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Middle-earth: Shadow of War |OT| Attempted Mordor

Played 30 mins of this game tonight and holy shit you just gotta switch off any part of your brain that enjoys/respects Tolkien's work.

This became easier to deal with once I got past the parts with
, why the hell did they think focusing on this character this way was a good idea?


This became easier to deal with once I got past the parts with
, why the hell did they think focusing on this character this way was a good idea?

I kind of liked Shelob to be honest. Enigmatic, sinister, sympathetic to your cause but you also got the impression she also kind of wanted to just eat Tallion.

Also, how the fuck is Talion alove at the end?

I don't think he is. For once he's actually allowed to die. Him planting his sword in the ground is a way of showing his spirit is finally at rest and can leave the circles of the world.


This guy just came back for me, Ar-Benu the Stitch. I have lopped off his head twice already yet he's still somehow alive. Now his head is on a spike, best of luck coming back from that.


get some go again
finally managed to defeat the legendary orc that kicked my ass a bunch of times. tried going solo all the times i fought him but this time one of my orcs had an ambush mission against him and i took the opportunity to get a bodyguard and went after him. made short work of him and shamed him into taking off iron will. now this bastard is back in my army and i hope he won't betray me again.
I kind of liked Shelob to be honest. Enigmatic, sinister, sympathetic to your cause but you also got the impression she also kind of wanted to just eat Tallion.

Shelob would have worked better if she just wasn't, you know, Shelob. Now, Shelob is considerably more than just your average F-150 sized Arachnid but they do make it clear that being a spider is kind of her thing. She's a descendent of Ungoliant after all. And there is certainly no precedent that I know of for her turning into a sexy lady and showing people the future. Does the Shelob from the game really remind you of the Shelob from the story? The one who gets mortally wounded by Samwise freakin Gamgee? It's just so weird that they used a very established character in such an out of character role, even if the role itself wasn't bad.

You know who would have worked super well in the role as well as being a Tolkien lore deep cut? Queen Beruthiel of the Black Numenoreans. It could have been her spirit or something if they didn't want her to somehow magically be alive. She'd already have a reason to be in Mordor, hate Sauron while still being evil, covet and understand rings of power, and most of all, she'd have a reason to actually look human. Plus, magical spy cats! For reference, characters like the Mouth of Sauron are Black Numenoreans.


What you do to
Bruz is downright cruel
. Man, I pity him, and I'll probably
give him the damn fort just to make him feel better.


I think my game is busted...

Everytime I try to load the game from the menu, it loads for about 10 seconds, freezes, and then it closes out to the Xbox dash.

Tried it a few times yesterday and just now again. I was a good 10 hours in... might just drop it until I get my X and play it fresh on there. I'm bummed.
You know who would have worked super well in the role as well as being a Tolkien lore deep cut? Queen Beruthiel of the Black Numenoreans. It could have been her spirit or something if they didn't want her to somehow magically be alive. She'd already have a reason to be in Mordor, hate Sauron while still being evil, covet and understand rings of power, and most of all, she'd have a reason to actually look human. Plus, magical spy cats! For reference, characters like the Mouth of Sauron are Black Numenoreans.

Great idea ... except you seem to think that anyone at Monolith has read The Silmariliion ... or the Trilogy ... or even the cliff notes. Not likely.
Great idea ... except you seem to think that anyone at Monolith has read The Silmariliion ... or the Trilogy ... or even the cliff notes. Not likely.

Ha, pretty much. Though a lot of their extra compendium stuff is pretty accurate, or at least SOUNDS plausible. I don't doubt most of it is made up but if they didn't read the books they at least had the wiki open. I mean, Celebrimbor uses Gil-Galad's spear, clearly someone over there is a fan. It was probably more of a decision based on including characters casual fans would recognize, like Gollum or how Eltariel is connected to Galadriel.


This guy just came back for me, Ar-Benu the Stitch. I have lopped off his head twice already yet he's still somehow alive. Now his head is on a spike, best of luck coming back from that.

Had this as well, the first guy I dominated betrayed me and later came back as "The Stitch".
The Nazgul quests are pretty good, that fire and something something one is actually the hardest thing I did in this game. I like the small vignettes too.

I'm still baffled that they went with this time period though. It seems like it would have been far better to have gone back to early Sauron or even Morgoth times. Most of the interesting stuff in this game pertains to those early days anyway. The fact that this game takes place between the Hobbit and LOTR doesn't seem to have any bearing on the story so far.


This games pretty fun. I got halfway through Act 2 on Nemesis and decided to just drop it down to normal. The game is pretty relaxing to play so I didn't want to actually focus. So normal mode is perfect for just mashing.

