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Nintendo America announces 3DS demo tour

plagiarize said:
politewings sounds like a game that teaches women how to be 'proper'.

I was thinking it sounded like an upmarket brand of pantyliners.

On topic. Does the US get no Street Fighter or RE theatrics like we got in the UK?


MoogPaul said:
Nintendo to America: move out of bumble fuck. As a jaded New Yorker, even Houston counts as bumble fuck to me.

See also, Nintendo hates red states.

I live in the Nation's Capital (Silver Spring, MD actually) how the heck do they at least not even go to Baltimore? Or Union Station?


Bizzyb said:
I live in the Nation's Capital (Silver Spring, MD actually) how the heck do they at least not even go to Baltimore? Or Union Station?

Baltimore? Eww...

I've seen The Wire! I know how you animals live!

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like playing more Pilotwings, time to walk 3 blocks from my front door to Grand Central. *adjusts monocle*


lawblob said:
Baltimore? Eww...

I've seen The Wire! I know how you animals live!

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like playing more Pilotwings, time to walk 3 blocks from my front door to Grand Central. *adjusts monocle*

Yeah, not ALL of Baltimore is the ghetto/urban jungle you know.


We've got this new technology we can't market without actually showing it to people. We even have a tag line " It has to be seen to be believed. "

So let's actually show it to only a few people. BRILLIANT


lawblob said:
Just got back from Grand Central Station event.

They had a ton of demo units, not too many people playing games, since it was still just commuters.


- SF4 looks amazing. Best graphics and best 3D. Played surprisingly well.

- Pilotwings is very pretty, seems fun

- Steel Diver was cool. Very gimmicky, but I could see it being solid as a launch purchase.

- Games like Madden, Lego Star Wars, etc., seemed to be shitty. Just up-ressed DS games with questionable 3D effect. For example, I had to hold Madden 6 inches in front of my face or the 3D was just blurry / double vision.

- System itself seemed very heavy, but it's tough to say for sure since it was connected to the cable attached to someone
It's disappointing to hear that SF4 was the best of the bunch in terms of the 3D effects. I mean don't get me wrong, I love me some SF4. I was just hoping that the launch games would all be strong showcases what the 3DS is all about. LEGO Star Wars is the game I had reserved to get with my system on launch day, but from the sound of it, it's nothing to write home about. :-/

How was the 3D effect on the other games you played (Pilotwings, Steel Diver, Nintendogs)?


lawblob said:
Baltimore? Eww...

I've seen The Wire! I know how you animals live!

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like playing more Pilotwings, time to walk 3 blocks from my front door to Grand Central. *adjusts monocle*

Shit, I've seen The Corner. That's like twice as bad!


Eating crow: The demo squads are only in NYC, Chicago, SF, and LA, too. But the retail units are coming... soonish... eventually...

Spent some time at the Grand Central setup, overall very impressed. The screen seemed to me to be better than Fuji's Finepix 3D camera (my only other experience with an autostereoscopic display), though without actually putting the two side by side I can't be sure of that.

Didn't have time to go in depth with anything, but a few notes:

-Asphalt's framerate is as awful as the videos indicate. The 3D effect will definitely be nifty in racing games, though.

-Lego Star Wars doesn't look like a DS game, contrary to the previous page, but it doesn't look as good as some of the blurry offscreen videos made it seem. Some serious slowdown that goes away in 2D mode (still not 60 FPS).

-Nintendogs - beyond cute, and great as a tech demo. Not something I'd buy, though I'm sure it'll sell truckloads over the holidays.

-You'd think more of the built-in stuff would run at 60FPS, but no. Part of the Mii Creator stuff does, at least...
Just came from the demo pod at Grand Central. I only had a short time, and I'll be coming back later, but a few initial observations:

-3D effect: I came away more impressed than I had expected. Compared to the viewfinder on the Finepix 3D W3 (the only autostereoscopic screen I've tried before), the depth was greater, the sweet spot seemed easier to find and maintain, and the short-term eyestrain seemed to be significantly less. I obviously can't say how it'd hold up on extended play sessions, and I anticipate switching between 2D and 3D regularly, at least at first. As many others have said, the lower 3D settings did seem a bit easier on the eyes (especially in Pilotwings), but I'll experiment.
-Framerate: I had thought that the Mii stuff would run at a constant 60fps, but instead it seems to veer between sub-30 and 60. Odd. Will have to try more. Lego Star Wars III also appeared to suffer from much greater framerate issues in 3D than 2D.
-Most of the other people playing seemed to be extremely impressed with the hardware; SSFIV3D was particularly popular. One woman was complaining quite a bit about double vision and headaches, though.

