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Nikkei: "June will be a major test for Iwata"


So they are supposed to make a console that is as good as PS4, somehow still using hardware and tech that will allow backwards compatibility with Wii U, and on top of that sell it for $349? Why not just shoot for the moon and say Nintendo should buy EA and Rockstar?

And then do it in far less time than it normally takes to make a console on top of that.
Mario kart+smash+Zelda will make Nintendo more than enough to break even with the wii u.

I really hate posts like this. What is this based on? Do you have a link to any real-world numbers? Are you saying these three games will break even with the losses they've been incurring recently? What are their Wii U losses? Do you even know those?

I'll even be generous. Let's say those three games make lots of money for Nintendo. Great. But if Nintendo still sells 12-15 million home consoles, that's still an epic disaster and someone should be held accountable.

Posts like the below are similar. Just no understanding of actual numbers or finances. Stuff like this is fantasy land:

Craziest idea I had for Nintendo.

This e3 bite the proverbial bubble, announce the new Nintendo game system.

Full backwards compatible with wiiu, specs comparable to ps4, at worst better than xboxone.

Full account system, gamepad with boosted display- 720 p,

And. Moneyhet a few major third party franchises to be timed exclusives

Like assassin's creed or the like.

Trade in offer all wiiu owners can trade in their wiiu for 100 dollars and get new system. Sign up with Nintendo they send packing slip, you box wiiu, they send you new system.

Price 349 otherwise


Well,one thing is for sure: E3 2014 is going to be colossal. Iwata has one last chance to hit it out of the park and turn the Nintendo ship out of stormy waters and back on a path of prosperity. MS has a new Captain at the helm of their gaming division and is looking to show the world that they too, have learned their lessons and earned a spot back in the living room of every gamer. Sony, proven to not be complacent like they were at the start of last gen knows their competitors are chomping at the bit and are most likely planning on just dropping VR and PlayNow bombs all over the faces of the attendants, in addition to their stellar 1st and 2nd part game line ups.

I own a WiiU and really love Nintendo games. I truly hope they right their wrongs and do SOMETHING to get people to buy it. Right now, all I have to look forward to is MK8 and a new Zelda between now and 2020. I also own a ps4. If Sony comes out with its streaming service and a Morpheus release date in the next year or so AND MS gives me a kinectless SKU and price drop, well, I'm not going to have any reason at all to not spend all my money on those two gaming deities. Nintendo needs to understand where the gaming culture is going and come to them rather than be arrogant and think people find it a privilege to be able to buy their stuff.

Game Guru

I actually agree that things need to change in the short term and Iwata is far from the perfect CEO. I'm just pointing out what Iwata's departure could mean for Nintendo's future. Now perhaps my fears about what a new CEO for Nintendo will do are crazy and if I am wrong, I'll be the first to admit that I misjudged what might happen. However, seeing what Square Enix, Capcom, Bandai Namco, and Konami are focusing their efforts on at the moment, am I not right to worry?
Can't it be both? If I want to play games with last-gen graphic, I have my PS3. If I don't care about graphics then I'd be sticking with my Atari and Tetris and not acting hypocritical, pretending graphics/tech don't matter. But I do like graphics.

So, there's no games that Nintendo could release on Wii U that could make you play because you're a graphics whore, regardless of how fun they are based only on the graphical potential of the system? You of course, can have both, but to exclude games you would otherwise enjoy purely based on the graphical prowess seems so shallow to me.

I'm not against games looking better, or technology improving, so I don't understand if you're being snide by " I'd be sticking with my Atari and Tetris and not acting hypocritical, pretending graphics/tech don't matter" or simply stating something relating only to yourself.


