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McCain’s Surgery May Be More Serious Than Thought, Experts Say


See get well soon is an interesting concept here, his absence is literally preventing a vote on a horrible health care bill.

By all means we shouldn't wish pain, suffering or death but the idea that some folks maybe don't want him to get back to work anytime soon is hardly "bad"
So I should be wishing for his right wing ass to stay sick to delay a vote? Gosh maybe my parents were wrong in raising me to respect people's health and life in general, and the irony of what you're saying and in the context of the healthcare debate is..... well surely you see it?

Yeah I don't agree with his politics. Yes I don't approve of the "AHCA" etc. But those things don't necessarily give people a pass to be shitty to he guy.

Somehow I don't think a prolonged lack of McCain wil stop the GOP from doing shitty and regressive things.


not a medical professional
Would this blood clot have explained his bizarre line of questioning during Comey's testimony? I'm legitimately curious if the two were linked. I know pressure in various points of the brain can really mess up cognitive functions..


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
So I should be wishing for his right wing ass to stay sick to delay a vote? Gosh maybe my parents were wrong in raising me to respect people's health and life in general, and the irony of what you're saying and in the context of the healthcare debate is..... well surely you see it?

Yeah I don't agree with his politics. Yes I don't approve of the "AHCA" etc. But those things don't necessarily give people a pass to be shitty to he guy.

Yeah we can only be shitty when they start murdering people in the streets and putting them in camps.
So I should be wishing for his right wing ass to stay sick to delay a vote? Gosh maybe my parents were wrong in raising me to respect people's health and life in general, and the irony of what you're saying and in the context of the healthcare debate is..... well surely you see it?

Yeah I don't agree with his politics. Yes I don't approve of the "AHCA" etc. But those things don't necessarily give people a pass to be shitty to he guy.

Somehow I don't think a prolonged lack of McCain wil stop the GOP from doing shitty and regressive things.

I mean no one is actually reaching him here.

And I think him wanting to destroy US healthcare as you know it and cause 20+ millions of innocent folks to lose coverage is a pretty good reason to be "shitty" to the guy, especially when shitty amounts to hopefully he's not back to vote too quickly.

And as for an absence? Literally "they are at we need every vote we can get" level right now. Literally his absence could actually prevent the vote and allow more time for people to work and protest against it.

There is zero wrong with hoping he doesn't get back into the Senate anytime soon.


I wish you a good recovery with no further issues. But, please take all the time you need to safely recover and not run into other serious issues due to rushing back to work.


Craniotomy sounds like such a made up procedure.

What sounds made up about it? Medical terms are broken into root words and suffixes to make them actually easier to understand. Crani- Referring to skull. -Otomy referring to cutting into a part of the body. So all it really is, is a surgical incision into the skull which doesn't sound like a made up procedure imo.
I just read that doctors were surprised to find 32 contact lenses in his eye, that he'd forgotten about

I got that reference, fake modbot.

What sounds made up about it? Medical terms are broken into root words and suffixes to make them actually easier to understand. Crani- Referring to skull. -Otomy referring to cutting into a part of the body. So all it really is, is a surgical incision into the skull which doesn't sound like a made up procedure imo.

Fuck yeah, I use word parts every single day.


So I should be wishing for his right wing ass to stay sick to delay a vote? Gosh maybe my parents were wrong in raising me to respect people's health and life in general, and the irony of what you're saying and in the context of the healthcare debate is..... well surely you see it?

Yeah I don't agree with his politics. Yes I don't approve of the "AHCA" etc. But those things don't necessarily give people a pass to be shitty to he guy.

Somehow I don't think a prolonged lack of McCain wil stop the GOP from doing shitty and regressive things.

Then what would give people a pass?


Would this blood clot have explained his bizarre line of questioning during Comey's testimony? I'm legitimately curious if the two were linked. I know pressure in various points of the brain can really mess up cognitive functions..
Yeah he was...... off.
Yeah we can only be shitty when they start murdering people in the streets and putting them in camps.
Uhhh... what
I mean no one is actually reaching him here.

And I think him wanting to destroy US healthcare as you know it and cause 20+ millions of innocent folks to lose coverage is a pretty good reason to be "shitty" to the guy, especially when shitty amounts to hopefully he's not back to vote too quickly.

