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New Monster Hunter World trailer shows off Wildspire Waste

The timer will likely be why you end up making the dumb choices that lead you to die and waste items, though.

Instead of waiting for the best, safest moment to strike, you see that you've only got 10 minutes left and start taking more risks. You attack when you shouldn't, and you end up losing not because the boss outplayed you, but because the game's arbitrary handicap put pressure on you.

You're attacking the monster, not playing chess with it.


I do see what people are saying with the muted colours more that'll we've seen more than one map.

Crank up the saturation a bit Capcom, it'll still look grounded.


The timer will likely be why you end up making the dumb choices that lead you to die and waste items, though.

Instead of waiting for the best, safest moment to strike, you see that you've only got 10 minutes left and start taking more risks. You attack when you shouldn't, and you end up losing not because the boss outplayed you, but because the game's arbitrary handicap put pressure on you.

I don't think I have ever encountered this. The timer is so generous that I barely even notice it's active.

Yes, maybe if you're close to beating the boss and you only have 5 mins, you could get nervous and make a mistake. I think removing the already generous timer would get rid of some tension and have a negative effect on the online play where people would get really lax about getting the mission done efficiently.
The timer will likely be why you end up making the dumb choices that lead you to die and waste items, though.

Instead of waiting for the best, safest moment to strike, you see that you've only got 10 minutes left and start taking more risks. You attack when you shouldn't, and you end up losing not because the boss outplayed you, but because the game's arbitrary handicap put pressure on you.

What is going on in here

Is this a Monster Hunter thread cuz im confused
If a hunt dragged out long enough that you have to worry about timing out, something went wrong in that hunt. It could have been the resources you brought in or your own ability at hunting the specific monster(s), but in all my years of monster hunting I've never had to worry about the timer because of the game. At worst, I timed out because I was in over my head doing five-monster hunts solo which are very late endgame quests balanced for multiple hunters anyway.

My point is the timer isn't the problem here.
If a hunt dragged out long enough that you have to worry about timing out, something went wrong in that hunt. It could have been the resources you brought in or your own ability at hunting the specific monster(s), but in all my years of monster hunting I've never had to worry about the timer because of the game. At worst, I timed out because I was in over my head doing five-monster hunts solo which are very late endgame quests balanced for multiple hunters anyway.

My point is the timer isn't the problem here.

That's still not a justification for it's existence.

Saying "you aren't allowed to beat this monster until you can do it in under 50 minutes" is nonsensical. Nobody has given a solid reason for why the pros of the timer (if any) outweigh the very obvious cons.


The timer will likely be why you end up making the dumb choices that lead you to die and waste items, though.

Instead of waiting for the best, safest moment to strike, you see that you've only got 10 minutes left and start taking more risks. You attack when you shouldn't, and you end up losing not because the boss outplayed you, but because the game's arbitrary handicap put pressure on you.

I know there are people who kill dark souls bosses by running away for 95% of the fight until they do that one move where they know they can get in and hit it once, then run away. They can kill the boss like this with 100% safety. It is at that point that they stop learning the boss' patterns and stop trying to learn. Do you feel like they deserve the kill? Did they learn to read the boss' patterns and effectively choose which attacks to use to punish each specific move? No they didn't. You can try to play the same way in monster hunter, and it will work for a big portion of the game, but once you hit end game 5 monster quests, it simply won't. And personally I don't think it should either.

Part of learning a monster is learning how to be as aggressive as possible without putting yourself in an unsafe position. All monsters have tons of openings big and small, and the number of attacks you have at your disposal is equally large so that you always have something in your toolbox to counter with. It really shouldn't be possible to time out if you know a monster's patterns.
Colors still look muted tho. Takes me back to the browns and grays of Gears of War.

Gameplay looks fun.

This is the only valid criticism ive seen thus far

There is a great video on youtube where some guy does color editing to great effect

But damn guys lets stop acting like piddily shit is a "deal breaker" cuz thats the tone this thread has taken and you guys are killing my buzz

This is the only valid criticism ive seen thus far

There is a great video on youtube where some guy does color editing to great effect

But damn guys lets stop acting like piddily shit is a "deal breaker" cuz thats the tone this thread has taken and you guys are killing my buzz


It's literally just one really "concerned" guy with terrible ideas. Don't let it get to you.