Well,one thing is for sure: E3 2014 is going to be colossal. Iwata has one last chance to hit it out of the park and turn the Nintendo ship out of stormy waters and back on a path of prosperity. MS has a new Captain at the helm of their gaming division and is looking to show the world that they too, have learned their lessons and earned a spot back in the living room of every gamer. Sony, proven to not be complacent like they were at the start of last gen knows their competitors are chomping at the bit and are most likely planning on just dropping VR and PlayNow bombs all over the faces of the attendants, in addition to their stellar 1st and 2nd part game line ups.

I own a WiiU and really love Nintendo games. I truly hope they right their wrongs and do SOMETHING to get people to buy it. Right now, all I have to look forward to is MK8 and a new Zelda between now and 2020. I also own a ps4. If Sony comes out with its streaming service and a Morpheus release date in the next year or so AND MS gives me a kinectless SKU and price drop, well, I'm not going to have any reason at all to not spend all my money on those two gaming deities. Nintendo needs to understand where the gaming culture is going and come to them rather than be arrogant and think people find it a privilege to be able to buy their stuff.

Honestly, what can they really do? What do you think Nintendo could come to E3 with that would get people to give a shit about? Zelda? I doubt it. People would go "Cool, finally!" but then they'd see all the other stuff for the other platforms, Oculus, Morpheus etc and Nintendo's stuff would be forgotten. They'd have to do something crazy like announce some crazy partnership with a company we wouldn't normally think would work with Nintendo.


Neo Member
I can't fathom why anyone would be optimistic for E3.

Nintendo's hasn't had a good E3 since 2010. Their last three have been terrible.

Let's not forget the magic of E3 2008. Miyamoto walks out to promote... Wii Music? The worst demo ever on a E3 stage.

IMO Nintendo Directs were a bad idea. They are announced roughly 2 minutes before they go live, and barrage news at seemingly random times and with highly variable quality. Why doesn't Nintendo have a Major Nelson/PS Blog? It would be better than "Surprise everyone! we have some highly underwhelming WiiU news! Who wants GBA games on our non-portable system? How about bad remixes of NES games? Don't worry, Bayo 2 and Smash are nowhere to be seen and we'll stealth release them behind some Mario shovelware."

Nintendo sunk its own ship. The fans has been yelling about Nintendo's online infrastructure since the launch of the Wii, and its 3rd party development since the Gamecube, but here we are. Maybe Nintendo could hire Jack Tretton and have a decent E3 2014?


The worst thing that could happen is that they replace Iwata with someone who doesn't understand or care about Nintendo. Mobile and other short term cash grabs could do so much damage.

I think Iwata is smart, and given more time can steer them back on course.
Honestly, what can they really do? What do you think Nintendo could come to E3 with that would get people to give a shit about? Zelda? I doubt it. People would go "Cool, finally!" but then they'd see all the other stuff for the other platforms, Oculus, Morpheus etc and Nintendo's stuff would be forgotten. They'd have to do something crazy like announce some crazy partnership with a company we wouldn't normally think would work with Nintendo.

Knowing Nintendo they will announce partnerships with Facebook, King, and Comcast to offer the best Social and Gaming experience you can imagine!
The worst thing that could happen is that they replace Iwata with someone who doesn't understand or care about Nintendo. Mobile and other short term cash grabs could do so much damage.

I think Iwata is smart, and given more time can steer them back on course.

I agree with all this.
The worst thing that could happen is that they replace Iwata with someone who doesn't understand or care about Nintendo. Mobile and other short term cash grabs could do so much damage.

I think Iwata is smart, and given more time can steer them back on course.

Repeating so many of the same 3DS mistakes with Wii U when the system launches were barely like a year apart makes me question this.
The worst thing that could happen is that they replace Iwata with someone who doesn't understand or care about Nintendo. Mobile and other short term cash grabs could do so much damage.

I think Iwata is smart, and given more time can steer them back on course.

If mobile is a "short term cash grab", what do you call tablet controllers and 3D?


