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No Man's Sky E3 trailers

This a serious question... why is there so much excitement about this game? I mean, looks really great, colorful. Now, what is the game about? Its a Tie Fighter like game? Not even know if there are missions or some kind of objectives in game, seems like a go and travel across these beautiful random generated geographies... is that enough to not become boring shortly?

I can only speak for myself; but this game is kindling the sense of exploration that everyone feels deep down inside when they're a space/sci-fi fan. The idea of uniquely generated infinite planets; with an endless amount of inhabitants you may never even meet... all experiencing a completely different experience from what you are having... is just a staggering thought. Games have not ventured much into this terrain; as developers have to focus on making the most out of their play areas. You spend time making something awesome; you want to hold the player by the hand and take them to it. Games like Gears of War hit that concept on the head with the "hey, something awesome is over there.. Press the (look at something awesome) button".

I will spawn on a unique planet arranged in a fashion that the developer never fully catered. I will venture from that planet in any direction I wish to travel. Dependent on my choice I will experience a different planet and inhabitant. From there.. continue onward exploring more planets and experiencing new moments and unimaginable experiences.

If that doesn't get your mind running; maybe it's just not your thing. Frankly, I don't care much what the gameplay will be like just yet; they managed to tease me more than a CG video could have done. We will figure out the mechanics in due time and they will be gravy on top of a very strong base.

You could sink a crazy amount of time into this game.
Looks pretty boring. What is objective here? Just running around, swimming and flying?
And the art style is bad.

I can only speak for myself; but this game is kindling the sense of exploration that everyone feels deep down inside when they're a space/sci-fi fan. The idea of uniquely generated infinite planets; with an endless amount of inhabitants you may never even meet... all experiencing a completely different experience from what you are having... is just a staggering thought. Games have not ventured much into this terrain; as developers have to focus on making the most out of their play areas. You spend time making something awesome; you want to hold the player by the hand and take them to it. Games like Gears of War hit that concept on the head with the "hey, something awesome is over there.. Press the (look at something awesome) button".

I will spawn on a unique planet arranged in a fashion that the developer never fully catered. I will venture from that planet in any direction I wish to travel. Dependent on my choice I will experience a different planet and inhabitant. From there.. continue onward exploring more planets and experiencing new moments and unimaginable experiences.

If that doesn't get your mind running; maybe it's just not your thing. Frankly, I don't care much what the gameplay will be like just yet; they managed to tease me more than a CG video could have done. We will figure out the mechanics in due time and they will be gravy on top of a very strong base.

You could sink a crazy amount of time into this game.
But that's the thing, I think games like this don't necessarily appeal to everyone. Nor do games like Entwined, Flower or Journey (I had a friend literally laughing at how stupid Entwined was) but to me, No Man's Sky is one of the most exciting games that could possibly be made and for the exact reasons you listed.

The beauty of some of these worlds, Jesus, just discovering them and looking around. God. I need this game.
Some notes from the Giant Bomb stream...

Ship, suit, weapon upgrades

Attacking space stations

Resource gathering

Rewards for exploration

Combat situations

Be the galaxy's greatest botanist!


I'm already sold on this game.

But what would sell my mates is some multiplayer details. We spent countless hours exploring the randomly generated biomes of Minecraft together. Will No Man's Sky have any real multiplayer?


Gold Member
The premise of this game makes me very happy. Hope it lives up to its promise. Exploring the universe with the rest of the gaming community is such an exciting prospect.

surprised ms didnt get this locked down. Ps4 already has h1z1, rime, rapture, witness, and no mans sky.

How could they? Their proposition to indies isn't the most open.


I'm already sold on this game.

But what would sell my mates is some multiplayer details. We spent countless hours exploring the randomly generated biomes of Minecraft together. Will No Man's Sky have any real multiplayer?
I agree completely. Visiting places that other people you know have discovered would be much more fun with them .
You do understand this is a video game, not Google Earth...right?

It threw me out of the immersion realizing all of the 'planets' are really just the size of very large asteroids floating nearby. It threw me out of the immersion as soon as he left the atmosphere. Maybe you don't care, like how most people don't care that games on TV aren't played by mushing both sticks in random directions and pressing all the face buttons constantly. It just bothered me.
I can only speak for myself; but this game is kindling the sense of exploration that everyone feels deep down inside when they're a space/sci-fi fan.