I feel like some people out there don't realize that, at it's heart, Monster Hunter has far more in common with an arcade action game than it does with a sprawling adventure title. As much as they've made it easier for newcomers to get into it, it's still very much a trial by fire experience that doesn't reward poor play and demands that you learn it the way that it tells you to learn it. Circumvention comes only in the form of grouping up with more experienced players, but there will come a point where if you aren't willing to put in the work to learn to play well and play efficiently, you are going to have to be left in the dust. This will mean running basic stuff like alpha raptors or bird wyverns until you've got them down to a science, since learning that stuff will make harder species like pseudowyverns and the stronger brute wyverns that much easier to grasp, because for all the new and horrible things that they throw at you, the fundamentals you learned early on make them so much easier to deal with them as there are guidelines that they still have to follow that you can always use to your advantage. Even the big bad elder dragons force you to use skills that you learned from beating on Yian Kut-ku for hours.

You will take your lumps and you will fail often, be it from your own errors or those of someone else, but that's always been at the heart of the appeal for the series, since you will get better and even without the promise of materials to get awesome-looking equipment, the thrill of victory is reward enough.


That's still not a justification for it's existence.

Saying "you aren't allowed to beat this monster until you can do it in under 50 minutes" is nonsensical. Nobody has given a solid reason for why the pros of the timer (if any) outweigh the very obvious cons.

I think it's an extremely bad look for a game if a newbie spends 2+hours trying to kill something and they still die. I remember playing MHP2 on PSP and accidentally started doing quests for the online guild and was wondering why the monsters had a huge amount of health and I couldn't ever finish them. I would've been infuriated had I spent even more time than I already did and had nothing to show for it. Even if I did succeed, I wouldn't want to keep doing 2 hour hunts. I would think the game is flawed and perhaps had nothing to do with me.


Looks amazing, but the one thing I'm hoping to see with each new video is my boy Duramboros. I hope he makes it.

As much as I love that goofy bastard, I feel like he might be a bit too out there for the direction that they're taking here. Seeing a new generation of players not know what they're in for when they meet him for the first time would be rather great to experience again.
It's a difficult game for sure, and the devs sure let you know that in some of the later quests. But with enough practice and preparation, everything is solo-able. But my point was, you aren't going to fail because of the timer, you will fail because you triple carted or ran out of healing items. There has been no quest in any game that was impossible to solo. Hard as balls sure, but not impossible and not due to the timer.
As you say, we don't know yet, and the fundamental change to a fluid drop-in co-op system from an organised, online party vs offline solo system is enough to suggest it's not worth worrying about yet.

All MH veterans can do really is suggest that MH has a history of a vast amount of content for all skill levels. Typically we used to have the single player campaign that had an end boss and credits roll, then post-game content after that. The online campaign also had its own final boss, credits roll, then post-game content, plus regular events and DLC quests. Considering that it was possible to tackle all the online content solo if you wish, you're looking at hundreds of hours of play. I always end up picking a sensible point to move on, usually at the point where multi-monster G-rank quests are pushing me up against the time limit- such quests are obviously designed with hp pools for multiplayer, but they let single players tackle them because some hunters really are just that good. Not me though. Not me. :D
Good to know.

I'm definitely keeping an eye on this.


Looks amazing, but the one thing I'm hoping to see with each new video is my boy Duramboros. I hope he makes it.

Duramboros is probably one of the dumbest monsters they've designed.

I laughed so hard when it spun its tail for the first time. A true roflcopter design.


As much as I love that goofy bastard, I feel like he might be a bit too out there for the direction that they're taking here. Seeing a new generation of players not know what they're in for when they meet him for the first time would be rather great to experience again.

It's my all time favourite monster (and my PSN name!) so I will always want that helicoptering goofy massive thing in all my monhun games :)

Duramboros is probably one of the dumbest monsters they've designed.

I laughed so hard when it spun its tail for the first time. A true roflcopter design.

It's such a good design haha
I know there are people who kill dark souls bosses by running away for 95% of the fight until they do that one move where they know they can get in and hit it once, then run away. They can kill the boss like this with 100% safety. It is at that point that they stop learning the boss' patterns and stop trying to learn. Do you feel like they deserve the kill? Did they learn to read the boss' patterns and effectively choose which attacks to use to punish each specific move? No they didn't. You can try to play the same way in monster hunter, and it will work for a big portion of the game, but once you hit end game 5 monster quests, it simply won't. And personally I don't think it should either.

In both MH online quests and Dark Souls, lazy players can just use overpowered co-op helpers to carry them through the game anyway, so the whole "It forces them to get good" rationale doesn't work.

