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"My Xbox 360 Died and I Lived to tell the story" Official Thread


Hmm ok.. I have been checking in on this thread and observing the carnage, much like slowing down when driving past a car accident..

But last night my 360 locked up and did it again this morning. Is this the first 'sign' of impending RLOD?

It's a launch Jap 360 and has been flogged mercilessly since I bought it. It has been through a Thailand summer and Taiwan winter, plus it has been used daily for at least an hour (often more)

I wonder if you can buy x clamps etc online? Not sure if I could find them locally, or know how to say 'x clamp' in chinese


I figured I'd input my own story into this thread.

Not too long ago, my 360 died from what I think was leaving it on for six days straight playing Forza 2. :lol It's a launch 360, so it's been going strong for a long time. I was actually trying to kill it (I kept the thing enclosed in a glass windowed case) instead of letting it die by itself and I succeeded. So, I opened up my out-of-warranty 360 and removed those dreaded x-clamps on the heatsinks and re-soldered some points.

Guess what, Microsoft?

My 360 works again. **** you total.

I also repaired my friend Jeff's and am willing to fix others as long as I trust them as much as they trust me. ;)


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So I called MS to try and check on my console's status, but for the first time ever with MS I got somebody who I could absolutely not understand. From what I heard, my console is at the repair center. No shit. I didn't want to try and talk anymore so I said "Thanks" and got off. Gonna try back later today, anyone got any advice or something to get a real answer?


i just noticed i received this email
We have received your Xbox at our service center. It is our priority to process your Xbox in a timely manner and to get it back to you as good as new. We will contact you as soon as we are finished so you can get ready to get back into the game!
on the 21st of june.
my console arrived to the repair center on june 1st! so i got the email only 20 days late :lol :lol :lol

poor MS...



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Manp said:
i just noticed i received this email

on the 21st of june.
my console arrived to the repair center on june 1st! so i got the email only 20 days late :lol :lol :lol

poor MS...


"Poor MS" if you're lucky. It could very well be "poor you" if they've only just now started working. Also, 20 days at the repair center? **** me, I'd die. I'm already getting angry after 5 days.


Emerson said:
"Poor MS" if you're lucky. It could very well be "poor you" if they've only just now started working. Also, 20 days at the repair center? **** me, I'd die. I'm already getting angry after 5 days.

it's already "poor me". go ask Peter Moore :lol

anyway, it's not 20 days. that was on the 21st. today it's the 25th so my console is been sitting somewhere at the repair center for 25 days.

and if someone thinks this is an exception to the rule, it's not! ...at least for us European customers.



FirstInHell said:
I just got it in the mail from Amazon today. The unit is a bit too tall for my entertainment center, but with the Honeywell fan aimed at the side of the 360 and this unit in place, I barley noticed any heat. The back vent was blowing out warm air rather than hot air and the bottom of the console was mildly warm. It seems that the extra airflow that this thing allows really makes a huge difference.

They are only 14.99 if you have room.


I only know one person that has a 360 (sign i'm getting old). But when I visited a few months ago, I kept giving him crap for all the precautions he was taking to keep it from getting hot.

Now that I have read this thread and seen this picture... I suppose his concerns were actually quite valid.



Bought the Xbox360 just over a week ago(a brand new Forza 2 pack:MFR date 2006-12-03) and it starting to die out on me already. First it worked perfectly, then suddenly I got a nasty disc read error with Forza 2(Please clean disc), so I cleaned the disc put it in and it worked. After that I started playing Lost Planet, and you guessed it: DRE. The first thing I did was checking scratches, none to be found. So I decided to check out forums and saw the stories of towel's and such and started doing some normal troubleshooting stuff. Gave the Power Brick a bit more space etc. So when I was happily playing Forza all day I thought I fixed my problem. Lost Planet crashed again. After that Forza2 crapped out on me and gave me another DRE. **** this thing. So I tried it again the next day, no problems with Forza. Playing Lost Planet for hours no problem, untill DRE.... so I decided to check the disc of LP again and it's all ****ed up, loads of scratches on the disc and when I took it out of the Xbox I almost burned my hands(well not really but still...). Thing is I'm returning this thing as soon as possible(bought it in another town). Luckily enough I can return it within two weeks to the store and just swap it for a new one. After that MS will "handle" it.

I'm not sure what killed my Disc drive, but it just starts spinning real fast and then stops. The game keeps running in the background, it ****s up my discs and I can only reset the console. I found a way to safe my Forza2 cars by gifting all of them to my brother, however is there any way I won't loose the rest of my savegames? Keeping the HDD is out of the question.