I feel like I've been playing a really long tutorial until I got to my first siege. Sieges is where this game shines. Building up your base or your offensive and going in. Everything else feels boring after you get a taste of the sieges.
Shelob would have worked better if she just wasn't, you know, Shelob. Now, Shelob is considerably more than just your average F-150 sized Arachnid but they do make it clear that being a spider is kind of her thing. She's a descendent of Ungoliant after all. And there is certainly no precedent that I know of for her turning into a sexy lady and showing people the future. Does the Shelob from the game really remind you of the Shelob from the story? The one who gets mortally wounded by Samwise freakin Gamgee? It's just so weird that they used a very established character in such an out of character role, even if the role itself wasn't bad.

You know who would have worked super well in the role as well as being a Tolkien lore deep cut? Queen Beruthiel of the Black Numenoreans. It could have been her spirit or something if they didn't want her to somehow magically be alive. She'd already have a reason to be in Mordor, hate Sauron while still being evil, covet and understand rings of power, and most of all, she'd have a reason to actually look human. Plus, magical spy cats! For reference, characters like the Mouth of Sauron are Black Numenoreans.

As much as I hate stupid sexy Shelob, Ungoliant was a shapeshifter and chose spider form. It's not a huge stretch to consider that Shelob would possibly inherit that ability and just never used it in the books.
I'm not condoning their decision, but it is possible to support it using the lore, albeit a very flimsy defence.


I played the first game twice and am in act 2. I have become death; destroyer of worlds. I cleave through the game with wreckless abandon and honestly have a great time doing it. Is hard mode significantly frustrating? I almost always stay away from non normal difficulty settings, but this almost feels too easy.

Right now I can't see any need for those loot boxes. Hasn't been the problem people made it out to be. Maybe it changes in the third act.


Gold Member

A level 15 regular captain just killed my level 47 legendary in the pits. He got dazed and there was no recovery.


At the same time, he must not have been a very good legendary. The rest of them have been destroying the maggot pits in like 20 seconds.

Ah well. Maybe I'll get a lucky roll and a legendary will show up in the pits and I can throw one of my low levels at him.

Right now I can't see any need for those loot boxes. Hasn't been the problem people made it out to be. Maybe it changes in the third act.
It hasn't been a problem for me and I think I'm a decent length into Act IV. Most of what I've done in most regions has been a mixture of regular and epic captains. Except for Nurnen. I had all legendary warchiefs (well until now) with epic bodyguards.
I think I'm done with this game. Just don't like the Shadow War gameplay loop at all, and I'm tired of all the cheap deaths.

At this point, all the enemies just adapt to everything within two uses of those attacks, and then it boils down to getting lucky hits on them when they're not looking. That's not fun. Time to move onto The Evil Within 2 and wait for Destiny 2.


Gold Member
What you do to
Bruz is downright cruel
. Man, I pity him, and I'll probably
give him the damn fort just to make him feel better.

Bruz is the overlord of Gorgoroth for me and I got a drop from the chests to be able to make him legendary. I wonder if any online player who invades that get's the "It's his fort. It's always been his fort." lament. I hope so!
I think I'm done with this game. Just don't like the Shadow War gameplay loop at all, and I'm tired of all the cheap deaths.

At this point, all the enemies just adapt to everything within two uses of those attacks, and then it boils down to getting lucky hits on them when they're not looking. That's not fun. Time to move onto The Evil Within 2 and wait for Destiny 2.

Yeah, adapting is cool, but it happens a bit too fast imo.


hard mode is the only way to play this game if you're halway decent at arkham combat, since the thing relies so much on dying
I think I'm done with this game. Just don't like the Shadow War gameplay loop at all, and I'm tired of all the cheap deaths.

At this point, all the enemies just adapt to everything within two uses of those attacks, and then it boils down to getting lucky hits on them when they're not looking. That's not fun. Time to move onto The Evil Within 2 and wait for Destiny 2.

Im not up to Shadow Wars yet but Im running into aimilar issues with adapting. Especially those slayer guys with two axes.

I was just doing an online retribution and he ended up adapting to basically everything. I could possobly do. Then he hit me for half my health and lol no chance.

A level 15 regular captain just killed my level 47 legendary in the pits. He got dazed and there was no recovery.


At the same time, he must not have been a very good legendary. The rest of them have been destroying the maggot pits in like 20 seconds.

Ah well. Maybe I'll get a lucky roll and a legendary will show up in the pits and I can throw one of my low levels at him.


It hasn't been a problem for me and I think I'm a decent length into Act IV. Most of what I've done in most regions has been a mixture of regular and epic captains. Except for Nurnen. I had all legendary warchiefs (well until now) with epic bodyguards.