I'll definitely be back for more. I wish they had a few more of the launch games, though (the only titles there were those mentioned by name in the NOA press release, plus Face Raiders and the AR games), as well as some of the post-launch titles. But my first hands-on certainly didn't make me regret my preorder, even if I don't end up buying any retail software until June.
Man, if I had the time and money I would go to Chicago to see this. Hopefully they'll have something like this for Minneapolis soon.


bumpkin said:
It's disappointing to hear that SF4 was the best of the bunch in terms of the 3D effects. I mean don't get me wrong, I love me some SF4. I was just hoping that the launch games would all be strong showcases what the 3DS is all about. LEGO Star Wars is the game I had reserved to get with my system on launch day, but from the sound of it, it's nothing to write home about. :-/

How was the 3D effect on the other games you played (Pilotwings, Steel Diver, Nintendogs)?

Well, don't get me wrong, LEGO doesn't seem to be a bad game, but the visuals and overall 3D just didn't seem that great. For a launch game, I think it's a perfectly good purchase. Granted, I was also playing under bright lights in a crowded room.

The 3D effect in general was pretty cool. For launch titles, im' impressed. Pilotwings looked good in 3D, but I couldn't quite find a sweet spot. For me, full 3D was too much to handle in every game except SF4. Putting the slider to full 3D seemed to make the 3D image too delicate, or unstable, if that makes sense. Like, if you moved the screen at all, or looked away from the screen and looked back, the 3D effect would sort of disappear for a second, or some games like Madden, the images were just double visioned and blurry. Also, it seemed like with each game, I found myself holding it a different length from my face. Pilotwings I enjoyed by holding it far away, Steel Diver about a foot away, and Madden was very close to my face.

It's interesting, like others have mentioned, the glassless 3D is a little bit like a magic eye painting. In almost all the games, you would have these flickering moments, where like I said, the 3D would go in and out... like it was delicate. But again, im' sure all that will be less pronounced when you're playing it in a semi-dark room in your home, not in a crowded train terminal with a sweet bro employee saying "whoa, dude, nice move!" every time I threw a fireball.

But seriously, SF4 looks *amazing.* Even though the graphical fidelity of some games was very underwhelming, like, I can't believe this is how little Nintendo is pushing the graphics envelope in 2011, some games like SF4 and Pilotwings had such rich, vibrant colors, im' not as worried.

But still, I think it will be the same thing as with the original DS. Two years from now we will have not only the NGP, but super high res phone screens with glassless 3D, and the 3DS will quickly look like old tech.

My only other complaint is the stylus. Five years later, now that we have more advanced touch screen technology, it felt very antiquated having to poke at the screen with a pointer in Nintendogs, and the overall responsiveness of the touch screen just felt like really old tech.

I was originally planning on selling the two I ordered from Amazon and just waiting for NGP, but the wow factor is really strong when you get your hands on it. I can't imagine how awesome something like the next NSMB will look on this thing, or the next Phoenix Wright.


Something else to note - for all the concerns about the resolution, I thought the image quality was terrific.

I did get some eyestrain from the 3D, though, and as cool as I think it is, I suspect I'll be playing most games alternating between 3D and 2D.


lawblob said:
It's interesting, like others have mentioned, the glassless 3D is a little bit like a magic eye painting. In almost all the games, you would have these flickering moments, where like I said, the 3D would go in and out... like it was delicate. But again, im' sure all that will be less pronounced when you're playing it in a semi-dark room in your home, not in a crowded train terminal with a sweet bro employee saying "whoa, dude, nice move!" every time I threw a fireball.

Hilarious, amazing stuff. Love the impressions btw

Edit: Just do like I'm doing, buy Two. Keep one, sell the other
I went to the demo pod in Chicago. There were about 10 3DSs set up with some very cute girls and very nerdy guys manning each station. It was very busy and after about a 5 minute wait I was waved over to an open 3DS.