Also, if a solo player needs to play that way to progress, why would I care? It seems really boring, but it doesn't impact me at all. They're clearly not the type who will be looking to grind G-Rank co-op missions to the detriment of other players.

I think it's an extremely bad look for a game if a newbie spends 2+hours trying to kill something and they still die. I remember playing MHP2 on PSP and accidentally started doing quests for the online guild and was wondering why the monsters had a huge amount of health and I couldn't ever finish them. I would've been infuriated had I spent even more time than I already did and had nothing to show for it. Even if I did succeed, I wouldn't want to keep doing 2 hour hunts. I would think the game is flawed and perhaps had nothing to do with me.

2 hours and you still fail would definitely be a bad look, but at least you'd be allowed to win if you were getting close to doing so. If you finally get a monster limping at 45 minutes, then fail and leave empty handed five minutes later, you're probably not going to try again.


That's still not a justification for it's existence.

Saying "you aren't allowed to beat this monster until you can do it in under 50 minutes" is nonsensical. Nobody has given a solid reason for why the pros of the timer (if any) outweigh the very obvious cons.
Because it's an action game about learning the combos and piling on the damage with counters, which increases damage output and looks cool. The game is about those critical clashes, it's not about a gradual, cautious hit-and-run over an hour or more.

Honestly, I run up against the timer in about 1% of my hunts, and it's usually when I'm not carrying the right kit, failed to change gear to match a more heavily armoured mark or not balancing raw aggression with defensive moves.


Do we know how crafting is gonna work in this game? Gonna be pretty much the same thing as the previous games?


Muted colors is the new zero compelling textures.
I'm still not that big a fan of them going back to more of an earthy palette, but that has more to do with the inherent lighthearted nature of the series being well suited to a broad and bold use of color rather than being outraged that they're trying to make this too gritty, which they aren't doing at all.


I'm still not that big a fan of them going back to more of an earthy palette, but that has more to do with the inherent lighthearted nature of the series being well suited to a broad and bold use of color rather than being outraged that they're trying to make this too gritty, which they aren't doing at all.
Dunno, I don't really mind it. Was not a fan of the garish primary colors palette in 4, ancestral steppe made my eyes bleed. I was fine with 3 though.


Do we know how crafting is gonna work in this game? Gonna be pretty much the same thing as the previous games?

Yeah, I think it would be the same. Not point is changing the fundamentals of crafting. It needs to retain the depth.


Hopefully they gave crafting the QoL treatment. I don't want to carry 5 damn books with me all the time.
Agreed. That stuff was annoying. I would not mind finding lore or something that let's you craft the cooler stuff but I don't want to carry books around for crafting percentages


Remember when people said this was a "shitty casualized MH spin-off for the west"?

Those were haters that made assumptions without waiting to get the full details first. Next week can't come soon enough since we will finally get to see some footage of others playing the game at gamescom. Definitely will be interesting to hear the hands on.


Yeah, I think it would be the same. Not point is changing the fundamentals of crafting. It needs to retain the depth.

Agreed. :)

Hopefully they gave crafting the QoL treatment. I don't want to carry 5 damn books with me all the time.

I was thinking mostly about weapons and armours. I like things the way they are now but I'd be happy to never need wikis again. Weapon trees in game was great news. Let's hope the rare drops stay because I want them. :D


In both MH online quests and Dark Souls, lazy players can just use overpowered co-op helpers to carry them through the game anyway, so the whole "It forces them to get good" rationale doesn't work.

Also, if a solo player needs to play that way to progress, why would I care? It seems really boring, but it doesn't impact me at all. They're clearly not the type who will be looking to grind G-Rank co-op missions to the detriment of other players.

2 hours and you still fail would definitely be a bad look, but at least you'd be allowed to win if you were getting close to doing so. If you finally get a monster limping at 45 minutes, then fail and leave empty handed five minutes later, you're probably not going to try again.
The game wasn't for then to begin with. The game is literally "farm and grind" the game. You fight harder versions of the same monsters, in many cases ones from the first gen. The game is about getting better and more efficient at hunting against the timer. The timer is so long it doesn't matter, until it does. It's part of the difficulty curve. I can take out Diablo and Gravios solo no problem. Then in High or G-rank fail against their Black variants do to their increased health. Not because their attacks, I've played their normal variants to get them down, you'll have the rare death and a "oh shit" moment when you learn their G-rank/variant has a new move. It's really not till higher ranks that time really matters. The whole game from low rank on has been conditioning you to be efficient slowly nudging you to pick things up. Once you have all the tells down now the real game starts, defeat the beast. If you don't learn to take every opportunity presented and capitalize you won't make it. Thats late game though so i dont know why your complaining. If your running into timer issues in low rank or worse on village quests...well, I'll leave it at that.