Yeah, it's reminding me of the oooooold adventure games like Out of the World, when adventure games were about exploration and not shooting everything in the face.


Show of hands, who remembers Star Voyager for NES? I never understood what it was I was supposed to do or where I was or where to go, but it was a cool experience back then.


Watching the Gamespot interview.

As a huge fan of the band, I find it so awesome that they've gotten close with 65daysofstatic. I would absolutely love it if they help out with the game's OST.


Easier said than done though. If we could generate entertaining content automatically via algorithms, studios won't need such huge art departments.
Well, there's an ongoing discussion among industry programmers that studios wouldn't in fact need such big art departments if only they'd invest in perfecting those algorithms, and they're only maintaining them out of inertia, sticking to the method they're used to rather than researchign better ones.
Developer commentary.


Straight up asked if its coming to Xbox One.. "Error..uhhhhh. We're not talking about other consoles right now'". = My marketing contract with Sony prohibits me from commenting on that right now.

Some good info otherwise. No released date.

XB1 version was all but confirmed in how exclusivity was worded on the stage reveal.

YT link of the IGN NMS dev commentary: http://youtu.be/1bXANFZkcO4

Skip to 5hrs 54s if you missed the above: https://www.youtube.com/user/PlayStation
Not enough to form a solid opinion on this one.

The visuals are nice but not as impressive as some people here had me thinking before watching the 'gameplay' vid.


Isn't this game coming to PC and Xbox too?

Pretty sure PC is a given and has been confirmed somewhere, not sure about Xbox yet :(

I really hope it does...

Game looks crazy cool how you can seamlessly go from space to a planet. If they pull that off effectively then it'll be great.


This is the game that will make me buy a next gen console. NMS looks so awesome, Hello Games is doing a fantastic game and I can't wait to see it release.


I love open world games and I love the concept, but it will be as good as their algorithms are. The moment you start having a feeling of deja-vu, the game is dead.


I love open world games and I love the concept, but it will be as good as their algorithms are. The moment you start having a feeling of deja-vu, the game is dead.

Depends. Obviously some animals are going to be similar, if we could explore other planets and they had stuff on them it's not as though every animal would be completely unique there would be some similarities.
Ah now Spelunky is an interesting example.

Well sure, but although Spelunky has a very tight set of rules and mechanics, you can still make at least somewhat of a comparatively similar system for planetary ecosystems. Sure, there's a lot more work as you described but there are also some freedoms that let you get away with things, like having funky, non-traversable rock formations since you can always fly over them with your spaceship and stuff like that. As in, these formations might even look interesting and most certainly will not break the game. Although as they pointed out in the Giantbomb segment, they actually have a special server that searches through as many planets as possible, recording short animated gifs so they can get a better big picture of what's happening in their universe so it helps them out greatly in ironing out all of the problems that emerge from such an approach.

But you're right, I agree and Minecraft took a long time to get to today's point of the variety and control of the biomes, although I really wouldn't mind having more repetitive environments if the actual gameplay that goes on in them is compelling enough.

The expectations for this game are too high now after what the developer said about it. It won't contain an infinite universe with an infinite diversity of species like we imagine, it will just be a universe full of slight variations of the same things. Red sharks on one planet and slightly redder sharks on the second planet, technically they are different but not in the sense that you will encounter an animal that looks like a bus with 12 hamster heads as you would in a realistic infinite universe.

Well, if you take this reality we live in as a realistic infinite universe, I'm sure you don't really expect an alien species that looks like a bus with 12 hamster heads. Hell, our type of lifeform might even be extremely rare for all we know, which would suck from a gameplay perspective. I don't expect such insane diversity but I think we might see red sharks on one planet and green squid-faced, six-finned unicorn sharks on another. As in, there's a universal rule on which elements predatory sea animals might acquire, from horns, fins, limbs, tentacles, eyes, shape, size etc. and form a species that looks slightly or wildly different from one another.

If that is true, it's a bit worrying IMHO.

It means the landscape can't be altered. All you got is the procedurally generated stuff. No user content.

Actually, you can alter the amount of resources and the population of plant and animal life (and maybe even more parameters, we don't know yet) so you can at least leave a mark on the planet by stripping it of resources or eradicating whole species. When and if another gets to those planets, he will find that you've left your mark.

