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No Split Screen in Titanfall

I am a huge split-screen apologist, but expecting a multiplayer-only game like titanfall to have it, would be too optimistic. I am not the least bit surprised by these news.


Sketchbook Picasso
Splitscreen in Awesomenauts is one of the main reasons I purchased the game. Being able to take 2 people online from the console was great. I have a harder time getting my online friends to enjoy certain games than my brother, or other local players.

This is also a reason I was so into Monday Night Combat, Splitscreen gave me a great teammate that I could take online with me, and coordinate with, without having to scream to other members of the team.

I was perfectly fine with the Splitscreen in RE 5 and 6, especially in Mercenaries mode.

The Splitscreen in the Dynasty / Samurai / Fist of the North Star / One Piece Pirate Warriors games are also always appreciated.

And EDF series with it's splitscreen is always a hit.

I'll happily be buying Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare because of it's splitscreen, as well.

I never expected Titanfall to have it, really. "Crazy Graphic Showcase" games rarely try to do this, as they focus most of their resources on polishing things that'd take a hit in Splitscreen modes. But that's one less reason for me to feel like I NEED to play this over Garden Warfare.

It is a dying trend now-a-days, but indies, smaller scale games, and family focused games will always help keep it alive, and I appreciate that.


This is a big deal to me since the friends that I would normally play online with now live with me. We've only got the living room TV and one console, so split-screen would be totally welcome.
Even a system link with split screen for LAN party's would be great.

Halo does it 4vs4 with two boxes. Hell it even lets you play online. Just have a disclaimer. This mode loses graphic fidelity and is offline only for this mode

I really don't think that's asking to much in a game that is competitive multiplayer only and runs $60 bucks


Call Of Duty
Left 4 Dead
Resident Evil
Gears of War
Portal 2
Army of Two
Uncharted 3
Killzone 3

Those are some obscure games that support this weird niche request for sure.

Makes me wonder if Evolve will have splitscreen. I enjoy splitscreen/local co op games because I can play them with my kids, and when we throw parties multiple people can play. I can imagine if your not a social person in real life and/or live alone you would not care for the feature though.


I'm not surprised it's not there, but it would have been nice.

What I'd really like to know is how many maps the base game is going to ship with.
There's a difference between split screen offline and split screen online.

Split screen offline is playing locally with friends and bots.

Split screen online is playing with more than one person on an online session a la COD.

I play the second one often as I have friends over a lot. We'd like to play battlefield 4 like that but you can only play one at a time. It's more fun for a friend to play online with you.
Split-screeners in COD are almost always total scrubs. And since they'll take up 2 slots out of 6 for a team, they very frequently completely sink their team. The game is probably better off for it.
Split screen? I haven't done that crap since Halo 1. LAN capability would be a way better option.

Either would be a god send but those options have been extremely rare for a while now and it really sucks when these games start going offline. It's criminal when games like gt5 and gta4/5 have no lan options.

Buy a second TV and console you poor people.

And another copy of the game and a online subscription (because no lan) and all the dlc again.


I spent years and years wishing I could have my own damn screen in multiplayer, and the advent of robust online multiplayer is like living in some kind of fantasy future world to me still. I'm always a tad baffled when I see people actually refusing to purchase a game due to the lack of something that I will always consider a stopgap band-aid due to tech limitations.
I spent years and years wishing I could have my own damn screen in multiplayer, and the advent of robust online multiplayer is like living in some kind of fantasy future world to me still. I'm always a tad baffled when I see people actually refusing to purchase a game due to the lack of something that I will always consider a stopgap band-aid due to tech limitations.

I get it, I really do. However I constantly have friends over for football games etc. We always play some split screen call of duty or Halo. These games aren't budget titles. It should not be too much to ask.


Pretty lame. My friends and I used to play the shit out of Halo 1&2. I had a small CRT, and we had to sit close to the TV but it was golden. Those were the good times.

(However I don't see Titanfall as a game that would neccessarily need split-screen. It's more of a competitive, "kill 'em all" kind of shooter than a "throw some grenades under and watch that shit fly away" type of fun game.)


I get it, I really do. However I constantly have friends over for football games etc. We always play some split screen call of duty or Halo. These games aren't budget titles. It should not be too much to ask.

But to completely pass on the game because of it? I just think that's absurd. Halo and COD will be there with their splitscreen play for those football game halftimes. I get that it's a "nice to have," but an actual purchase killer? That's just a wholly alien mindset to me.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I spent years and years wishing I could have my own damn screen in multiplayer, and the advent of robust online multiplayer is like living in some kind of fantasy future world to me still. I'm always a tad baffled when I see people actually refusing to purchase a game due to the lack of something that I will always consider a stopgap band-aid due to tech limitations.

Yeah....fuck couch gaming. Sorry, but sometimes split-screen is a necessary evil to enjoy a game with a friend.

But to completely pass on the game because of it? I just think that's absurd. Halo and COD will be there with their splitscreen play for those football game halftimes. I get that it's a "nice to have," but an actual purchase killer? That's just a wholly alien mindset to me.
This makes more sense.
news flash: not every game is for everyone.

New flash: Every other big game (minus battlefield) in that genre supports it dude. It's not some niche request.