Steel Diver...great. Well I was not too excited for this game and the demo did nothing to pique my interest. I only got to play the periscope mode. The gyro or accelerometer or whatever worked great as I turned the DS but the act of firing torpedoes via the touch screen while twisting the device was disorienting. Also, the graphics were barely above DS quality. The 3D sweet spot seemed large enough for me, but the actual 3d effects were subtle.

I'm hoping to go back to try Pilot Wings or Lego Star Wars another day next week, but the 5 minutes of Steel Diver I played were not that great.

edit: I forgot to add that even though Steel Diver didn't use it during the part I played the slider pad felt great. Playing Zelda:OOT on that will be awesome.
Played at the NYC demo station earlier today. Got to play every game except for Madden and Face Raiders.

My favorite game was Steel Diver and Pilotwings. Steel Diver really didn't have a big 3d effect (I played the side scrolling portion) but it was a lot of fun. It controlled surprisingly well despite the unorthodox controls. I think the game is mostly focused on being fun rather than being a graphical showcase.

Pilotwings was a lot of fun, and the 3d worked well after some adjusting. I tried 2 different vehicles and had a lot of fun with the jet pack. The game looks very nice but I still don't know if there's enough content to warrant a purchase. I really wish it had another map.

I also played SSF4, Asphalt 3d, Lego Star Wars, and Nintendogs+Cats. Out of these, I liked Nintendogs best. The graphics were great and it was insanely cute. I might have to buy this...

The 3d was actually much better and more stable than I expected. I rarely lost the 3d effect and I had zero eye strain. I haven't done much hand held playing (didn't own a psp or ds) but I am buying the 3ds. It just looks like a lot of fun and I was very happy with the 3d effect. Some may call it a gimmick, but I thought every game looked better with the 3d effect on.

Worst game I played was Lego Star Wars. The demo was very short and just not fun at all. Also, the game had significant slowdown with the 3d on. Asphalt 3d was even better than this.
Just came back from the Chicago event.


Only tried the AR game with the dinosaur and Star Wars. The 3D was pretty neat in the AR game but it was a little disorienting in the Star Wars game. It would probably give me a headache after a little bit.


slaughterking said:
It's time NoE announces something similar. :I

Nintendo France is doing a 3DS tour since a week. It was held in the town where I work today (and tomorrow too) so I got the chance to try all the games.
I'm definitely buying the console.

Ellis Kim

Just got back from Pier 39.

...I'm honestly a little disappointed. I was sort of expecting this amazing technical feat, but instead its sort of like 3DTV tech, but without glasses.

It really hurt that they made the decision to do the event outdoors, so there was a lot of glare. I think there were a lot of people who tried it as they walked past, wasn't getting the full effect, and moved on with their day.

I was also hoping to see 3D that popped out, instead of depth, and there was none of that.

The demos I enjoyed the most were SSF4 and Face Raiders, which didn't surprise me. Nintendogs was the technical marvel out of the whole collection of demos, though.

SSF4's demo not supporting adhoc versus is a GIGANTIC failure, IMO. Was very saddened that I couldn't challenge either the tethered lady, nor my friend.


Ellis Kim said:
I was sort of expecting this amazing technical feat, but instead its sort of like 3DTV tech, but without glasses.

I really can't imagine what led you to believe it was anything but that.
Ellis Kim said:
I was also hoping to see 3D that popped out, instead of depth, and there was none of that.
That should really be kept to a bare minimum, it's usually a very gimmicky and annoying effect a lot of crappy 3D movies use.

Having said that, I think I've read that of the launch titles Super Monkeyball does it the most, throwing crap (like bananas) out of the screen all the time.
I just tried this out in Santa Monica.

In short -- it's really awesome, but the sun destroyed the effect for me, so I had to make sure I wasn't getting direct glare. For some reason in direct sunlight I'd start seeing both the images simultaneously. Easy enough to fix, I just turned around.

The sweet spot is more than big enough for game playing, and I'm not worried about it anymore. I moved the system side to side plenty while playing Asphalt and Pilotwings, for example, and you have plenty of wiggle room to play comfortably.

