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Microsoft's answer to the Wiimote

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
JohnTinker said:
Can we get Stephen Totilo in here to vouch for this story? Since he's with MTV news and all.

Not to call Patrick Klepek into doubt, but I'm a lot more familiar with Stephen and I know he posts here on GAF

Dude, Stephen's my boss. He knows this story up and down. Nothing gets tagged with the MTV News label unless it's been thoroughly checked out. If this story was bunk, he'd take the rap for it.
I still think waggle is a red herring, it's casual friendly content paired with simple controls and a reasonable price point that's giving wii all the success it has now. Look at singstar on the PS2, Phil knew what he was talking about. It's a shame though that Nintendo burned the hardcore gamer bridge in content, performance, functionality, and controls otherwise Wii would be the successor to the PS2... a big tent for all types of games and users.

Unfortunately, Nintendo is one extreme, MS is the other (and desperately trying to escape it), and Sony... well, they're FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS, and they probably always will be... though, I guess, they still have a chance if they can get the PS3's price under control and push Home and singstar and similar titles... the point is VARIETY, having a bunch of games for EVERYONE of every type. BUT, since no one's doing that right now, it feels like we've been sent back a generation or two to the 16 bit era and gaming has shrunk... oh well.


Limbaugh Parrot
eXxy said:
Dude, Stephen's my boss. He knows this story up and down. Nothing gets tagged with the MTV News label unless it's been thoroughly checked out. If this story was bunk, he'd take the rap for it.
My apologies then
Atomspike said:
Now i really need to apply Head-On directly to my forehead.




non-sanctioned troll
So, where did all the Sony people with their "lulz" go now that GI has Sony doing the same thing? I'm just looking for their future "lulz" posts towards Sony.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Maybe this is connected to the new gameplay mechanic in Banjo 3 that the Rare bloke kept going on about.

It's probably gone from collectathon to waggleathon.


Mefisutoferesu said:
I still think waggle is a red herring, it's casual friendly content paired with simple controls and a reasonable price point that's giving wii all the success it has now. Look at singstar on the PS2, Phil knew what he was talking about. It's a shame though that Nintendo burned the hardcore gamer bridge in content, performance, functionality, and controls otherwise Wii would be the successor to the PS2... a big tent for all types of games and users.

Unfortunately, Nintendo is one extreme, MS is the other (and desperately trying to escape it), and Sony... well, they're FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY NINE US DOLLARS, and they probably always will be... though, I guess, they still have a chance if they can get the PS3's price under control and push Home and singstar and similar titles... the point is VARIETY, having a bunch of games for EVERYONE of every type. BUT, since no one's doing that right now, it feels like we've been sent back a generation or two to the 16 bit era and gaming has shrunk... oh well.

Wii Sports doesn't work without waggle. You honestly couldn't be more wrong here.


eXxy said:
Dude, Stephen's my boss. He knows this story up and down. Nothing gets tagged with the MTV News label unless it's been thoroughly checked out. If this story was bunk, he'd take the rap for it.

Can you give us any additional insight into what youve heard without giving too much away?


poppabk said:
Because they are trying to establish an image. Releasing a copy cat device that fails makes the Xbox brand look kinda dumb. Trying to catch up to your competitors lead and then failing where they have succeeded is not something you want associated with your brand. It also makes the Xbox look like it is less advanced than the Wii, which would be a dumb move PR wise for Microsoft.

Waggle is rocket science confirmed.



And if this is true, I wonder how many of those die-hard 360 fans end up changing thier tune about IR aiming in shooters.


beef3483 said:
And if this is true, I wonder how many of those die-hard 360 fans end up changing thier tune about IR aiming in shooters.

I don't see anything wrong with IR aiming in shooters. It's just that the movement is the biggest issue.

If MS can design a controller that allows full movement with IR shooting, that would be NUTS!


GavinGT said:
I think I'm calling it quits at the end of this gen.

You can always take up knitting, or checkers.

I'm old enough to remember people bitching about the D-Pad on the NES. "I want a real joystick!"


former Navy SEAL
Nintendo's been extremely successful by doing things differently and Microsoft's response is to fucking copy them? Are they that stupid over there in Redmond? Is there room for even one original thought at Microsoft? Why, God, why?


Tobor said:
You can always take up knitting, or checkers.

I'm old enough to remember people bitching about the D-Pad on the NES. "I want a real joystick!"

Dont forget stamp collecting


At least they are fitting the thing with a analog stick, the biggest lack for the wiimote. Now we can enjoy the best of both worlds and not gimp fps controls.


CrapSandwich said:
Nintendo's been extremely successful by doing things differently and Microsoft's response is to fucking copy them? Are they that stupid over there in Redmond? Is there room for even one original thought at Microsoft? Why, God, why?

They want a chance at getting some of those customers.


Wollan said:
At least they are fitting the thing with a analog stick, the biggest lack for the wiimote. Now we can enjoy the best of both worlds and not gimp fps controls.

Working an analog stick while aiming with the same hand is beyond stupid. They should have copied the nunchuk too.


Wollan said:
At least they are fitting the thing with a analog stick, the biggest lack for the wiimote. Now we can enjoy the best of both worlds and not gimp fps controls.

Im pretty sure both Wiimote+Nuchuck and this abomination both have just one Analog stick

Instead of the dpad on the wiimote you would have an analog stick. Thats the biggest difference


Tobor said:
Working an analog stick while aiming with the same hand is beyond stupid. They should have copied the nunchuk too.
I think you are misunderstanding me sir.