And as for an absence? Literally "they are at we need every vote we can get" level right now. Literally his absence could actually prevent the vote and allow more time for people to work and protest against it.

There is zero wrong with hoping he doesn't get back into the Senate anytime soon.
Be shitty to him where it counts. On the political stage. The town halls. The ballot box. All I'm saying. All the rest of the vitriol should be beneath you.
I wish you a good recovery with no further issues. But, please take all the time you need to safely recover and not run into other serious issues due to rushing back to work.
Now this was a good comment lol


The statement from Mr. McCain’s office said a two-inch blood clot was removed from “above his left eye” during a “minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision” at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, “following a routine annual physical

That wording implies cause and effect while only outright stating the timing.

I honestly have to wonder how long they knew this needed to be done, and in turn, why they did it right now. May just be a coincidence. Maybe the statement just isn't very clear and they did in fact find this during a routine physical. I'm not familiar with the bundle of items checked for an 80 year old's routine physical.

Would love to see a statement outright saying this was found during the physical.
Yeah he was...... off.

Uhhh... what

Be shitty to him where it counts. On the political stage. The town halls. The ballot box. All I'm saying. All the rest of the vitriol should be beneath you.

Now this was a good comment lol

Dude.... we're on a bloody off topic section of a video game message board...

And stop patronizing/ Beneath you? Jesus dude next to no one is saying we hope he dies, but we're not going to hope he gets back into the Senate anytime soon either... because literally his absence is helping stop the vote. Sorry that's just reality.


The same way you wouldn't wish ill on any of the people affected by this health care bill, you don't wish ill on anyone getting dealt a shit hand in life when it concerns your bodily health.

Sure, paint him as an unfeeling monster that's single-handedly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, but realize that that's just a defense mechanism.
Any politician or rulemaker has blood on their hands in some way, either directly or indirectly. The sooner you realize that republicans actually believe they are doing good things for the people, the sooner you can let go of the childish cartoon imagery of a red dude with horns and a pitchfork whenever someone mentions 'republican'. Painting them like that only lowers the level of political discourse.

This is still someone's husband, someone's father, brother, uncle or grandfather that's hospitalized with a life-threatening illness. Sometimes it's still good to remember that this is still a human being.


The same way you wouldn't wish ill on any of the people affected by this health care bill, you don't wish ill on anyone getting dealt a shit hand in life when it concerns your bodily health.

Sure, paint him as an unfeeling monster that's single-handedly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, but realize that that's just a defense mechanism.
Any politician or rulemaker has blood on their hands in some way, either directly or indirectly. The sooner you realize that republicans actually believe they are doing good things for the people, the sooner you can let go of the childish cartoon imagery of a red dude with horns and a pitchfork whenever someone mentions 'republican'. Painting them like that only lowers the level of political discourse.

This is still someone's husband, someone's father, brother, uncle or grandfather that's hospitalized with a life-threatening illness. Sometimes it's still good to remember that this is still a human being.

Yeah I see no proof that is the case at all, maybe you do and that's great if it helps feel superior but that doesn't make it true.


Sorry for showing inadequate respect for some rotting ghoul who's trying to slaughter the poor in the name of conservative principles, guys.


The same way you wouldn't wish ill on any of the people affected by this health care bill, you don't wish ill on anyone getting dealt a shit hand in life when it concerns your bodily health.

Sure, paint him as an unfeeling monster that's single-handedly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, but realize that that's just a defense mechanism.
Any politician or rulemaker has blood on their hands in some way, either directly or indirectly. The sooner you realize that republicans actually believe they are doing good things for the people, the sooner you can let go of the childish cartoon imagery of a red dude with horns and a pitchfork whenever someone mentions 'republican'. Painting them like that only lowers the level of political discourse.

This is still someone's husband, someone's father, brother, uncle or grandfather that's hospitalized with a life-threatening illness. Sometimes it's still good to remember that this is still a human being.

This is meant for GOP and republican voters right?

Who exactly are you lecturing to?


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Uhhh... what

When can I be shitty to him then because it seems that we haven't hit that mark yet.