This notion that Iwata is the perfect CEO for Nintendo is comical. Which is the implication when people say nobody could do a better job than him. If Iwata is the perfect CEO for them, and this is the result then Nintendo as a whole is in a rotten state. Imagine if a "lesser" CEO ran the company than the perfect Iwata? The buildings in Kyoto would be on fire, and they would sell Mario IP to Microsoft, is that (fantasy) that people defending Iwata fear?

When did Yamauchi become this holy figure who did no wrong? That man (RIP) made plenty of mistakes on his own, as every business man has done at some point. Its getting to a point where its almost cult like to think that a higher being like Yamauchi could never be wrong about anything and Iwata is the chosen one, the only man capable of leading Nintendo.

I dont think Nintendo is in a rotten state, nor do i think Yamauchi/Iwata are infallible, it looks like nostalgia to me when people argue to keep Iwata. "Well he had success before!?". Yeah great, that does not mean you keep a CEO forever just because he had success before, if that was the case, companies would keep CEOs for decades on their past achievements.

I don't think that,but firing iwata right now is kinda a short sighted move to fix a problem that will take years to fix. We don't actually know what will happen when a new CEO takes control of nintendo. The new ceo may damage or hurt the direction nintendo is going in and may make the position they are in worse than before(i.e look at companies like Blackberry).Firing ceo's and hiring ceo's did not help that company much and it hurt them at times because of shortsighted and dumb decisions.No one knows if the new ceo at that company will be able to turn the ship.Maybe the position nintendo is in right now may drive iwata to finally listen to some people's concerns since the wiiu is failing badly now, but this may take some time.That is why some people are concerned. A new ceo is not the ultimate solution to a problem, but nintendo will have to find a way to be more succesful eventually.


*At the general meeting in March 2011, Iwata was reappointed with 92.89% of the vote, but in 2013 he was reappointed with only 77.26%.
*This coming June will be a major test for Iwata.

Those percentages indicate that in 2011, One or Two major investors voted against Iwata and in 2013, three to five Major Investors voted against him. Fortunately for Iwata, all of Nintendo's major investors could vote against him, including the Yamauchi estate, and they would still have no chance at unseating him. That would only earn then 43% of the vote from shares not owned by NIntendo itself. Thanks to what is no doubt a brilliant manipulation of the sales of Nintendo stock by Yamauchi during his tenure, Nintendo's CEO, Iwata, is untouchable.

Shareholder Name - Number of Shares - Shareholding Ratio (%)
Hiroshi Yamauchi - 14,165,000 - 10.00
JP Morgan Chase Bank 380055 - 12,726,888 - 8.98
State Street Bank and Trust Company - 9,738,799 - 6.87
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. - 6,380,200 - 4.50
The Nomura Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. (The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Retiree Allowance Trust Account) - 4,764,700 - 3.36
Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account) - 4,102,100 - 2.90
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) - 2,819,900 - 1.99
The Bank of New York, Treaty JASDEC Account - 2,767,216 -1.95
Northern Trust Co. (AVFC) Sub A/C American Clients - 2,091,802 - 1.48
State Street Bank West Client - Treaty - 1,123,923 - 0.79

*The Company owns 13,793,439 treasury shares, which are excluded from the major shareholders above.

(This information is pre-Yamauchi Estate Stock Buyback)



Honestly, what can they really do? What do you think Nintendo could come to E3 with that would get people to give a shit about? Zelda? I doubt it. People would go "Cool, finally!" but then they'd see all the other stuff for the other platforms, Oculus, Morpheus etc and Nintendo's stuff would be forgotten. They'd have to do something crazy like announce some crazy partnership with a company we wouldn't normally think would work with Nintendo.

Just to throw out some ideas (from the position of armchair quarterback)

1) Mobile is possible. They just need to make a Nintendo phone for it to really work well. Cross platform all their WiiU game for it as well and in the commercial, have someone playing on the TV, then walk down the hall as they play on the gamepad and finally have them seamlessly switch to their phone as they jump on the subway.