The 3D effect is really cool and effortless. It made me happy to view it -- especially as a glasses-wearer, who hates 3D glasses because I have to wear the 3D glasses on top of my regular glasses. Like films, the effect works exceptionally well when you have something to focus on -- your car, character, plane, sub, etc. I played everything at max and it was really a treat. I can't wait to see how Mario plays with this kind of thing, because the added depth really helped a lot with judging distances. It's really cool but also very natural feeling on the 3DS due to the lack of glasses.

The circle pad felt great, very smooth and easy to use.

The blue system is really nice looking in person. I was going to go with black but now I'm torn between them.

The system was also smaller than I had thought, but it has a great weight to it, and it feels really solid. Buttons feel very nice.

Overall, I'm really impressed with it, though I'll probably still wait until Ocarina 3D comes out to get it.
Dreamwriter said:
That should really be kept to a bare minimum, it's usually a very gimmicky and annoying effect a lot of crappy 3D movies use.

Having said that, I think I've read that of the launch titles Super Monkeyball does it the most, throwing crap (like bananas) out of the screen all the time.
Metal Gear Solid is full of that, and Nintengods have a few pop-out effects.
Dreamwriter said:
That should really be kept to a bare minimum, it's usually a very gimmicky and annoying effect a lot of crappy 3D movies use.

Having said that, I think I've read that of the launch titles Super Monkeyball does it the most, throwing crap (like bananas) out of the screen all the time.

Dead or Alive has some effects too. I agree it should be kept to a minimum but man seeing it for the first time was definitely impressive since I wasn't expecting it. I also got to see it the first time I picked up a 3DS which was a nice way to introduce me to the system.


No MD or DC? WtF?

I just hope they put kiosks in BestBuys, Toys R Us, Radio and Gamestops

Ridley327 said:
Word is going around that Best Buy is going to have 3DS demo kiosks starting next week.

I hope this is true, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Nice to see the 3D effect is as appreciated on gaf than on twitter, where 90% of people report how impressive it is.
I still haven't found a way to see it myself, and the wait is becoming a bit too long.


Spike said:
Please post impressions of the blue vs. black systems.
You know, in person I thought they were both fine. The blue isnt as bright or distracting as I thought it would be.

I preordered one of each on Amazon five minutes after they put them up for sale. I am going to sell one and keep the other. I think I will keep the black one, but honestly, both are fine.

I am tempted to walk over to Grand Central again and play some more. I will definitely go tomorrow morning when there are no lines. I need to spend some more time with Pilotwings, and I didn't get to try the AR games this morning, so I need to check those out.

My wife commutes through Grand Central every day, so she is going to stop by the demo station on her way home. I'm interested to hear her reaction.

I mostly can't believe it is almost here. In about two weeks I will have one show up on my doorstep. Ever since the NGP announcement I haven't been thinking much about 3DS, but after seeing it today, I am very excited for it.
Marty Chinn said:
Dead or Alive has some effects too. I agree it should be kept to a minimum but man seeing it for the first time was definitely impressive since I wasn't expecting it. I also got to see it the first time I picked up a 3DS which was a nice way to introduce me to the system.
I think Capcom logo pops out as well, but I'm not sure.

rpmurphy said:
I'd love to see the pop-out effects on the goddesses in Nintengods.


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
lawblob said:
Baltimore? Eww...

I've seen The Wire! I know how you animals live!

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like playing more Pilotwings, time to walk 3 blocks from my front door to Grand Central. *adjusts monocle*

Just out of curiosity what were the crowds like at Grand Central? I'm from Long Island and me and a couple buddies were gonna take the train in to check it out on Sunday, just wanna know what to expect.


GMUNYIFan said:
Just out of curiosity what were the crowds like at Grand Central? I'm from Long Island and me and a couple buddies were gonna take the train in to check it out on Sunday, just wanna know what to expect.
My wife said last night at 7pm when she walked past there were still one or two open demo spots. I suspect it wouldn't get much more busy than 7pm on a Friday, so you should have no trouble walking right up to a unit and playing. They have about 50-ish units to play.

Unless, of course, every sweaty nerd in a 100 mile radius has the same plan this weekend. :p


Epcott said:
No MD or DC? WtF?

I just hope they put kiosks in BestBuys, Toys R Us, Radio and Gamestops

I hope this is true, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up
Yep, it's definitely true; I'm looking at our boxed-up display right now.
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