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Nintendo's 3DS 2011 Lineup (with 3rd parties too)

-Pyromaniac- said:
Kid Icarus looks good but the controls definitely seem weird as hell. So you use the analog and left shoulder button with your left hand and stylus with our right to do all the aiming? Not terrible but weird.
That's my understanding, yes.


Hieberrr said:
Did you hear the music and the way the character spoke?

Looks? To each of his own, but I think the character designs and whatnot came straight out of a children's book. Yes, yes.. I know.. It's supposed to be that way...



-Pyromaniac- said:
Kid Icarus looks good but the controls definitely seem weird as hell. So you use the analog and left shoulder button with your left hand and stylus with our right to do all the aiming? Not terrible but weird.

That's how FPS's worked on the DS but with the d-pad in place of the slide pad. I personally never had a problem with these controls.


Hieberrr said:
Eh, I just think Kid Icarus takes it to a whole other level with extremely cheesy dialog.

The dialog was below average to terrible in that video, for sure. It is the beginning of the game, though, where everything is being explained, so you have to be subjected to Pit and his stupid Sonic-esque voice a lot while the game goes through a bunch of controls and mechanics.

I think the game looks great though. Nothing wrong with looking like a storybook.


The M.O.B said:
Needless to say, I will be playing this with the voices off.

Nice to there is virtually no loading though.

If the option to turn voices off is there I likely do it too but if it isn't I'll deal because I don't want to mute the music.


hyperbolically metafictive
reconstruction of key development meetings at nintendo

miyamoto: 'in my ongoing effort to ruin every nintendo franchise i didn't create, i need someone to do an awful new kid icarus game. sakurai, have you played kid icarus?'

sakurai: 'totally, that's one of my favorite games.'

miyamoto: 'excellent. now to slip sakamoto some bad acid.'

*sakurai makes kid icarus*

miyamoto: 'this is certainly awful, but it doesn't appear to be a kid icarus game at all.'

sakurai: 'oh, kid icarus? i thought you said shadow the hedgehog.'

miyamoto: 'well, let's replace the hedgehog with pit and call it a day. no, keep the guns and the grindrails, they're perfect.'


Kard8p3 said:
NWR also has a video compilation of the games they played

Some comments:

-Wow, Gameloft can't even reach 30fps with Asphalt?

-Those Lego Whatever games seem to have such boring and badly thought-out gameplay design.

- Street Fighter and Pilotwings stand out, although I can't help but imagine that there will be a nicer version of Street Fighter for PSP2.. at least I'll be able to enjoy this one six months earlier.

- That dinosaur crap from Ubi looks about as average and shovelware-y as it gets on 3DS. They need their license revoked.

-Ridge Racer belongs on every console launch, can't wait to see the PSP2 version. It actually looks quite fun on 3DS and I like being able to see your rival's face above their car like in some arcade games. This has online play, no?

-I don't understand people who are basically using their head as advertising, unless this guy's name is Gary I fail to see the relevancy.


drohne said:
reconstruction of key development meetings at nintendo

miyamoto: 'in my ongoing effort to ruin every nintendo franchise i didn't create, i need someone to do an awful new kid icarus game. sakurai, have you played kid icarus?'

sakurai: 'totally, that's one of my favorite games.'

miyamoto: 'excellent. now to slip sakamoto some bad acid.'

*sakurai makes kid icarus*

miyamoto: 'this is certainly awful, but it doesn't appear to be a kid icarus game at all.'

sakurai: 'oh, kid icarus? i thought you said shadow the hedgehog.'

miyamoto: 'well, let's replace the hedgehog with pit and call it a day. no, keep the guns and the grindrails, they're perfect.'

First of all opinions and all that, second why should sakurai feel the need to keep kid icarus uprising in the same genre as the original? It's been over two decades since the original was released so there's no need to follow it's blueprint.


Dreamwriter said:
Are you talking about the dungeon music? It's an entire song based on a quick little ditty from the first Kid Icarus (the boss at the end is supposed to be some huge boss-sized version of those eggplant wizard guys). It's supposed to be cheesy :)

Here's the song from the first game

Oh, the 8bit version isn't bad at all :). At least if fits :lol. But the music in this one.. man, it's like a glorified kids superhero theme about some guy who came down from the heavens of magic school bus to tell kids that sharing is caring.


