of life with this healthcare bill. The senators who vote yes on it are literally evil. Why does it surprise you that evil people aren't treated with respect?
Can someone explain how you you catch this with a normal physical?

Just luck following a complaint or is it these guys have Cadillac plans that probably are much better than the average citizens?

The article actually points out that something like this usually goes undetected until symptoms manifest such as headaches, weakness or difficulty speaking. Maybe his question at the Comey hearing raised some concerns, he definitely seemed pretty incoherent.

I hope he makes a full recovery.
Can someone explain how you you catch this with a normal physical?

Just luck following a complaint or is it these guys have Cadillac plans that probably are much better than the average citizens?

Depends on what the complaints are. You could have this detected with an ED visit if you said the magic symptom words. Or had a concerning family/personal history or a combination of all the above.

Since his was detected during a physical, I would say that he mentioned some symptoms that lead to the discovery, and a combination of him being in a position to afford it.


People wishing him death are fucking gross, but is it wrong that I hope that its serious enough that it takes over a month for him to recover?

Cake Boss

I wish him no death nor speedy recovery.

Lol at having showing decency and respect for scum.

Fuck that.

I'm sure there is a word or phrase for this, but it shows how people don't actually "believe" in things they "know" sometimes. Like, people know smoking is bad, but don't actually believe those bad things will happen, even if they smoke. So, people know countless people will die under republicans healthcare plans. But, they don't really believe it. So, they don't view these people as the absolutely evil pieces of shit they are.

If any of that shit made sense.
Hopefully this will be eye opening to him about why healthcare is important and why he shouldn't be voting to take it away from people.


Excellent point about Tricare, but it isn't exactly free. McCain, at 80, would have to pay Medicare Part B IIRC.

Also wouldn't he need to go through the VA? My dad is a vet but rarely uses his vet benefits because dealing with the VA is such a pain in the ass and slow.
Excellent point about Tricare, but it isn't exactly free. McCain, at 80, would have to pay Medicare Part B IIRC.
Possibly? Not sure how far back that's grandfathered. My mother is a vet from the "Women's Army Corp" days and can get TriCare without Medicare. She has other health care though. My dad (also a vet) was told he had to sign up, which annoyed him mostly because he rarely uses it.

Also wouldn't he need to go through the VA? My dad is a vet but rarely uses his vet benefits because dealing with the VA is such a pain in the ass and slow.
IIRC, vets can use TriCare and whatnot without the VA these days. I want to say Obama eased that requirement after the while "Phoenix VA letting people die on waitlists" debacle awhile back. Even if you go through the VA, they can refer you othe places. My dad uses the VA for everything (because he's stubborn like that), but he had spinal and open heart surgeries at non-VA facilities because they could treat him faster than a VA facility could.


Must be nice going through a big surgery and not worrying about how you can afford it.

Yep. A big fuck you to America.

The concern police in this thread have been conned. The GOP don't give a fuck about your health. They don't give a fuck about your family.

But lecture away.
I just can't conceivably be sympathetic to a man that would fuck over millions of Americans for no other reason than the good will of his party, and money. Fuck that.
get well soon, etc

And some of the responses in this thread...


See get well soon is an interesting concept here, his absence is literally preventing a vote on a horrible health care bill.

By all means we shouldn't wish pain, suffering or death but the idea that some folks maybe don't want him to get back to work anytime soon is hardly "bad"
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