There are definitely some shitty legendaries out there. I ran into one today that had three fatal weaknesses, one of which was headshots. Didn't even bother trying to recruit him, shot him in the head once and collected my loot.


I really enjoy this game. I'm playing on nemesis mode and sometimes the game just throws extremely difficult tasks at you. I've died plenty, and it lights my fire. I have to exact my revenge before I turn it off, which sometimes means I end up playing it longer than I mean to. It's very fun.


i'm a bit disappointed because I've run into two 'The Gluttons' so far. At least they were in seperate zones.

I got a mission to rescue two of my followers and completely randomly (well, not randomly) they were a gibbering lunatic and a guy who just wouldn't shut up about going I KNEW IT, which i found rather enjoyable


I'm on act 2, just completed the
fortress siege mission

My guess is the next story mission
will give me access to the next area
. How far along am I? I've already played the game quite a bit.
I killed a guy named Takra The Rhymer, he was not good at fighting or rhyming.

He came back angrier, but died again.

He came back AGAIN, and I finally put him down for good, and he said I "out-rhymed" him. It was pretty good.

I also had a guy named Ghash The Iron Willed and he beat me enough times to go from level 16 to 21, and he humiliated me each time and just walked away. He was fireproof (which sucked because all my gear happens to be fire based atm), vault proof, had a big shield and hit like a truck. I finally killed him and got nothing good because he wasn't even Epic or higher.

Finished Act 1 and all the story missions so far have sucked. Running around the world, getting into fights, terrorizing orcs is fun, tho. Following NPCs around, not so much.


should i not be executing dudes if i want to hear last words? A lot of orcs are just... getting their heads chopped off
My biggest fuck-up so far was when I accidentally killed three of my own captains. I forgot that blue meant friendly. I lost three good captains to my own sword.


My biggest fuck-up so far was when I accidentally killed three of my own captains. I forgot that blue meant friendly. I lost three good captains to my own sword.


“No job security here. You spend years working your way up to chief and then Talion come along and rip off your head and feed it to worgs. Very bad,” explained Smashgog.

“Orcs form consultative committee, go to Talion with concerns. Talion kill all of them and then replace them with scab orcs he found in loot boxes! This workplace worse than when Crushnor the Literal Dictator was running it, and him have terrible management style.”

The Union of Orc Warriors (UOW) has released figures showing the average lifespan of an orc has gone down since Talion took over, something they attribute partly to “him being bad at strategy” and also “him being real good with sword”.


Gold Member
should i not be executing dudes if i want to hear last words? A lot of orcs are just... getting their heads chopped off

I've been seeing your posts in this thread and I have no idea what your goal is.

You clearly know what you're doing.

And yes, depending on the situation an orc will have last words. More often than not.

Right now I think that you know that.


get some go again
came across an orc that had a lute and sang. i captured his ass so fast. i got spoiled on [act 2 spoiler]
bruz betraying me
but it still hurt seeing it play out. i still want to punish him severely though.


I've been seeing your posts in this thread and I have no idea what your goal is.

You clearly know what you're doing.

And yes, depending on the situation an orc will have last words. More often than not.

Right now I think that you know that.

my goal is to extract the maximum enjoyment out of the nemesis system that is possible and right now because I don't completely understand the system I don't know what to do to trigger things. Sometimes they have last words, sometimes they don't. Sometimes I have to do a last chance kill to kill them, sometimes I don't. I don't understand 100% of the time what triggers what and whether or not I'm doing orc magic that affects anything or if it's completely 100% random and I should just take a chill pill.

All I can say is that people have amazing stories about some fucker coming back from the dead seven times to gut them while I've conquered three zones so far and the closest to that I had was the first guy who came back with a beehive in his head, became overlord, then i stabbed him.


The AI of your captains in pit fights is incredibly frustrating to watch, especially when it's epics and legendaries. When you fight them they go all out, using everything to murder you relentlessly. When you put them in a fight fight they dance around each other, miss constantly, and/or one or both combatants start spamming grabs. It's so frustrating to watch.


I haven’t paid any attention to this because the first game burnt me out but I decided to rent it on a whim.

Does it pick up pretty quick? I’ve played a few hours and it just feels exactly the same as the first to me with some slight differences. Not even like typical sequel sameness but it strikes me as like playing a dlc expansion.


I haven’t paid any attention to this because the first game burnt me out but I decided to rent it on a whim.

Does it pick up pretty quick? I’ve played a few hours and it just feels exactly the same as the first to me with some slight differences. Not even like typical sequel sameness but it strikes me as like playing a dlc expansion.

Push the story to act 2, that's when the game expands
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