The same way you wouldn't wish ill on any of the people affected by this health care bill, you don't wish ill on anyone getting dealt a shit hand in life when it concerns your bodily health.

Sure, paint him as an unfeeling monster that's single-handedly responsible for the deaths of thousands of people, but realize that that's just a defense mechanism.
Any politician or rulemaker has blood on their hands in some way, either directly or indirectly. The sooner you realize that republicans actually believe they are doing good things for the people, the sooner you can let go of the childish cartoon imagery of a red dude with horns and a pitchfork whenever someone mentions 'republican'. Painting them like that only lowers the level of political discourse.

This is still someone's husband, someone's father, brother, uncle or grandfather that's hospitalized with a life-threatening illness. Sometimes it's still good to remember that this is still a human being.

Maybe they should stop acting like cartoon villains then.


The sooner you realize that republicans actually believe they are doing good things for the people,

Hahahaha. Depends what your definition of "the people" is. If "the people" are his rich constituents and industry lobbyists, then yes I'm sure John does believe he's doing good for them. If "the people" is everyone else, then nope, I'm pretty sure he doesn't give two shits about doing good for them.
So I should be wishing for his right wing ass to stay sick to delay a vote? Gosh maybe my parents were wrong in raising me to respect people's health and life in general, and the irony of what you're saying and in the context of the healthcare debate is..... well surely you see it?

Yeah I don't agree with his politics. Yes I don't approve of the "AHCA" etc. But those things don't necessarily give people a pass to be shitty to he guy.

Somehow I don't think a prolonged lack of McCain wil stop the GOP from doing shitty and regressive things.

Respect the health and wellbeing of a rich and powerful coward who has no respect for poor people's health and wellbeing!


Yeah him being a Republican sucks, but he's not a bad dude. He went through some shit and saying he has no spine/balls is insanely disrespectful.
Yeah him being a Republican sucks, but he's not a bad dude. He went through some shit and saying he has no spine/balls is insanely disrespectful.

Nah fuck him. It takes a lot for someone to burn through the good will of being a decorated veteran and a POW , but he's done it. His political career has been disgraceful. Fuck him.


Some of you guys would be wishing Hitler a speedy recovery lmao

Right, I think people like to think of politicians as for removed from actual people, it's just politics, not personal. If there was a poor family, and the landlord was a piece of shit that constantly made their lives hell and threatened to raise their rent to try and get them evicted, should that family be expected to hope for that man's speedy recovery if he fell ill?

Taking away the insurance of people may be just as threatening to them. We are talking about the well being of millions of people, that depend on healthcare and medication just to survive.


Yeah him being a Republican sucks, but he's not a bad dude. He went through some shit and saying he has no spine/balls is insanely disrespectful.

Yeah, he has such a spine that he rolls over for a guy who called him a loser for being captured.


Yeah him being a Republican sucks, but he's not a bad dude. He went through some shit and saying he has no spine/balls is insanely disrespectful.

No, saying he's not a war hero because he was captured would be insanely disrespectful.

Spineless would be still supporting the person who said that about you.


Homeland Security Fail
Good and I hope it is longer than that. The longer he is in that bed, the longer they delay the vote.

Edit - Should say I'm not wishing him ill will, just a "slow recovery."
Sorry for showing inadequate respect for some rotting ghoul who's trying to slaughter the poor in the name of conservative principles, guys.

So much for the tolerant left!

Lol. People want compassion for a guy who's more than willing to strip healthcare from tens of millions of people, leaving people to die.


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Is he going to wear an eyepatch on the Senate floor? Cause that would be bad ass.


Junior Member
Jeez I honestly hope the guy doesn't kick the bucket. Hopefully (I know...it's futile) this gets him to re-evaluate the importance of health-care to everybody, not just rich white guys like him.
Jeez I honestly hope the guy doesn't kick the bucket. Hopefully (I know...it's futile) this gets him to re-evaluate the importance of health-care to everybody, not just rich white guys like him.

He doesn't have the balls to stand against a guy who made fun of him for being a POW and you expect this kind of introspection? He's only looking out for himself.