My 360 decided to celebrate St. Jean Baptiste day with a 3 Red Light Show, which makes for 3 dead 360s since Launch. This is just ridiculous.

I'm off to trade in all my 360 games while I can still get good $$$ for them.
[Nintex] said:
Bought the Xbox360 just over a week ago(a brand new Forza 2 pack:MFR date 2006-12-03) and it starting to die out on me already. First it worked perfectly, then suddenly I got a nasty disc read error with Forza 2(Please clean disc), so I cleaned the disc put it in and it worked. After that I started playing Lost Planet, and you guessed it: DRE. The first thing I did was checking scratches, none to be found. So I decided to check out forums and saw the stories of towel's and such and started doing some normal troubleshooting stuff. Gave the Power Brick a bit more space etc. So when I was happily playing Forza all day I thought I fixed my problem. Lost Planet crashed again. After that Forza2 crapped out on me and gave me another DRE. **** this thing. So I tried it again the next day, no problems with Forza. Playing Lost Planet for hours no problem, untill DRE.... so I decided to check the disc of LP again and it's all ****ed up, loads of scratches on the disc and when I took it out of the Xbox I almost burned my hands(well not really but still...). Thing is I'm returning this thing as soon as possible(bought it in another town). Luckily enough I can return it within two weeks to the store and just swap it for a new one. After that MS will "handle" it.

I'm not sure what killed my Disc drive, but it just starts spinning real fast and then stops. The game keeps running in the background, it ****s up my discs and I can only reset the console. I found a way to safe my Forza2 cars by gifting all of them to my brother, however is there any way I won't loose the rest of my savegames? Keeping the HDD is out of the question.

do you know someone with ia memory unit? if not you'll either have to buy one to back up your saves or sweet talk a manager into letting you keep your hdd.


WickedLaharl said:
do you know someone with ia memory unit? if not you'll either have to buy one to back up your saves or sweet talk a manager into letting you keep your hdd.
Well the store just sends the Xbox360 back to microsoft with all the contents in the box and files it as DOA because it happened within 2 weeks(EU regulations). So I can't keep the HD, no matter how hard I try. I thought that only the crappy Hitachi drives made scratches, apparently my Samsung-Toshiba one does it to.

I guess I'll just have to start over again, well I'd rather have a good working Xbox360 then Savegames that I can't use.


I "only" had 1 box die on me so far. All my friends also have had at least 1 box die for them.

My "new" (replaced) box is not 100% stable though and crashes already from time to time. This actually makes me weary about buying X360 games. Especially when it comes to multiplatform games I will rather get the Ps3 version.


UPS delivery dude just dropped off my 360. He asked me "Is this an Xbox?" I said yeah. Then he said "They must break a lot cause we've been delivering a ton of these." I told him yeah, it's my 3rd one. Lets see how long this one lasts.
[Nintex] said:
Well the store just sends the Xbox360 back to microsoft with all the contents in the box and files it as DOA because it happened within 2 weeks(EU regulations). So I can't keep the HD, no matter how hard I try. I thought that only the crappy Hitachi drives made scratches, apparently my Samsung-Toshiba one does it to.

I guess I'll just have to start over again, well I'd rather have a good working Xbox360 then Savegames that I can't use.

that really blows, but atleast you'll be getting a new 360 instead of a refurb.


comrade said:
UPS delivery dude just dropped off my 360. He asked me "Is this an Xbox?" I said yeah. Then he said "They must break a lot cause we've been delivering a ton of these." I told him yeah, it's my 3rd one. Lets see how long this one lasts.



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After calling about 8 or 9 times, I finally got someone competent enough to give me an answer, though he was still hard to understand. He told me a repair takes 6 business days and they need two more, including today. So he said it should ship after tomorrow. Well, we'll see.

Has MS only recently outsourced or something? When I called last June, I called a total of 3 times in the repair process, all 3 reps were clearly young, American people. I haven't heard anything like that this time.
It's a mixed bag on the outsourcing. About half the time I get Americans.

My 360 should be in sometime between 8:00 and 7:00. I'm having to take a whole day off just so I can sign for this thing, but I can't wait to have it back.


A small update on my case, Microsoft is selling their TSST left-overs with the limited edition Forza Pack most of the MFR dates read December. Wich means that their is a small chance that I can change it for an Hitachi machine, my best bet is to check the MFR date's of all the packs and try to find one that isn't produced in december 2006.