2) Price drop. Bite the bullet and drop the price to $199.99.

3) Miiverse needs to change. A complete metamorphosis.They need to make it engaging and very user friendly. Twitch integration or something similar, trophies or achievements, video messaging, letsplay, the works. I go online and it's archaic (and i really hate that word). There is no sense of cutting edge with their online. It's like a hodgepodge of old networking all scotch taped together. Nintendo needs a single, seamless, online/MP network that can be used on all of its platforms that is appealing, user friendly but most of all, an ecosystem that people WANT to be involved in.
I don't know enough about how Nintendo is structured to outright say Iwata being fired would save the company, but I will say that they need some new voices and fresh ideas in the company. Voices that aren't just company men. One thing that has become clearer and clearer is that Nintendo has no idea what is going on in the home console space anymore. Every move they have made, from the way they handle Nintendo Directs to game announcements, seems to just double down on appealing more and more to the ever shrinking fanbase of diehard Nintendo fans. That doesn't seem sustainable to me. What Nintendo has to do to survive in home consoles is find a way to appeal to the person who doesn't give a shit about Mario. Currently that group of consumers has no reason to even look twice at a Wii U.


Gold Member
You guys always say things like "THEY should replace Iwata...". Who is THEY?

Not once have I seen one good explanation about who is going to fire Iwata.
Let's not forget the magic of E3 2008. Miyamoto walks out to promote... Wii Music? The worst demo ever on a E3 stage.

IMO Nintendo Directs were a bad idea. They are announced roughly 2 minutes before they go live, and barrage news at seemingly random times and with highly variable quality. Why doesn't Nintendo have a Major Nelson/PS Blog? It would be better than "Surprise everyone! we have some highly underwhelming WiiU news! Who wants GBA games on our non-portable system? How about bad remixes of NES games? Don't worry, Bayo 2 and Smash are nowhere to be seen and we'll stealth release them behind some Mario shovelware."

Nintendo sunk its own ship. The fans has been yelling about Nintendo's online infrastructure since the launch of the Wii, and its 3rd party development since the Gamecube, but here we are. Maybe Nintendo could hire Jack Tretton and have a decent E3 2014?

It's funny you mention E3 2008 since that really was the height of misunderstanding their fickle casual market. Nintendo got way too disinterested in the traditional gaming audience. The line-up reflected it, the presentation reflected it, Reggie said gamers were insatiable, etc.

Yet gamers still told Nintendo loud and clear what they wanted, but Nintendo didn't listen. Now that the casual crowd has abandoned them, they don't even have a core to rely on. It's why they're in such a bad position.


mo60 said:
I don't think that,but firing iwata right now is kinda a short sighted move to fix a problem that will take years to fix. We don't actually know what will happen when a new CEO takes control of nintendo. The new ceo may damage or hurt the direction nintendo is going in and may make the position they are in worse than before(i.e look at companies like Blackberry).Firing ceo's and hiring ceo's did not help that company much and it hurt them at times because of shortsighted and dumb decisions.No one knows if the new ceo at that company will be able to turn the ship.Maybe the position nintendo is in right now may drive iwata to finally listen to some people's concerns since the wiiu is failing badly now, but this may take some time.That is why some people are concerned. A new ceo is not the ultimate solution to a problem, but nintendo will have to find a way to be more succesful eventually.

You're right that a new CEO isn't "the ultimate solution," but you're wrong that it's a short-sighted move.

On the contrary, replacing the CEO is thinking about the long-term. Replacing Iwata shows an understanding that the company is headed in the wrong direction. It shows that even if things aren't fixed overnight, the first step is having a new vision. The step after that is execution.


Those percentages indicate that in 2011, One or Two major investors voted against Iwata and in 2013, three to five Major Investors voted against him. Fortunately for Iwata, all of Nintendo's major investors could vote against him, including the Yamauchi estate, and they would still have no chance at unseating him. That would only earn then 43% of the vote from shares not owned by NIntendo itself. Thanks to what is no doubt a brilliant manipulation of the sales of Nintendo stock by Yamauchi during his tenure, Nintendo's CEO, Iwata, is untouchable.