But to completely pass on the game because of it? I just think that's absurd. Halo and COD will be there with their splitscreen play for those football game halftimes. I get that it's a "nice to have," but an actual purchase killer? That's just a wholly alien mindset to me.

I agree, anyone that would write this game off just because of this is an idiot.


But to completely pass on the game because of it? I just think that's absurd. Halo and COD will be there with their splitscreen play for those football game halftimes. I get that it's a "nice to have," but an actual purchase killer? That's just a wholly alien mindset to me.

What if you have other family members in the house, or have a friend over, but can't play 2p with any of them unless you buy a second system and hook it up to a second TV with a second live subscription? To some people not being able to have a single player campaign, and also not being able to play 2 player co-op without a second machine is going to be a deal breaker and it's perfectly understandable to me.
I'm sold on the game, but it has to be said, some folks play splitscreen against the bots so they can just socialize and talk without sweating dying every half second. It's a nice feature to have, much like the offline mode and campaign. The fact is not everyone cares to spend hundreds of hours getting good at online shooting, with no other avenue to enjoy the game. It's almost always better to have more options.


Everyone seems to think this game is the next best thing, but based on what? 25 mins play time? We know nothing about the content (or lack of it from what I can tell). So far, based on what we do know, there is no way this game is worth £50 in the UK. I hope EA/Respawn prove me wrong, but when I asked them direct after answering a previous question they went surprisingly quiet.

What my advise would be is to wait and see, rather than building this up as the next big thing (which all sounds like desperation that it is, rather than being sure about the fact).

I really hope you're wrong, but we are dealing with EA here, who kind of has a bad track record, especially as of late.

Dammit I hope you're wrong.


Unconfirmed Member
This game is really starting to fall into $39.99 category for me real fast.
Yeah, seriously. The multiplayer looks fun, but it also looks like it doesn't have much variety, and I couldn't see myself playing it for long. A good diversity of interesting gametypes could help a lot, but all the maps look like they're in an urban setting (right?), there's no other vehicles aside from Titans, and COD style gunplay just gets old fast. This went from being a potential system seller to a possible pass for me.

Hip Hop

Who plays split screen these days?

I sure don't.

In fact, not really a huge fan of it. My friends and I just hope online.

None in my family are gamers and my friends and I are usually out the house when we hang out, so split screen usually never happens.
Split screen gaming is dead. Id be more shocked if it had included it

This is wrong. Why do you think halo and call of duty was able to grab such a foothold with dude bros? And red necks? Because they all had 360s with live ready to go day 1? Or maybe they played it at a friends house/dorm split screen?!!

You guys act like we want to play split screen all the time and that's it.


Is Titanfall The only AAA, EA game thats not On Frostbite 3?

Edit: Minus EA Sports of course.

Respawn is just a partner, not an EA developer. Titanfall also started development before EA was ever in the picture. It will be interesting to see if Titanfall 2 moves to Frostbite or potentially goes with Source 2 when it becomes available.


Isn't surprising for an online only game. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we see the death of split screen FPS happen with this new gen.


Unconfirmed Member
Try telling that to college campuses.
Totally, and lots of other people. I try getting friends together for gaming hangouts as often as possible. I've been doing it for 15 years and I love it.


tagged by Blackace
I spent years and years wishing I could have my own damn screen in multiplayer, and the advent of robust online multiplayer is like living in some kind of fantasy future world to me still. I'm always a tad baffled when I see people actually refusing to purchase a game due to the lack of something that I will always consider a stopgap band-aid due to tech limitations.
The purpose and novelty of split screen multiplayer could not be further over your head if it was andromeda.

I will never understand the anti-split screen sentiment, the people who actively wish for more intimate, locally social experiences to cease to be a thing in gaming in this weird either-or favour of online gaming. It really is the most bizarre thing.
Split screen has never seemed to be all that great to me. Your splitting the screen in half, and that in of itself renders the experience unplayable to me. I get it though, you ( and I) want to have shared experiences that dont have to happen over the internet. I think we're at a point where that kind of co-op or competitive play is a design design in of itself. Look at samurai gun, I would say that is a good example of a shared experience


Until Activision decides they want a copy per person on separate consoles. I don't expect Destiny to support split screen or Call of Duty over 2 people.

So it's an Activision thing? Because other publishers like Take Two don't mind allowing Gearbox to include split screen on their games.

Uff duh

Respawn is just a partner, not an EA developer. Titanfall also started development before EA was ever in the picture. It will be interesting to see if Titanfall 2 moves to Frostbite or potentially goes with Source 2 when it becomes available.

Cool Thanks. I just say let Respawn do what it wants. EA having to much to say leads to Sim City/Battlefield 4 Issues.


So it's an Activision thing? Because other publishers like Take Two don't mind allowing Gearbox to include split screen on their games.

No but he was referring to CoD which is Activision. As a whole, I don't see split screen FPS games happening much longer. Local play is one thing with games like Nidhogg and Sports Friends but split screen fps will die off in favor of networked coop.
Thank you for that! Was seriously considering Titanfall to play split screen like MW with my mate but this news as made me question an xbox one.
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