I sure hope I don't get any problems when I return this one, I waited out just be sure I wouldn't get one produced in 2006... well they're still selling old junk.


comrade said:
UPS delivery dude just dropped off my 360. He asked me "Is this an Xbox?" I said yeah. Then he said "They must break a lot cause we've been delivering a ton of these." I told him yeah, it's my 3rd one. Lets see how long this one lasts.

I got something similar when dropping off my box at the UPS store. Barely looked at the box and said "Broken Xbox 360?"


The 360-Gamer Xbox 360 Hardware Failure Survey

Live Stats & Results

There have been 4905 survey submissions so far

Of the 4905 submissions:
1784 (36.37%) say they have NOT had a console fail
1988 (40.53%) say they've had one console fail
1133 (23.10%) say they've had more than one console fail

Overall 3121 (63.63%) of submissions claim to have experienced Xbox 360 hardware failure

1952 (39.80%) submissions purchased their first Xbox 360 before January '06
Of these 1952 submissions:
1386 (71.00%) claim their Xbox 360 broke
566 (29.00%) say their Xbox 360 is still going strong

The 3121 submissions citing problems collectively claim a total of 5076 broken Xbox 360s

^ this last bolded part is so weird.


DieH@rd said:
The 360-Gamer Xbox 360 Hardware Failure Survey

Live Stats & Results

There have been 4905 survey submissions so far

Of the 4905 submissions:
1784 (36.37%) say they have NOT had a console fail
1988 (40.53%) say they've had one console fail
1133 (23.10%) say they've had more than one console fail

Overall 3121 (63.63%) of submissions claim to have experienced Xbox 360 hardware failure

1952 (39.80%) submissions purchased their first Xbox 360 before January '06
Of these 1952 submissions:
1386 (71.00%) claim their Xbox 360 broke
566 (29.00%) say their Xbox 360 is still going strong

The 3121 submissions citing problems collectively claim a total of 5076 broken Xbox 360s

^ this last bolded part is so weird.
I think they just doubled 1133 since the option states "say they've had more than one console fail".


I thought it was agreed a while ago that those polls are misleading....

Kind of a scary thought though and the main reason I still haven't jumped in. Come on MS!


Of the 4905 submissions:
1784 (36.37%) say they have NOT had a console fail
1988 (40.53%) say they've had one console fail
1133 (23.10%) say they've had more than one console fail

1988 + 1133 = 3121 with ONE or MORE broken 360s


Record holder so far? ReverendSlim, poster at 1UP / Kotagu with 8 broken XBox 360s? Maybe there are people who score higher, but I can imagine them to stay quiet as he got slammed by other XBox 360 fans, even calling him to be an idiot on bLogs...

His horror story:

I bought the 360 at launch. That one died in May of ‘06 and was promptly replaced. The replacement died 10/15/06. Microsoft sent me a refurb that arrived on Halloween and was instantly killed by the Fall update’s faulty installation code (as admitted to on Gamerscoreblog.com - a site run by Microsoft employees). Two weeks later, another refurb arrived - this time dead out of the box. At this point, I bought a Core system from Circuit City because I had gone over a month with no system and wanted to play Gears Of War.

Microsoft lost the DOA unit I returned. After countless hours on the phone, they still refused to act so I contacted Larry Hyrb (aka Major Nelson) and explained my story, asking for his assistance. This resulted in an e-mail from Microsoft asking me to send in my dead system, which I explained that I had already done a month before. I did not receive a replacement until January 15, 2007 - almost three months to the day after my first refurb died. During that time, the Core system I had purchased red-ringed on me and was promptly replaced by Circuit City on 12/23/06. When I complained about 8 weeks of my Live account going to waste from them sending me broken units, they offered me a free year of Xbox Live.

The day after this statement was made, they charged my credit card for a year anyway. When I called to ask for a refund, they cancelled my Live account altogether. After two hour long calls asking where my free year went, they told me I would have to pay for a year again while the refunds were being processed. I did eventually receive two credits to my card, so eventually they did give me that free year. They then charged my credit card for Microsoft Points without actually giving them to me, requiring two more hours of phone calls, plus faxing my driver’s license and credit card to them on the letterhead of the law firm where I work. To their credit, after the 01/15/07 console arrived, I did receive a call from Microsoft HQ asking if I was satisfied, and when I explained everything that had happened, they sent me a free copy of Viva Pinata.