Shareholder Name - Number of Shares - Shareholding Ratio (%)
Hiroshi Yamauchi - 14,165,000 - 10.00
JP Morgan Chase Bank 380055 - 12,726,888 - 8.98
State Street Bank and Trust Company - 9,738,799 - 6.87
The Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. - 6,380,200 - 4.50
The Nomura Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. (The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Retiree Allowance Trust Account) - 4,764,700 - 3.36
Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account) - 4,102,100 - 2.90
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) - 2,819,900 - 1.99
The Bank of New York, Treaty JASDEC Account - 2,767,216 -1.95
Northern Trust Co. (AVFC) Sub A/C American Clients - 2,091,802 - 1.48
State Street Bank West Client - Treaty - 1,123,923 - 0.79

*The Company owns 13,793,439 treasury shares, which are excluded from the major shareholders above.

(This information is pre-Yamauchi Estate Stock Buyback)

Treasury shares cannot vote and are not counted in any vote.

And the board fires the CEO, not the shareholders. Though the shareholders influence the board.


Craziest idea I had for Nintendo.

This e3 bite the proverbial bubble, announce the new Nintendo game system.

Full backwards compatible with wiiu, specs comparable to ps4, at worst better than xboxone.

Full account system, gamepad with boosted display- 720 p,

And. Moneyhet a few major third party franchises to be timed exclusives

Like assassin's creed or the like.

Trade in offer all wiiu owners can trade in their wiiu for 100 dollars and get new system. Sign up with Nintendo they send packing slip, you box wiiu, they send you new system.

Price 349 otherwise

Unless Nintendo design some kind of crazy mixed duel-wielding architecture system this would leave them stuck with the old architecture people are moving from.


If anyone has seen how lame Tokyo Disney is (Disney Sea on the other hand is pretty cool) they would know that it wouldn't have been difficult for Nintendo to make a small but profitable theme park. I mean Nintendo's characters are almost iconic as Disney characters. What stopped them!?!


Is their cash reserve really only half it was like 18 months ago? That's wrong or really bad.

Nintendo was at 9.6 Billion US in Cash & Equivalents (Short-term investments) as of Q3.

1.1 Billion Stock-Buy Back
350 Million Loss Fiscal Year
130 Million paid in Dividends

9.6-1.6 Billion (total of above for the fiscal year ending March 31st 2014)= 8 Billion

Where did the other 3 Billion go if Nintendo is ''only'' over 5 Billion lol?

No. The 9 Billion dollar number is created by Adding the Cash on Hand with their Short Term liquidatable investments. In the 18 month period you refer too, they have spent less than 2 Billion, most of which was spent on a stock buyback for the Yamauchi estate. 500 Billion Yen refers only to Cash on Hand.
If anyone has seen how lame Tokyo Disney is (Disney Sea on the other hand is pretty cool) they would know that it wouldn't have been difficult for Nintendo to make a small but profitable theme park. I mean Nintendo's characters are almost iconic as Disney characters. What stopped them!?!

I have no idea why they haven't teamed with Disney. Build a park in Disney World; they have tons of land and their demographics are very similar.

I'd love to see that happen
True, but in this case, it would just result in smartphone games which we do not need any more of.

Eh I'm not necessarily advocating changing management to move onto mobile

I don't think Nintendo is viable long term on mobile as it is but Nintendo is in dire needs of new management, of that I'm certain
So the op isn't about how investors want Nintendo to changes things up, followed by suggestions of removing Iwata, fake stockholder votes, and going to mobile? Because that's what all of these threads seem to be lately. Nintendo is doomed for the 100th time in 2014.

Or you could read the thread and posts above yours.