They've got the scale of the game all wrong, the planet is too close, the asteroids are too large, the player flies there in like 30 seconds, and the new planet is apparently the size of the death star instead of a huge planet. Those floating rocks you see near the end are very clearly visible from high altitude space, but they're the size of a large floating football stadium at best and only a few hundred feet off the ground, seen when the player flies near them.

Even though they're getting lots of inspiration from Asimov and Clarke, the visual influences are leaning towards a more romantic, fantasy sci-fi look, 70's sci-fi book covers, Flash Gordon stuff etc.

Some notes from the Giant Bomb stream...

Ship, suit, weapon upgrades

Attacking space stations

Resource gathering

Rewards for exploration

Combat situations

Be the galaxy's greatest botanist!

Also mentioned trading with space stations and having a friendly squadron (which is shown in the first gameplay video).

One thing they keep avoiding but have kind of mentioned is that there's a malevolent force in the universe that's present almost everywhere, so it might initiate a lot of the conflict and maybe be a driving force for the players to push forward and advance in the game.


i'm not sure i like the fact that there is zero story or missions. i imagine the sense of total freedom will be exhilirating at first, but will quickly devolve into "what now?" and "so what?".


i'm not sure i like the fact that there is zero story or missions. i imagine the sense of total freedom will be exhilirating at first, but will quickly devolve into "what now?" and "so what?".

It could be one of those games that you revisit regularly. Looks like a good game to unwind to for 30 mins.
This a serious question... why is there so much excitement about this game? I mean, looks really great, colorful. Now, what is the game about? Its a Tie Fighter like game? Not even know if there are missions or some kind of objectives in game, seems like a go and travel across these beautiful random generated geographies... is that enough to not become boring shortly?

Grew up reading Asimov & Heinlein while playing Tie Fighter and watching TNG.

The way this game is being projected hits every note in my soul.
i'm not sure i like the fact that there is zero story or missions. i imagine the sense of total freedom will be exhilirating at first, but will quickly devolve into "what now?" and "so what?".

The malevolent presence they've mentioned hints at something of a global story, or a setting at least. Also, when you land on a new planet, a minimap popup appears that shows several points of interest so it kind of leads you to discover what they are.

I mean, most of these open world, no-goal games like Minecraft or DayZ have gameplay mechanics that force you to basically not stand in one place. Exploration and resource gathering adds a lot to the sense of advancement but I'd say they'll have something at least nudging you forward even though they're being vague about it.


Pretty sure PC is a given and has been confirmed somewhere, not sure about Xbox yet :(

I really hope it does...

just saw a Video Interview with the creator on youtube from E3.. he said that they will make their console debut on PS4 and are super interested in PC but don't have any announcement yet.

so my best guess would be:
1st release on PS4 only.
6-12 months later release for Xbox One and PC

here's the video:
Have they said anything on network features? It looks like planet and life form discoveries will show but could there be some form of co-op or trading between players?


any words on multiplayer? At the konference they said that every player would start out on a unique/new planet and the way they worded it it sounded like multiplayer, but it could also mean that every time you start a new game you start somewhere new :/

I wanna mess around with my friend ._.
Skip to 5hrs 54s if you missed the above: https://www.youtube.com/user/PlayStation

My mind is racing at the possibilities. A small transcript:

Sean - 'Well, in terms of ecology, like, almost anything is possible. The type of creatures that you see, we almost don't know what's out there. The kind of environments that you might find, it's not random. It's not chaotic. But it is procedural. It's possible to find something unique that will surprise me.'

'Even in terms of how we build it (the game), we build these simple rules. Water creates atmosphere . . . that atmosphere and the contents of the water affects the moisture of the atmosphere, which may change the colour of the sky.'
any words on multiplayer? At the konference they said that every player would start out on a unique/new planet and the way they worded it it sounded like multiplayer, but it could also mean that every time you start a new game you start somewhere new :/

I wanna mess around with my friend ._.

There will be other people in your game world, but Murray says the universe is so large that chances of your finding another person are very small indeed. So I doubt there's gonna be any proper MP/co-op built in the game.

Is there a link available for the GiantBomb NMS stream?
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