The system they sent me on 01/15/07 died on 05/23/07. I waited for the box, sent it in and received a refurb on 06/08/07. That refurb had a disc tray that wouldn’t open and the system would randomly reboot itself for no reason. I received yet another box from MS and just sent the refurb back to them on 06/14/07.

If you’re doing the math, the next refurb I receive from Microsoft will be system number 9 since launch (if you count the second Core system, which I kept as a backup). Seriously. NINE. I wish I was kidding about that number, but I have a closet full of Microsoft boxes and 5 white faceplates to prove it (because they tell you to remove them before you send the dead system in).

Since launch, I have made over 50 phone calls to Microsoft support, each averaging about an hour. During these calls:
- I was lied to about getting a free year of Live and had to talk to two supervisors to get what they had promised me.
- I was lied to multiple times about a return box being sent to my house when none was scheduled to.
- I had to pay for my own shipping and packaging twice.
- I was told that I had to ship it myself, and then received an empty box from Microsoft the day after my Halloween ‘06 refurb arrived.
- I had a supervisor tell me my case was being escalated to Microsoft HQ so I would receive a NEW console instead of a refurb - only to be told weeks later by another supervisor that this was not true.
- I had another supervisor tell me that a new-in-box console had already been shipped to my house and to call back 24 hours later for a tracking number, only to be told the following day by a supervisor named Shaun that “that supervisor lied to you, probably just to get off the phone with you.”

The point of my story is this: I love the 360. I like the games, I like the integration and ease of Xbox Live, and the 360 controller is probably the most comfortable game controller I’ve used in my 33 years. But if someone like me, who works in IT and treats their electronic equipment exceedingly well, can’t keep a 360 running, there is a serious issue with the system’s reliability. And after my 8th system since launch was dead on arrival, you would think that Microsoft would just send me a new one already… or at the very least, a refurb that they had adequately tested.

Let’s hope that system number 9 arrives soon. Personally, I’m hoping that they send me one that has the new heatpipe they’ve added to the GPU heatsink that has been reported by countless gaming news outlets (and was responded to with the same amount of stonewalling and doublespeak that Dean experienced here). If not, I’ll no doubt be on number 10 before too long… and that’s simply inexcusable.


IMO XBox 360 overheating deserves European Commission investigation, just like is currently the case with regard to the XBox 360's disc scratching issues.

I don't think we can expect much from the US government, Microsoft heavily funded the Bush campaign and Bush administration in turn made sure the anti-trust cases against Microsoft failed.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The guy that wrote Traffic needs to pen a screenplay about the intersecting lives of a foul-mouthed, racist exurban teenager and the woman in Bombay answering the Microsoft support line whom he berates about his broken console.


Contest Winner
Here's my dead 360 story:

About 3 weeks ago I was loading up a game of MLB 2k7, it was almost completed, when it stopped loading. I waited a couple of minutes but then i heard the drive making weird stuttering noises. I powered down, waited 30 seconds and powered back up. The drive would not recognize any discs at all. I called Microsoft, who made me do a bunch of lame obvious shit for 5 minutes, then they agreed that it was busted and I should send it back. About a week later I got a prepaid mailer and packed it up and sent it away. I got a 360 back last Friday. I say a360 because it came with a note saying my 360 was replaced so i could "get back in the game faster."

One thing I notice about the new 360 is that the drive is quieter. Maybe they realized the reason so many drives were burning out is because they were spinning so fast. In closing, I am satisfied with the service I received. The free repair was fast and painless, and hopefully my new unit lasts more than 6 months.
A shocking statistic we found out though is that between 1,500 to 2,500 consoles get sent to Havant by three UPS lorries per day

I find that hard to believe, even though I'm convinced their failure rate is by far the highest ever for a console (maybe 20+%?).

But 1,500 a day, weekdays only (because this is based on UPC shipments, right?), would be 390,000 in a year. 2,500 would come out to 650,000. Isn't that well over half of annual UK sales?


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I just got off the phone with MS again. This time I got a pretty good rep. Contrary to what the guy yesterday said, tonight they said that my system would probably ship Thursday or Friday. I'm really not happy about this at all. I've got a copy of The Darkness here I want to play, and I still never got much playtime in Shadowrun.
Emerson said:
I just got off the phone with MS again. This time I got a pretty good rep. Contrary to what the guy yesterday said, tonight they said that my system would probably ship Thursday or Friday. I'm really not happy about this at all. I've got a copy of The Darkness here I want to play, and I still never got much playtime in Shadowrun.

i called a few hours ago and was told the same thing. the guy i spoke to thought today was the 25th...


