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Melania Trump says Billy Bush ‘egged on’ her husband

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Melania Trump says Billy Bush ‘egged on’ her husband


Former “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush encouraged Donald Trump to make inappropriate remarks about women in a 2005 video, Melania Trump told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an interview scheduled to air Monday.

The news network ran a story previewing Trump’s first on-camera defense of her husband since The Washington Post published the 2005 video of Bush and the now-Republican presidential nominee speaking on a hot microphone. She said that Trump and Bush had been engaged in “boy talk” and Trump “was led on — like, egged on — from the host to say dirty and bad stuff.”

“I said to my husband that, you know, the language was inappropriate. It’s not acceptable,” Melania Trump told Cooper in an interview that will air at 8 p.m. “And I was surprised, because that is not the man that I know.”

“And as you can see from the tape, the cameras were not on — it was only a mic. And I wonder if they even knew that the mic was on,” she said, according to CNN.

Many of the comments were recorded while Bush, Donald Trump and others were on a bus and mic’ed, and not while on camera. In one exchange, Trump brags says he just starts kissing beautiful women. “I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Bush responded, “Whatever you want.”


Bullshit. Boy talk? He was fucking 60 years old when he said that. Fully grown. You can't spin this. He is a pervert.
I love how everyone's response to this "harmless" tape full of "locker room talk" is to distance yourself as far as fucking possible from it.

We heard the tape. Billy barely even talks, it's Trump with his verbal diarrhea who freely admits to sexual harassment.

I mean, I get it, they have to try to "spin this", but when it's un-spinnable sometimes you just have to take the L and blame the idiot who fucked up in the first place.


Bullshit. Boy talk? He was fucking 60 years old when he said that. Fully grown. You can't spin this. He is a pervert.

Trump is close to the age of death. I don't get this boy talk kind of shit.

He's literally fucking old even 11 years ago. So fuck off with bullshit.


I guess I didn't hear him shake those tic tacs in that video. Ain't nobody making trump say what he dont want to say. The highest ranking members of the GOP nor his advisors cant even get him to stay on message and off of twitter.
Even if he did "egg him on," that doesn't excuse shit. Trump was a grown ass man at the time who was more than capable of not saying those things (if he wasn't a piece of shit human being).


I imagine the media kinda just sits near the phone waiting for whichever crazy Trump apologist will call through with their next story.
These fucking people can't take any responsibility for anything.

Do we want someone who can be egged on by someone from the Today Show to be in charge of the nuclear codes?
I feel like if Trump is that easily "egged on", which he is, constantly, all the time, by redneck American Trump supporters; that just makes him that much less qualified (as if he isn't already at the bottom of that list) to be President.


force push the doodoo rock
Poor Trump just a victim of the patriarcy. He really wanted to tell Billy Bush about how women should be treated as equals and it's a very bad thing to grab them by the pussy.

Can't wait for Trump to tell us all about how he launched some nukes because Putin was all "yeah man lets just do it, lets just launch some nukes and see what happens!"


They were micced because they were filming them exit the bus it wasn't some secret way to get him to say some crazy shit you dumbass.
So now they say the dude who wants to stand up to China is bring pushed around by Billy Bush.

That's the Defence? Lol.




I am gonna miss it.


Unconfirmed Member
So she's saying he succumbs to peer pressure easily?

Nightmare Scenario:

Putin: "Come on Donnie, just push the red button."
Trump: "I don't know Vlad... I'm not supposed to do that."
Putin: "Alright. Then be a loser."
Trump: "I'm a winner!" *pushes button*

Automated Voice: "Nuclear weapons launch in 3...2...1..."

Putin: "Oooooooo, you're in trouble!"

I know that's not how nukes are launched, but you get the idea.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So Donald Trump will stand up to Mexico and China, but couldn't take on Billy Bush?

"And I wonder if they even knew that the mic was on" - If you're going to blame this entirely on Billy Bush, why does this even matter?


I don't get it, he brags about trying to nail Nancy O' Dell in 2005? So wasn't he already married or at least dating Melania then? She just brushed that off? And I saw the brief clip on CNN earlier, she seriously sounds as dumb as a fucking bag of rocks.
These magical persuasive powers from Billy Bush (that were so magical we didn't even hear them on the tape) can convince grown-ass men to confess of their sexual harassment misadventures.

It sure sounds like she's saying Billy Bush should be president and not her schmuck husband who spills the beans at the earliest possible chance.


I don't see how this matters. I mean, he did egg him on a little (which is why he was fired). But it's not like that excuses Trump. He's a grown man and was doing most of the talking from what we've heard.


It's a good thing that the President will never be involved in talks with anyone as manipulative as the host of Access Hollywood.
So now they say the dude who wants to stand up to China is bring pushed around by Billy Bush.

That's the Defence? Lol.




I am gonna miss it.

He was young back then but he really has grown up in the years since. He is now a mature man able to stand firmly by his principles and all that crap. A man shouldn't be hounded by the mistakes he made when he was a boy. Forgive him and move on.

In all seriousness, this is probably the best defense that they can even muster and all it accomplishes among those that aren't on the Trump kool-aid is create ridicule.

Also, curious to see if she will divorce him at some point in the future.
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