Edit: Also I haven't seen it mentioned the health pool of monsters are balanced with timer in mind. No timer and health could easily become stupid. All the time in the world? Here you go here's a fucking 4 hour damage sponge. Do you really want no time limit Lao and Shen games? Think about the 2 Fatalist fight types. One more health based while the other is more health based and cut into sections. Each version of the 2 has their own health number adjusted to the type of timer.


I thought the post that I had quoted was implying that you can only solo quests until a certain point and after that you basically have to go online. I don't wanna play online period, so something like that would be game ruining for me.

For the longest time I thought MH was a co-op only game, so you see how something like that would make me a bit more wary of the game.

See, this is the kind of thing that I was afraid of. Even if I can finish the game without doing these quests, the fact that there will be some quests left in the quest log that I practically can't do without going online, will definitely bother me.

Obviously the game hasn't come out yet and we don't know all about it, so I'm gonna be hopeful that this won't be the case with MHW and everything will be completely solo-able in the final game.
Typically the format is that there's a set of quests and ranks for single-player, and a separate set of those for multiplayer. You can tackle the multiplayer quests solo if you choose to, but obviously they are not balanced for a solo player.

Even for stuff like multi-monster hunts, while idk how it'll work in World because of the more connected zones/monsters fighting each other, in past games you could throw dung bombs to zone one of the monsters out, and continue fighting one at a time, so it was really never an issue.

But I guess for all we know, they could try and bank on a large online population and balance all the hunts to be harder while making the drop-in play available instead, and just unify the two sides into one thing. Or they could just keep things how they've always been.


Agreed. :)

I was thinking mostly about weapons and armours. I like things the way they are now but I'd be happy to never need wikis again. Weapon trees in game was great news. Let's hope the rare drops stay because I want them. :D

Weapon trees will go a long, looooong way in improving the crafting experience. No more wikis!


Hopefully they gave crafting the QoL treatment. I don't want to carry 5 damn books with me all the time.

That used to be a legit trade-off but since they introduced the field pouch I can't remember the last time I actually filled up my inventory.


That used to be a legit trade-off but since they introduced the field pouch I can't remember the last time I actually filled up my inventory.

Inadequate for me, sadly.

5 books, 2 charms, 2 talons, that's basically one page filled. Then there's all the consumables I bring including traps, bombs and then there's the synthesis materials. Heaven forbid I gather anything mid-hunt on top of monster carves.

Ricky 7

You'd think being 4 years in development they'd add new monster types. All the the new monsters in the trailer are just re-skins😂 still being lazy, at least the gameplay and graphics looks better than all the other games.


Inadequate for me, sadly.

5 books, 2 charms, 2 talons, that's basically one page filled. Then there's all the consumables I bring including traps, bombs and then there's the synthesis materials. Heaven forbid I gather anything mid-hunt on top of monster carves.

Ah, I don't usually bother with traps/bombs/components, so I can see how the space fills up fast then.


Shaper Divine
Inadequate for me, sadly.

5 books, 2 charms, 2 talons, that's basically one page filled. Then there's all the consumables I bring including traps, bombs and then there's the synthesis materials. Heaven forbid I gather anything mid-hunt on top of monster carves.

5 books? Just gamble with 2 books. If I was making LBB+'s I might take 3 books.

Gunners might need 5 if they are making some crazy ammo for end game though. I think I had 4 books when I went out clusting fatas. hrmm.

I love the inventory restrictions though. It really made me min max a lot in the older games. was kinda fun.


I only put a few minutes into monster hunter back on the PSP and found it really janky. But this trailer makes it look so much fun!
Looks amazing, as usual. Weapon trees in game are a much needed QOL improvement.

On the topic of timers, I think they force people to learn the fights. Most people won't ever have any issue with them because they usually give you more than enough time, but those who do struggle are obviously not being aggressive enough. They need to take more risks and find more opportunities for landing hits.

If the timers were removed, hunters would never have an incentive to fight monsters during enrage. They could repeatedly bait monsters with meat, hit them once, and run away. No skill required or gained.

I failed one hunt in MHTri because of the timer, and I mostly blame underwater combat for that (and I forgot to refresh my paintball). It's almost entirely a non-issue if you're competent.
Colors still look muted. Takes me back to the browns and grays of Gears of War.


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