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WickedLaharl said:
i called a few hours ago and was told the same thing. the guy i spoke to thought today was the 25th...

We might have had the same guy, as my guy did the same thing.


tahrikmili said:
My 13 month old 360 is working flawlessly despite 40C degrees of ambient temperature.

*knock on wood*
This fits with my theory that the heat>cool cycle is what kills many 360's. Higher ambient temperature means higher in-box heat but also means when you switch it off there isn't the rapid expansion or contraction that causes solder traces to break.

Also, people need to stop saying their 360 is working and then think knocking on wood saves them. Mere wood cannot save you from red lights.


So, I was playing Gears of War just now. In the middle of a ranked match, about 15-20 minutes after starting up my 360, I hear a weird grinding noise from my 360. I immediately feared the worst.

About 3 seconds later, the 360 dash pops up saying disc is unreadable. I immediately eject the disc and turn off my 360 due to fear.

Now, my disc tray sounds weird when I open and close it. Now I'm scared to try putting any discs in it. Looks like it will be time to call support. =/

I bought this 360 around late november.


Strider2K99 said:
So, I was playing Gears of War just now. In the middle of a ranked match, about 15-20 minutes after starting up my 360, I hear a weird grinding noise from my 360. I immediately feared the worst.

About 3 seconds later, the 360 dash pops up saying disc is unreadable. I immediately eject the disc and turn off my 360 due to fear.

Now, my disc tray sounds weird when I open and close it. Now I'm scared to try putting any discs in it. Looks like it will be time to call support. =/

I bought this 360 around late november.
Sounds like the circular metal ring (not exactly like a washer) got stuck onto the metal plating of the drive. If you were to open up your X360 (if you are brave enough), you could start from there and glue it back on where the rotating mechanism is.

This ring is important to keep the disk balanced while rotating. Otherwise, it will touch the lens, causing scratches.


HaloFans said:
Sounds like the circular metal ring (not exactly like a washer) got stuck onto the metal plating of the drive. If you were to open up your X360 (if you are brave enough), you could start from there and glue it back on where the rotating mechanism is.

This ring is important to keep the disk balanced while rotating. Otherwise, it will touch the lens, causing scratches.

Hmm, makes sense to me. I usually keep my console horizontal. To be honest, one time, I did accidentally knock my 360 over a bit while it was in vertical position, though it didn't land very hard and at the time, there was no problem to it. However, it's not a stretch to say that this event might have had something to do with the disc tray screwing up if what you say is true.

Still, I'm not going to open my 360. I already called support and I'm leaving it in their hands now. I'm still protected under warranty for another roughly six months.


MikeB wrote:

Record holder so far? ReverendSlim, poster at 1UP / Kotagu with 8 broken XBox 360s? Maybe there are people who score higher, but I can imagine them to stay quiet as he got slammed by other XBox 360 fans, even calling him to be an idiot on bLogs...

According to 1up we have a new record holder with 11 broken XBox 360s:

"Average, Aggravated Gamers
Justin Lowe is your average hardcore gamer. He's fully embraced the HD era, owning both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and loves his Nintendo DS and PSP for gaming on-the-go. He even helps run Aggravated Gamers, an indie gaming podcast. What's special about Justin, though, is he's currently on his twelfth Xbox 360.


I can't imagine why he's still a Microsoft / XBox fan though...


Y'know, things break...
So you see what I was waiting for before I commented on my 12th 360? ;)

Addressing the part about still being a Microsoft fan -
Currently there's no other option. My PS3 sits turned off waiting for some more games to come out for me to play. The Wii sits there turned off because there are simply no-non mini-games I wish to play right now. I wish there were another option to MS right now but there isn't, hopefully E3 will change that.
Odoul said:

I play a little Gears for about 15 minutes (keep in mind I just played about 5 minutes 3 days ago just to make sure it works) and I get a disc unreadable error message. So thats 5 months with my first one 6 weeks without and 6 days with my next one.

I'm calling for another coffin and then that bitch is going straight to Microcenter. I might get an Elite or PS3 in a couple of months when MS gets it's shit together or Sony drops the price. Either way both have got a LOT of ass kissing to do in my opinion.

Your story with Gears sounds just like mine. I can't get through 15 minutes of that game, or Oblivion, without the box crashing. Add my console to the running total guys!
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