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New Tomb Raider Footage - Monastery Escape


I honestly thought people were exaggerating when they said this is like every "modern gaming" trope placed in a single game but now I see it all. In that regard I can't see this game getting below 8-9s, even some 10s if it doesn't have any frustrating segment.

Still though... day 1! Gotta protect mai waifu!

I want a Wii U port. With gameplay elements on the control pad to use the touch screen to wipe the dirt off Lara's face softly while talking in the mic to comfort her.


I was wondering if they were explosive arrows at first, but none of the guys hit by them exploded, so... :lol

I thought they were too but yeah like you said I also realized that no one she shot 3 seconds ago blew up. She literally made a barrel explode with a normal arrow :lolol

As for the complaints about her being wounded 1 second and leaping the next, it would be boring and frustrating to play if she was acting wounded. But that also raises the question why are they bothering to convey some serious story when the gameplay contradicts everything they're trying to do on the cinematic side.

If anything this is proof that cinematic stuff does not belong in this industry. They don't gel together.


you know...crouching and walking on that ledge. Watching the guys and stuff. Don't forget balancing as you walk across a log, never seen that before.
"Lara is able to asses the situation and go for a tactical approach and decimate the enemies with the environmental opportunities"

That guy really knows how to make shooting exploding barrels sound fancy.





As for the complaints about her being wounded 1 second and leaping the next, it would be boring and frustrating to play if she was acting wounded. But that also raises the question why are they bothering to convey some serious story when the gameplay contradicts everything they're trying to do on the cinematic side.

If anything this is proof that cinematic stuff does not belong in this industry. They don't gel together.
I think it would work if they went for some stealth segment or something like that. Playing some character that is severely handicapped would be kind of interesting to me.


Game looks really great and automatic fluid cover sounds good. Apparently they are adding multiple pathways to provide players more play options too.

Will buy it.
Hanging upside down, enemies stop using guns and now are using melee weapons.

Back on ground, enemies decide to use guns.

What. Is this some honorable gentleman AI?


I know they needed to reinvent the series, but what was going through thier minds when they decided to focus on shooting and action? Both were the weakest parts of the franchise.

Edit: for anyone who has ever played the Sens Fortress level in Dark Souls, well basically that's how I'd imagine a modern TR game to be.


Definitely graphically nice. One thing I HATED was "+15XP HEADSHOT!". Total immersion breaker. Why on EARTH would that be in the single player with the kind of campaign they're attempting to go for?


I know they needed to reinvent the series, but what was going through thier minds when they decided to focus on shooting and action? Both were the weakest parts of the series.

Modern game devs don't know how to do anything else and mainstream audiences don't have enough of an attention span to learn anything new anyway.


I know they needed to reinvent the series, but what was going through thier minds when they decided to focus on shooting and action? Both were the weakest parts of the series.

Why not? Shooting mechanism on this one looks alright and action part looks way better than any past tomb raiders i played. Granted i only played legend and guardian of light though.


Definitely graphically nice. One thing I HATED was "+15XP HEADSHOT!". Total immersion breaker. Why on EARTH would that be in the single player with the kind of campaign they're attempting to go for?

Because that's what AAA shooters do now. It has skill trees too! :\


Definitely graphically nice. One thing I HATED was "+15XP HEADSHOT!". Total immersion breaker. Why on EARTH would that be in the single player with the kind of campaign they're attempting to go for?

'cause, bro! Boom, headshot! *high-fives college roommate*
It looks good enough, but so grey with muted colors, kinda like London this time of year. I was hoping for more of colorful setting.
I thought they were too but yeah like you said I also realized that no one she shot 3 seconds ago blew up. She literally made a barrel explode with a normal arrow :lolol

As for the complaints about her being wounded 1 second and leaping the next, it would be boring and frustrating to play if she was acting wounded. But that also raises the question why are they bothering to convey some serious story when the gameplay contradicts everything they're trying to do on the cinematic side.

If anything this is proof that cinematic stuff does not belong in this industry. They don't gel together.

This makes me wonder how much weapon damage she takes in congruence to playing up all the wounded and hurt stuff.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I love the part where the dev goes "As you can see Lara isn't about the biggest firepower" right after going full frontal shotgun murder spree on 3 dudes.

This game looks MEGA questionable! It just seems like a bad direction overall, she certainly doesn't feel like someone inexperienced.
I think we all think that after we Tomb Raid ;-)


Interested in the game but it's not a £39.99 purchase

I don't often do this but I'm thinking the same thing. There is a couple of games coming out in the next few months and I don't want to pay full price for a female Uncharted. I can simply wait for a steam summer sale and pick it up for £10. Square tend to be incredibly aggressive when it comes to pricing on sales.


I wished they'd have went for a mysterious, abandoned island with ruins of some old civilizations without all of these "savages". I'd have preferred having to protect myself against the wildlife instead of shooting a thousand bullets around.

Judged by the trailers, the game also just doesn't seem to be very believable. On one hand Lara is supposed to be weak due too all of her wounds, but on the other hand she's being beaten up completely and she's still able to pull off all of her insane moves. Then there's the wish that players are supposed to want to "protect" a more vulnerable Lara, but then again she somehow is a specialist in shooting at everything near her. It just doesn't fit.

Well. I'm still looking forward to it and I hope that the game is going to be a huge success, if only because I think that Tomb Raider franchise deserves another era of great successes. It's such a shame that one of the most iconic IPs kinda got kinda forgotten as time moved on.


This game continues to look nothing like Tomb Raider. Why was the video even called "Monastery Escape"? There was no monastery, and she wasn't escaping, she was invading: Scavenger Town Invasion.

