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Next issue of Famitsu: “something surprising for Metal Gear Solid fans”

What's coming down the line for the Vita? Though I've got a backlog for my 3ds the games I have aren't quite scratching my gaming itch. I may finally dip on the Vita with all the deals that are out there.

Unless you get a really good deal like the black Friday Amazon one do not get one yet.3ds have games like Crimson Shroud,Fire Emblem: Awakening, Etrian Odyssey IV, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and vita have games like Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time Earth Defense Force 2017 Portable and Soul Sacrifice. However if you count all the past vita games and ps plus you are missing a lot.

If you have some backlog for 3ds i think by the time you cleared them all the others new 3ds games are out , so unless you find a really good vita deal save your money.

Smoky dave should include games that are nearer to release date too :p Oh well at least i help add on the list :p And One piece is awesome , i hope is cross buy and cross play.
DOA5 and NGS2+, although you may well have played those elsewhere. There's a One Piece musou game coming that I'm looking forward to, even if I have no idea what One Piece is (love musou games). Killzone should be a nice demo of the systems capabilities that may hopefully inspire others to jump in. Apart from that there's been a few Japanese announcements where the games themselves don't particularly interest me but I take comfort from the fact they even exist. The Vita is still far from being out of the woods, but it ain't dead either.

For that reason, I have my fingers crossed for some Kojima-love.

Think of One Peice as a what if story Dave.

What if the X-men were mentally challenged Pirates.
I'd expect a Vita game over a Wii U to be honest. I think Kojima were to melt if he put a non-rerelease mainline game on a Nintendo platform.


Unless one is for console and the other for a handheld.

My guess is that TPP is a Vita game that integrates into GZ and will open up parts of GZ that may not have been previously accessible via normal means.

I don't think that you'll be able to "take your save on the go" - I think in this case it is an unlocking mechanism for things in GZ.


My guess is that TPP is a Vita game that integrates into GZ and will open up parts of GZ that may not have been previously accessible via normal means.

I don't think that you'll be able to "take your save on the go" - I think in this case it is an unlocking mechanism for things in GZ.

They wouldn't do that because that would be screwing over people who don't own a Vita.
I'm thinking it will be like Black Ops 2 where technically Black Ops 2: Campaign, Black Ops 2: Multiplayer, and Black Ops 2: Zombies are treated as separate parts of the Black Ops 2 whole.

Here it would be MGS5: Ground Zeroes, MGS5: The Phantom Pain, and MGS5: Metal Gear Online.

MGS is not nearly as big as COD to pull that off, but I think you're right.

My guess is

PS3/360 for one version and the online one
iOS for another version

They wouldn't do that because that would be screwing over people who don't own a Vita.

In his scenario, it would just be extras, not really necessary for the core experience so they wouldn't be screwing people over as they would be rewarding people.


GZ and TPP are the same game (MGS5) just different chapters. e.g the Tanker and Plant chapters from MGS2...


I dunno about all this Vita talk but the thread title says "something surprising for Metal Gear Solid fans". That doesn't automatically mean a new game (beyond GZ/PP), especially one for the Vita of all platforms.

Honestly, why would Konami spend boatloads of money developing a new game for a platform that has such a tiny install base with no signs of improving? Vita can barely break above 10K per week in Japan even during the holidays. Or is everyone still believing in Sony moneyhats? I'd love to see it happen, just as I'd love to see a MGS game released on PC but I'm tempering my enthusiasm as both a quite unlikely at this point.


I dunno about all this Vita talk but the thread title says "something surprising for Metal Gear Solid fans". That doesn't automatically mean a new game (beyond GZ/PP), especially one for the Vita of all platforms.

Honestly, why would Konami spend boatloads of money developing a new game for a platform that has such a tiny install base with no signs of improving? Vita can barely break above 10K per week in Japan even during the holidays. Or is everyone still believing in Sony moneyhats? I'd love to see it happen, just as I'd love to see a MGS game released on PC but I'm tempering my enthusiasm as both a quite unlikely at this point.

MGS1 is on the PC. Vita confirmed. :O


I wasn't too convinced about TPP being a Vita game but seeing the screenshot being released at Vita's resolution, that pretty much confirms it for me.
I wasn't too convinced about TPP being a Vita game but seeing the screenshot being released at Vita's resolution, that pretty much confirms it for me.
But it wasn't at Vita's resolution. They later released shots in 720p resolution, so that's a moot point now anyway.
My guess is that TPP is a Vita game that integrates into GZ and will open up parts of GZ that may not have been previously accessible via normal means.

I don't think that you'll be able to "take your save on the go" - I think in this case it is an unlocking mechanism for things in GZ.

Maybe TPP is like DR2 Case Zero. And for PS3/Vita it has Cross-Platform Play.


Metal Gear Solid games create install bases.

During the PS2/PSP era, I would have agreed but with the Vita's performance up to this point, I imagine a dedicated Vita game would be a risky venture even for the MGS franchise and Konami.


I wonder whether this will still be the case after MGS4? I bought my PS3 for MGS4, but it was not the experience I would have ideally wanted, let me put it that way.

Yeah, Im not sure if the series has its selling power after the MGS4 backlash. We dont know if thats how everyone felt or if it was a very vocal minority. I guess MGS5 will tell us.
I remember there being backlash after MGS2 as well but MGS3 still managed to put up good numbers.

The PSP MGS games certanly didnt do gangbusters on that system, though. I dont see a Vita MGS making a huge splash.
Yeah, Im not sure if the series has its selling power after the MGS4 backlash. We dont know if thats how everyone felt or if it was a very vocal minority. I guess MGS5 will tell us.
I remember there being backlash after MGS2 as well but MGS3 still managed to put up good numbers.

The PSP MGS games certanly didnt do gangbusters on that system, though. I dont see a Vita MGS making a huge splash.

Even on NeoGAF we know its just a very vocal minority. We can do a million 2008 GOTY re-votes, and MGS4 will win every time (as it has twice already).

I love MGS4 and, while I understand the many criticisms people have, some of which I hold against the game as well, it was still an amazing game and possibly the best experience I've ever had in my 15+ years of gaming.
I fully expect the Famitsu surprise to simply be "The Phantom Pain is actually a MGS game! Surprise!" and absolutely no clarification if it's one or two games.


If Famitsu does have an exclusive I'm hoping it is something specific to PS3/Vita complete with tranfarring. Kojima has always been kind to new Sony platforms but I hope Konami has enough confidence to invest in this platform. Heck, it could be a MGS remake and I'd be thrilled!

but .. I'm setting my expectations low


One word:


Yes, I want to believe

(Old news)

Hideo Kojima Is Working On An Original Game For The PlayStation 3 And Vita:

At TGS 2011, Hideo Kojima took stage an announced that he will be working an original game but could not go into any further details for the time being. He said it will take awhile before more information is given but also stated that he is directing and designing the game.



it's a 'surprise for Metal Gear fans', so I'd bet it's metal gear related.


anyone know what day next week the magazine hits?

It's tomorrow, in a day or so

And we know Kojima sadly will never make a new IP. So he was probably talking about a MGS so different that it's like a new IP! Or something
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