And none of this anything to do with being doomed which is quite possibly the most annoying strawman hardcore fans have made up to try make the argument not about how dumb Nintendo has been in the last few years.

Also unless Miyamoto and Takeda are moved to new positions or given other people who will disagree with them, Nintendo will be stuck in the same position with whoever is president.


And none of this anything to do with being doomed which is quite possibly the most annoying strawman hardcore fans have made up to try make the argument not about how dumb Nintendo has been in the last few years.
Seriously, I'm so tired of "Nintendo is doomed" being used by some posters to dismiss any negative discussion about Nintendo.
My wildest fantasies involve getting a new Nintedo system in 2016 which has a slightly higher power budget than the PS4 does (~120W instead of ~100), and uses a similar AMD APU, but more modern to reflect the 2.5-3 year launch gap. It abandons hardware backwards compatability as a concept. And Nintendo invests in significant network infrastructure so as not to recieve shitty gimped 3rd party ports.

Usually this is around the time I'm dreaming about being a billionare and wrestling crocodiles with my hands.
So the op isn't about how investors want Nintendo to changes things up, followed by suggestions of removing Iwata, fake stockholder votes, and going to mobile? Because that's what all of these threads seem to be lately. Nintendo is doomed for the 100th time in 2014.

Or you could read the thread and posts above yours.

What's this supposed to mean? Who suggested this?


Just to throw out some ideas (from the position of armchair quarterback)

1) Mobile is possible. They just need to make a Nintendo phone for it to really work well. Cross platform all their WiiU game for it as well and in the commercial, have someone playing on the TV, then walk down the hall as they play on the gamepad and finally have them seamlessly switch to their phone as they jump on the subway.

See, this I don't get. Mobile is shown to not be that big a thing. Almost all the companies who have gone mobile have had short term gains that then suddenly drop. Last year, the iOS App store made $26b total revenue. Nintendo made $6bn in revenue. For Nintendo to stay where they are, they'd have to have 22% of the iOS market. That's just ridiculous

2) Price drop. Bite the bullet and drop the price to $199.99.

People say this, and I can see the logic, but really that would be a horrific business decision and I would call for Iwata's head myself if it were to happen. That's why the FY3/2012 numbers were so disastrous.

Think about it. At the moment, the Wii U is $299.99 with like $50 loss. Now, let's say it drops to $199.99 which makes it being sold at a loss of $150. Now, let's also say that it has a 3DS level turnaround and sells a further 11 million units in 6 months. That would make it lose $1,650,000,000. Those sort of numbers are not reclaimable through third party royalties or software profits. Those numbers are why Sony lost their PS1 & PS2 profits rapidly and why Microsoft are still very in the red cumulatively with the Xbox.

It's really a thing that would be good for the consumer but disastrous for the company.

3) Miiverse needs to change. A complete metamorphosis.They need to make it engaging and very user friendly. Twitch integration or something similar, trophies or achievements, video messaging, letsplay, the works. I go online and it's archaic (and i really hate that word). There is no sense of cutting edge with their online. It's like a hodgepodge of old networking all scotch taped together. Nintendo needs a single, seamless, online/MP network that can be used on all of its platforms that is appealing, user friendly but most of all, an ecosystem that people WANT to be involved in.
Miiverse is great. It's much better than what Sony and MS provide, in my view.

What people seem to fail to realise, including analysts, is that Nintendo isn't in trouble.

They have had one year of net loss. One. They have projected their second, but there's a reason for that. They have been expanding and a good portion of that expansion, financially speaking. is happening this quarter. Up to Q3, this fiscal year has been much better than the two years prior. It isn't up to the Wii & DS massive standards, sure, but it's doing better and turnarounds don't happen in a day.