Analog stick on xmote.
Analog stick on xchuck.

Basically, we should keep dualsticking our fps games imo. Maybe you could snipe with the ir pointer.


Wollan said:
I think you are misunderstanding me sir.

Analog stick on xmote.
Analog stick on xchuck.

Basically, we should keep dualsticking our fps games imo. Maybe you could snipe with the ir pointer.

Whats the point in having two analog sticks and a pointer? Its like having two mouse and a keyboard.


NewLib said:
Whats the point in having two analog sticks and a pointer? Its like having two mouse and a keyboard.
I'm just saying there's a solution.
FPS game controls are crap on the Wii & too slow.
There is a solution. And that solution is a analog stick on the pointer (like is rumored for this device). I'm assuming there's a nunchuck to go along with this.
Ariexv said:
Inc all the Sony Fanboys who made fun of MS for this idea suddenly changing to it being brilliant.

But of course. Waggle jokes will mysteriously vanish once every console has it. I can't wait for the Wiimote's siblings Xiimote and Piimote to show their equally absurd faces. Hopefully they'll also copy SMALLER SYSTEM SIZES, BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE ROOM FOR ALL THESE GIANT-ASS SYSTEMS, NOR DO I EVER WANT TO MAKE ROOM FOR THEM.
My dick is big enough, kthx.


Wollan said:
I think you are misunderstanding me sir.

Analog stick on xmote.
Analog stick on xchuck.

Basically, we should keep dualsticking our fps games imo. Maybe you could keep sniping with the ir pointer.

The whole point of all this is to move beyond dual sticking. The lack of a second analog is the whole reason it works. The Wiimote is the second analog.


Wollan said:
There is a solution. And that solution is a analog stick on the pointer (like is rumored for this device).

Having two analog sticks makes the pointer inecesary

nevertheless The XMote has just ONE analog stick


Tobor said:
The whole point of all this is to move beyond dual sticking. The lack of a second analog is the whole reason it works. The Wiimote is the second analog.
FPS games aren't near satisfactory.


Wollan said:
I'm just saying there's a solution.
FPS game controls are crap on the Wii & too slow.
There is a solution. And that solution is a analog stick on the pointer (like is rumored for this device).

The solution is better ir sensors and more responsive pointing, which I guarantee you Nintendo is working on as we speak.

Wollan said:
FPS games aren't near satisfactory.

And you think the tech is going to just sit still? The concept works beautifully, and one more gen will nail it.
Wollan said:
I'm just saying there's a solution.
FPS game controls are crap on the Wii & too slow.
There is a solution. And that solution is a analog stick on the pointer (like is rumored for this device).

This makes absolutely zero sense.
When waggle works (wiisports, excitetruck) I prefer it. The problem is most developers dont dedicate resources to make it work. The ir pointer is also the biggest contributor to bettering control schemes. If youre going to bitch constantly about this kind of progression then I would appreciate it if some of you would quit gaming so I can actually browse the forums without listening to the bawling of stubborn manchildren.


Probationsmack said:
When waggle works (wiisports, excitetruck) I prefer it. The problem is most developers dont dedicate resources to make it work. The ir pointer is also the biggest contributor to bettering control schemes. If youre going to bitch constantly about this kind of progression then I would appreciate it if some of you would quit gaming so I can actually browse the forums without listening to the bawling of stubborn manchildren.

I second this notion and agree with you all around.


a child left behind
This is so fucking stupid, looks like I'll be playing PC games. I refuse to play with that shitty ass waggle shit it's fucking retarded.


If Rare is involved I wonder if it may come with the new Banjo? The Analog stick coming built looks pretty cool. I would love that for FPS's.


If this comes to fruiton, i say its a very smart move on MS part. If the Wii continues to be difficult to get ahold of, and MS has many of the same type games, that could be huge. Espesially when you consider that the 360 arcade is only $30 more then Wii, and could be matching the price of the Wii by this summer (believe)


NewLib said:
Whats the point in having two analog sticks and a pointer? Its like having two mouse and a keyboard.

No it isn't. It's like having a Keyboard, Mouse, and a Lightgun, with only using 2 hands.


Qwerty710710 said:
This is so fucking stupid, looks like I'll be playing PC games. I refuse to play with that shitty ass waggle shit it's fucking retarded.

Using a mouse is waggle. Just saying.


Just scanning this fast-moving thread, but my take would be the following. IF this is true, it's...

1) Definitely a stationary camera with LEDs on the pointers. Also makes sense as to why the LEDs are different colors, which is called out more than once in the article; they need to be different colors in order to track multiple LEDs from people sitting close together (not an issues when camera and LEDs are reversed... think for a moment and you'll realize why).

2) Probably being packed in with Banjo. Rare has spoken many times about taking a different approach with Banjo, new gameplay experience, etc. Could be something new, but the "trying to get something out by the end of the year" timing works whether it's Banjo or not.
BobM said:
If this comes to fruiton, i say its a very smart move on MS part. If the Wii continues to be difficult to get ahold of, and MS has many of the same type games, that could be huge. Espesially when you consider that the 360 arcade is only $30 more then Wii, and could be matching the price of the Wii by this summer (believe)

Does it not occur that nintendo can safely do a pricecut with the only drawback being perpetual sold out status?
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