Hieberrr said:
Oh, the 8bit version isn't bad at all :). At least if fits :lol. But the music in this one.. man, it's like a glorified kids superhero theme about some guy who came down from the heavens of magic school bus to tell kids that sharing is caring.

I don't get that at all from the uprising version.


I really didn't think Kid Icarus looked bad at all? Yeah, a little cheesy, but I'm not buying it for its intricate post-modern interpretation of middle-class ennui. It looks fun.


drohne said:
reconstruction of key development meetings at nintendo

miyamoto: 'in my ongoing effort to ruin every nintendo franchise i didn't create, i need someone to do an awful new kid icarus game. sakurai, have you played kid icarus?'

sakurai: 'totally, that's one of my favorite games.'

miyamoto: 'excellent. now to slip sakamoto some bad acid.'

*sakurai makes kid icarus*

miyamoto: 'this is certainly awful, but it doesn't appear to be a kid icarus game at all.'

sakurai: 'oh, kid icarus? i thought you said shadow the hedgehog.'

miyamoto: 'well, let's replace the hedgehog with pit and call it a day. no, keep the guns and the grindrails, they're perfect.'

Kid Icarus was moderate to below average at best on NES. The revisionist history is hilarious though. KI was never ever some big awesome highly applauded franchise.


Well I mean how do you translate a game from back when every game fit pretty defined styles. Kid icarus on the NES consisted of jumping around and shooting. Platforms existed because that was about as advanced as it could get.

Modern tech keeps the same premise moving around shooting but much fancier


Am I the only one who LOVES this corny Starfox 64'ish dialogue?

That kind of stuff is memorable and adds personality to the game, I'm glad it doesn't take itself seriously!


hyperbolically metafictive
why go back two decades for a game to revive if you're going to disregard its blueprint altogether? anyway, just having some fun at the expense of this game's sonicesque tackiness -- might even play decently for all i know

edit: otherworldvoice brought it up in another thread, but it's SO WEIRD that internet clamor for a new kid icarus was so loud that it essentially CAUSED THIS GAME TO EXIST, and yet nobody seems to like kid icarus much or care that this game is a total deviation from its style. i like kid icarus :(


JoeFenix said:
Am I the only one who LOVES this corny Starfox 64'ish dialogue?

That kind of stuff is memorable and adds personality to the game, I'm glad it doesn't take itself seriously!

I'm with you. It's one of the reasons I loved Brawl, nothing said in that game wasn't absolute cheese.
I think Kid Icarus was so desired because of all the dead-ended Nintendo games, it probably has the most interesting mythos and characters. It's not the quality of the original game, it's the potential the universe had.

Imagine an alternate future where they made Kid Icarus games instead of Metroid.

The 3DS one looks pretty sick. Haters gon hate and all that.


JoeFenix said:
Am I the only one who LOVES this corny Starfox 64'ish dialogue?

That kind of stuff is memorable and adds personality to the game, I'm glad it doesn't take itself seriously!

Nope, I love it too. Imagine watching an action flick with the voices muted. Sure you'd still have all the explosions and what-not for your eyes, but it'd feel empty without silly one-liners and exaggerated acting!

drohne said:
why go back two decades for a game to revive if you're going to disregard its blueprint altogether?

Do you even have to ask? For the characters/game universe of course. It's not like franchises need to be bound to a specific formula, especially when that original formula wasn't very good or could be improved...
drohne said:
reconstruction of key development meetings at nintendo

miyamoto: 'in my ongoing effort to ruin every nintendo franchise i didn't create, i need someone to do an awful new kid icarus game. sakurai, have you played kid icarus?'

sakurai: 'totally, that's one of my favorite games.'

miyamoto: 'excellent. now to slip sakamoto some bad acid.'

*sakurai makes kid icarus*

miyamoto: 'this is certainly awful, but it doesn't appear to be a kid icarus game at all.'

sakurai: 'oh, kid icarus? i thought you said shadow the hedgehog.'

miyamoto: 'well, let's replace the hedgehog with pit and call it a day. no, keep the guns and the grindrails, they're perfect.'

It's interesting that I can laugh and agree with this yet still thinks that footage looks pretty fun.


