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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


which game is dis brehs


What's going on in this thread since I left?.... Aye Aye!

This is embarassing.
No, the two posts below are embarassing.....

What about their takeaway is so upsetting to you that you're accusing them of...what are you accusing them of, exactly?

The English you're using made it a very good impression of someone accusing him of a platform bias. If English isn't your native language, and you want to know if the Forza impressions are from PC or Xbox One, ask that question rather than a half-sarcastic quip.
.... When a french guy is simply asking that Shandy identify the platform from which his shots originate.......Anybody who does not have an axe to grind could have seen what he meant.......I'm sure you're of the opinion you're some type of neutral party in this don't you ;( SMH...

F7 Nürburgring

Those superior trees and trackside detail......GTS wish it had those surely.......;)

My word, those last few pages...?... and some guy is even arguing tire-walls. Does he realize that GTS has more polygons on it's tire walls, compared to the octagonal looking ones in F7......And if you want to talk about track impact, pp effects and debris...Why don't you try to get some shots of gravel and dust blasting up to extreme detail when your tires hit the edge of the track in GTS.....How about sparks et al....Shots of Forza's tirewalls have already been debated here and it does'nt have the polygonal budget that we see in GT..

Also, I'm pretty sure 3d spectators, 60fps reflections and mirrors are extremely more expensive than the 30fps reflections in F7, on top of the 2d cutout crowds and cheap 2d trees in F7, the missing headlights in tunnels or when it's getting dark, no high or low beam transitions, basic looking textures and materials in the name of 4k textures, no cockpit crew and such details needs to be rendered either......where are the proper spot light reflections and off car reflections in tunnels, weaker HDR, how about sparks and other pp effects you don't see in shots. Better lighting and better looking cars, the framerate is 60fps not only in gameplay, but on mirrors and reflections and you can do 60fps replays if you have a PRO as well......

Yet, here we have people comparing GTS to PC at 4k Ultra settings on 1080Ti PC's and you can still see the sacrifices made in that game to make it run so well on all platforms....No doubt, it can run 8k on PC easily too.......Too bad GTS does not have a PC version to run all settings at max and push AA to Oblivion or supersample to your hearts content.....Nonetheless, the cars, trackside detail, pp effects, lighting, HDR are still superior there and people seems to like what they've played too, so that's a bonus too.....

Btw, if any body believes weather is not coming, with all the hooks since beta...I think they're fooling themselves....


Landscape :

Tarmac texture :

Skybox :

Water reflections :

3D spectators :

Bonux :

More to come...
BTW, anybody who mentions trackside detail in the future should be answered with this post above..

Superior foliage, better draw distance, "you actually believe you're just driving in one small part of a location heading somewhere way out into the horizon".....better textures, better details in the distance, better looking spectators with lots of movement in some parts.....Gravel, Sand, Dust, Grass all shoot up realistically including some nice lighting quirks and pp effects whilst you drive..It's all in the pudding... Can't wait to see snow and rain tbh....GT5/6 were already great with these.....

And to think, we have not even had the chance to take shots and vids of most of the tracks....some even better than what we see here.....
Bah, why are people trolling?
Looked awesome anyhow, so much better than the standard cockpit view which is far too static imo.

The general rule of thumb for this thread:

  1. If something from Forza looks better, talk about the GTS being "last gen" and "lacking dynamic _____."
  2. If something from GTS looks better, pretend it doesn't exist and wait for #1.

We're simply in stage 2. Give it a half an hour, someone will start talking about trees again.
Again? I think I heard that before from you, yet we still discuss. Hmm...

How many more times can we expect you to say "debate over" or "thread's done"?

Just asking for a friend.

Discuss what? I've seen the last few pages and its hardly about best graphics but tiny nitpicks for each game or Forza fans just trying to compensate by mentioning factos that go beyond this thread. There's really very little debate actually going on.


The general rule of thumb for this thread:

  1. If something from Forza looks better, talk about the GTS being "last gen" and "lacking dynamic _____."
  2. If something from GTS looks better, pretend it doesn't exist and wait for #1.

We're simply in stage 2. Give it a half an hour, someone will start talking about trees again.

That’s a pretty one sided view. It goes both ways.
Discuss what? I've seen the last few pages and its hardly about best graphics but tiny nitpicks for each game or Forza fans just trying to compensate by mentioning factos that go beyond this thread. There's really very little debate actually going on.
The fact that people have been legitimately confused as to which game is which suggests there isn't as vast of a gulf as you'd like to think.


PD did do a fantastic job on the car materials, they lead there.
PD did do a fantastic job on the car materials, they lead there.
I'm not developer, but is it so hard to bake lighting+textures? It's free in terms of performance, looks good, but absolutely static. SO no wonder why the most of devs try to make realtime lighting. Because it is challenge and it's hard to make realistic. Baking interiors(like UE4 demoes) is not chalenge. Am i right?


The general rule of thumb for this thread:

  1. If something from Forza looks better, talk about the GTS being "last gen" and "lacking dynamic _____."
  2. If something from GTS looks better, pretend it doesn't exist and wait for #1.

We're simply in stage 2. Give it a half an hour, someone will start talking about trees again.
It's really annoying, I wish people could be serious for once, this is the best year for racing fans in quite some time and people can't deal with it and starts to fight like little kids.
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