However, there are a few factors to factor in. First, Nintendo just had to drop $1b yen to buyback Yamauchi shares that the family had to put on the market for tax reasons. Second, for this quarter, Nintendo just shifted a further 15b yen into R&D and a further 8bn yen into Marketing. This amount essentially covers the entire projected loss. Nintendo are expanding. Expansion costs money. Spending money looks bad on the balance sheet when it doesn't have immediate recovery.

Iwata looks to the long term. Investors and analysts only care about the short term, which is why they want to jump in on the mobile bubble which will burst soon, mark my words.

Nintendo are fine. Iwata is doing well. The Wii U is not. Home console has never been Nintendo's main market anyway. Getting rid of Iwata would likely either result in a) A new CEO who follows Nintendo's philosophies. Nothing changes. or b) A new CEO who jumps into the mobile bubble because the home console isn't doing well. As such, they cannibalise their one successful avenue, the 3DS
Just curious if anyone has come up with a mobile company making continued high revenue growth releasing mobile games yet? I've been Googling, but I can't find anyone, at least not a 'traditonal' publisher.

I ask because multiple people on the 1st page said, or implied, Iwata was wrong on this point. I'm curious to research about these companies.


Unconfirmed Member
Also May has Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U and the release of Kirby Triple Deluxe and Mario Golf: World Tour for the 3DS. May is probably the biggest month they have this year until the holiday season and June is when the the impact of these titles will be fully known.

Mario Kart 8 especially seems like a pretty important title to Nintendo, given how important it became to the original Wii and DS. I'm not exactly sure what the expectations are but it flopping would be a pretty serious blow to Iwata to go alongside whatever E3's impact is.


Treasury shares cannot vote and are not counted in any vote.

And the board fires the CEO, not the shareholders. Though the shareholders influence the board.

The General Meeting is a meting of Shareholders, not a meeting of the board. The General Meeting is where the Board Members are elected. That 77% approval rating is the approval of all shareholders. The board will not have the authority to remove Iwata so long as that Approval rating remains above 60%. Doing so would result in both the loss of Board Members positions as well as law suits against the board for violations of the will of Investors.
I doubt Nintendo can reasonably react fast enough to turn the situation around by June, just enact some measures for damage control. Maybe that's why it'll be a major test?

Whether or not people disagree with him about liking the Wii U and the gamepad, the company needs to ride this one out. His statements can be translated as the Wii U needs better marketing which is something everyone's been saying all along.
You guys always say things like "THEY should replace Iwata...". Who is THEY?

Not once have I seen one good explanation about who is going to fire Iwata.

They are the magical fairies that will fix everything once they've heard the grievous pleas of the forumites.

In all seriousness, I think it means that the board of investors (people with a significant amount of Nintendo shares) should Kick Iwata. It's a move that, as Game Guru mentions, could be the worst thing for Nintendo consumers given the push towards mobile.

Edit: Kiote explains way better than me.


At e3 Nintendo will reveal that they have not stopped working on vr when the vboy died, and show their own take on vr, it will be lower resolution and built kind of cheaply but it will target the "good enough" crowd, it comes with multiple brilliant and imaginative colorful demos and mini games, the mainstream market will be in awe at Nintendo's latest innovation, Carmack yosp and Zuckerberg will bow before the one true king. Thus Nintendo brings ever lasting peace to the realm of nerdom

seriously though they have been very quiet, they have a lot of studios and very few games announced, there are a lot of things coming i bet and I wish they make me want a Wii U I love Nintendo games but I don't really like using the 3ds
Way to ignore my actual argument that justifies the point I made (though the home console statement, while fact, will probably ruffle some feathers)

Because your argument is that Nintendo is fine arguing against the strawman of Nintendo heading towards bankruptcy which as far as I can see no is arguing.


Because your argument is that Nintendo is fine arguing against the strawman of Nintendo heading towards bankruptcy which as far as I can see no is arguing.

No. I'm saying they're fine because, outside the one time expenditure that is likely to put this FY back into the red, there has been improvement. Things don't suddenly get massively better overnight in the business world. It takes time.
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