-Pyromaniac- said:
Kid Icarus looks good but the controls definitely seem weird as hell. So you use the analog and left shoulder button with your left hand and stylus with our right to do all the aiming? Not terrible but weird.

Its weird if you never owned a DS I guess.

Anyway KI looked pretty fun actually, pretty cheese but thats ok.


hyperbolically metafictive
the characters and universe are just a random garbling of greek myth (was palutena supposed to be pallas athena?) and some funny enemy designs. which i guess they're kind of using. kind of. this game is what happened when the internet and smash brothers had a hideous baby; the nes game is an innocent bystander


BowieZ said:
How could anyone think all that chatting during gameplay is a good idea?

Makes a hell of a lot more sense than being forced to do nothing but watch chatting for 10, 20, 30 minute chunks at a time...


nods at old men
Akai said:
Makes a hell of a lot more sense than being forced to do nothing but watch chatting for 10, 20, 30 minute chunks at a time...
I really don't need for them to just repeat everything I'm seeing on the screen already though.

Plus, after I hear it once, I usually skip cutscenes in other games when possible.
I don't think there will be a 'voice off' option here.


Junior Member
How long do you think it'll be before we see the next Monster Hunter on the 3DS? You know Nintendo right now is probably giving Capcom whatever they want in order to get it on there.
RedSwirl said:
How long do you think it'll be before we see the next Monster Hunter on the 3DS? You know Nintendo right now is probably giving Capcom whatever they want in order to get it on there.
It comes down to what (how much) Sony is willing to offer to keep it there.

I think Capcom's best case scenario is Monster Hunter goes everywhere and sells just as well as it does on the PSP on the 3DS, PSP, and PSP2 along with the occasional console title.

I also think they'd probably prefer not to rock the boat, what with most of their fans being on PSP.


He's just always strafing when not running. That's why.

Anyway, the presentation of this game is so incredible. The art and graphics and 2D/menu design, the music, the fast pace and action, the chatting. Everything is just so energetic. I love Sakurai's style.

And then at the end, Pit turns his back to the Big Reaper as its falling and casually chats with Palutena in that stereotypical action movie way. Hahahaha, I love it.


ShockingAlberto said:
It comes down to what (how much) Sony is willing to offer to keep it there.

I think Capcom's best case scenario is Monster Hunter goes everywhere and sells just as well as it does on the PSP on the 3DS, PSP, and PSP2 along with the occasional console title.

I also think they'd probably prefer not to rock the boat, what with most of their fans being on PSP.
Do you really think " rocking the boat" will hurt the game? I mean if thats the case then FF should not have sold nearly as well when it left SNES and went to Ps1.

I Think a 3D monster hunter will make Japan explode.


rosjos44 said:
Do you really think " rocking the boat" will hurt the game? I mean if thats the case then FF should not have sold nearly as well when it left SNES and went to Ps1.

I Think a 3D monster hunter will make Japan explode.

At the same time a portable Monster Hunter on multiple devices can't really be a good thing, since it will split up the community. If people want to play MH games outside, you know they will all have a PSP. If there is both a 3DS and a PSP title, some people will be excluded from playing the game together.

Plus I doubt many people will buy both versions and dedicate the hundreds of hours that it takes to develop a character.

And my final comment on this is that I would prefer a PSP2 title, so this series can finally lose some of its last-gen limitations and get some real improvements in it. (Losing the zones AND increasing the graphical fidelity seems too far-fetched for 3DS at this point)
rosjos44 said:
Do you really think " rocking the boat" will hurt the game? I mean if thats the case then FF should not have sold nearly as well when it left SNES and went to Ps1.

I Think a 3D monster hunter will make Japan explode.
You never know what will cause a series to deflate. It could be as simple as a console switch and I doubt Capcom wants to take that risk with their biggest cashcow.

The 3DS will not have an install base comparable to the PSP's in Japan this year, it literally can not happen. 2012 is not likely to happen either, so what's the point of moving the series? So you can hope that your entire fanbase will move with it and maybe some others will join in and can spend the time and money cultivating the series on another system when you already have a goose pumping out golden eggs?

The best thing the 3DS has going for it right now is that asset reuse will be a big bullet point for moving the series when the time comes. But right now? No point in taking it off the PSP.

I do stand firm in my assumption that they will give the 3DS something Monster Hunter, but it won't be the only MH in town.
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