I made this as a symbol for this game:

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Judged by the trailers, the game also just doesn't seem to be very believable. On one hand Lara is supposed to be weak due too all of her wounds, but on the other hand she's being beaten up completely and she's still able to pull off all of her insane moves. Then there's the wish that players are supposed to want to "protect" a more vulnerable Lara, but then again she somehow is a specialist in shooting at everything near her. It just doesn't fit.

Sounds like Far Cry 3. :p

Demo looked fantastic. I can get some not wanting another linear set piece game, but I love Uncharted and this is right up that alley so I'm down for this. I don't get people saying it looks terrible. It's almost like some people decided to hate the game a year ago and will stick to their guns no matter how good it is/does (cough, DmC, Halo 4). If you don't want this style of game that's one thing, but it certainly doesn't look "terrible."


Sounds like Far Cry 3. :p

Demo looked fantastic. I can get some not wanting another linear set piece game, but I love Uncharted and this is right up that alley so I'm down for this. I don't get people saying it looks terrible. It's almost like some people decided to hate the game a year ago and will stick to their guns no matter how good it is/does (cough, DmC, Halo 4). If you don't want this style of game that's one thing, but it certainly doesn't look "terrible."

If you don't want this style you can just avoid Uncharted and buy Tomb Raider instea... oh, wait.


Sounds like Far Cry 3. :p

Demo looked fantastic. I can get some not wanting another linear set piece game, but I love Uncharted and this is right up that alley so I'm down for this. I don't get people saying it looks terrible. It's almost like some people decided to hate the game a year ago and will stick to their guns no matter how good it is/does (cough, DmC, Halo 4). If you don't want this style of game that's one thing, but it certainly doesn't look "terrible."

Or some people don't like Uncharted and think that it's a terrible franchise.

Like me. But yeah, go ahead and sweep valid criticism under the table because I've decided to hate it after they show videos confirming things I hate to see in videogames.



Great memories indeed. :)

Fully expect to be disappointed with the new release to be honest. Underworld was a step in the right direction but it still had too much hand holding. I expect TReboot to have a good deal more of it judging by what I've seen thus far. Are there going to be any player tailoring options like they had in Underworld (and the recent Hitman) where you can increase the difficulty and get rid of the unnecessary HUD items/button prompts?
Lol, no thanks eidos. Looks like the same whackamole covershoot QTE spam ungame crap as all the other 'shooters' out there.

Consider any mild curiosity due to the name now extinguished.


What's really sad is that Eidos is emulating Uncharted because they don't understand why Uncharted is popular. Uncharted isn't popular because of its lackluster gameplay, it's popular because of its graphics, lack of competition on the console it's exclusive for, and because Sony markets the shit out of it. Uncharted came at a time when PS3 was desperate for a killer app. It's similar to how Halo became popular because Xbox didn't have major games yet.
Looks so mediocre it's amazing. The enemy encounters seem to be so boring and the whole HUD style with XP markers popping up every other second reminds me of Far Cry 3.


The question that come up after a few seconds in was:

Why is there a creative director in this game? I mean seriously. What does he do?
What's really sad is that Eidos is emulating Uncharted because they don't understand why Uncharted is popular. Uncharted isn't popular because of its lackluster gameplay, it's popular because of its graphics, lack of competition on the console it's exclusive for, and because Sony markets the shit out of it. Uncharted came at a time when PS3 was desperate for a killer app. It's similar to how Halo became popular because Xbox didn't have major games yet.

I think the "cinematics" of it all also is a reason for its sucess. That and the great voice acting and humour IMO.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
If you don't want this style you can just avoid Uncharted and buy Tomb Raider instea... oh, wait.

Valid point.

Or some people don't like Uncharted and think that it's a terrible franchise.

Like me. But yeah, go ahead and sweep valid criticism under the table because I've decided to hate it after they show videos confirming things I hate to see in videogames.

Wasn't sweeping any of the actual criticism under the rug, but you have to admit there are a handful of people who disliked the initial marketing message and will boycott the game to an extreme level no matter if it turns out well or not. When the reviews come out (if they are good) they will say "moneyhat" or "doesn't matter, they don't get Tomb Raider," etc.

It does. This notion that AAA games can't be terrible because they pumped millions of dollars into the graphics needs to stop. Unless you're taking "it looks terrible" literally, as in it looks ugly.

Well, I have actually played a section of the game and it played well too. I just hope that holds for the whole game. No offense though Derrick, I can't really say anything that would help you, you have a hatred of more current games than anyone I've seen. (not that all your hate is not valid, just an observation from numerous threads).

Honestly there seem to be a few groups of TR hate that I've noticed.
1. They hate the new direction and think it looks too much like Uncharted.
2. They want another "original" Tomb Raider and hate that they rebooted the franchise.
3. They hate the marketing (protect her) and don't care how the game turns out.
4. They actually dislike how the game itself looks and looks to play.
5. They hate it because they decided to hate it when it first was announced and don't care if it turns out good in the end.

None are inherently wrong, just seems like a lot of people fall into category 5. It just bums me out to see the overwhelming hate for a game that looks alright overall. Shit, there are recent games out that people absolutely adore that have worse offenses then looking too much like Uncharted.

To be fair, I feel the same way about DmC and still think it turned out to be a great game. I just get the EXACT same feeling with Tomb Raider. People scoff at the notion of a reboot, people scoff at the new direction of the game, people don't buy it not because it's bad, but because they hate the company for "ruining" their beloved franchise.

Overall it's all opinion though, what can I say. Maybe the game actually sucks. I just know from what I've seen/played it doesn't appear to.


Neo Member
The "+10 XP" (or whatever XP you get) that appears so often when getting a kill worries me. I really don't like that in a single player game that is all about immersion and adventure.
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