Keep in mind that he is also the guy who gave Sarah Palin a national platform despite the fact that she was about as qualified to be VP as my morning turd, in turn legitimizing the tea party and leading us down the road we are now. McCain started this bullshit.


Careful guys, your mean-spirited comments might turn America into a nightmarish dystopia.

I do wonder if all these people telling others how awful they are for not supporting a man who just benefited off something he wants to strip from so many others put as much effort into telling the Mccain's of the world how bad it is for wanting to do what it is they want to do.

Probably not though.



You really think that's what it's about? It's that simple?

Nah fuck him. It takes a lot for someone to burn through the good will of being a decorated veteran and a POW , but he's done it. His political career has been disgraceful. Fuck him.

Yeah, he has such a spine that he rolls over for a guy who called him a loser for being captured.

No, saying he's not a war hero because he was captured would be insanely disrespectful.

Spineless would be still supporting the person who said that about you.

More or less disrespectful than stripping health care from millions?
Ok, I guess he's an ass. I hope he doesn't die though.


I do wonder if all these people telling others how awful they are for not supporting a man who just benefited off something he wants to strip from so many others put as much effort into telling the Mccain's of the world how bad it is for wanting to do what it is they want to do.

Probably not though.

That would require thought and self reflection.
Rest well Mr. McCain and I hope you fully recover from this. It sounds ugly to have at this age and I hope it doesn't leave any lasting effects.

I also hope that this will also prompt you to step back on the politics and focus on family. We never know when it's our time to go so we have to leave good lasting memories for others.


Any politician or rulemaker has blood on their hands in some way, either directly or indirectly.

Of course they do, casting that kind of a net. I do too, participating in a capitalist society built off of the exploitation of third world countries.

and yet, I don't have the power to take health care away from millions

Sorry for showing inadequate respect for some rotting ghoul who's trying to slaughter the poor in the name of conservative principles, guys.


Some of you guys would be wishing Hitler a speedy recovery lmao

lol for real


The Autumn Wind
Sorry, I'm over taking the high road and being the better person. These people want to get down in the mud, then so be it. They'll get as good as they give. Fuck them. I'm not about to give some pretend platitudes to a vile man just because it looks good to do so.


Sounds like another wrench in the GOP's plans. I totally expect for Congress to drag a partial recovered, groggy Senator McCain from his hospital bed to vote on their shitty healthcare bill with haste.
Sounds like another wrench in the GOP's plans. I totally expect for Congress to drag a partial recovered, groggy Senator McCain from his hospital bed to vote on their shitty healthcare bill with haste.

Sounds like a repeat of what they tried before when Comey and Mueller stopped them
That wording implies cause and effect while only outright stating the timing.

I honestly have to wonder how long they knew this needed to be done, and in turn, why they did it right now. May just be a coincidence. Maybe the statement just isn't very clear and they did in fact find this during a routine physical. I'm not familiar with the bundle of items checked for an 80 year old's routine physical.

Would love to see a statement outright saying this was found during the physical.
The article contains far more detail than I expected. NYT did a good job interviewing neurosurgeons. One possible clue not included in the OP is that McCain has a history of melanoma, a skin cancer that can metastasize into the brain. Depending on the cancer stage, surveillance brain imaging is recommended every year. So, a brain MRI can certainly be considered "routine" in McCain's case.
Sorry, I'm over taking the high road and being the better person. These people want to get down in the mud, then so be it. They'll get as good as they give. Fuck them. I'm not about to give some pretend platitudes to a vile man just because it looks good to do so.

Yeeeep. These people don't give a fuck that the things they want to do will kill the sick and poor. Why on earth would I feel bad when bad things happen to them?

This isn't about fucking politics. I don't hate the guy because he's a republican. I hate the guy because he and his party are (mostly) legit evil people who are willing to sacrifice the lives of the less fortunate for personal and corporate gains. They don't give a fuck about poor sick children, so I don't give a fuck about them. Keep attempting to take the higher ground, and we'll keep losing all ground to these monsters.


Now he has a pre-existing condition.
He will still come back to D.C., put on his frowny face, and vote to repeal Obamacare for everyone else while he and his cronies get to stay on it.
I hope he takes a long recovery period and fucks up McConnell's plan.
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